
By farrenxrose

132K 7.4K 280

In a world where werewolves reign in the supernatural realm-also where humans are still oblivious to the exis... More

☾Chapter One☽
☾Chapter Two☽
☾Chapter Three☽
☾Chapter Four☽
☾Chapter Five☽
☾Chapter Six☽
☾Chapter Seven☽
☾Chapter Eight☽
☾Chapter Nine☽
☾Chapter Ten☽
☾Chapter Eleven☽
☾Chapter Twelve☽
☾Chapter Thirteen☽
☾Chapter Fourteen☽
☾Chapter Fifteen☽
☾Chapter Seventeen☽
☾Chapter Eighteen☽
☾Chapter Nineteen☽
☾Chapter Twenty☽
☾Chapter Twenty-One☽
☾Chapter Twenty-Two☽
☾Chapter Twenty-Three☽
☾Chapter Twenty-Four☽
☾Chapter Twenty-Five☽
☾Chapter Twenty-Six☽
☾Chapter Twenty-Seven☽
☾Chapter Twenty-Eight☽
☾Chapter Twenty-Nine☽
☾Chapter Thirty☽
☾Chapter Thirty-One☽
☾Chapter Thirty-Two☽
☾Chapter Thirty-Three☽
☾Chapter Thirty-Four☽
☾Chapter Thirty-Five☽
☾Chapter Thirty-Six☽
☾Chapter Thirty-Seven☽
☾Chapter Thirty-Eight☽
☾Chapter Thirty-Nine☽
☾Chapter Forty☽
☾Chapter Forty-One☽
☾Chapter Forty-Two☽
☾Chapter Forty-Three☽
☾Chapter Forty-Four☽
☾Chapter Forty-Five☽
☾Chapter Forty-Six☽
☾Chapter Forty-Seven☽
☾Chapter Forty-Eight☽
☾Chapter Forty-Nine☽
☾ Epilogue ☽
☾Bonus Chapter☽

☾Chapter Sixteen☽

2.9K 180 14
By farrenxrose

(Edited 10/11/15)

Vladimira's P.O.V

My back aches, my legs are sore and my hips feel bruised.

It takes me a moment to remember that I had sex with Titus last night. It also takes me a moment to realize that the packs are probably back from hunting, and my father's probably looking for me.

My body is tangled with Titus's, making it difficult to stretch out my limbs or even escape.

"Titus," I groan as I stretch my back out, my stomach pushing into his sturdy chest.

He scrunches his nose up in his sleep, an adorable gesture that makes me think twice about waking him up.

'You have no choice but to wake him up. If Father catches us like this, naked and in bed with his enemy, we'll surely get an earful,' Greer says fearfully.

I release another groan as I nudge Titus.

To my surprise, he tightens his hold around my waist, his eyes slowly fluttering open.

He looks absolutely horrible as if he didn't get any sleep last night.

"We have to get dressed, Titus," I say frantically before getting out of the bed with the sheet wrapped around my body.

Titus turns on his side, a small smirk etching on his face.

"Are you sure you don't want to go another round?" He asks seductively.

I stop searching for my clothes, shock filling me.

Sure, last night was magnificent. Not only did I get to connect with the father of my child but I also got what I was craving for so long.

"No, Titus. We need to wash our scents off of each other," I scold.

Titus throws the covers off his body, not bothering to cover anything up.

He's definitely confident with his body, just like any other alpha male. The fact that he thinks he can defy royalty, such as my father, shows he's also very cocky.

Warm, silky lips find my neck, kissing and sucking until they get to the junction of my neck and shoulders.

The place where my mate's mark would go...

"Now that I'm going to be a father, I have some rules that both of us have to abide by," Titus's cool breath blows against my neck, bringing goose bumps with it.

I lean into him, my grip on the sheet loosening.

"And what might these rules be, Titus?" I ask softly.

Titus begins to suck on my neck, leaving me gasping in pleasure.

"You can't be sexually or romantically involved with any man, and to keep it fair, I can't be sexually or romantically involved with any woman," He declares.

I clear my throat as I pull away from him. "Yes, that sounds appropriate."

Titus thinks for a moment before saying his next requirement.

Despite his nakedness, my eyes didn't travel down his body, I actually kept my eyes on his face.

"That baby has my blood too, so I want some sort of say in what happens to him/her," He continues.

I suck in a breath to keep myself calm. "I'll try to live up to that request, but I make no promises," I say.

Titus gets down on his knees to place his hands on my stomach, love gleaming in his eyes.

"I've already fallen in love with this baby, and it's in my best interests if you and I are on good terms."

I raise an eyebrow, my hand tilting Titus's face up so I can look into his eyes.

"What are considered good terms in your mind?" I ask slowly.

Titus stands up. "We have a friendship at the most," He answers.

I nod my head in understanding, my search for my clothes resuming.

I'm willing to abide by his rules, but what happens when I find my mate? If I even find him!

If my mate exists, I'm going to have to break the first rule. Plus, my mate might not even want me considering I will have a baby here in twelve weeks.

"I want you to also pay attention to the fact that I haven't found my mate yet," I state as I pick up my dress, undergarments, and flats.

Titus stiffens. "It's not going to be easy sharing you with another man."

Sharing me?

"No, I'm not being shared with anyone. I'm going to be with my mate and you'll have to deal with being just the father of my child in my eyes," I answer stubbornly.

Walking into the bathroom, I close the door behind me, ending the conversation we're having.


My father nearly attacked Titus when I walked into his office with him, and, if it weren't for me being there, he would have definitely succeeded.

"Did he hurt you, Mira?" My father asks as he tugs me to his side.

Quite the opposite actually, I think as I shake my head.

"She's pregnant with my child, Dmitri. When are you going accept that?" Titus growls, his arms crossing over his chest.

My father steps forward, silently initiating a fight. "I'll accept that when you get out of my daughter's life and stop putting her in danger," He fires back.

I step between the two powerful men, completely fed up with their bickering.

Turning to Titus, I point a finger at him. "You, stop fighting with your king," I then turn to my father, "and you, stop oppressing the father of my child. I don't care if you are enemies."

Both men stare at me, completely shocked that I'm willing to give such dominant and influential men commands.

Then again, I am their queen and I'm more powerful than Titus.

My father takes in a breath to calm himself. "What were you doing with Titus, Mira?"

I glance at Titus, my head falling to the ground.

"Would you believe me if I said just talking?" I ask hesitantly.

My father shakes his head, his fist balling together tightly as his eyes take on a red hue.

Now you've done it, Vladimira!

"Tell me, Vladimira or I'm going to force it out of Titus," He threatens gravely.

I straighten my shoulders out and raise my head to meet my father's eyes.

Queens do not fear the consequences of their actions, I think sophisticatedly.

"We had... relations," I breathe out.

Everything happened so fast.

One minute my father's standing behind his desk, the next minute he has Titus on the ground, his fist pounding into his face repeatedly.

My stomach twists as I stand there, flabbergasted.

Titus managed to dodge some of my father's punches, but he wasn't able to stand a chance against his speedy hands.

"I told you specifically to not touch my daughter in such an insolent way. You'll learn to obey your king," My father growls as he lands more blows to Titus's face.

Tears well up in my eyes as I finally get into my right mind.

"Stop, Father!" I scream before desperately trying to pry him off of Titus.

Much to my disappointment, he didn't budge, not an inch.

Blood is now splattered all over my father's face and fist.

"Stop it," I scream once again, my hands pushing at my father's sturdy build.

His head snaps to me, his punches ceasing.

My father points an accusing finger at me. "How dare you betray me like this? By spreading your legs once again for the man I've been at war with for many years!" He yells.

I back away from him, my eyes flickering to an unconscious Titus.

"Father, please! Would you rather have me out mating with another man who isn't the father to my child?" I ask.

He nods. "Anything is better than Titus!"

I stop walking abruptly when my father yanks me towards him, his face inches from my own.

"I'm able to forgive people, but you've overstepped my boundaries too many times, Vladimira."

Is he going to banish me? Ruin my chances of ever raising my child in the appropriate environment?

Even Titus knows that my father and I aren't exactly the closest father and daughter ever, but I don't think he'll go that far.

But, as I stand here staring into his blazing red eyes, I think he's actually going to kill me.

I find myself worrying more about my pup than myself.

"Are you going to punish me?" I force out.

My father tightens his grip on my arms. "You've committed treason, Vladimira, what do you think?"

I gasp. "I don't think treason-"

"You're pregnant! Not only that, but you were stupid enough to keep the child," He roars.

Anger swirls up into my heart, despite the hurt and heartbreak I'm feeling.

How dare he judge me on a decision that I can make? He's not the one pregnant with this child. He doesn't know what it feels like to be connected to someone. Literally!

I push my father away from me with all my strength. "How dare you judge me? I didn't kill my child because of the love I have for him/her. It's not like you understand the pain I'm going through!" I pause as I wipe my tears away furiously. "You don't even know the struggles I'm going through at the moment, and you want to judge me on the choice I made to not kill my unborn child? This baby is a living being just like you, Father! How dare you be so... monstrous?" I screech.

My father pauses for a second before moving towards me. Bravely, I don't step back, prepared for the punishment he'll release upon me.

"You've become so defiant lately, Vladimira. What the hell is making you think that you can actually disrespect me like this?" He asks somewhat softly.

Xavier, my father's wolf, is definitely fighting to get out. I can tell from the way my father isn't fighting to keep his eyes blue. I can tell from the way his stance is taking on a more... animalistic posture.

I still haven't figured out what Xavier thinks about my pregnancy, and, to tell you the truth, I really don't want to find out.

"Everything is so suffocating in my life, Father. I can't really help the moods I'm in," I reply, only then noticing how sassy it came out.

I regret what I said immediately when I feel my father using his powers on me, and no matter how hard I fought, I still ended up succumbing to his powers.

He forced me onto my knees, a sign of defeat and an embarrassment on my part.

"You idiot child," The deepened voice that belongs to Xavier growls, "you've become too comfortable in the spot your mother is supposed to be in."

I look up in shock, but my eyes are immediately redirected at the ground when my father's hand glides across my face swiftly.

Releasing a cry, I cup my stinging cheek.

"I tolerate you, Vladimira, I haven't let your existence completely brainwash me. Dmitri, though, is a different story. If I were in control when you told me you were pregnant with Titus's child, you wouldn't be alive!"

The tears begin to slither down my face, my hand rubbing my stomach slowly.

A harsh hand snatches my face upwards, making me stare into cold, lifeless eyes.

Xavier doesn't regret his actions, he doesn't regret that he basically embarrassed Greer and me by forcing us on our knees, he doesn't care that I'm pregnant.

He'll still kill me...

There's no doubt that Xavier frightens me more.

"Fine, be a harlot and spread your legs for Titus, but don't come crying to me when you and that bastard child are betrayed by that piece of trash."

My heart stings at his words. I guess because he's all I really have left, and his judgment has always meant so much to me.

"You don't mean that, Father," I whisper brokenly.

Xavier stares at me, his red eyes making me anxious and sweaty. He doesn't let any emotions filter onto his face, instead, he slowly drags his claws down my cheek, leaving me to scream as I desperately tried to push his claws out of my skin.

The pain is something I'll never forget. I can feel his claws passing by the bones in my face, tearing through the soft tissue, allowing blood to run down my cheeks and drop onto the wood below me.

When he finally pulls his claws out of my skin, a sadistic smile is on his face, making my heart break even more.

Why is my father not stopping him? Is this what he's wanted to do for so many years? Has my father loathed me for most of my life and I haven't even noticed?

"Your mother, though human, would have been a much more responsible queen than you! You're a disgrace, Vladimira, and it makes me regret ever having you as my daughter," Xavier yells.

I release a sob as I touch my bloody cheek, my tears mixing in with the blood, slowly slipping into the wounds, burning the flesh there.

He turns to me, his hands covered in blood, not only mine but also Titus's.

Xavier releases a contented sigh as he circles my tiny figure.

I could feel his eyes burning into my skin, but I refrained from looking up, too ashamed of my horrible attempts at being a daughter.

I've been a burden to them. I took away their mate, their happiness, their queen, their hopes at ever having any more children.

My wolf couldn't speak, too taken aback to say anything.

I feel as if I've disappointed him, which is weird considering I always thought I pleased him.

"Am I dismissed?" I whisper.

Xavier releases a stoic laugh. "No, not until you apologize for your behavior. I'm still your king and you will obey me!"

Sniffling, I grip my stomach tightly.

"I'm sorry for committing treason and defying your authority, My King," I mutter, my eyes still on the ground.

A growl comes from Xavier as he takes my hair into his hand and yanks my head back so I'm staring at him.

A tiny squeal of pain leaves me.

"You look me in the eyes when you apologize, Pup."

I feel the tears well up in my eyes again, but I resist from letting the tears fall. If getting out of here alive means sacrificing my pride, then I'll do it for the sake of my child.

"I'm sorry for committing treason and defying your authority, My King," I say louder, my eyes boring into the eyes of my worst nightmare.

Satisfied, Xavier releases me by throwing me to the side carelessly, his body moving away from mine.

"Get out of my sight, and leave Titus here, I'm not done with him," He hisses.

Just like last night, I pop up and scurry out of his office, not bothering to tell him about the man in the dungeon that tried to attack me.

How dare I try to hold a normal conversation with him now? I'm obviously a disgrace in his eyes, and obviously, much to my dismay, my father doesn't love me as much as I thought he does.

Did I deserve everything he just did to me? I have become very... cheeky lately.

Has that pushed him over the edge and made him reveal his true feelings for me?

I didn't want to believe it, but it's an undeniable fact. Man and wolf are always on the same page.

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