Ⓗunting Ⓨou (Hunter X Reader)

By sun_ve

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Y/N is 21, and is a wild witch, specialized in Beast Keeping, plants, and Potions. Once she left Hexside, she... More



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By sun_ve

A few days later you spent more at your home with your parents and Matt. Monday eventually arrives and you come back home to the guild. Vineys excited to see you.

"Hey! You're back! How was spending time with your family?" She asks.

"It was good." You nod.

"Good I'm glad you got out some." She grins.

"Hey I figured we could have fairy pies tonight." Viney says.

"That sounds great!" You grin.

"Rowans gonna pick me up later though he wants to show me something." You say.

"What's he showing you?" She asks.

"It's that damn machine he's been working on or something. He said he wanted to show me first and then he'll show everyone else." You shrug.

"Sounds creepy, please don't let my brother kill you. I give you permission to fight him." Viney says.

"It's probably gonna be some weird knick knacky machine to propose his love or something I don't know." You roll your eyes.

"And when he does reject him." She says.

"I'm probably going to... today." You say.

"Good, tell me how it goes." Viney says.

"I will." You scoff.

"Are you nervous?" She asks.

"No. I think this is my chance to stand up to him, show him how I really think. I'm feeling kinda good." You smile.

"I mean come on Y/n, a machine he's been working on for a couple months?" Viney asks.

"It's probably not even something to be concerned about, it's just gonna be some dumb little robot or something he made to impress me that's probably all it is." You laugh.

"You're probably right. I don't know why I'm overthinking." Viney shakes her head.

The door knocks.

"That's him! Wish me luck. I'm gonna come home a SINGLE WOMAN!" You whisper yell.

"Right on, and we will celebrate." Viney winks.

"Hell yeah." You nod.

The door knocks again, and you nod and run over to answer it.

You open the door to see Rowan. Rowan looks in and glances at Viney from behind and smiles at her. Viney smiles back.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks.

"Yep." You nod.

"...alright good." He nods and takes your hand.

You both are walking the streets of the city hand in hand.

"How was your week with your family?" He asks.

"Fine. My stepdad wasn't really home that much, he doesn't really like me that much anyway so I don't really care." You say.

"Why doesn't he like you?" Rowan asks.

"I think he sort of suspects I'm not in a coven..." you laugh.

"That would make sense, I mean you can't keep using your illusion thing on your wrist forever." Rowan shrugs.

"No I think I could master it the more I try. I just need more practice. I'm not as good with illusions." You shrug.

"Sure... you'll master it." Rowan rolls his eyes.

"Yes. I will master it." You glare at Rowan.

"Whatever you say." He shrugs.

"What have you been doing while I've been out?" You ask.

"Working on what I'm about to show you, I finished it while you were out." He says.

"And you've been working on it somewhere in the city?" You ask.

"Well yeah, because some others offered to help me with it." Rowan says.

"Others like who?" You ask.

"Others.... who are skilled in the subject." Rowan says.

You look at him curiously.

"You'll see." He says holding your hand tighter.

You both continue walking throughout town and you're almost to the forest nearby bonesburrow. It seems like the area is getting more shady the more you walk. You're starting to get a little nervous.

You keep walking until you find this... shed. This shed near the forest that looks sort of dirty and unkept.

"Why is it all the way over here?" You ask.

"It was the only place we could keep it." He says.

"What?" You say trying to hide your nervousness.

"Rowan what the hell is this?" You say seriously.

"Don't tell me your planning on hiding my body or some shit here, no one comes to this part of town or this side of the forest." You say angrily.

He rolls his eyes.

"It's not that big of a deal, it's nothing dangerous." He scoffs.

"How do you expect me to believe you when whatever the hell you made is in a fucking dirty unkept shed in the sketchiest part of bonesburrow?" You say stopping in your tracks

"Y/n it's fine, it's not that big of a fucking deal you're overreacting." He glares at you.

"Don't you trust me?" He asks.

"No absolutely not, how about instead of bringing me in a cramped shed you bring it outside?" You ask.

"I can't." He says.

"Well I don't think want to go in there." You say.

"You're OVERREACTING." He says through grit teeth.

"Ok maybe I am? Who cares maybe make me less nervous by... I don't know... bringing it outside??" You ask.

"Because I don't want to go in there Rowan." You say angrily.

"Again, you're overreacting!" He says annoyed.

"I'm not going in there!" You say.

"Oh for titans sake." He rolls his eyes and grabs your wrist dragging you along with him.

"Rowan you let me go right now!" You exclaim.

He ignores you and keeps dragging you with him towards the shed.

"Rowan!!" You say angrily.

Before you know it he opens the door to the shed and you both go inside. It's dark, and it feels like it's not just you and Rowan in this shed.

He clicks on a light.

You look around the shed to see other people standing there, people you've never seen in your life.

"What's going on?" You ask Rowan.

"They wanna see if it works." Rowan says locking the shed door.

"IF WHAT WORKS?!" You yell.

"Stop overreacting for titans sake it's not a big deal." He says walking to the back of the shed to where you presume this thing he made is.

You stand there nervously, waiting for Rowan to come back. You stare at all the other people in the shed who are glancing at you and then glancing over at Rowan.

He come back with...

Some glove he has on his hand wired to this wall of different machines. You back away and look at what he has.

"Rowan- that's-" you say in shock.

"It's a sigil marker." He says.

You start feeling your body shake.

"It'll help assign you into a coven." He says.

"NO! ROWAN! NO!" You exclaim and try to immediately leave the shed but the other bystanders grab you.

You take a good look at them and all of them seem to be older. People... skilled in the subject is what he said? These people probably help make sigil markers.

You hear some sort of creaking noise on top of the roof and you look up suddenly, and then look back at Rowan.


"I know, but Y/n, don't you realize if you do have one we won't have to be in hiding anymore? We could live free with all the others." He says slowly approaching you.

"I don't care!" You exclaim.

"What is it you like the most Potions? Plants? Beast keeping? Those are your top 3 right?" He says looking at the sigil possibilities to assign the glove.

"STOP!" You yell.

"Come on Y/n tell me or I'll pick one for you." He says, slowly approaching you.

"I DONT WANT ONE!" You yell.

"Y/n! This could help with US! You realize this right?  We could get actual jobs, live actual lives like everyone does! Maybe we could get a house together! What if we had a kid? Don't you want a good environment for your kid instead of that disgusting underground guild?" He says grabbing your wrist and leaning close to your face.


"HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK ANY OF THOSE THINGS!!" You yell and decide to spit in his face.

"AGH! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He yells and wipes your spit off his face.

"That's it! I'm doing this now! Plants it is!" He yells

He grabs your wrist again tightly, with the glove on his other hand about to press it down on your wrist. You stomp on the ground and a bunch of vines burst out of the ground and tangle up all the other bystanders. Just as you do that you see the roof of the shed burst into flames in an instant. You look up to see what has happened

And... not even to your surprise. You see him.

Hunter POV

It's Monday, I decided to go in town to grab some books to read, I finished my other ones I read and decided to return them.

I've started going into town a lot more in unrecognizable clothing, not my usual golden guard outfit and staff. Just a casual wear button up and instead of my artificial staff, I bring flapjack with me.

I used to come into town for everything, I even checked out books in my golden guard wear. I did everything in that damn mask and cape just to symbolize authority but I feel like I haven't found that as important to do anymore.

I don't think it matters to always come symbolized as the golden guard. I get stares everywhere I go and people are overly kind to me and it kind of makes me feel bad I'm treated specially.

I think being with Y/n more made me realize that.. I just want to be normal, not some... high authority figure everywhere I go.

Im not saying I hate being the golden guard. I can't change the fact that that's my role in the coven system.

So I only wear my uniform during missions obviously, or scheduled outposts I need to go to.

During my free time I'm... not the golden guard I'm myself. And I think I kind of like this, being myself. I didn't realize how exhausting being the golden guard is.

I went to the library, returned my books and checked out some new ones. These should be interesting to read. Ancient witch literature.

I leave the library and hop on flapjack. Now that I have my books it's time to go home.

I fly up into the air and head my way towards the castle.

Flapjack tweets something.

"It's not boring it's interesting." I tell flapjack.

Flapjack tweets something as well.

"If you're curious I could read it to you you know. Maybe you'd like it." I smile.

Flapjack tweets happily.

Another thing with Y/n, I'm thankful she helped me find flapjack. I've actually been really getting along with him, I always thought a palisman would be a threat but he's actually a friend I've been waiting to find.

"You're OVERREACTING." I hear someone say as I'm flying my way back to the castle.

I glance over and then immediately come to a stop.

It's that damn brunette boy, with Y/n. Shit that's right she told me he's showing her some machine he made for her?

I gently fly down and hide behind a tree in the nearby forest where they're both standing and listen in.

"Because I don't want to go in there Rowan." She says to him angrily.

I glance over to where they're talking about and it's some dirty shady shed. I furrow my eyebrows.

"Again, you're overreacting!" He says annoyed.

"I'm not going in there!" She yells.

My heart rate picks up. I suddenly feel nervous on her behalf. What's going on?

"Oh for titans sake." He rolls his eyes and grabs her wrist dragging her with him.

My eyes widen.

"Rowan you let me go right now!" She exclaims.

He ignores her request and continues dragging her into the shed. Shit- this isn't good.

"Rowan!!" She yells.

And then suddenly she's dragged into the shed. My heart stops for a moment and I glance at Flap. I drop my books and immediately run over to the shed where that stupid brunette boy dragged her into.

"I swear to Titan." I mumble angrily to myself as I run over there.

Flapjack tweets.

"I don't know what's happening but if it's something bad I'll beat his fucking ass." I grumble to Flapjack as he continues running towards the shed.

We manage to run all the way to the shed and I listen in on whatever's going on. Flapjack looks through a hole and chirps

"There's more people in there? How many?" I whisper and go through my pockets.

Flapjack chirps.

"Like 6 others? Geez." I whisper and pull out some glyph paper.

I managed to make some incase it came in handy. I was gonna use them to test them out later but now will have to do. Just in case.

I pull out 6 fire glyphs and one plant glyph. I press my ear against the shed and listen.

"Rowan- thats-" she says in shock.

"It's a sigil marker. It'll help assign you into a coven." He says.

"NO! ROWAN! NO!" She yells.

"That piece of shit brunette boy." I mumble through grit teeth and circle around the shed.

I hop on flapjack and flapjack flies me up onto the roof of the shed. I gently plop my feet down, a soft creak noise is heard as I set my feet down.

I get on my knees and steady my breathing, I look over at flapjack. Flapjack tweets something. I nod.

"ROWAN I DONT WANT A SIGIL!" I hear her yell.

I pull out a couple more fire glyphs and gently place them on top of the roof not tapping on them just yet.

I stare at the plant glyph and look at flapjack.

"STOP!" I hear her yell.

"Come on Y/n Tell me or I'll pick one for you." He says.

"I DONT WANT ONE!" She yells.

I furrow my eyebrows and take a deep breath. I look over at flapjack nervously.

"Y/n! This could help with US! You realize this right? We could get actual jobs, live actual lives like everyone does! Maybe we could get a house together!
What if we had a kid? Don't you want a good environment for your kid instead of that disgusting underground guild?" He says.

That's it I'm gonna kill him.

Y/n yells at him angrily. I don't think I've ever heard her so angry before.

I put more fire glyphs down and then eagerly stand back up on my feet.

"That's it! I'm doing this now! Plants it is!" He yells.

I immediately jump up and my feet stomp down on all the fire glyphs I put on the roof.

The glyphs light up and the roof comes burning down. I fall through the roof and pull out my extra fire glyphs and look down below me. It seems she's already tangled some of the other guys in her vines. I look into her eyes.

She immediately meets my gaze.

Your POV

What happened next shocked me. The roof burst into flames and Hunter came falling down. And he slapped fire glyphs all over the people I caught in my vines.

Rowan looks up immediately and backs away from you in shock.

"Asshole!" You say and kick Rowan in the stomach.

Hunter glares at Rowan furiously and grabs his staff tight in his hands, with a plant glyph in one of his hands

A yellow energetic wave outlined him and he suddenly teleported directly behind Rowan.

He grabs him by the neck, with the same hand the plant glyph is in and then...

The plant glyph burst into a deathly nightshade, tangling itself all around Rowan. Your eyes widen, no one ever uses deathly nightshade.

He continues to choke him out. He's muttering things to Rowan you presume aren't good. Rowan seems to be in too much shock he can't breath, not to mention how poisonous deathly nightshade is.

You can't tell what Hunter is mumbling to Rowan but if he continues letting that nightshade hurt him Rowan could die.


Hunters focus on Rowan immediately drops and he glances at you and his eyes widen. He immediately drops Rowan and the nightshade disappears.

Rowan collapses to the ground, his skin already seems to be showing affects to the poison. The other members who were in the shed make a run for it, leaving you, Hunter and Rowan alone.

Rowan coughs violently trying to breathe. You look at Hunter in concern as to how the hell he just happens to get deathly nightshade using a plant glyph.

"I didn't- I meant to use just a simple poison ivy that's what I was picturing when I used the glyph-
I-I don't know I guess I was too angry-" Hunter stutters.

"It's fine just shocked me is all, I can fix this he kinda deserved it anyway." You say hurriedly going through your bag.

You should have a anti poison potion that could help get the poison out of his body before it kills him. You rummage through your bag hurriedly.

"There we go." You say and quickly grasp the potion and pour it down Rowan's throat.

Rowan chokes on the potion in surprise and you lift him up and sit him up, violently slapping his back so he can swallow it all.

"Disgusting-" Rowan coughs.

"SHUT UP!" Both you and Hunter yell.

You turn your head to look at Hunter and he turns his head to look at you. You both make an awkward face at eachother and look away.

Rowan coughs and swallows all the potion.

"I could have gladly just let him kill you but your my best friends brother and I can't let that happen you fucking dick." You say angrily.

Hunter folds his arms and looks the other way.

"I'm telling the guild you're a traitor. You'll never be allowed back in." You say angrily.

"I was only trying to do what's best for-"

You slap him in the face. Hunters eyes widen and he sort of laughs a little to himself.

"Shut up." You say.

"You think you guys are the winners here? Take a look at your wrist." Rowan scoffs.

Your eyes widen and that's when you realize he's right. There on your wrist is a plant sigil. You immediately back away from Rowan in shock.

This can't be happening. This can't be real. This isn't real.

You get off the ground and stand up on your feet, you start rubbing the sigil on your wrist in hopes it'll come off.

"No no no." You say softly starting to panic.

"Y/n." Hunter says slowly approaching you.

"No no no no no." You start tearing up.


You clench your fists and then you angrily glare at Rowan.

"YOU SICK FUCK!" You yell and then without hesitation you stomp full force on his face.

You hear a crack from his nose breaking. And his nostrils start pouring blood. Hunter stares at you in shock.

You kick him in the face again this time to purposefully knock him out.

"Okay okay! That's enough!" Hunter says and pulls you away from him.

You glare at Hunter.

"Let's get the hell out of here! Come on!" Hunter says.

He grabs you by the hand and the 2 of you rush out the shed. Hunter pulls out his palisman and you get on with him.

"Flap take us to the forest on the other side of bonesburrow, the one with the waterfall." He says.

Flapjack tweets and you both start flying. You hold onto Hunter from behind and you begin making your way there.

You feel yourself crying slightly but you try to keep it minimal so Hunter doesn't hear you.

He does hear you. But he doesn't mind your crying, all that matters right now is to just take you somewhere else to calm down. Anywhere but that shed.

'I wasn't quick enough.'  Hunter thinks to himself.

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