Fate : A Twisted Story

By Author_Amira

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Evelyn, a modern woman, finds herself suddenly transmigrated into a novel where her peaceful life is turned u... More

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Chapter : 01
chapter : 02
Chapter : 03
Chapter : 05
chapter : 06
Chapter : 07
Chapter : 08
Chapter : 09
Chapter : 10
Chapter : 11
Chapter : 12
Chapter : 13
Chapter : 14
Chapter : 15
Chapter : 16
Chapter : 17
Chapter : 18
Chapter : 19
Chapter : 20
Chapter : 21
Chapter : 22
Chapter : 23
Chapter : 24
Chapter : 25
Chapter : 26
Chapter : 27
Chapter : 28
Chapter : 29
Chapter : 30
Chapter : 31
Chapter : 32
Chapter : 33
Chapter : 34
Chapter : 35
Chapter : 36
Chapter : 37
Chapter : 38
Chapter : 39
Chapter : 40
Chapter : 41
Chapter : 42
Chapter : 43
Chapter : 44
Chapter : 45
Chapter : 46
Chapter : 47
Chapter : 48
Chapter : 49
Chapter : 50
Chapter : 51
Chapter : 52
Chapter : 53
Chapter : 54
Chapter : 55
Chapter : 56
Chapter : 57
Chapter : 58
Chapter : 59
Chapter : 60
Chapter : 61
Chapter : 62
Chapter : 63
Chapter : 64
Chapter : 65
Chapter : 66
Chapter : 67
Chapter : 68
Chapter : 69
Chapter : 70
Chapter : 71
Chapter : 72
Chapter : 73
Chapter : 74
Chapter : 75
Chapter : 76
Chapter : 77
Chapter : 78
Chapter : 79
Chapter : 80
Chapter : 81
Chapter : 82
Chapter : 83
Chapter : 84
Chapter : 85
Chapter : 86
Chapter : 87
Chapter : 88
Chapter : 89
Chapter : 90

Chapter : 04

755 25 0
By Author_Amira

Marriage is a sacred bond that brings together two individuals for a lifetime of togetherness through all the ups and downs that come their way. A strong marriage is built on the foundation of trust, mutual respect, and a deep understanding of each other's needs and desires. However, as I glance over the papers in front of me, I can't help but feel a sense of unease. These conditions will shape my married life - a contract that binds us together for a limited period. This is not the kind of marriage I envisioned - where love and companionship are the driving force behind every decision. Instead, it feels like a business transaction devoid of emotion or passion. Despite this, we both have agreed to these terms and have chosen to walk down this path together. It may not be the most enjoyable journey, but it is the one we have chosen, and we will make the best of it.

I saw "Terms of contact" written in big letters on the front page of the documents. I took those in my hand, not much, only on four pages the contents contained, a bitter laugh leaves my mouth. I flipped through the pages, him as the party 'a' while I as party 'b.' That's how it was referring. Straight yet simple rules were applied.

As I read through the papers, I noticed that the Duke was getting restless. Suddenly, he stood up from his seat and made his way to the door, as if in a hurry to leave. I knew that it was important for both parties to be present when a contract was being bound, so I stopped him and asked him to stay until I finished. However, his arrogance got the better of him, and he didn't listen to me.

Despite my pleas, he handed me the papers and tried to leave. I was worried about the consequences of him leaving, as it would have had serious implications on my reputation.

In the aristocratic society, people were always on the lookout for scandalous rumors to spread. If the Duke left me alone on our wedding night, it would have been a perfect opportunity for them to tarnish my image. I couldn't let that happen.

To grab his attention and make him stay, I leaned towards the fireplace and tossed one of the pages into the fire. The flames rose as the paper burned, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. However, I knew I had to do more to make him stay. I reached for another page when suddenly, the Duke grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. He used a little force, but I was off balance and leaned against his chest.

As I gazed into his piercing eyes, all I could see was an intense and unwavering display of pure disgust and unbridled hatred. I couldn't help but wonder what Arya had done to elicit such a strong reaction from him. It was as if the mere mention of her name had triggered something deep inside of him, unleashing a torrent of resentment and animosity that I struggled to comprehend.

I looked at him and said, "Sit, wait until I finish all this. It's not like I'm enjoying this shit." I said, "You have played your choices; it's my turn. I'll add some conditions, too."

As I speak, I notice his eyes twitching nervously and I can see the veins on his hand pulsating as he grips the papers tightly. Despite his anxiety, I flash him a grin and make a welcoming gesture, prompting him to take a seat. As he sits down, his eyes lock onto mine, and I can sense a predatory intensity emanating from him.

I continue reading the papers despite the glare. After some time, I begin discussing the conditions outlined in the contract.

Most of the conditions were straightforward: we were not to interfere with each other's personal lives or develop feelings for each other during the contract period, and we must not engage in extramarital affairs. However, there were a few issues that required clarification.

I gestured towards one of the clauses that I had mentioned earlier and drew the Duke's attention to it. "This particular clause states that I am not required to deal with any matters pertaining to the dukedom," I explained. However, before I could finish my sentence, the Duke interrupted me with a mocking tone, "What do you know about managing a state? You'll receive a monthly allowance, and if that's not enough, just tell me how much you need."

'This asshole... Take a deep breath and stay calm. This deal is crucial, so let's focus on how we can make it work.'

"As you mentioned, I won't have to do any work, but what about public opinion? If they were to find out, how would you manage it?"

I raised an eyebrow and continued, "You know that an incompetent duchess won't last long. Pressure will come from the household vessels, won't it?"

""Listen up," said the duke firmly. "This is how it's going to go down. You don't need to stick around for long. We'll have to put on a show and act like a married couple in public for one year, got it?"

I asked, "And what about the paperwork?"

"Once I review them, all you have to do is sign on the dotted line. Got that too?" replied the duke in a confident tone.

As time passed, I noticed a change in his behavior. He became increasingly impolite and offensive. I decided to lay out the terms clearly, "Alright, after the divorce is finalized, you will transfer a piece of land under my name, and the money you owe me as dowry will be paid in full. I also require a house to live in," I said, tapping my finger on the papers on the table to emphasize my point. "It's essential that we have no further interactions and go our separate ways."

"I need you to take on the role of my wife and the Duchess of Dragun as required; be careful not to compromise the honor of Dragun," the duke demanded.

"You mean in public events such as tea parties or balls, right? Don't worry, I understand my responsibilities well," I replied arrogantly.

As we discussed the timeline for our agreement, dawn had already approached.

"I wish you all the best for this year," he said as he rose from his seat.

"Same to you," I responded with a smile.

He opened the door and then, fixing me with a piercing gaze, he asked in a low, almost menacing voice, "What changed you?"

I strained to hear his words, but they were so faint that I had to ask, "What did you say?"

"Nothing," he said dismissively, turning to leave the room.

But before he could go, I decided to put him in his place. "Oh, and by the way, I didn't expect anything from you. You're not my type," I said, a sardonic smirk playing on my lips.

With a loud thud, he slammed the door shut, unable to contain his anger.

As I gazed out the window, I couldn't help but notice the stunning sight that was unfolding before my eyes. The time was already the "blue hour", the period of twilight before sunrise and after sunset when the sky takes on a blue hue. The sky was gradually being painted with a beautiful shade of red, creating a mesmerizing contrast with the blue light that was scattered throughout the atmosphere.

Knowing that the morning would arrive soon, I didn't waste any time and quickly got into bed. I believe that getting enough sleep is essential, especially for a lady like me who values her beauty. As I closed my eyes, my mind was filled with the serene image of the sky, and I drifted off into a peaceful slumber, looking forward to the new day that awaited me.


I was in the middle of a deep sleep when I was suddenly awoken by a loud and persistent knocking on my door. The sound was so incessant that it felt like it was echoing through my entire being, causing my head to throb with each knock. I struggled to open my eyes, feeling extremely exhausted and disoriented. After a few moments, I managed to get up from my bed, my movements slow and clumsy. Still rubbing my eyes, and said in a groggy voice, "Come in."

Miya greeted me with a polite smile "Good morning, my lady. Did you sleep well?" It was a gesture of respect and formality that I wasn't used to receiving. I felt a bit awkward and unsure of how to respond. This kind of treatment was new to me.

"Prepared the bath." Without answering, I gave her the order. The young maid bowed gracefully and took her leave to carry out her task. I got up from the bed and made my way towards the bathroom, feeling a sense of heaviness in my limbs. As I stood in front of the enormous mirror, I couldn't help but notice the tangled mess that was my hair - it resembled a bird's nest in both texture and shape. I sighed, realizing that it would take some effort to tame it into submission.

As Miya walked towards me, she addressed me politely, using the term "My lady," and offered her assistance in removing my clothes. The unmistakable scent of lavender filled the air, bringing back memories of the previous day. The fragrance was strong, almost overpowering, and not one of my preferences. As I was showering, I told her "use jasmine instead next time, as it is a scent that I prefer over lavender."

Without any hesitation, Miya politely obliged my request, acknowledging my preference for jasmine. As soon as I finished showering, the maids came to attend to my services. I selected a cream-yellow elegant dress that covered my neck, with a shoulder cut and long sleeves. I decided to tie my hair in a twisted bun and kept my makeup light and minimal, with some simple accessories to complement my look. As I gazed at myself in the mirror, checking for any imperfections, I couldn't help but feel satisfied with my appearance. "Hmm, perfect," I thought to myself, admiring my reflection. With a confident smile, I was ready to head out and take on the day.

Upon receiving an invitation from the duke to have breakfast with him and his family, a maid was sent to escort me to the dining room. I was pleased to accept the invitation and eager to greet them, as we would soon be family. The maid kindly guided me to the dining room..

As I strolled along, my eyes were drawn to the stunning artwork adorning the walls. The decor was truly spectacular and worthy of praise. The sunlight streaming through the glass window only served to amplify the beauty of the hallway, and I couldn't help but appreciate the intricate details that had gone into its design. As I gazed out the window, I was struck by the sight of a magnificent garden just beyond the fountain, its colorful flowers arranged like a vibrant carpet. Despite my eagerness to explore this breathtaking space, my feet eventually carried me to my intended destination..

Upon my arrival, the guard at the side announced me as I strode into the room. There, I beheld a table brimming with mouth-watering food, and at its center sat a man in his forties who bore a striking resemblance to my husband, only slightly older. It was none other than the Grand Duke of Dragun, Duke Nicholson Dragun. Despite the passing of time, he remained as captivating as ever, his charm undiminished by age.

The person on their right was accompanied by a woman in her late thirties with light brown hair and green eyes. Her presence commanded attention, radiating an air of elegance, beauty, and power. It was evident that both of their parents had been heartbreakers in their youth, as the person inherited their stunning genes.

"Greetings to the duke and the duchess. I hope for your long life." Like a noble lady with elegance and politeness, I greet them.

The duchess, who exuded warmth, extended a kind invitation, "Come, child, have breakfast with us," gesturing me to take a seat beside her son, the young duke, who also happened to be my husband. As I settled down, he gave me a meaningful look, silently conveying the expectation of me to conduct myself with decorum.

"Did you sleep well last night? Was everything to your liking?" The Duchess asked with great enthusiasm, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. It was clear that she was invested in this marriage, perhaps even more than I was.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts before responding. "Yes, thank you for asking. I slept quite well, actually. The bed was very comfortable."

The Duchess smiled, pleased with my response. "I'm glad to hear that. We want to make sure you're comfortable during your stay here."

I nodded in appreciation. "I have no complaints. And thank you for your hospitality."

"Of course, it's our pleasure to host you," the Duchess replied graciously, her tone warm and welcoming.

"Child, please don't call me that. We are family now. You can call me mother, if you'd like." She stared at me with the enthusiasm of a child about to receive her favorite candy.

"I understand," I responded hesitantly, unable to bring myself to address her in such an intimate way.

"I hope you enjoy the meal," said the duke, glancing at me from the corner of his eye.

"I'm sure I will," I replied, with a satisfied smile.

"If you need anything, just ask the butler," he added.

"Thank you, I will," I said.

As everyone ate and chatted, the young duke remained silent, only offering brief replies when his father addressed him. He may have inherited their looks, but not their personalities. What a bomar.

The early hours of the morning seemed to pass by in a flash, perhaps due to the sheer delight of the occasion. It is true that moments of pure happiness are fleeting. I can only hope that there will be many more mornings like this in the days to come.

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