Ⓗunting Ⓨou (Hunter X Reader)

By sun_ve

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Y/N is 21, and is a wild witch, specialized in Beast Keeping, plants, and Potions. Once she left Hexside, she... More



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By sun_ve

Eventually the time came and Rowan knocked on your door. You slowly creaked it open and looked at him.

"Hey." He nods.

"Hey." You say and walk down the steps of your door.

"You good to go?" He asks and holds out his hand.

"I guess so." You nod and awkwardly take his hand.

"Great!" He nods and you both begin walking.

"So what's new for you?" He asks.

"Well... my brothers a part of the guild now." You nod.

"Oh your older one Steve? Wasn't he with the emperors coven?" He asks.

"Yeah, but he quit as of yesterday." You nod.

"Interesting." He nods.

"So what are we gonna do at the bazaar today Rowan?" You roll your eyes.

"Well I still need to get some supplies for my thing I'm making. It's almost done." He says.

"That must be good for you then." You nod.

"It is, I think it'll help us." He nods.

"Us?" You ask.

"Well, kind of but I mean people in general." He nods.

"Oh.. okay." You nod.

He holds your hand tighter and you both continue to walk throughout the bazaar.

He goes to the shops he needs and buys the materials he needs for whatever thing he's making. He holds onto your hand tightly and you sort of just let him drag you along.

You engage in minor small talk about how his work is going and how he's been lately but the conversations just super boring.

"Now what have you been up to? Didn't Eda have a meeting for you recently about a mission?" He asks.

"Yeah we infiltrated an emperors coven base." You smirk.

You say that confidently too. You always feel like Rowan underestimates you all the time so maybe he will actually show interest.

"Oh you did did you?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah she put me on team 2, I got to fight some coven scouts." You say confidently.

"You're lucky you didn't get your ass kicked." He scoffs.

"I took out like 2." You say.

"Guess you were lucky." He says.

You roll your eyes and stomp on his foot. He flinches and then turns his head to look back at you.

"The hell was that for?" He says.

"I wasn't lucky! I really did take them out!" You say angrily.

"I'd love to see that." He scoffs.

You squeeze his fingers tightly together in anger. He's such a jerk.

"Ow! Let go!" He exclaims.

You stomp on his foot again and let go of his hand. He grumbles a little in pain and folds his arms.

"You're such a pain." You mumble.

He looks over at you and smiles a little

"Well... I think you're such a beauty." He says.

You glare at him, only making him smile some more. He takes your hand in his again. You begrudgingly take his hand.

He holds it tightly. You sigh.

"Is there anything you'd like to do?" He asks.

"No." You mumble.

"There was to be something you wanna do." He says and nudges you.

"Yeah, like going home." You say.

"You don't want something to eat from somewhere?" He asks.

"If you're paying." You smirk.

"Yeah, I'll pay." He says.

"Is there ice scream anywhere near here?" You ask.

"There should be..." He says.

"We can go look." He says and drags you along with him.

You sigh and follow him. Maybe after this you can just go home and watch TV like you originally wanted to today.

You don't even know if you and Rowan are official or not. I mean he kisses you on the cheek twice, you've held hands. He called you beautiful, are you guys a thing?

Well you don't really wanna ask. It'd feel odd to call him your boyfriend. You'd rather just stick to the label of "dating" rather then "boyfriend/girlfriend".

You're sort of just seeing how things are going with him, and so far it's not what you really want. You don't know though, he's probably your only chance of a relationship you'll ever get though so you feel like you sorta have to try with him.

You end up coming towards the ice scream parlor and you go inside. You and Rowan order the ice scream you both want. You always go with (favorite flavor) ice scream.

Once you get it you and Rowan head outside and sit down with one another and you stare into the sky while you eat your ice scream. Rowan tried to engage in small talk.

"Do you have any other missions you need to go on?" He asks.

"I need to go on a thing to look at some plant artifacts sometime soon." You say.

"You like plants don't you?" He asks.

"It's what I'm second best at other than potions." You say.

"Ah I see, I'd prefer potions of you honestly, you're more better at that." He nods.

You roll your eyes.

"Yeah whatever you say." You scoff.

"You look nice this morning." He compliments.

"Thank you." You sigh.

"You look... the same as always." You nod.

"Well, you look really nice." He says and holds your hand.

You sigh and take it in yours.

"I didn't do anything special this is how I usually look." You roll your eyes.

"That's good enough for me." He nods.

Why is he being so complimenty today? It's making you a little on edge.

"Do you want to head back? I've been dragging you for a while." He says.

"Yeah." You nod, and you both stand up.

Hunter POV

I already managed to catch about 3 goblins around Bonesburrow. These things are a pain, especially returning them back to their native islands, I have to fly for so long.

Their usually found around the most busiest places in cities to try and blend with a crowd. I'm currently wandering down the streets of bonesburrow looking for some.

It's not as busy today is the thing so they're kind of harder to find. I look down the corner of an alleyway and that's when I notice some skittering noises.

It's the alleyway in between the clothes shop and the ice scream parlor. I see the little beast skitter around near the garbage. It's probably trying to find something to use as a placebo.

I sneak up on it, trying not to startle it from running off. They're kind of smart. I slowly make my way towards it tip toeing ever so slightly.

It immediately lurches its head in my direction making eye contact with me. I glare at it and quickly zap it with my staff.

The goblin makes a little screeching noise and I smirk and grab it and add it into my bag of the other 3 I got. That makes 4 total.

I sigh in relief and make my way out of the alleyway. This should be all of them, I got reports of 4 in bonesburrow, usually in different places. I need to fly off to their little island in the boiling sea which is gonna take a while to return them to.

These little guys shouldn't even be here, they always sneak on cargo ships.

I sigh and scratch the back of my neck. I look around the area and I get startled for a moment when I look towards the ice scream parlor. Why do I always run into her and her stupid... dude friend. I don't know if that's her boyfriend or not.

I don't know why but I hope it's not.

"Do you want to head back? I've been dragging you for a while." The guy says.

"Yeah." She says and stands up.

Y/Ns back is faced to me so she doesn't see me. I don't think her friend does either, he doesn't seem focused on anything but her. I start sweating.

I shouldn't give in to my curiosity, I need to bring these back to their native islands.

"Hey." The guy said to her.

"What?" She asks and turns her head to him.

He smiles at her and cups her cheek in his palm. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. She doesn't seem to say anything to him her hands go down to her sides and she seems to be fiddling with the embroidery on her jeans.

"Thanks for coming out with me today. It was simple, but it means a lot to me." He says.

I need to get out of here.

"It's nothing re-"

And then he kissed her. He didn't even let her finish her sentence.


Everything in my body feels tense. That's it, I really need to get out of here.

I shouldn't be here. My stomach hurts, like someone punched me in the gut. I tighten my fists and stare at them for a moment in... I don't know... anger? Shock?

"Tch... w-whatever it's fine." I whisper to myself before quickly boarding my staff and flying away.


I hate that guy. I hate him with a burning passion.

I don't know if he's in a coven or not. Maybe one of these days I could arrest him if I so damn please. He's nothing but a jerk to her anyway.


Fuck, I don't understand why I'm so worked up over this. I'm so pissed off, he doesn't even deserve her in the damn slightest.

Your POV

He kissed you . He actually kissed you, and it was too fast for you to turn your head away for it to just be a kiss on the cheek. He threw you off guard.

You break the kiss.

"Um- yeah- uh... let's go home." You nod and quickly look away from him.

He smiles and takes your hand in his.

"Okay." He smiles.

And so you both have an awkward walk home. You both don't say anything to eachother or talk about what had just happened to one another. You feel uneasy.

Really, really uneasy. You just want to go home and get in your blankets and watch TV.

When you get home he kisses you again. You couldn't dodge that one. He even asked if he could come in with you and hang out or watch something with you but you did not want him to.

You told him you had to work on some things for some upcoming missions when in reality you had nothing in plan. He nodded and then you both parted your ways. It was currently 3pm, there's still a lot of time in the day and you're gonna use that to watch TV, and... maybe get drunk.

You sigh and grab a bottle of alcohol and lye on the couch. You put on your favorite show and begin watching it.

Hunter POV

It's 7pm. I finished rounding up all the goblins In bonesburrow, Latissa, and other nearby locations. I had to fly across the boiling sea to return them to their native island.

It was a silent job. I didn't talk to myself at all I was just all in my head. I couldn't stop thinking about what I saw and how annoyed it makes me. I really can't stop thinking about it for the life of me.

I put my things down and I lay on my bed. I'm kind of tempted to... well... I don't know.

I saw her this morning, I shouldn't call her. Maybe she's with her boyfriend anyway.


Whatever. I'm a bit curious, might as well ask her when we will see eachother next.

I pick up my crow and dial in her number. I hold it up against my ear and sigh.

She picks up right away.

"Hunnnteeerr I'm so glad you cahlledddd I was just thinnnnking about youuu." She says on the other line.

My eyes widen and my face goes a bit red.

"Are you drunk again?" I sort of scoff.

"No no noooo that doesn't mean you should go..." she says.

"Last time I called you when you were drunk we ended up in the whole sort of predicament." I say.

"No no not thissss time." She giggles.

"Don't you have anything better to do than get drunk?" He asks.

"*hic* yeah like... talking to youuu." She says.

My ears go red. And I sort of frown, Im sure she won't remember most of this conversation.

"Mm, I don't think you should say that when you have a boyfriend." I say gently.

"He's nottt well.... Actually I dunno... if we are... I can't remember... I kinda am iffy of him I don't... well.... I'll see.... I don't know..." she grumbles.

I frown and turn on my side.

I can hear her tossing around from side to side as well through the crow, she's probably in bed or on her couch.

"So so whyddd you call me..? Ya miss me or somethin..?" She sighs into the crow.

I smile a little.

"...I guess." I whisper with a little smile on my face.

...it's not like she'll remember me saying any of this.

"Ooohhh I kinda miss you too actually hehe.." she giggles.

"What's there to miss about me?" I ask.

"You're kinda funnyyyyyy like... like... really funnyyyy and you're a bit nice too forrrr a golden guard.. heheh." She giggles.

"I'm not that nice." I say.

"And how in the world am I funny?" I scoff.

"No no like... really funny... I dunno... like... sooo funny." She giggles.

I smile a little.

"I'm sure that boyfriend of yours is funnier." I scoff.

"He's notttt... he's more grumpy actuallyyyy..." she sighs.

"No buttt but really whyd you call meeee?" She asks.

I sit up and little.

"I actually wanted to see if you are free to learn the plant glyph anytime soon." I say.

"Oh the the plant glyph yeah yeah, yeah, that's so cool. How about uh... tomorrow?" She giggles a little.

"Sounds great." I say.

"Maybe you should write it down do you don't forget." I suggest.

"Oh yeahhhahhh I'll do it right now." She says.

As soon as she says that I hear rummaging noises on her end of the crow. She must be getting up to do something.

"Okay, okay, what do I write now?" She asks.

"That you're meeting with me tomorrow to learn the plant glyph." I say.

"Mmm... meet... with... Hunterrrr.... Plant glyph..... tomorrow...." She mumbles.

"I hope I spelled it righhhhttttt." She sighs.

"Soooo what are you doing..? Do you wanna hang out or something~" she hums.

"No, it's late out. We don't want to make this like last time." I say.

"Okay- can I ask you a questionnnn~?" She hums.

I turn a little pink, it's as if she's whispering in my ear.

"Yeah, uh... what?" I ask.

"Have you ever liked anyone before~?" She asks.

I suddenly drop my crow and my face goes bright red. Why did she ask that? That's so forward. I gently place my hand against my mouth.

Why did I drop the crow?

I quickly pick it back up.

"Uh- no- I mean- well- yeah no." I stutter into the crow.

"Hehhhhhh. You okayyy???" She giggles.

"Fine. I'm fine." I nod.

"It sounded likeee you dropped your crow ." She giggles.

"My hand slipped- uh but no- I've never liked anyone no." I say trying to calm my face.

"Mmmm okay, I'm tiredddd I'll see you tomorrow I need to uhhh to do somethingggg." She hums.

"Oh, yeah okay... I'll see you then." I nod.

"Goodnightttt~" she says before clicking the hang up botton.

I sigh deeply and my cheeks simmer down from red to pink. She's something alright.

...why does she have to ask such weird things like that..?

Why do I get so nervous about her just... talking to me?

I basically just called her to hear her voice at that point... I... missed her.. I meant it when I said it.

Why am I so weird? Why am I thinking such strange things?

That's when my face went from pink to red again. I think I know what it is. Why I'm feeling this way.

I think I'm... I'm in love with her aren't I?


Well... I shouldnt be. It's immoral of me to like a wild witch.

...it's not like I have a chance anyway with... that guy she's with.

...what's there even to like about him anyway?

I clench my fists and scratch the back of my head. I shouldn't even be thinking of this. The more i think about her the more my feelings will get the best of me.

...That stupid brunette boy.

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