Ⓗunting Ⓨou (Hunter X Reader)

By sun_ve

45.4K 1.9K 9.9K

Y/N is 21, and is a wild witch, specialized in Beast Keeping, plants, and Potions. Once she left Hexside, she... More



735 36 312
By sun_ve


(I did change up a few things tho there's some alcohol usage in this, it's nothing bad it's just a lot of sappyness)

(Also this is a really long chapter and I mean really long. Word count: 417o 🤯)

3 days passed and you have been at home with Matt, your mom and stepdad.

You took Matt out to go see Steve again since he hasn't seen him in a while. Matt was thrilled to see Steve again. You made sure to go somewhere where no one would try to turn Steve in for being off duty. There's a spot that's far near the toes of the Titan where there's never any emperors coven scouts.

Matt's always looked up to Steve so this was really good for him. It was good for all of you to be together in one place, all the siblings.

You've been staying with your parents some this week too to try and distract yourself from things. You've been overthinking your relationship with Rowan for quite some time, and instead of thinking about him, you can't get your mind off Hunter, I mean you even called him for goodness sake for no reason.

You kind of regret telling Hunter that you're dating Rowan, what if that means he doesn't want to talk to you anymore? Damn it the things you say when your mad.

It's currently 5 pm. So you decide to take a walk in the night. Maybe that will help relax you. Maybe you can talk it over to yourself. Maybe when you come home tonight you'll figure out what you want to do.

You get off your bed and head to the front room where Matt is sitting on the couch. Matt glances at you.

"Hey, I'll be back later tonight, I'm just gonna go on a walk." You say.

"Don't get eaten." Matt says.

"Thanks Matt." You scoff.

You open the door and close it behind you. It's still a bit bright out, looks like it's about to sunset in about an hour or two though which is fine.

You make your way into town. There's usually not many people out in town at this time because everyones already getting home. You sigh and walk around the sidewalk of town.

You wonder if Hunter has called since you've been gone. You kind of hope he hasn't because if he did and you didn't answer you wouldn't want him to worry. Why doesn't he have a scroll so he can text?

Speaking of  scrolls you have a text message. You open your scroll and see who's texted you.


You roll your eyes and open the text.

Rowan: Hey, later this week when you're back I was wondering if we could go somewhere me and you.

You roll your eyes.

You: if it's the bazaar, I swear.

Rowan: No, it's not. I actually finished my thing I'm working on. I wanted to show it to you.

You: you mean your weird big project??? You actually finished it?

Rowan: yeah.

You: why isn't your project back home? It's hidden somewhere?

Rowan: well yeah it's just that I already started working on it at this place so yeah.

You: geez, hopefully it doesn't kill me 🙄

Rowan: it won't, I think it'll help you actually, but not only just you it'll help others as well.

You: I don't get why me and others would need to be helped but.. ok?

Rowan: yeah, once you're home I'll come pick you up and we can check it out.

You: sure.

Rowan: okay sounds good. :)

You: yep

Rowan: ❤️❤️❤️

You: 👍

You shut off your scroll and shove it in your pocket.

"Ughhhh....Rowan." You grumble loudly.

"His machines probably gonna be bullshit waste of time." You mumble.

You frown and look down on the ground.

"I should probably just break up with him shouldn't I?" You mumble.

"It's just not doing well. I don't feel all that happy, if anything I feel like I'm just his babysitter because... he's a child." You mumble.

"...he's the only guy I'm ever with though." You sigh.

Hunter crosses your mind.

"W-well... I mean... yes there's other people but it's not like that could work." You blush and mumble to yourself.

"We're two whole different people. He's the enemy anyway." You shove your hands in your pockets.

You groan loudly and rub your face. This is all so much. You've been making your way to a park nearby so it gives you some place to be.

No one's at the park either so that's nice, you can have it all to yourself. You pace around the side walk of the park.

"I couldn't... like Hunter..." you whisper  and put your hands against your cheeks.

That's when you stop pacing and stand dead in your tracks. You realize something, something that is absolutely horrid.

"Shit... I do like him don't I?" You blush.

You stay silent for a moment. Titan this can't be happening. You couldn't love the golden guard, he's 2nd in line to the emperor. For all you know he could be using you. There's no way he even likes you anyway.

Besides! If he did happen to like you, you both wouldn't even be able to be together! That's the thing. How would the people in the guild feel that you'd be in a romance with the golden guard himself?

"No! No no no. Not a chance! Everyone would hate me." You laugh awkwardly to yourself

"I... should just stick to Rowan. He's... the only option that wouldn't be frowned upon." You sigh.

"Okay... uh..." you sigh.

You begin pacing again.

"H-how can I convince myself he's a good guy... how can I convince myself to like Rowan." You sigh.

"Ugh..." you sigh and rub your eyes.

"Okay... uh.... He's a good tinkerer...?" You mumble.

You shake your head. You really couldn't care less if he's a good tinkerer or not.

"Um... he has... good taste in video games." You nod.

You can agree with that, it's like the one thing you both talk about that you can keep a conversation on. He got you into some of the video games you like now.

"Handsome?" You mumble.

"Suuuureee?? Ugh actually no." You scoff.

You get a notification on your scroll.

"Titan Rowan, what does he need now?" You sigh and pick up your scroll

Rowan: oh btw, make sure you come just you first for this, I don't want anyone to see this just yet.

You stare at the text message.

"Weirdo." You scoff.

Hunter POV

It's a bit past 5 and I'm in my casual wear flying with flapjack. I figured to go fly a bit, maybe get to know my palisman like she told me to do.

He's a good bird. Really kind bird actually, he's actually not as bad as I thought he'd be so that's... nice.

Another reason I sort of wanted to go fly around is to clear my mind a bit. Clear my mind from... Y/n.

I don't know why but I called her a few days ago and she didn't respond.


"Why am I so obsessed with this girl? She's just a girl! There's nothing special about her." I exclaim to myself.

Flapjack tweets.

"I'm not admitting anything." I reply to flapjack.

Flapjack chirps again.

"Look flap, even if I do like her it's not like I can do anything about it we both know that." I blush.

Flapjack chirps loudly.

"Would you shush?" I say embarrassed.

"I'm supposed to be clearing my mind of her but thinking about her even more." I grumble.

"Titan, just need to get my head straight, let's think about something else." I mumble.

I immediately put flapjack to a stop because as soon as I glance down I see her.

Damn it I try to clear my head from her and then she just happens to show up. Actually, why am I even surprised? There's nothing to be surprised about.

"Titan flapjack she's gonna forever haunt my brain." I sigh.

"Should I maybe talk to her? Um... apologize about the whole rose incident?" I ask.

Flapjack chirps.

"Yeah? Okay..." I sigh and slowly fly my way down.

Not directly near her though, I don't wanna suddenly drop down and appear next ti her that would shock her. I should walk up to her and slowly get her attention.

I eventually drop down in an alleyway close to where I saw her walking. It seems like she's heading to the nearby park. How do I walk up to her? What do I say?

Maybe I shouldn't talk to her. At the same time I really want to.

I slowly approach her, I'm already sort of far away but she's walking fast, mumbling something to herself.

Maybe I shouldn't bother her.

"Ughhh...Rowan." I hear her grumble

My ears perk up and my eyebrows furrow. As soon as I hear that damn name come out of her mouth I clench my fists. That damn brunette boy.

I start picking up the pace to catch up with her. I don't want her to be thinking about him, she shouldn't be in the first place.

She's mumbling other little things to herself, stuff that i can't really hear. I try to keep up the pace to try and get her attention but she's speed walking, like shes stressed.

"Wait no I shouldn't be trying to get her attention I need to be cool and casual." I laugh awkwardly.

"I need to look cool, cooler than that damn brunette." I scoff.

Flapjack tweets.

"Jealous? Please. I'm not jealous." I scoff and shove my hands in my pockets.

"What's there even to be jealous about? Actually shit- why did I wanna talk to her in the first place? I don't know- shit." I mumble.

"It's not like any of this matters I should be focusing on other things" I tell Flap.

"Shit... I do like him don't I?" I suddenly hear her mumble to herself.

My eyes widen and I glance at Flapjack. Flapjack glances at me.

She's talking about that damn brunette boy probably. My fists clench and my cheeks turn pink.

"You know what? So what if I'm jealous?? Who cares? I can be jealous if I so damn please." I laugh in an aggravated manner and continue walking down her path.

Flapjack seems excited and follows me.

She's mumbling about other things I can't quite understand. She suddenly turns the corner and makes her way into the park. I stop myself.

"What do I say to her?" I ask Flapjack.

Flapjack tweets.

"I don't know either!" I blush.

Flapjack tweets again.

"N-no I'm not gonna tell her how I feel you think she'd still talk to me after that? Are you crazy?" I scoff.

Flapjack tweets.

"Okay okay, I'll be cool, right I'll be cool." I say and dust off my clothes.

I take a deep breath and turn the corner. I glance at her. She's looking at her scroll so she doesn't see me turn the corner.

"Be cool." I mumble and walk over to a pole and lean my back against it, folding my arms.

"Weirdo." She scoffs to herself

"Who's weird?" I say loudly enough for her to hear.

She suddenly looks up from her scroll and looks directly at me. My ears go red a little but I try to hide that from her.

"Titan! What are you doing here?" She suddenly says.

Your POV

"Titan! What are you doing here?" You suddenly day.

"How long were you here? You didn't hear me say anything weird did you?" You say.

"No, no, I didn't hear anything." Hunter says.

"What are you doing here? Lately you've been everywhere." You mumble.

"Have I?" He asks.

"...yes." You say gently.

"That's funny, because you've sort of been everywhere too." He says looking directly into your eyes.

You blush and shove your hands in your pockets.

"I just came out so I could think about things. What about you?" You ask.

"Um- I was just here, uh... walking around. I come here a lot, actually." He says sort of like he's trying to keep something up.

You furrow your eyebrows.

"Sure." You scoff.

"N-no I do! Well- not a lot but I do, a lot actually, but actually not that much... b-but again still a lot." He says going back and forth.

You fold your arms and raise an eyebrow. He blushes and looks a different direction.

"What?" He says sort of backing away.

"Nothing you're just acting weird." You say.

"I'm not weird. I'm cool. Speaking of weird who were you calling a weirdo?" He asks, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking away.

You look at him and sort of frown. The last time you brought up Rowan he got all annoyed for some reason and you're worried he's going to again.

"Um... just someone I know." You say.

"Is it the brunette boy?" He asks.

You blush and look at him. He looks at you as well and blushes when he notices you suddenly looking at him.

"So what if it is? It's not like it matters." You shrug.

"Yeah you're right, it doesn't matter." Hunter says.

You raise an eyebrow.

"I just- I don't know he's not really someone to care about in my opinion, I-I'll just disregard him, completely." Hunter stutters.

"You're acting weird." You say.

"I'm not." He says.

"You are." You say slowly approaching him.

He backs up as you start approaching him, he has a nervous look on his face.

"I have an idea- uh- do you want to get drinks?" He asks.

Your eyes widen.

"Like alcohol? You want to drink alcohol together?" You ask in disbelief.

Hunter blushes and doesn't know what to say. He didn't mean alcohol he meant like a milkshake or something something sweet. Would it be cooler if he meant alcohol? Is that what you would prefer? Damn it whats cooler?

"Well- no- I mean- well- I don't know whatever you want." He blushes

Hunter just wants to say anything he feel like you would prefer.

"Hunter have you ever even had alcohol before?" You say in disbelief.

"Oh yeah loads. A lot, all the time." He lies, he's never had a drop in his life.

Hes just saying what he feels would impress you at this point. He starts sweating.

"Okay then let's get some alcohol." You scoff playing along with his game.

"Y-yeah, sure." Hunter blushes.

You walk alongside him.

"So since you know so much about alcohol I bet you know where the nearest alcohol store is?" You smirk.

"Oh yeah, I do... um it should be here, I know where it is." Hunter nods, walking in a random direction trying to remain confident.

"It should be this way." He says.

"Actually it's that way." You say pointing a different direction.

"I knew that." He shakes his head and walks in your direction.

You roll your eyes but smile to yourself.

You both wander and chat about what you both have been up to lately. This whole thing he has going on is interesting to you, it seems as if he's lying about certain things to impress you.

It's kind of cute.

You both enter the store and you look at the alcohol. You grab a small little 4 pack of something. Hunter insists to buy it for you, so he can be all gentlemanly but you argue your way through it. It's not that expensive anyway.

You check it out and you both head back to the park.

"I could have gotten it for you." Hunter says.

"Well you didn't, I did, and it's okay." You say.

You eventually get to the park and sit down on a bench. You grab a bottle for yourself out of the 4.

Hunter blushes and looks at you.

"What? I-I drink this stuff all the time." He says trying to sound confident.

"Really?" You scoff.

"Y-yeah." He nods.

You smile a little and grab your bottle opener and pop the bottle open, and take a small sip.

You hand your bottle to Hunter.

"Go ahead mr. I drink all the time." You say and hand him the bottle.

Hunter blushes and stares at you. He gently grabs the bottle and holds it.

You watch him to see what he'll do.

He grabs it and sips into it. He makes a funny face as soon as the liquid hits his taste buds but he tries desperately to hide it from you.

He swallows half of it and immediately spits out the other half of it.

"Titan! That's disgusting!" He exclaims.

You giggle and take the bottle from him.

"That's what I thought. How about a milkshake instead?" You giggle.

He nods immediately.

10 minutes later after running to get a milkshake you both are sitting outside on the same park bench  once again. Hunter got a plain vanilla milkshake.

"Why were you lying to me? You know you didn't have to act all cool just for me." You say.

"Well let me try it again it just shocked me at first okay??" He asks.

"No, why were you lying to me?" You ask.

"Look I don't know, okay? I just-" he blushes.

"You what?" You ask.

"Nothing- I don't know I was just- I wanted to know more about you? So I thought if I pretended to be someone you think is cool I'd get to know you more." Hunter blushes.

"You know you could just get to know me normally right?" You scoff.

"Really? Isn't that great." He grumbles.

"Let me try it again I won't flinch this time." He says holding out his hand.

You roll your eyes and give him the bottle. He takes another sip and swallows it, making a disgusted face.

"How do you drink this and like it?" He says, handing it back to you.

"You get used to it." You say grabbing it and taking another sip.

"Did you come looking for me? Is that why you were suddenly showing up?" You ask.

"Truth is I was flying around trying to clear my mind because somethings been distracting me from my own thoughts lately." He says grumpily.

"Like what?" You ask.

"I don't know, what do you think?" He says and looks directly at you.

"Well I don't know unless you tell me Hunter." You raise an eyebrow.

He blushes and grabs the bottle from you and tries to take another sip. He coughs a little while drinking it and hands it back to you.

"Why were you wandering around town?" He asks.

"Same reason, to clear my mind." You say.

"From what?" He asks.

You take a sip of your alcohol.

"I'm gonna be honest, Rowan has been really pissing me off." You say.

"Easy, just break up with him." Hunter says casually, taking a sip from his milkshake.

Your eyes widen and his eyes widen too in realization and he chokes on his milkshake.

He coughs and you grab his shoulder in surprise.

"S-sorry, that just slipped out huh? uh that's embarrassing." Hunter coughs again.

"It's okay, are you alright?" You ask.

"Fine." He nods.

He blushes and grumbles a little to himself.

"That was kind of funny honestly. I'm...I'm thinking about it actually. I don't think I've been very happy." You say.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yeah it's just... I think he's more self centered actually, he doesn't really seem to care about how I feel. It's more of how he is." You say.

"That's so weird because... I could have sworn I heard you mumbling about liking someone." Hunter says looking directly at you.

"Shit... I do like him don't I?" Is what you said.

You stare directly at Hunter. Damn it he did hear some things.

"Oh!! Hah! Uh..! I never said that, I was... uh... it was nothing! That was something else! Like not even related!" You laugh nervously.

Hunter raises an eyebrow. You take another sip of alcohol and look away from him.

"Y-yeah I never said anything about liking him- or anyone! I don't like anyone actually. Heheheh..." you giggle.

Hunter stares at you for a moment and locks eyes with you. You lock eyes with him. He smiles a little.

Hunter suddenly slides his hand into yours, his head is tilted to the side and he doesn't look at you as he does. Your heart skips a beat as he takes your hand.
Did he really just do that? Or are you just already drunk and imagining things?

"Woah-" you blush.

"Are you alright?" He asks.

"Why are you... uh..." You say softly.

"...felt like it I guess." He mumbles softly.

"Hehe.. you're funny." You giggle.

"You kinda are too." He smiles.

He holds your hand tighter and you smile a little. Damn you're already drunk probably.

"But yeah I'm tired of Rowan. And I'm tired of his dumb hair... and his... stupid bazaar." You sigh.

"He's just dumb." Hunter shrugs.

"Yeah, see?" You nod and giggle.

Hunter laughs a little too.

"What's so dumb though is... he wants to like... I think he's building something for me in attempts to make me love him or something but... I don't care. Isn't that dumb?" You giggle.

"What's he building?" Hunter asks.

"I don't even know I'm gonna find out when I see him on... what.. Monday I think? It's probably some dumb little "be my girlfriend" proposal." You giggle and lean on Hunters shoulder.

Hunter smiles.

"That is kinda lame isn't it?." Hunter laughs a little with you.

"I know!" You giggle.

"But... I'm gonna reject him! Yeah that's what I'm gonna do, when he shows me his whole little thing he built to try and make me head over heels I'm gonna tell him "no." And then leave." You giggle and hug his arm.

"And then imagine the look on his face." Hunter laughs.

"He'd be sooooo mad. Like so mad, I'm telling you, he'd be so mad." You say.

"How mad?" Hunter asks.

"Like very mad." You giggle.

"Ohhh Titan.... I shouldn't have picked such strong alcohol." You mumble.

"Are you okay?" You ask Hunter.

Hunter stares at you blank faced. Like he's reading you.

"Y/n. You are really beautiful." He suddenly says.

Your eyes widen, and your cheeks heat up. His grip on your hand tightens.

"And... I don't just mean the way you look, everything about you kinda is in a way." He says gently.

You stare at him not knowing what to say.

He blinks and looks away. Sort of realizing what he just said.

"But uh- I didn't mean to say that. Sorry... maybe I shouldn't have asked for more sips." He blushes and let's go of your hand suddenly.

"No it's okay." You say and take his hand back.

"Nah. I'm... heheh.. no it's okay. I didn't say that." He shakes it off.

"Can you do me a favor?" You ask.

"Anything. What is it?" He asks.

"Can you cast a plant glyph again?" You ask, going through your things and pulling out some glyph paper.

You give it to him and he draws the plant glyph again.

"What kind of plant do you want?" He asks.

"It doesn't matter. Just press your hand down." You say.

Hunter taps the plant glyph and just like you suspected a rose emerges. It's a calmer rose this time. You take the rose and look at it.

Hunter scratches the back of his head and looks at you.

"What?" He asks.

"Nothing it's just interesting." You say.

Hunter smiles.

"I need to go home before I forget but... I'm glad I ran into you." You smile softly and stand up.

Hunter stands up as well.

"Maybe your just what I needed." You smile.

"Maybe I am." Hunter smiles as well.

You grin and immediately hug him tightly. Hunter accepts the hug in shock not knowing how to take it. His face goes extremely red and he gently wraps his arms around you as well.

"You're nice." You smile.

"You're sweet." He says.

You hug him tight and long. Like this was a hug that's been waiting for you all your life. It feels so nice hugging him, he's warm and soft, and you fit perfectly in his arms. Hunter seems to be enjoying the hug so much as well he couldn't stop smiling. His smile was so big.

You didn't think much of it though because you're drunk.

"I'll see you- some day again- I'll call you." You giggle.

"Get home safe you have your palisman, he can help." You nod.

Hunter nods.

"Buh byeeeee!" You grin and head off back go your home

Hunter waves goodbye and smiles watching you run off.

"Flap." Hunter says softly.

Flapjack tweets.

"I think I really like her." Hunter says.

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