Claymore: The Boogeyman Of He...

By Huyhuynh406

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(Y/N): "Vengeance." A young man name (Y/N) who lost his parent that he make the deal with the devil and turn... More

(Y/N)'s Weapons & Devil Arms
Raki's Upgrade
Harem Part 1
Harem Part 2
Prologue 01: The Rider Appearance
Prologue 02: The Legend Of Claymore & Ghost Rider
Chapter 1: The Deal With Rider/Adoption
Chapter 2: Claymores Meet Rider
Chapter 3: A Real Family/Healing Stigma
Chapter 4: Ophelia's Challenge
Chapter 5: The Abandon Pieta
Chapter 6: The Rider In Pieta Part 1
Chapter 7: The Rider In Pieta Part 2
Chapter 8: Jean & Clare (Lemon)
Chapter 9: Motivated With Angel Power!
Chapter 10: Ghost Rider's Warning For Isley
Chapter 11: A New Life For Them/Helen & Deneve (Lemon)
Chapter 12: Raki's First Fight/The Training Part 1
Chapter 13: The Training Part 2
Chapter 15: The Awakened Twins/Riful The West
Chapter 16: The Assassin Deathwatch
Chapter 17: Anti-heroes/Loves (Lemon)
Chapter 18: Jack O'Lantern Part 1
Chapter 19: Jack O'Lantern Part 2
Chapter 20: Lilith's Death
Chapter 21: Isley's Challenge Raki
Chapter 22: A New Enemies
Chapter 23: The Organization's Death
Chapter 24: Dae & Rimuto's Death/New Plan
Chapter 25: The Dark Tower Part 1
Chapter 26: The Dark Tower Part 2
Chapter 27: Nevan/Vengeance's Death
Chapter 28: Blackheart
Chapter 29: Mephisto's Death
Chapter 30: Ending Epilogue

Chapter 14: The Resurrections Of Teressa/Forest Fight

125 7 6
By Huyhuynh406

3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "Hmm....let's see...." He said to himself.

When (Y/N) was in the hell by himself and he was sat on the throne of this hell kingdom and he was holding a book for what he was carrying it with him and he was holding a book that has a souls of reading lists with names of these victims in this hell.

In religion and folklore, hell is a location or state in the afterlife in which souls are subjected to punitive suffering, most often through torture, as eternal punishment after death. Religions with a linear divine history often depict hells as eternal destinations, the biggest examples of which are Christianity and Islam, whereas religions with reincarnation usually depict a hell as an intermediary period between incarnations, as is the case in the dharmic religions. Religions typically locate hell in another dimension or under Earth's surface. Other afterlife destinations include heaven, paradise, purgatory, limbo, and the underworld.

Other religions, which do not conceive of the afterlife as a place of punishment or reward, merely describe an abode of the dead, the grave, a neutral place that is located under the surface of Earth (for example, see Kur, Hades, and Sheol). Such places are sometimes equated with the English word hell, though a more correct translation would be "underworld" or "world of the dead". The ancient Mesopotamian, Greek, Roman, and Finnic religions include entrances to the underworld from the land of the living.

When (Y/N) was chilling by himself and he was flipping the other pages of book that he want to search the three persons must be the names when (Y/N) heard his lovely wife Michele who told him about what happened to Clare and turn her into miserable life like this but (Y/N) doesn't want her to know this hell kingdom. But then (Y/N) was the only one who ruling this hell by himself and then he was defeat Satan and kill him...consume the power and become overpowered Ghost Rider...the Spirit Of Vengeance that he wants to be.

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "There it is...." He said to himself and make him was checking at the title name of three persons for what he found....Teressa, Sophia, and Noel that's the three names.

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "So they are in here.....You there....Fetch me the names of Sophia, Noel, and Teressa...immediately." He said to the other demon and make him was nod his head and then he was heading out right away and fetch the three souls for what (Y/N) gonna take a look at it and when he was sat there on the throne of the hell and make him just chilling little bit and then (Y/N) just thinking about what happened and he needs to kill more these Youmas and then he heard about the new of the demon servant who told (Y/N) about the other demon Mephisto is out there and he is going to take the throne by himself.

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "*Mephisto...wherever you are....I'll kill you right here and right now.*" He thought himself.

Demon 1: "Um, sir!" He said to (Y/N) and make him turn his head to look at the demon.

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "Yes...." He said.

Demon 1: "I have them here." He said to him and make the King Of Hell nod his head and he was turn his head to look at the three souls where the cages is and then they both were resting for themselves and make (Y/N) was thinking in his head and he was sigh out and he told him.

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "Leave us quietly." He said to him and make him nod his head and heading out right away and make (Y/N) was got up from the ground and then he turn his head to look at the woman who was in there....Teressa...the name of the person for what Clare was describe at it. When (Y/N) was raise his right hand change into blue flames and he was touch the cage with blue flames consume at the woman and make the cage was broke off and then the woman was gasped out in surprise.

Teressa: "*BREATHING* *BREATHING*" She was breathing out and make her turn to look around and she saw herself that she was in the hell where she is and make her said.

Teressa: "W-What? W-What happened? Where am I? What is this place?" She asked herself.

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "You are in hell, woman." He said to her and make her was turn to look at (Y/N) who with his Ghost Rider form with King Of Hell like this and he stare at her down there and then she was fear and surprise to seen (Y/N) was become something more fearsome and when he stare at her like that just creep her off.

Teressa: "W-Who are you?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "I am (Y/N) (L/N) and I am....Ghost Rider....The King Of Hell. You must be Teressa...Clare's mother." He said to her and make her was surprise to heard the name of Clare and she was about to ask (Y/N) and he raise his hand up to her and he said.

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "She is fine...there's no need to worrying about...she is alright with me and I shall explaining the whole things to you." He said to her and make her nod her head and then (Y/N) was turn his head to look at Noel and Sophia who are the only left that (Y/N) gonna use his Angel ability power to healing these two up immediately and he wouldn't let them to be torture in this hell place.

Galatea: "(Y/N), where are you? I need help!" She said to (Y/N) and this make him was surprise to heard it and he was going to check out right away and then he heard Galatea's trouble and he is going to get there fast as he could and save her right away but he turn his head to look at Teressa and he said.

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "Get dresses, woman. Stay here and wait in the room...I'll be back." He said to her and make her nod her head and then (Y/N) summon his Hellcycle appear right away and make him was hop on his bike and start the engine of his bike and driving out of here and head to the portal.

Time Skip Later.

Back to Galatea.

Galatea scowled about that Renee Kid was proving unusually hard to evade. Was it that trainee she was dragging along? The pipsqueak was going to be more trouble than she thought, if that were to be true. Hell, both of them were; Renee was said to be fast, but this was ridiculous the fucker could probably run ten laps around Rabona in a minute and still not be winded if this chase was keep going.

Galatea ducked and weaved about, hopping from tree branch to tree branch or sticking to rugged terrain to tracks and stayed down wind of her pursuers for good measure. Easier said than done; they were still going after her.

But that wasn't the only reason why she was trying so hard to get away from them. They had Alicia and Beth with them! As confident in her abilities she may be, there was no way in hell she is going to fight No.1 and No.2 get slaughtered by them if she tried.

She was getting close to him. She could feel it. She just had to keep this pace up until she need to head to the village. Then...then she could finally rest and get the much-needed (Y/N) time and she was keep running fast as she could.

Again, that was easier said than done. The woman took a quick glance over her shoulder, then looked back and she couldn't see her pursuers, but if she had to guess, from the range of their yoki alone then they were around the yards from catching up to her. She didn't feel Renee, the trainer or Alicia and Beth's yoki spike thought it was good and bad.

Good, because they weren't enhancing their bodies to catch up to her. Doing so would have, in turn, forced her the same. And it's bad, because, they're most likely waiting for her to tire herself out. In fact, she would bet on it.

Galatea was thinking and she want to contact her own lover right away.

Galatea: "It would be so easy to get him here..." She said and she was think it is so easy. But, she couldn't call him yet, not when she still has a big chance on getting out of this alone.

She tries to called him and she think he is on the way right now and she was thinking about him who had her tagging along with him, now? Galatea allowed a tiny smirk to grace her lips, seems her chance to get away her pursuers once she reaches the Nile Village had just increased.

The Organization was afraid of her lover, and for a good reason. Despite all their bravado the woman know the Organization wouldn't send their last active warriors to fight him. Not when he had so many defectors around him. But Alicia and Beth were not ready to fight him in any way, whatsoever.

She just had to keep moving a bit more. Up until they get wise of her destination or they manage to catch up.

Time Skip Later.

Not was far behind Galatea, the Organization's new 'Eye' Renee, a trainee with great tracking skills called, Dietrich and Number 1 and 2 Alicia & Beth...The Black.

Alicia & Beth.



The four were making a great strides when it came to keeping track of the deserter. Renee was zoomed on by leading the way with two swords in her back plate as she carried the trainee piggy-back style. The other two kept up surprisingly despite Renee's absurd natural speed. Dietrich, however, wouldn't have been able to.

If it wasn't for Dietrich, Renee would have lost track of her by now. And Alicia and Beth, despite being Number 1 and 2 weren't as good tracking than the 'eye', but the new Number 6 was glad they were assigned with her.

With Galatea's ability to briefly take control of their yoki, it would have made fighting her, very difficult. 

Eventually, Dietrich asked nervously.

Dietrich: "Do you think she knows we're following her?" She asked Renee.

Renee: "It is near certainly she does. I would be surprise if she didn't." She said.

Renee: "She's not using yoki; so that either means she is trying to preserve her energy, or she simply does not see the point in using it." She said and this make the two of them were surprise little bit.

Alicia and Beth, true to their lack of personality and emotions, were utterly silent in their thoughts and they didn't give a freaking damn at it.

Dietrich: "How far away is she, now?" She asked.

Renee: "A little less than seventy yards, now." She said.

Dietrich: "What happens once we catch up to her?" She asked.

Renee: "We have standing orders to eliminate Galatea if she refuses to return to the Organization willingly." She said with though her tone and expression told her being carried what she thought of that order.

Seriously, why the hell would the Organization want to dare challenge at the Ghost Rider after he was the only one who scare the Yomas and Awakened Beings and Abyssal Ones too.

Dietrich: "Then, we should get this done with swiftly, no? She's been making a beeline for Nile Village for sometimes, now...Clearly, something-or someone-is over there...likely, this....Ghost Rider." She said.

Renee was sigh out and she think this is uneasy as she may have been, the newly-minted Number 6 knew her 'passenger' was right.

Renee: "Hold on then!" She said with that the fastest warrior of the Organization unleashed her yoki, her eyes turning gold with feline demonic glow.

Back to Galatea.

When Galateas was shot open her eyes in surprises that she seen the brat is fast!!!!! She is fast as hell!!!!! Not even two seconds after she felt the yoki former number 3 was forced to evade an overhead slash...from the trainee?!

She quickly leapt to the side, pulling her claymore out of its slot, when Alicia the Black tries to bisect her from head to groin. She quickly deflected a slash from Beth the Black and rapidly retreated to get a distance between the attackers.

Clicking her tongue in annoyance, Galatea knew this was it; she needed to get out of here and only (Y/N) could think at it. Delivering a kick to Beth's gut and nearly sending her off a nearby cliff, she bolted off and start to calling him right away.

Alicia yelped and caught her sister just as the woman in question started teetering off the edge.

Renee, hot-blooded youth that she was, pursued with Dietrich hot on her heels. Once they recovered Alicia and Beth quickly followed after them.

Without stopping form running Galatea kept on evading and dodging their attacks. Right now she wasn't getting to Nile or escaping from then. All she had to do is wait for her lover to show up.

Galatea let out a cute, little squeak as she was swept off her feet by a strong, manly pair of arms and then his other hand holding his sword out to block the attack.

When (Y/N) land his bike to the ground and make him was turn his head to look at the four Claymores who were over there and they saw him....the Ghost Rider appear by himself.

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "Hmmmm." He said.

To Be Continued.

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