Claymore: The Boogeyman Of He...

By Huyhuynh406

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(Y/N): "Vengeance." A young man name (Y/N) who lost his parent that he make the deal with the devil and turn... More

(Y/N)'s Weapons & Devil Arms
Raki's Upgrade
Harem Part 1
Harem Part 2
Prologue 01: The Rider Appearance
Prologue 02: The Legend Of Claymore & Ghost Rider
Chapter 1: The Deal With Rider/Adoption
Chapter 2: Claymores Meet Rider
Chapter 3: A Real Family/Healing Stigma
Chapter 4: Ophelia's Challenge
Chapter 6: The Rider In Pieta Part 1
Chapter 7: The Rider In Pieta Part 2
Chapter 8: Jean & Clare (Lemon)
Chapter 9: Motivated With Angel Power!
Chapter 10: Ghost Rider's Warning For Isley
Chapter 11: A New Life For Them/Helen & Deneve (Lemon)
Chapter 12: Raki's First Fight/The Training Part 1
Chapter 13: The Training Part 2
Chapter 14: The Resurrections Of Teressa/Forest Fight
Chapter 15: The Awakened Twins/Riful The West
Chapter 16: The Assassin Deathwatch
Chapter 17: Anti-heroes/Loves (Lemon)
Chapter 18: Jack O'Lantern Part 1
Chapter 19: Jack O'Lantern Part 2
Chapter 20: Lilith's Death
Chapter 21: Isley's Challenge Raki
Chapter 22: A New Enemies
Chapter 23: The Organization's Death
Chapter 24: Dae & Rimuto's Death/New Plan
Chapter 25: The Dark Tower Part 1
Chapter 26: The Dark Tower Part 2
Chapter 27: Nevan/Vengeance's Death
Chapter 28: Blackheart
Chapter 29: Mephisto's Death
Chapter 30: Ending Epilogue

Chapter 5: The Abandon Pieta

317 12 0
By Huyhuynh406

3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was in his home and he was waiting for Ophelia was arrive here right away and he need to talk with her immediately but (Y/N) need her help to fight at the Organization and take them down by themselves and then (Y/N) was look at Galatea with Michele are playing with the children by themselves but (Y/N) was smile little bit and he saw her who was precious to him and then he saw her was the only one who he really cares about and he must protecting her and the children.

(Y/N): "Michele..." He said to his own word little bit and watch Michele who was play with Ray and Norman this make (Y/N) thinking about his parent and make him remembered his own parent playing with him but they weren't here with him.




When there was a knocking comes from the door and make him was got up from the chair and he was heading toward to the door and he was opened it and he saw Ophelia was there and make her smile with seductively.

Ophelia: "Hello, handsome.~" She said to him and she was hug him with her arms wrap around his neck and she was pulled him into kissing right away.

(Y/N): "Hello,'s your hunting trip?" He asked her.

Ophelia: "It is alright, handsome.~ I really misses you when we are going out and hunting some yomas alive." She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yes, but there was something that we need to discuss about to come on in." He asked her and make her nod her head and then she went inside and when she saw Galatea with Michele are here and this get her surprise to see the children were here too. Then (Y/N) told the children that they need to going upstairs right away and he told the children that Galatea will stay here and watch the children and then wait for his elder son Raki got home here right away and now back to the business.

(Y/N) went to discussing with his wife Michele and Ophelia that the two of them are going with him and they are going to the field trip right away to get the Pieta because they are going to help the Claymores were defending the Pieta and helping them to fight the Awakened monsters and killing all of them.

Ophelia: "Oooh~ Interesting.~" She said to (Y/N).

Michele: "When we are leaving?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Well, we are leaving at...afternoon...bring your weapons and you know how the training that I gave you two how to fight right?" He asked the two of them and make them both were smile up and they want to be with him badly and then (Y/N) was look at them who were readying to fight at the Awakened forms.

Then (Y/N) with Michele are the only one were strongest to killing all every monsters by themselves and they both kill the Yomas and burning them all everything around here and this get (Y/N) was been stronger and get motivation first and burning them all. When afternoon that (Y/N) was got his black leather jacket to put on and he zipped it up right away and then (Y/N) was put his black leather gloves on and all everything that he was got on already.

When (Y/N) just sense someone else is arrive here and make him turn his head to look over there was someone here and (Y/N) definitely know the Organization or maybe send the dogs who came here to check out. Then (Y/N) was walk out of the house right away and make him got his gun out and that is Ombra and he was aiming his gun to the other direction and he was definitely know someone else is here right away and he want to see who is here first.

(Y/N): "Still hiding yourself, huh?" He asked.

???: "Take it easy and put your weapon down now." A voice sound of young feminine and make him turn to look over there and he saw the same woman had an scar on her right eye that he was defeat her before and now she is here for what?

(Y/N): "Oh it's you...what do you want?" He asked her.

Rafaela: "I'm not here to fight you or anything with it...I just came here to talk with you about...." She said and make her felt blushes up and she want to ask him.

(Y/N): "About what?" He asked her.

Rafaela: "The stigma...that power comes from you...does it heal my scar and stigma too?" She asked (Y/N) and make him was surprise and he asked her.

(Y/N): "Why? You want me to heal you too?" He asked her and make her nod her head and then she said.

Rafaela: "Yes...that's what I want...but I came here to join up with you and stop the Organizaton...and I came here to report to you about what Organization is planning." She said to (Y/N) and make him was surprise and his face goes serious mode and which is scaring at her and his eyes were flames up and glowing up and make him release the powerful aura comes from him and he said.

(Y/N): "Go ahead....I'm listening..." He said to her.

Rafaela: "O-O-Okay..." She said to (Y/N) and then after (Y/N) was healing her scar eye and her stigma that where she was got been cut with scars and then he use his Angel Rider power to healing her up. Then Rafaela explaining to (Y/N), Michele, and Ophelia about what Organization plan to doing and this isn't good for what she told them about it and this is pisses (Y/N), Michele, and Ophelia off about what the Organization doing and then Michele asked (Y/N).

Michele: "So...what are we gonna do?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Simple...we focus our task...and we don't know what their planning but we are going to take them down and kill all of these fuckers and now...we move out heading to the Pieta immediately." He said to her and make his wife was smile up at him and then Ophelia said.

Ophelia: "That sounds interesting...anyway can we move on right now? I'm waiting for killing the Yoma and Awakened monsters too!" She said to (Y/N) and make him was chuckle little bit and he summon his bike right away and his own Katana sword and he was use his sword to cut down the front and create a portal appeared right away.

(Y/N): "Shall we moving on?" He asked them and make them both were smile up and then (Y/N) was hop on his bike and start the engine of his bike and begin to driving out right away and heading out to somewhere else in this world. Then his girls who were going along with him and they both were going with him because they are going to be side with him forever.

Time Skip Later.

Four days later, in the frozen North, the locals of a quaint town name Peta looked on in concern as several Claymores gathered in the town and them didn't even know this many silver-eyed witches existed!


Town in the mountainous, northern region of Alphonse. Near northern border of Toulouse.

As she entered the town, Clare let out a tired sigh. Jean gave her a concerned look.

Jean: "Are you alright?" She asked her.

Clare: "Yeah." She said.

Clare: "Guess we'd better see who the leader..." She said and her train of thought was promptly by a cry of 'Yahoo!'

Both women drew their swords immediately upon seeing the incoming danger. Effortlessly, Clare who was the downward slash and realized who her 'assailant' was Helen.

The woman in question was an impish looking one with a neck-length bob cut and a psychotic grin and she said.

Helen: "It's been long time, 47! I'm surprised you've survived for so long!" She said.

Then, she yelped as Jean went on the offensive by trusting at her face. Fortunately, another woman came in, before Helen could discover what it was like to get schooled by a single digit.

Jean scowled lightly upon feeling a scowled at her neck.

???: "Just a reunion among friends." She said from the new arrival.

???: "No need to..." She was interrupted by Jean sent her crashing down.

Jean: "How undignified for a greeting." She said.

Jean: "Even between old friends expect something like that to be more...refined." She said.

Both of the new women blinked owlishly at her show of skill. That was unexpected.

Then, Helen was chuckled little bit and she said.

Helen: "What's this, Clare? Stuck with some stuffy old bitch, again?" She asked her.

Helen: "Oi! I'm Helen, Number 22 and my friend, here's Deneve, Number 15." She gestured to the short-haired woman who'd probably just save her dignity.

Helen: "What's your name and number?" She asked her.

Jean: "I am Jean. I am ranked Number 9." She said to her.

Helen was nearly jumped out of her skin at that.

Helen: "Are you serious? A single-digit?! What are you doing along with Number 47?! A-and why are you treating her like a superior?!" She said.

Jean: "She saved my life." She said to her.

Jean: "Our ranks mean nothing in this situation." She said to her.

Helen was a complete loss for words. The newly-named Deneve, however, let out a chuckle before putting her sword away.



Deneve: "And here I thought single-digits were mostly impossible to get long. Apparently, that's not the case. Sorry about that...but, rest assured that Helen has no ill intentions." She said to them.

Jean was blinked, having not to be expected the woman to be so polite. Then, she shrugged.

Jean: "It's nothing. Sorry about that. It was not my intention to cause a fuss between friends." She said.

Helen let out a sheepish chuckle little bit and she said.

Helen: "Uh, no worries....I'm sorry too. Damn, this feels awkward." She said

Deneve: "You were born to cause trouble." Deneve muttered.

With that out of the way, the more rambunctious one of the lot decided to break the ice, only one woman with long, curly hair to interrupt.

???: "Excuse me...." She said softly.

???: "We are meeting in the center of town square. Would you please help me?" She asked.

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) with Michele, Rafaela, and Ophelia who were arrive here right away and make them both were arrive right on the time and then (Y/N) turn his head to look around and he could seeing the snowing with blizzard and make (Y/N) narrow his eyes at it.

(Y/N): " this is Pieta...mountain where we are gonna going?" He asked himself.

Rafaela: "Yes, this is where we are gonna going...where we were defense this town to protecting the city away from the Awakened Beings here." She said to (Y/N) and make him was nod his head and he was chuckle little bit.

(Y/N): "Hmmmm...." He was muttered.

Michele: "So....which way do we go?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "We're heading to North...let's start to move on right now." He said to her and make her nod her head and then Ophelia was smirk up and she said.

Ophelia: "I'll take run right seems we almost there to reach there." She said to (Y/N) and make him was chuckle to her and he was start the engine of his bike and begin to driving out right away and then (Y/N) with Michele, Ophelia, and Rafaela were moving out right away and heading to the place where the other Claymores were there.

Time Skip Later.

Meanwhile, back in Pieta, a woman with long bristly hair stood before a large group of no less than warriors. She held a commanding presence, an air of authority, as she gazed upon the woman gathered under her command.


This woman was Phantom Miria, Warrior Number Six of the Organization. She took a deep, cleansing as she called out a few more names and numbers.

Miria: "Number 8, Flora, Number 9, Jean, Number 11, Undine and Number 13, Veronica." She declared and she said.

Miria: "Please step forward." She said.

The curly-haired woman from before did just that alongside Jean, as well as a burly woman with long hair and two swords and a fairly small one with her hair in ponytail.



With that said and done, Miria addressed the crowd.

Miria: "Thank you all for coming." She said. The expression turned dire as she went straight to business.

Miria: "About fifteen days ago, a large group of Awakened Beings have been spotted to the North of this village. They've killed Number 7, Eva and her hunting party that we've been tasked with eliminating them before they travel any further." She said.

Immediately, a roar of murmurous erupted from the crowd.

???1: "A large group?!?" She said in shock.

???2: "B-But, they're Awakened Beings! They've never formed groups before!" She said.

???3: "How many could there be? Are we even equipped to handle a 'large group' of them?!" She said.

Then, there was a large gust of wind as the curly-haired woman...did something to blast every damn flask snow out of the immediate area. What only unnerved the crowd even more was that she had to moved.

Flora: "I do believe our commander wasn't done talking." She said softly to them and they were silent then Miria was cleared her throat and she said.

Miria: "Thank you, Flora." She said to her and the woman nodded her head respectfully.

Miria: "That said, I have decide to split this group into smaller manageable teams. We will be treating this as a normal hunt and adapt to the situation as needed." She said as she stepped forward in front of the four she'd called out.

Miria: "Number 14, Cynthia. Number 22, Helen. Number 34, Pamela, Number 41, Matilda. Your four are with Veronica." She said to them and gestured towards the one with the ponytail.

In the crowd, Helen scowled at not being teamed up with Deneve, but shrugged it off with a sigh.

Miria: "Number 15, Deneve, Number 24, Zelda, Number 36, Claudia, and Number 43, Juliana, you're with Undine." She said gestured towards the chick with the two swords.

Miria: "Number 17, Eliza, Number 27, Emelia, Number 37, Natalie, and Number 44, Diana, you're with Jean. Number 18, Lily, Number 30, Wendy, Number 39 Carla and Number 47, Clare, you're with Flora. That leaves Number 20, Queenie, Number 31, Tabitha and Number 40, Yuma with me." She said to them and make her sigh out and she said.

Miria: "Any questions?" She asked them.

A timid-looking girl with long hair spoke up. She was identified as Number 40, Yuma.

Yuma: "U-U-Um, where do we start?" She asked her.

Miria: "Tomorrow, first thing in the morning." She said to them.

Miria: "Until then, I advise you to get some rest and yourselves acquainted with your teammates and their skills. Anything else?" She asked.

Yuma: "U-um, no..." She said.

No one else had anything to say, either.

With that said and done, everyone went to their groups and went their separate ways. Nothing made have happened, until the five hours later; seemingly out of nowhere a very big surge of yoki appears where the miles south of Pieta.


To Be Continued.

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