Outcast | Dottore X M! Reader

By frenchie_duvar

22.8K 850 349

"One cannot deny your intelligence and your genius. But Doctor, I must affirm your brilliance cannot surpass... More

Before Reading
Chapter 1: Expelled
Chapter 2: A new path
Chapter 3: Il Dottore
Chapter 5: experimentation
Chapter 6: Meeting
Chapter 7: Factory
Chapter 8: Liyue
Chapter 9: "Holidays"
Chapter 10: Welcome back to Snezhnaya
Chapter 11: Assistants
Chapter 12: Clones
Chapter 13: The Baladeer
Chapter 14: Medicines
Chapter 15: Solitary confinement
Chapter 16: Morepesok
Chapter 17: Farewell Rosalyn
Chapter 18: Curse of the Gods
Chapter 19: Sumeru
Chapter 20: Zandik
Chapter 21: Dance of the Sabzeruz
Chapter 22: It is only a question of time...
Ending 1: But tell me...
Ending 2: Was it actually worth it?

Chapter 4: Essay

1K 54 81
By frenchie_duvar

Art by @oversaltedcat on Twitter/Insta

TW: Nasty clones



It has been less than a week since you have been hired by Dottore. 

Your days of working were more intense and charged than the ones at the Akademiya. However, you didn't found them harder since the lessons and instructions the Harbinger gives you are more like private classes.

The rhythm and pressure are the same than the one at the Akademiya: fast and intense. Yet, he still explains you in details the lessons and would show demonstration from time to time. 

You are always attentive and serious in your work. The Doctor is a high ranked Harbinger and you are aware he is spending a lot of his time _ time he could have used for higher and more interesting purposes _ to teach you what you should know.

Today, he gave you some instructions and asked you to write a whole essay, the deadline being 7pm this evening. As such, he allowed you to go to the library of the Headquarters to have access to any books and resources required. In all cases, you would have asked to go there because between the screams of the test subjects or his potential yelling for nothing would have just made you murder someone.

So here you are, sitting at one of the library's table, books surrounding you, and writing on multiple sheets all kind of things that could be interesting.

Snezhnaya's library is located in the Headquarters of the Fatui, so it is a well guarded place. It is as luxurious as the building in itself, as well as extremely wide yet less than the Akademiya's. You made a mental note to yourself to come back here to borrow some books that could be interesting. 

There aren't many people here, and the place is as quiet as a tomb. Only footsteps or sounds of pages being turned can be heard.

It has been hours since you entered the place, the receptionist (who is of course a Fatuus) asked you once if you would like to drink something. You requested a coffee to keep your head awake and active.

However, since a few minutes, you feel a presence behind you. The shadows of two men are confirming your thoughts, yet you didn't do anything and preferred to stay focus on your essay. You cannot get distracted by some random people.

Then, you feel to hands firmly grabbing your shoulders and suddenly turning you around, leading to you facing the two persons who were watching you.
Or mainly you should say the group of people who was watching you.

You immediately recognise them. They are some of Dottore's clones. You feel a bit uncomfortable due to their stares and how their masks are hiding their facial expressions.

"So this is our new assistant?" One looking like the real Dottore says. The voice's tone is different from him. "I would have seen him slightly older."

"Don't get your hopes down, Omega. I heard that other old man saying to Prime he has potential." A younger seeming one replies, a hand under his chin and his red eyes piercing maliciously at you.

All of them give some comments about you, not that you really care anyway. You are mainly fascinated by the fact all seem independent and can think by themselves alone. All also seem to have their own personalities. Some are more or less angered, selfish ect... Yet, they share one common point: arrogance.

All of a sudden, one of them grabs your chin quite firmly and has his face closer to yours. He is looking quite young, probably in his 20s. He has short light blue hair with a mask that covers most of his face except the eyes and his right cheek. 

"I am sure we could have a lot of fun with him other than work." His crimson eyes are travelling from yours to your lips and your neck while his hand slowly travels up your thigh. 

Before he could reach more intimate parts, you instinctually kick his cock and as he is caught off guards from the sudden attack, you grab the back of his head and smash it against the table's edges. In the moment, you also quickly grab a syringe that contains acid and dive it into the clone's skin before casting him on the ground.

You rapidly grab your sheets and run toward the exit. You keep an eye at the clone in case if he is moving and try to chase you, yet, it stays unconscious on the ground.

A few seconds later, you hit a hard solid due to you not looking where you are going. With the kinetic energy and impact, you slightly fall back but to be tightly grabbed by a hand at the end.

You look up and see a dark skinned man with white long hair and a beard, slightly taller than you. His light blue eyes with a pupil in the shape of a star are looking at you with all his seriousness.

By his side is a short old man with a long nose and a hat that does twice his height and on the other side is your boss, Dottore.

You stare at Dottore. If he is here, then that mean he might have witnessed what you just did and would probably kill you for destroying a bit one of his clones. From how tensed he looks and his mouth forming a straight line, you know you will have a bad time.

"Acid has been injected into #23. It should be easily fixable since his chore has not been destroyed." The oldest looking clone says while bending a bit at the unconscious clone to have a better view.

One thing you have deeply noticed about your boss is that he is looking like a slut. He has a body harness, wears clothes that shows his tight waist and his supposed baggy pants are giving a good look at his cake.

You don't know any Dottore, you just know a Sluttore.

"And may I know what you all are doing here? Don't you have other more important tasks to do?" His tone is dry and he seems to stare daggers. 

"Prime, you should be aware we would not be kindly doing our tasks without meeting our dear new assistant who you praised so much yesterday." The youngest speaks with a hint of amusement in his voice. The real Dottore immediately coughs a bit before yelling at them.

"I do not give a fuck about your excuses! Go back to your damn work!" His head then turns toward you, "You. Go back to your work immediately."

Yep, truly not one to joke with.

You nod at him and go back to your table.

There, the unconscious clone is still lying on the ground and you decide to put him aside a bit far from you. You also would like to keep an eye on him in case, and you see a free spot on the wall a bit further in front of you. You smirk and try to pick up the clone.

You have anticipated him to be heavy, but this heavy? No. You already carried multiple bodies of all sizes and weight, but the clone's weight is heavier than a human one for sure. Like that, you end up dragging the man until the spot you have chosen.

Once there, you think for a second. Shouldn't it be best if you tie him up? He would probably try to get you right away, so better warning than healing. 

The three men from earlier are watching you who is looking for ropes around. Since you couldn't find some, you decided to use your belt and tie the man to the pipes.

You notice the clone has a delusion hidden, which you decide to take it so he cannot escape this easily.

You swing the jewel around your finger and walk back to your table to finish the essay peacefully.

Dottore stare at you as you return to your work. Once you are installed, he puts my hand under his chin and analyse you.

He is mad that you harmed one of my clones, though you didn't destroy it. They are proves of his hard work and one of his biggest projects: observing the evolution of his lifetime through the years. He and the two other Harbingers arrived a few seconds before you attacked it, but it was enough to see you were simply teaching the clone a lesson.

Every Friday evening, he and his clones usually reunite in the creepy basement of his lab, popcorn around, and talk shit about everyone. It is usually a funny activity for after-work and basically how he obtains scoops of everyone.

A clone brought up that he saw you killing a test subject out of rage, a subject to which you affirmed "was too annoying so you exchange them with someone else".  Dottore was sure you have killed them.
(He even said "he just like me fr" lmao)

"So this young man is (Y/N) (L/N)? How does work go with him?" The first Harbinger says while glancing at your back. 

"Things seem to work well. He is an interesting person. He is showing seriousness and curiosity in his work, and does not hesitate to show his knowledge on some topic." He answers with a stoic tone to not let him perceive any kind of emotion, "As long as he remains serious and invested in his tasks, I would not mind working alongside him."

In reality, he would be more than glad to work with him. He doesn't know you motives, but your ambition and will to learn, make everything smoother when it comes to work. All of his other assistants were sorts of drags, but on the contrary you are not. You are different from the ones who were working for him. 

Dottore’s  other assistants were most of the times random scientists who were so afraid of him that they decided to put on a mask to pretend being some kind of evil person. You seem to be indifferent about whether someone has to die or not. You seem to think it is how it has to be and cannot be changed.

After a few minutes, the fifth Harbinger _ Pulcinella _ walks past Dottore and toward you. Dottore gives a small glace at the very First and see he is not here anymore, but when he looks a bit around, he sees him picking some books.

You keep writing the ideas on your paper as you hear footsteps coming in your direction. You don't bother to look up and keep working, but the sound of a chair moving in front of you announce someone wish to talk to you.

"(Y/N), am I right?"

You quickly look up and see the short man who was standing next to Dottore earlier. You start writing again as you speak.

"I’m not the one who blew up the closet full of Fire Water in the storage room. Have a nice day."

The small guy gives you a side eye at this but decides to not speak about it. A small silence occurs with only the sound of scribbling being heard.

"You seem like the working type, young man. Remember to not overwork yourself too much."

"No pain no gain I only cares about the outcome of my work. Time is only a proof of my dedication."

You hear the old man sigh, but you keep scribbling down important elements you find in the book you are reading.

"Dottore is indeed exigent, but he is always insulting his workers' work to fulfil his starves of fear." The man's voice is calm, “Right now you are on his good side.” You look up at him with an eyebrow raised. 

Dottore doesn't look like the type of person who would just praise someone. On the contrary, he is a man who just keeps pulling people down, mumbling incomprehensible stuff to himself, raging when an experiment doesn't work and insult his surroundings. He did kind of insult you once.

Basically, he tried to scare you a bit but it didn't work at all. He then said you were a creep by keeping a "dead fish expression". You then spoke something to roast him and he asked you to repeat it more clearly. You just stared at him and the staring contest stopped when an agent brought the test subject.

"This information will have to be updated now that I quite destroyed one of his clones." You chuckle a bit as your eyes wander on your notes.

"The fact he remembers who you are is immediately a sign he does appreciate you. I remember one of his assistant who was always following him. Two months later, the seventh was complaining about a mistake that made this assistant. Dottore asked who was this supposed assistant and it took a few seconds to remember who they were."

You look at the Harbinger. He doesn't seem to be too threatening, but since he is a Harbinger, then he must hide well his game. 

You jump a bit on your chair as a hand slams right next to you on the table. Once you look at the black and blue gloved hand, you recognise who it belongs to.
The index is then pointing to the paper and book.

"Stop your stupidities and go back to work." A threatening voice says and the tall blue haired man look at the older one, "Don't distract my assistant Pulcinella."

Pulcinella raises an eyebrow at Dottore and you could feel he's smirking behind his moustache. The hand is then removed from the table and Dottore's loud voice echoes through the wide room.

"Hurry the hell up! I have other matters to attend to than just waiting for your lazy asses to make their way to my lab in order to bring precious books!" 

A few seconds later, they all leave the room, and Pulcinella says he will go back to his duties. You greet him and go back to your work, enjoying the now extremely silent library.


After hours and hours of working, you finally managed to finish your essay. Right now, you feel like you could sleep while standing, but it is no time for such things. Your mind is focused on giving back this work to your boss.

It was 6h15pm when you finished, so by the time you arrive to the lab, it would be 6h45pm probably. You ordered a carriage to bring you to Dottore's laboratory, which the people obeyed and quickly brought you to the place.

Once you find yourself in front of the lab, you slightly knock and enter the tempered room. You quickly eye around the silent room to find your boss, but he is nowhere to be seen.

You walk further in his laboratory and eventually hear some muffled sounds coming from the surgery room. You conclude he is currently experimenting on someone.

You quietly enter the place and immediately spot the “doctor”, a blouse and all the necessaries for a surgery on. His gaze shifts from his tools to you. His blood red eyes seem to send daggers but you have concluded on your second day here that it is just the way he looks at his employees. He makes a quick head movement in your direction that you assume ask what you want.

You show from the distance the sheets you are holding.

"Office" is the only word he said through the surgeon mask he is wearing. You nod and exit the room right away. Better to not disturbing more.

Once you settled your essay on his office's desk, you decided to take a tour around. From what you have heard, there is a common room where all the Fatui members like to meet during their free time. You believe it would be nice to, at the very least, see how it looks like. 


After the carriage brought you to the headquarters, you wandered around the corridors before finding a twin door guarding a wide and warm cosy room.
The common room isn't too extraordinary, but the Snezhnayan style and the Fatui style is giving a certain charm here.

Most people present were chatting around a coffee, sitting on the couches presents, playing chess and many other stuff. You try to find a spot on a sofa or couch so you can read the book you have brought 

It didn't take you long. A space large enough for two people was free. You didn't bother to ask the persons next if you could sit there, and like if it wasn't enough, you take the whole space so you can relax a bit. This whole essay wasn't an easy task.

You spend your time reading your book. You borrowed it at the library earlier in the science section. Some people came to you to get to know who you are. As soon as you said you were working for Dottore, most of them froze in place before leaving you.

You didn't mind. You never asked for company.

"Hey buddy, you are new as I can see." 

You turn your head and see a ginger haired man who is leaning a bit on the sofa with his elbows resting on the backrest. Though he has a wide smile, his ocean blue eyes are looking dead, like if life left his body long ago. 

Concerning his age, it feels like he is younger than you. Maybe of 3 or 4 years.

"Indeed I am" you just reply while keeping reading your book.

"Don't say anything; let me guess who you are working under and your function." The young man puts a hand under his chin and smiles again.

"You are working for the Balladeer, and maybe in the administration." 

Well, it's not won.

"I am actually The Doctor's assistant."
His jaw dropped to the floor.

"The Doctor?! Oh dude, you are quite unlucky. Wait, aren't you that one guy who has beaten up one of his clone?"

A few heads turn toward the both of you at the sudden exclamation. You try your best to ignore all those stares.

"Yes, I am that one guy. I don't know how you are aware about this so quickly but please do not spread it around." You muttered between your teeth. "And what about it? There is no need to make such a big deal about it."

"I am impressed you are still alive. I have only saw Dottore once, and I can tell he's not one to mess with. He's known for his shitty personality, psychotic side and strong combat abilities. All the people who messed with him finished in his lab, dead."

"Come on, he is not that sca-"

The sound of the wide doors slamming open immediately echoes through the room. You take this opportunity to just finish reading the sentence you were reading without being disturbed by that ginger while everyone look at what caused the sound.

The room remains silent and only loud footsteps coming closer and closer can be heard. Whatever it is, you believe it is not for you. Dottore must be making some experiments again.

The noise then stops but you feel a heavy stare in your direction.
"(Y/N) (L/N)."

Ah. You immediately recognise the voice. Dottore must be here concerning you essay. You just hum in response.

"We need to talk about the essay you have written. And it is now; you already made me travel from the laboratory to the Headquarters, which you should feel ashamed to make your superior travel just to find you."

His tone is haughty and arrogant, so arrogant that you want to slap him.
"No, I am busy for the moment. Maybe in one hour or so, when I will have finished this interesting book."

You feel again some faces turning toward the both of you. Talking back to a Harbinger is not at all common, but talking back to the Second, it is impossible.

"Oh well."

He violently grabs you by the throat to bring you near him; the sudden aggressive action catching you off guard. When you body is close enough to his, he arms wrap around your knees and lift you up in order to carry you on his shoulder like a pitiful potato bag. His firm hand holding you in place prevent you from kicking him with your feet and trying to break free.

You let out a small gasp, not at all expecting him to carry you like that. As long as he carries you, he would have total control of your balance. At any time, he could just throw you or let you fall on the ground.

"As much as I would appreciate this free ride, I think you are pushing it." You quickly say.

You deeply hate not being able to have control of your motion, and it seems Dottore feels the same. 

"Oh? Are you scared of height?"

“And are you not scared to end up like your segment?”

He simply smirks. Even though he tightly holds your legs, you try to move them a bit. You quickly analyze your surroundings in hope to find a way to get off of him.

An idea of just throwing yourself backwards to break free from his hold came in your mind. However, he would just need to move a bit his foot and you would be knocked out by him hitting your head. Moreover, since he starts walking toward the door it would just be stupid.

Your threat him so he puts you down. But it just attracts more attention to the both of you, not like you are in a mood to care anyways.

In a last attempt and hope of getting free, you decide to give a big slap on his slutty ass. From the way his hands tightened around your legs, you could tell he wasn't expecting it. But it still didn't help you.

(It jiggled btw)

"You take things quite fast darling. We have time before getting down to such business, you know?" 

Your cheeks take a shade of pink at the notice, which you decide to cover up with one of your hands. As much as your action was rather unprofessional, his notice was more than unprofessional, even inappropriate.

Once you both arrive outside, Dottore throws you inside the carriage and enter. You are immediately cage by his arms and he intensively stares daggers at you. 

"Do not even dare to talk to me like you just did (Y/N). My patience is not to be toyed with." His tone was threatening and cold; you stare at him with this neutral look of yours. "You will kindly follow me to my lab so we can discuss about your essay. You better behave well or you would be greeted with force." 

His words were whispered to your ears and the proximity was not really at your ease. Once he sits in front of you, arms crossed and a leg above another one, you felt like you could breathe again.

You are not sure if you felt intimidated or flustered.

Never, and never in your whole life have you been intimidated by someone. Every time someone would try to scare you, you would roast them or just act indifferent; but this time... You cannot say if it is because you respect Dottore, or because his sudden action was hot.

In any cases, you are quite bad for the rest of the evening. Just the daggers Dottore is currently sending you tell you that you will be watched. 

When the carriage arrived to destination, the Harbinger was closely keeping an eye on you. You tried your best to not just fall like a shit on the floor or whatever stupidity could happen. Somehow, you had the feeling you weren't walking straight which stressed you even more. He literally must be thinking you are some kind of dumbass rn.

You eventually reach the lab and once you crossed the door, he accelerates his walking rhythm and is now ahead of you. He then reach for his office's knob and opens the door. He let you get inside and orders you to sit down.

Yep, he's quite mad.

He takes a seat in front of you, paper sheets in hands and quickly reread what you have written on them.

It's like 8pm, you don't want to have an arguing right now. All you want is a nice meal and go to sleep.

He starts to enunciate some parts that should be more detailed and that are lacking some information (the information being actually you forgetting to mention one source). He says your work is quite at the average and he would let it pass for now; sentence you translated as "it is a well done essay and you must keep up the good work". 

It really didn't take you long to understand Dottore was the type of person who would not admit one's accomplishments, or at least, the great work they have done _ and mainly when the work is done by his own assistant. 
He's just one who doesn't admit.

Nevertheless, once he let you leave, you give him a smile before walking out of his office. Though it was a smile that could be mistaken between sincere and "idc what you are saying", he didn't say anything and just stared at you until you left.

It seems this new beginning is starting pretty well.

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