Chapter 2: A new path

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Humming some music from your homeland, you are packing your stuff at full speed, but not to the point of putting everything into a mess.

You sorted what can be needed or not during your stay in Snezhnaya. Warm clothes is what you will obligatory need, and since you cannot bring all of your stuff, you will try to negotiate with Dottore to be able to put some of your stuff in Liyue.

Talking about him, he told you to meet him today at the Northern Bank of the capital. This is why you need to speed up, though it is only 9am. You need to write to Granny concerning your expulsion and to Baizhu to tell him you will be working with another person.

Your humming stops as you hear a knock on your door. You say a "enter", without looking at the door.

"I will be done in about five minutes with the packing. Some suitcases are already packed though. Everything's on the bed."
There was a small silence for a few seconds until a coughing is heard.

"Sorry, I am not one of the butlers." Matthew says and chuckles. You interiorly sigh of annoyance and stay focus on your packing.

"Is there any matter you want to talk about?"

"I came here in the first place to ask if you need any help with the moving." He takes some steps forward, and stands behind you. You buckle the last suitcase and sigh as if you just finished something that took long to do.

"As you can see, I have just finished the packing, and I don't think I need help with writing letters." You just stated as you feed the two birds on the edge of the window.

"And do you have any plans on what to do next? I mean, unless if you anticipated your expulsion, you might not know what is going to happen then."

"I am not returning to Liyue. I found someone who is letting me work with them. That is why I need to write some letters to inform my tutor and the person who enrolled me here." You try to give the minimal of information but enough to sound convincing. You sit down in front of your desk and takes out two papers and a feather to start writing.

"Is this person the blue haired masked man with who you were talking yesterday?"

You let a silence install before speaking while trying to hide your annoyance concerning his curiosity.

"Why are you so curious?"

The student scratches the back of his neck and you can hear a sigh coming from his mouth.

"Look, that might sound weird said like this, mainly since you are departing and we won't see each other again; but I do find you quite attractive."

And here we go. Took him long enough. You turn a bit your head, enough to see him from the corner of your eyes, and just stare at him.

"Apologies, but these feelings aren't shared. And to be honest as well, I already knew about it."

He scratched the back of his neck and looks away, like a kid who has to confess a stupidity. An awkward silence fills the room once again, though you don't mind it. You don't want to give him fake hopes so things had to be said, no matter if your words were sounding harsh or not.

You start writing on the paper then suddenly stop yourself and turn a bit your head.

"Would you mind leaving? I have matters to take care of."

He lets out a small "of course" and exits the room. You immediately turn your attention back to your letters. The butlers will soon arrive, so you must not waste any more time.

You first decide to write Granny's letter. You take another sheet as a draft to try different way of speaking. She would be worried if you say everything like if it wasn't important.

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