The Sweetest Wine

By luvbangton

204K 13.7K 3.5K

She is 29 when she died from an accident. And then she wakes up in a body of a stranger. To her astonishment... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chaptet 22
Chaptet 23
chaptet 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 11

5.8K 388 67
By luvbangton



Arabella followed Ian's mother to a greenhouse in the backyard of the mansion. The greenhouse was massive with all sorts of plants one could think of. It was beautiful and a sight to the sore eyes.

"Here",Mrs.Carrington threw a pepper spray towards Arabella.

She caught it perfectly and looked at her mother in law with wide eyes.

"I wouldn't ask what you used it for. But that wouldn't be enough to protect yourself"

Arabella tilted her head as she watched Mrs.Carrington caressing a plant. She must really like that plant.

"Also,I want you to know that I can only protect you from dying. Nothing else"

Arabella wrote something on her phone and showed,'what do you mean?'

Mrs.Carrington looked at it and again focused on plants,"Ian Carrington is the mafia King of this city and you being his wife wouldn't bring you respect. You gotta earn respect of the members of the gang. And there are two ways for that. One,you gotta show your dominance but that doesn't mean you need to hold a gun. A woman also can show their dominance in many ways. But they need their voice for that",she looked at Arabella with a knowing look. She didn't voice out and insult Arabella but her thoughts were crystal clear as day.

Arabella is mute. So how could she exert her dominance and gain respect?

"Second,you gotta earn your husband's respect. If he respects you in public infront of everyone,no one would think of harming you. And you clearly lost that too yesterday"

Arabella showed a question mark.

Mrs. Carrington sighed as she looked at her,"Because of his whatever command yesterday,his guards pointed their guns at you. That time,it only showed how you had lost their King's respect. It wouldn't do you good. From now on,no one will look at you with goodwill"

Fucking hell what was that. Did I screw up royally?Arabella thought in horror.

"There will be a party in this house next week. Try not to get anyone's attention or else it would be miserable for you. No one will help you. I will only help you if you are on the brink of death,that is also because of the promise I gave your father"

Mrs. Carrington expected a worried expression but to her amusement,Arabella seemed pissed off. In her mind,she was cursing Ian,your punkass son is the cause of everything! Why don't you try and educate him about how to treat a woman?!

But she dared not to say such things to this woman fearing her own life.

"If you think it's unfair,find a way to earn the respect of the members of the gang"

Arabella didn't want this so called respect. The only thing she needed was a way to escape from this marriage. If she suddenly gained the respect of the members,wouldn't it make impossible for her to escape? So for now,she calmed down.

She wrote something on her phone and showed,'You don't like me as your son's wife right?'

Seeing that,the woman sighed,"Obviously. I didn't want a useless mute girl to be my son's wife. I wanted someone who could help him to do his business"

'Was it because of my father's request that you let me marry your son?'

"....It was an old favor I owe him once"

Arabella furrowed her eyebrows. Wasn't it supposed to be a business contract or something?

"Your old man forced me to take you as my daughter in law. Crazy man,if it wasn't for the favor,I'd have killed you"

Arabella shuddered when the woman's eyes glared at her. If looks could kill,she'd be dead.

"And you had some nerves to ask me questions. I wouldn't have tolerated your indecency if it weren't for your status as my son's wife"

Arabella kept her lips sealed knowing she shouldn't test her luck.

Mrs.Carrington sighed,"Anyways,you can stay here until the party is over. Or you could go back to Ian"

Arabella quickly wrote and showed,'Thank you for letting me stay here madam. I will try to not appear infront of you'

And like that,Arabella stayed there. She'd rather face Mrs.Carrington than her annoying husband who tried to kill her.


Though she intended to spend her time alone,there was this bastard she couldn't avoid,her so called brother. He had barged into the mansion and dragged her out of the mansion to speak. In the backyard,both of them found a small garden with a fountain in the middle. A lot of flower trees were there as decorations while bees and butterflies were buzzing around happily.

Jeremy and Arabella sat at a table as Jeremy complained about the bugs buzzing around him. "Fuck,I hate these bloody bugs"

Arabella rolled her eyes. She looked at the beer bottle on the table infront of her. Jeremy had brought that with him as he came to talk.

I want a sip

Arabella wanted to drink it. It's been so long since she had tasted beer. Beer with something spicy is her favourite. But after transmigrating to this novel,she was busy planning her survival that she forgot how to enjoy a sip of beer.

Her sneaky hand went to the bottle but Jeremy was quick to notice. He immediately took it away with an annoyed look. "Fuck off bitch. Buy your own stuff"

He sighed as he took a gulp from his bottle. "Tsk,should have let you die yesterday. What a nuisance"

Arabella had an incredulous look. It was not like she asked his help,he just came out of nowhere and helped her?

"Are you happy now? After getting almost killed by your husband? Are you still in love with him?"

Arabella glared at him but said nothing. She couldn't afford to piss this man. Who knows what he would do if she pisses him off. If Ian could almost kill her,he would definitely kill her. But why did he help her then? Does he really care for his sister?

"Just go fucking die alone,why don't you? Wouldn't that be better than getting killed by your love of the life? Pathetic"

Arabella felt a vein popping out of her forehead. Initially she didn't want to say anything but he is just crossing his limits with his insults. How the heck could he tell his own sister to go kill herself after almost getting killed literally? Is it a dark mafia joke she doesn't know?

Is he just here to tell me to kill myself? What the fuck? I would appreciate it if he could respectfully get lost now. Damn,this is such a drag. I just want to lay on my bed now. So sleepy.

Jeremy looked at her sour look and rolled his eyes,"What,did I say something wrong? How dare you glare at me! I'll pluck your eyes out!"

Arabella looked away without saying anything. She was too lazy to entertain him.

Jeremy looked at her carefully before pulling out a cigarette and lit it up. Dragging a puff out of it,he exhaled. "....are you really Bella?"

Arabella widened her eyes slightly as her heart skipped a beat. She couldn't meet his eyes in fear of getting caught. If this man got to know this was not his sister,what would he do? He will definitely kill her,wouldn't he?

Cold sweat dripped down from her forehead as he looked at him warily.

Jeremy,"...You have changed"

His eyes turned cold as he stared at her while taking another puff from his cigarette. He leaned forward observing Arabella's face. "Tsk,forget it",he leaned back. "Come back home with me"

Arabella secretly heaved a sigh. She almost saw her death. She looked at him shook her head. She didn't trust this man for now. In a world where you could get killed,no one could be trusted easily. How could she trust her brother when her own husband tried to kill her. Also,in her previous life,she never had s good relationship with her brothers. They only wanted her hard earned money. So,she naturally didn't tend to trust this new brother she got.

Jeremy gritted his teeth in annoyance,"Even after yesterday?"

No,of course not. She didn't want to go back to her 'husband'. After the party,she had been planning to run away. Rather than waiting to collect some money,she'd rather run away with the jewelleries her mother in law gave her to wear at the party. She knew that selling them would bring a big fortune,that would be enough to escape from the country.

Jeremy stood up abruptly,"Then die"

With that,he left.

Arabella sighed. She felt a bit bad but she cherished her life more than anything.


Ian entered the office elevator with Peter following behind him. He adjusted his blue coat over his black longs sleeved shirt and looked at his watch. Then his eyes landed on his own figure on the elevator doors as it closed.

Peter pressed the floor number and waited behind Ian.

"When could I see her again?",Ian asked in a cold voice.

Peter gulped as he hesitated,he didn't want to piss his boss again but he had no choice,"Madam had banned you from entering the mansion until the party. So,you will probably not be able to see her until next week"

Ian snickered in disbelief. He was already in a foul mood but hearing Peter's words,he felt like killing someone. He couldn't believe that he needs to ask permission to see his own wife.

When he suddenly stopped snickering,Peter felt a shudder in his body. He looked at Ian's expression through the elevator door and knew immediately that someone is going to die today.

Elevator doors were opened to Ian's office floor. He walked out of the elevator as he spoke,"Bring the documents related to that bitch"

Peter knew who he was referring to. The girl who escaped with his brother recently,the girl caused a huge ruckus in Ian's property so it was expected of Ian to go after her. Also,she seemed to be someone's precious person,Ian wouldn't let her go that easily.

When Peter opened the door of his office,they noticed a tied up man on his knees infront of his desk. Behind him were a line of bodyguards.

Ian smirked as he walked closer to the man.

"Your ex-fiancé's planted this man to spy on your wife",Peter said. "There are probably more"

Ian chuckled darkly,"That crazy bitch",he cracked his neck before pulling out his gun from his waistband. He paused for a bit as if he was considering something. Shaking his head,he snickered,"You dared to lay your filthy eyes on my wife for some fucking bitch huh?you deserve special treatment"

Ian walked closer to his desk and opened a drawer before pulling out a small bottle. He let out a toothy smirk before walking closer to the trembling man.

"P -Please spare me! I -I had no choice!! Please!! She forced me to do it!! Spare me please! I will never do it again!",he started thrashing but the bodyguards held him tight.

Peter sighed and closed his eyes.

Ian opened the lid of the small glass bottle as he read the title of the label,"Sulphuric acid",..."Ah,I forgot to dilute this. Tsk tsk,don't worry,it will only sting a bit. Now open your eyes wide for me"


Peter could only hear the loud screams of the man.

Hey guys

Hope you enjoyed

See ya soon

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