Hell's Personal Assassin: Boo...

By Forevermore2013

523K 22K 5.3K

She just wanted a more interesting life. That's it. For her, the daily routine was simple: wake up, school... More

Hell's Purge (intro/prologue/flash-forward)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
okay, fine, here it is...
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32- Part a
Wow... Just wow
Chapter 32- Part b
Please read
Chapter 32- part c
Life update
Chapter 33
Chapter 33 (continued)
Help me out!
Chapter 34
While i figure out the sequel
I made her red eye!!!!
I made her blue eye!!
Here it is
Please Read!!

Chapter 15

9.2K 489 65
By Forevermore2013

Guys, thank you for reading this book, and thanks for all the positive comments, ily!!!

Hope you guys are having a great summer/winter, depending on where you're at on Earth lol

sorry for the delay in writing 

lot's a luv

-michelle xoxoxo


I've said it once, and I'll say it for the rest of eternity.

I hate him.

I hate him soooo much.

The fact that he is immortal and can continue to live his life– without needing to worry about death at all– frustrates me beyond compare, and the fact that I'm his slave makes me want to poison myself with my own claws. Only, that can't work since I'm already immune to the poison.

Damn it.

"What now?" I asked myself, pushing myself off the wall. "I have no idea where I am, no way of finding an escape route without seriously freaking the Hell out of the people who live in this house, and am literally topless besides a bra. What am I going to do?"

'It's your own fault. If you didn't say shit than we wouldn't have been stuck here,' a demon in my head scolded, making a growl gurgle in my throat.

"I wouldn't have said that if he hadn't insulted me," I hissed quietly, hoping no one in the house would  come into the basement.

'You upset your Master. You have to pay the price,' another demon deadpanned like he'd rather be anywhere else but here.

"But I literally did nothing. He called be brain-dead, so I called him a prick. It's not fair that he can call me names, and when I call him one back he acts like a five-year-old and starts to get all angry at me," I muttered as I sat down on the stone floor, my butt freezing as soon as it touched the floor.

'Yeah, well Master can do whatever he wants. You can't,' the same demon replied, making me glare at the wall ahead of me.

"Well, since I'm your lunch carrier I guess that means I get to decide who gets fed what, right?" I asked rhetorically, smirking. "So if that's the case, I can either make you starve to death or  have your 'friends' eat you up, since I'm sure they're pretty hungry as well."

'No! Don't!' the demon cried out, making me shrug.

"Yeah, well I can do whatever I want, since I'm in charge here. You can't. So, which should I choose? Starve to death? Or eaten alive?" I asked cynically, grinning as I imagined the pain he would be through either way. The answer was interrupted by a creek of a door, making me stiffen up and quickly look around for a place to hide– the demons dead silent the whole time. 

Seeing an almost body length mirror across the cellar, I used my newly found "super speed" to run over there and hide, hoping the mirror wasn't the reason he/she was coming down here. The footsteps on the stairs started to get closer, making me slowly suck in a breath and hold it in, hoping breathing wasn't necessarily a necessity for me anymore. 

"You try to help someone," an old-sounding man said as heavy footsteps stomped down the dangerously week sounding stairs. "Offer them help on a chore upstairs, something sensible. And what do I get?" the man said with a snort at the end. "Clean up your wine cellar, you maggot," he said in a squeaky voice, making me hold in a laugh. 

"I can hear you, Richard!" an old woman screeched, my ear drums bursting at her loud voice. 

"Good!" he hollered back. "Maybe now you'll get angry enough to finally leave the house!"

'They sound like my parents on Earth,' a demon informed, making me tilt my head out of curiosity. 

'Can you see what I see?' I asked them, making them all murmur 'no' at different times.

'We can't see what you see, feel what you touch, or look into your emotions,' another demon that I've never heard from answered, making my eyes widen in surprise. 

"You know what? I will! Say goodbye to the dinner I was going to cook you, you dirtbag!" the old woman sassed, making the man's footsteps stop short. 

"You don't mean that!" he as he started going back up the stairs, making me hold in a sigh of relief. 

"Oh, I mean it! Goodbye, Richard!" the hollered, making him groan and go up the steps slightly faster. 

"Charyl! Wait, honey!" he called out. "Let's try and work things out, honey!" 

"Go fuck yourself!" she yelled just the sound of a door slamming shut sounding from far away. 

"Damn it," he muttered as he got to the last step. His jogging footsteps fading away slowly. 

'Is he gone?' a demon asked, making me roll my eyes. 

"I don't know, why don't you go check?" I suggested in a sarcastic way as I slowly walked out of my hiding spot.

'No thanks. I don't want to be burned alive,'  he muttered, making me scoff as I started to slowly creep up the stairs. 

"Come back!" I heard the old man say somewhere to my left when I got up the steps, which made me turn to my right and zoom through the room. When I got to the back of the room there was only one door there, so I opened it– hoping it would be the door to the backyard or something. 

"No! I'm done! I'm sick of you!" the woman screamed just as I creeped the door open and slipped through it.

"Oh my gosh, what do these people do in their free time?" I asked as looked around their bedroom.

Thongs, condoms, and bras everywhere. Need I explain further?

"I don't know, you tell me," a deep male voice said, making me spin toward the direction the sound came from. "Can I help you?" asked a guy who looked around the age of twenty. 

"Who are you?" I asked as I squared my shoulders, making him shamelessly look at my breasts. 

"I'm the guy that lives here. Who are you?" he asked, his eyes still staring at my bra. 

"I'm the girl that will rip your eyes out if you don't take your eyes off my bra, dick face," I snarled as I stalked over to his closet. 

"What are you doing?" he asked when he noticed I was walking away. 

"Getting a fucking shirt," I replied, making him laugh. 

"Are you serious?" he asked, making me respond with a nod. "You can't just–"

I turned to him and looked at him with my red and blue eyes, raising my eyebrow. 

"I can do whatever I want," I said slowly, making his eyes glaze over and nod at my statement. "I'm allowed to go get a shirt. I'm going to get any shirt that I want to wear."

"Yes. You can take whatever shirt you want," he said as he started walking over to me, making me sigh in relief that it worked and move out of the way so he can open his closet.

"Okay, now g-" I said, but was cut off when I felt the guys arms push against the wall and put his arms out to block me from moving. "Are we seriously going to do this again?"

"I'll give to you later," he said quietly as his head started getting closer to mine, making me huff and put my hand on his face– covering his eyes, nose, and mouth. 

"Nope," I said as I lightly pushed his face away from me, his whole body moving backwards as he fell on his butt, landing on a used condom. "Jesus," I muttered, shaking my head as I went to his closet. 

I felt hands grab me by the waist three seconds into me looking, pulling me to him forcefully. "Kinky, huh?" he whispered into my neck, making me cringe and rip myself out of his grip. 

"Pig," I muttered as I randomly grabbed a big, red flannel and threw it over me.

"If that's what you wa-" the guy started, but I cut him off by spinning around and covering his mouth with my hand. 

"I'm going to leave now," I stated, making his eyes sadden. "You forgot I was here, and you forgot that I took your shirt. You never even liked this shirt anyway and have no use for it. I'm invisible to you as of now," I whispered, his eyes glazing over even more as he kept nodding. 

Not wasting any time, I let go of him and sped over to where his window was– swinging it open, making my exit, and shutting it in the span of literally four seconds. 

I closed my eyes as soon I jumped out the window and took a deep breath in, feeling a gust of cold air it me like a slap in the face. Just as I was about to open my eyes I heard the sound of hands clapping sound in my ear. "Wow. Congrats. You beat the time of when I thought you would be out," a familiar voice said, making me growl and open my eyes, ready to claw his eyes out.

But when I opened my eyes, all I saw was grass. 

"I know I'm not hallucinating. If you don't show yourself, I'll kill you," I hissed, hearing a evil cackle sound after my speech. 

"That's cute. You're forgetting one thing though. I can't die," he said, making my fangs spring out as I growled.

"Did you hear that, Richard? It sounds like an animal's in our backyard!" the old woman screamed, making me swear under my breath. 

"You're a fucking asshole," I hissed before speeding towards their backyard fence and hopping it with ease, running into the woods.

"Now, where do you think you're going?" he cackled into my ear, though his actual body still wasn't present.

"When I know, I'll tell you, prick," I growled as I dodged an endless amount of trees and animal traps. 

"Well, that's not very nice," Samuel said in my other other ear, making me bare my fangs and run faster, my legs probably going 200 miles-per-hour. 

"You disappearing after ripping off my shirt and putting me in a hypnosis isn't very nice either, asshole," I hissed as I leaped over a huge tree that fell over.

"You hold grudges for too long," he stated like what I just said was no big deal. 

"It happened LESS THAN THIRTY MINUTES AGO!" I yelled, causing startled birds to fly out of trees. 

"Watch out!" he yelled, making my eyes widen and stop running and look around. When I saw that there weren't any predators behind me – human and animal wise – I went to take another step, only for a pair of arms to wrap around my waist and pull me backwards. "Are you insane?" Samuel hollered at me angrily, making me huff in irritation and furiously blow the chunk of hair in my face away. 

"What?" I hissed as I turned to look at the hooded figure behind me. 

"What?" he repeated. "You almost FELL OFF A CLIFF!" 

"What? No I did n-" I said as I turned to face the front, only to see a couple hundred feet of nothingness two footsteps in front of me. "Oh."

"Yeah, oh," he said, letting go of me and disappearing again. 

"Wait!" I yelled helplessly, falling to my knees when I got no answer in reply. As soon as my knees hit the ground a roaring headache shot through my head, making me whimper. "Stop," I mumbled to my headache, making it pound into my skull harder. "Stop!" I screamed as it kept getting worse, tears starting to pour out of my eyes. "STOP!" I screeched, gripping onto my hair and squeezing it with a terribly painful grip. 

Michelle!  a voice in my head said, sounding like they were trying to break through some type of barrier. Michelle, are you okay?  

Yeah, I said as I tried to get a grip. I'm fine. Just trying to figure something out.

Okay, but no matter what, Michelle, don't die, another voice said firmly as I screamed again, even more tears coming out. 

Why would I  want to die?  I asked, talking this whole time to these people in a surprisingly normal voice. 

Because when you're dead, you get re-

Shut up, Rahab! someone hissed, making something in my brain turn off. 

Who's Rahab?

Michelle! It's me, Cassiel. You need to listen to me closely, a different man said, making my mind go numb. 

Cassiel? Did I ever even meet someone with that name? 

Listen, you're being controlled by a power higher than us, so we can't help you. The only person that can bring you back is yourself, the same guy said. What was his name again? Cameron?

Don't let them control you, Michelle. Fight through the pain. Fight through your weakness. Your mind is yours to use, not theirs. Don't allow monsters to seep into your head and take over, he said, his voice sounding more strangled and quieter as he talked, until I eventually couldn't hear him. 

I held in a scream of pain as he finished his sentence, but as soon as he stopped talking it felt like a wall in my brain was being rebuild to keep them away and my headache started to lessen. 

I slowly let go of my hair and lifted my upper body up from my lap, noticing that my vision was getting slightly blurry. I blinked a couple times, thinking it might it help, but it only made it more blurry. 

"Stop it," I demanded, knowing someone was here doing this to me. "I don't care what your status in Hell is. I want you to stop. And if you don't, I won't hesitate to slit your throat and burn you alive."

"So this is the little legend, huh?" a deep, cynical voice said– lower than any voice I've ever heard in my life. As soon as his sentence ended my fangs lengthened to the side of my palm and I hissed at him like a snake, opening my mouth to the point where it probably would've snapped off a regular person. I couldn't see who it was since my vision was completely out of whack, but I could see that he was really tall and had jet-black hair. 

"This 'little legend'  doesn't like company," I hissed, my top fangs shrinking as I knelt on the ground.

"Antisocial. Perfect," he commented. "You dying will be a lot easier now." 

Okay, but no matter what, Michelle, don't die,  I remembered from my previous conversation, though it made a big headache form at the back of my head. 

"I'm not going to die," I growled, my teeth lengthening into a wolfish type of set of teeth as I held back a roar. 

My teeth can shape-shift, apparently. 

"Oh, but you will, remember? That was the plan since you were little. We made it together," he said softly, making my fangs disappear as I tilted my head to the side. 

Yeah, we did make a deal. Guess I have t-

NO! I never even met this guy.

But he says we made a deal, so it must b-

He doesn't sound trustworthy. I don't like him. 

I NEED to do what he says. We had a deal.  I HAVE TO DO WHAT HE SAYS, MICHELLE. 

"I don't-... I wil-..." I said, my headache getting worse. My head violently tilted over to the other side as I tried to stop and calm my headache, making me wake up a little bit and my vision. 

No. He's dangerous. I'm not going to die. No way, no how.

I. Have. T-

"Get out of my head," I threatened, my vision clear and my headache getting worse. "Get. Out," I seethed as I started to slowly stand up, my legs feeling like jello the more they straightened. 

Don't let them control you, Michelle. Fight through the pain. Fight through your weakness, a voice at the back of my head said, making my eyes narrow as I tried my hardest to stand all the way up. 

"Huh. You got past my first round. Interesting," the man said a little lazily, but also sounding mildly shocked, making all of my teeth mold into little one-inch daggers as I dug my hands into the ground. 

This was a game to him?

Well, if it's a game, then game on. 

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