Explore The World (One Piece:...

By AngryEagle1

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Spoiler! This story contains spoilers for the One Piece manga, you are free to read on. "Yamato: I want to sa... More

Chapter 1: The Boy of Wano
Chapter 2: (Y/N) and Yamato
Chapter 3: Misfortune
Chapter 4: Yokai
Chapter 5: The Awakening of Yamato
Chapter 6: Curse
Chapter 7: Snow
Chapter 8: The Princess Kaguya
Chapter 9: The World is Unknown to me
Chapter 10: Poneglyphs
Chapter 11: Ohara
Chapter 12: Robin
Chapter 13: Demons
Chapter 14: To The Future
Chapter 15: (Y/N) VS Kikunojo
Wild Wind Pirates (Spoiler)
Chapter 16: Sorry
Chapter 17: Yamato
Preview: Red Snow Arc (Spoiler)
Chapter 18: Hate
Chapter 19: Promise
Chapter 20: (Y/N)'s Decision
Chapter 21: Tobiroppo
Chapter 22: Onigashima
Chapter 23: Wild Wind Pirates
Chapter 24: A New Adventure
Chapter 25: Injured
Chapter 26: Attack
Chapter 27: Despair
Chapter 28: Wild Wind Pirates VS CP0
Chapter 29: Revolutionary Army
Chapter 30: Captain
Chapter 31: Zou
Chapter 32: Mink Tribe
Chapter 33: Companions
Chapter 34: Training
Chapter 35: Towards Elegia
Chapter 36: Uta, The Singer
Chapter 37: CP0's Goal
Chapter 38: (Y/N) and Uta
Chapter 40: Uruk Rebels
Chapter 41: Gilgamesh's Trap
Chapter 42: Conqueror's Haki
Chapter 43: Alliance
Chapter 44: Elegia Music Festival
Chapter 45: New Genesis
Chapter 46: (Y/N) VS Stussy
Chapter 47: A New Era
Chapter 48: The Final Assault
Chapter 49: A New Page Opens
Chapter 50: New Bounties
Chapter 51: (Y/N) and The Sky Poetess

Chapter 39: My Dream

1.9K 66 29
By AngryEagle1

Hello! Before the chapter starts, I wanted to warn you that it's different from the others. This chapter is in (Y/N)'s point of view because I wanted to try that at least once in the story. The other chapters will be from the narrator's point of view, this is just an exception.

Thank you all and good reading!

A few years ago

I missed Kikunojo, even though I also liked to call her Kiku because we were close. It had been a few months since I'd arrived on Ohara, even if I didn't know how I'd got here. I remembered that I was in my room, but it's true that I was bored because there was a snowstorm outside and I couldn't go out to play with the animals.

I was lying on the floor and looking peacefully at the ceiling until I suddenly lost consciousness. Maybe I saw a strange light before I passed out, but I'm not sure and I woke up on this island far from Wano. It's sad to have left my homeland, but I'm still glad to be here because I met Robin and learnt a lot about the outside world.

The world was so much bigger and more mysterious than I thought! If I'd stayed in Wano all my life, I wouldn't have been able to experience that. But I still love my island, it's where I was born and grew up, and I would love to see Kiku again. What was she doing without me? She must be worried, but I'm worried for her too, I hope she's fine.

???: (Y/N)?

A voice called out to me as I looked up at Robin, who seemed worried. We were at my home, a small house in the forest, and she was giving me lessons on the Poneglyphs. I was interested in these steles and wanted to be able to read them, so Robin was teaching me the ancient language of the Void Century.

(Y/N): Sorry, I was lost in thought.

Robin: You should be more focused, we're about to start an important exercise to test your knowledge.

(Y/N): I'm sick of working... I'd rather go fishing, are you coming with me? I stood up from the table to leave the house, but Robin's arms blocked my path.

Robin: You're not going anywhere until we've finished working, are you the one who wanted to learn the Poneglyph language?

(Y/N): I know, but I'm tired... I want to play outside!

Robin: We can go fishing if you finish the exercise, and I'll even give you a strawberry cake if you get the answers right! She knew my weakness was food so I sat down to continue studying against my will, but I'd get a reward at the end.

(Y/N): I'm going to finish this exercise easly and quickly! I exclaimed, grabbing a pen as she wanted to laugh.

Robin: You're always so funny...

(Y/N): What?

Robin: No, I didn't say anything... She seemed embarrassed by what she said, although I didn't quite understand, she was often strange.

Later, the sun was starting to set so Robin had to get home before she was punished by her aunt and uncle for being late. We walked together through the town to her house, I knew that the townspeople looked at us badly because they thought we were monsters.

The people of Ohara, except for the archaeologists, were lucky otherwise I would already have sliced them with my katana if Robin hadn't stopped me. Arriving at Robin's house, she smiled at me before opening the front door.

Robin: See you tomorrow, (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Yeah, see ya...

I was now alone. Robin had gone home, so I'd have to go home too, but honestly I still wanted to stay out. Outside the city, I flew thanks to my devil fruit, I couldn't swim anymore, but now I was able to fly through the air like a bird, it was fabulous!

My eyes wandered to the setting sun, a magnificent natural sight to see. Flying through the air and watching the sky was like... Freedom! I took a deep breath and flew quickly towards the sea, flying above the water was an incredible feeling, I felt like a bird spreading its wings and I could even see the fish in the water although I had to be careful to avoid falling.

(Y/N): I'M FREE! I suddenly stopped in the air, letting out a loud scream that echoed across the infinite ocean.

However, I noticed someone who seemed to float on a plank of wood. It was a young man with red hair and a straw hat on his head, this poor guy had probably washed up at sea so I couldn't just leave him there. With a movement of my hand, he flew away and I took him back to land where he started coughing up water.

(Y/N): Are you all right?

???: Who are you kid?

(Y/N): My name is (Y/N), and you?

???: Where am I?

(Y/N): Oh, we're on Ohara, an island in West Bleu. Are you far from your ship?

???: Haha! I've really ended up on an island like Ohara. Anyway, my name's Shanks, nice to meet you.


The library in Elegia Castle was a large library, even if it was rather dusty, and the room needed cleaning. I didn't have time to think about cleaning the library as I was looking for books that would help me better understand the mystery of the Poneglyph in the basement.

(Y/N): "Liar Noland"... No, that's not the book I'm looking for...

I wasn't the only one in the library, as Uta was searching with me. She ran towards me with a book entitled "Ancient Myths and Legends". It was an old book hidden in the archives of the castle library, and the author of the book was apparently Nefeltari Lily... Wait, isn't that the name of the royal family of Alabasta? What's a book belonging to one of the twenty families who founded the World Government doing here?

(Y/N): Where did you find this book?

Uta: It was hidden in the castle's archives, I don't think anyone apart from members of the royal family knew about it...

(Y/N): How do you know where the archives are? I really wonder how she found the archives hidden somewhere in the library.

Uta: It's the result of years of exploring the castle... She seemed proud of her discovery, while I was more intrigued by the author of the book.

(Y/N): Nefeltari Lily, I've never heard that name before... I opened the dusty book to get some information, but I was surprised by the blank pages. There were no writings except on some pages, which looked very interesting.

Uta: Look at this chapter on Nika... She showed me a page containing information about the legendary character mentioned in the Poneglyph.

(Y/N): "In ancient times, a warrior awoke among men when the dark times came."

Uta: He's a hero? Is that why he's called the Warrior of Liberation?

(Y/N): Yes, apparently he saved the slaves.

Uta: I see...

(Y/N): "Armed with his spear and sword, but that wasn't his most powerful weapon. His laughter was the most ridiculous power in the world, capable of erasing people's doubts and sorrows."

I read the rest of the text with Uta even though some of the information didn't seem very clear, pieces of pages were removed as if someone had tried to hide information about Nika, the Warrior of Liberation. However, that wasn't the only one I was interested in, in fact I think I'd be more interested in the Wind Demon.

His name reminded me a bit of my power because I was able to master the wind, but that was a legend of the past. Fortunately, there was a chapter on the Wind Demon, so this was a good opportunity to find out more about him. The book explained that the Wind Demon had a devastating power, called the most powerful power in the world.

(Y/N): "The Wind Demon's role was to bring sadness and destruction with him, he represented the nightmare of mankind."

Uta: Keep reading...

(Y/N): "Flying on a cloud and wielding a powerful sword, he was also seen as a beacon of hope by some peoples, such as the People of Uruk."

Uta: Wait, I'm confused, is he good or bad? Is there any more information about him?

(Y/N): Unfortunately, the rest has been removed, so we don't have any more information about him...

Uta: This is a really strange story...

(Y/N): We don't have enough information, but I think we can theorise about the history of the Poneglyph. If Nika is a hero and the Wind Demon was a threat to humanity, then they clashed to decide the fate of the world. The most ridiculous and the most powerful power in the world...

Uta: Yes, but the book says that the Wind Demon isn't as evil as people think...

(Y/N): It's true, this story is more complicated than we think. I think I'll go to the Uruk Kingdom to try and find out more about this character.

Uta: Do you think you're related to the Wind Demon? His power isn't mentioned, but he could be the wind from his name.

(Y/N): I don't think so, it's an old story. My powers are different, they're clearly not the strongest in the world.

Uta: Maybe... Anyway, I think I'm going to leave you. I have to keep training for my concert.

(Y/N): All right, I'll continue my research and get more information. Thanks for your help, Uta.

Uta: You're welcome, it was a great pleasure for having shared this adventure with you. You can keep the book, I think it will be much more useful to you than to me. I saw Uta leave quickly as she looked happy, this girl was incredible, but Yamato was still the best person I'd ever met in my life.

(Y/N): Nefeltari Lily, you're really strange.

Walking through the corridors of the castle towards the basement, I spotted Yamato who seemed to have returned from her visit with the others. Happy to see her, my heart began to beat faster as I admired her beautiful face. I quickly ran towards her to speak to her, but she seemed different from usual.

I had the impression that Yamato was more distant with me for some reason I didn't know, she greeted me with a false smile and left without saying a word to me. What was wrong with her? Had I done something to her? Honestly, she could be really weird sometimes, but I hoped it wouldn't last because I liked talking to her and I didn't want to be alone...

Yamato: ...

(Y/N): Yamato, she may be an idiot, but... She really means something to me, even if it's hard for me to understand this feeling.

I've always been idiot with women, some of Wano's friends are already married while I'm still single... Anyway, adventure was more important to me than being with someone, I didn't know if anyone would want someone like me...

A few hours later

It was exhausting! I spent long hours studying the Poneglyph of the castle, but I didn't manage to get any new information. Honestly, all those stories disturbed my mind, I didn't understand who I was any more... No...

I never knew who I was...

Ever since the day I was born, I've always wondered about my existence...

No one had ever really understood me, not even my sister Kikunojo who raised me for years. It was simple, no one understood me because I never understood myself. Who am I really? (Y/N)? An Ancient Weapon or the Wind Demon?

Every time I wanted answers about myself, I had new questions about my existence. I hope that one day I'll get the answers I need, perhaps by discovering the truth about the Void Century, I'll know who I really am...

After all these questions, I needed to get some fresh air so I went to a cliff on the island offering a beautiful view of the New World, the most dangerous sea in the world. We left Wano a short time ago and we were already with allies and new enemies, so it was exciting and strange to go on an adventure.

???: Oh, (Y/N)? I heard Uta's voice as she sat down next to me to watch the horizon.

(Y/N): You've finished your training, I didn't think I'd see you again so soon.

Uta: I've been training all afternoon, but now I'm tired. You know I come here every day, it's my favourite place on the island.

(Y/N): I understand, the view is magnificent.

Uta: Yes, it makes me forget my doubts and motivates me to do my best to make my dream come true.

(Y/N): Your dream?

Uta: Yes, I want the whole world to be able to listen to my songs, I want to create a new era and make people happy through music.

(Y/N): That's a nice dream, but how do you plan to do it?

Uta: My concert will be the start of my dream, then I hope to leave Elegia to sing my songs on every island I visit, because I want everyone to be able to listen to my music and change their lives.

(Y/N): You want to change people's lives through music, that's a great ambition. Do you want to leave Elegia with us? She seemed surprised by my proposal.

Uta: Huh? Are you asking me to leave with you?

(Y/N): You said you wanted to discover the world, do you want to join my crew? I'd love to have a musician on my boat, pirates love to sing.

Uta: I.. I don't know...

(Y/N): This is your chance to travel around the world and fulfil your dream, but you're free to accept or refuse my offer.

Uta: I'll think about it...

(Y/N): You know, you remind me of Shanks when I see you, especially with your red hair.

I had a nostalgic memory of meeting Shanks when I was on Ohara, he had washed up on the island for a few days before returning to his ship, but he taught me a lot about pirates. It was thanks to him that I had a positive image of pirates, he was the only good pirate I'd met before.

Uta: Well, I see... Strangely, she seemed uncomfortable and tried to change the subject in order not to talk about the pirates.

(Y/N): Uta?

Uta: You... Didn't you talk to me about your dream? I'm sure you've got one, what is it? I'm all ears! She said with a fake smile to get rid of the embarrassment.

(Y/N): Yamato asked me this question before, but I wasn't able to answer her. Now I've thought about it a lot and I don't really know what I want.

Uta: Don't you have any dreams?

(Y/N): It's not really that, I have several goals, but I don't know what I really want for myself. I want to save Wano, get answers about my identity, discover the mystery of the Poneglyphs, become a real samurai, find Robin and be free.

Uta: You seem lost with your objectives, your dream must come from the depths of your heart. It's your ultimate goal, the fusion of everything you desire.

(Y/N): I think the one thing I want most is freedom, but I don't like that answer.

Uta: If you don't like this answer, then freedom isn't your dream. It must be something that seems impossible to achieve.

I appreciated Uta's intention to help me, but I had the impression that she was forcing me to find my dream. As I closed my eyes, I tried to imagine my whole life to try and find an answer to this question.

(Y/N): I'm not sure... But I think I've already got the first part of an answer.

Uta: Oh yes, what is it?

(Y/N): Do you want to do it with me, Uta?

Uta: What? What do you mean?

(Y/N): I'm going to create a new era! Uta seemed surprised by my statement, even I hadn't expected to give that answer, but I felt cool saying it even though it sounded like a copy of Uta's dream.

Uta: What do you mean by "creating a new era"?

(Y/N): No idea.

Uta looked at me perplexed, she wanted to help me but with my strange answers, she began to be lost just like me who didn't even understand the meaning of my words. For some reason, this situation made me laugh, I couldn't help laughing at Uta's confusion.

(Y/N): Sorry, it was funny... You know, I can wait to discover the meaning of my dream. Travelling and laughing every day with my friends is enough to make me happy, I want to take my time to find out these answers.

Yes, I had a lot of questions in my mind, of course I wanted answers, but first of all I just wanted to live with my companions, my new family.

Uta: Wait (Y/N), where are you going? I stood up to go back into the forest, while Uta followed me.

(Y/N): I rested too long, I need to keep training so that I become stronger.

Unfortunately, I wasn't going to be able to train because I was interrupted by Pedro running towards us. I noticed a bead of sweat flowing from his forehead, he was coming with important information to give us.

Pedro: (Y/N), you need to come to the castle as soon as possible. Sabo are talking to the CP0, Agent Stussy wants to speak to you alone, apparently she has an interesting offer to share with you.

Uta: Huh? What's happening now?

(Y/N): All right, I'm coming. I wonder what she wants?

To be continued...

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