Fate : A Twisted Story

By Author_Amira

47.9K 1.7K 44

Evelyn, a modern woman, finds herself suddenly transmigrated into a novel where her peaceful life is turned u... More

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chapter : 02
Chapter : 03
Chapter : 04
Chapter : 05
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Chapter : 10
Chapter : 11
Chapter : 12
Chapter : 13
Chapter : 14
Chapter : 15
Chapter : 16
Chapter : 17
Chapter : 18
Chapter : 19
Chapter : 20
Chapter : 21
Chapter : 22
Chapter : 23
Chapter : 24
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Chapter : 26
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Chapter : 101
Chapter : 102
Chapter : 103
Chapter : 104
Chapter : 105
Chapter : 106
Chapter : 107
Chapter : 108
Chapter : 109

Chapter : 01

2.4K 45 9
By Author_Amira

Every girl dreams of having a one-of-a-kind, exquisite wedding at least once in her lifetime. Picture a wedding hall that has been uniquely designed just for her special day, with soft, melodic tunes being played on a string quartet in the background, making the whole experience even more poignant. The aisle is adorned with an enchanting array of flowers, and the bride, dressed in a breathtaking wedding gown, walks gracefully towards her groom, who is eagerly waiting for her at the altar. The guests, all dressed in their finest attire, are filled with joy and excitement, cheering for the newlyweds as they exchange their vows. The most magical moment is when the bride sees her soon-to-be husband looking at her with adoring eyes. As the ceremony ends, the guests throw fragrant flower petals at the happy couple, who depart hand in hand as husband and wife. What a truly unforgettable wedding it will be.

I am thrilled to have the wedding I have always dreamed of finally. However, I couldn't help but notice that my soon-to-be husband seemed to be more hostile than loving towards me. While I understand that he is being coerced into this marriage just like I am, I cannot help but wonder why he seems to harbor so much resentment towards me. Despite this, I am confident I will not let his negativity dampen my excitement for this special day. After all, I am just as much a victim of circumstance as he is.

As I walked towards the alter, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held. It was just the beginning of a new journey that I had committed myself to. Although I couldn't wait to see what was in store, I couldn't help but feel a bit apprehensive about what was to come. In the distance, I could see the wedding ceremony taking place, and I couldn't help but think about all the things that could happen after the priest finishes his speech and the vows are made. The future is unpredictable, but one thing was for sure - things were about to get interesting.

'Alright, what's done is done. Let's shift our focus to what we can do now. I smiled at my husband, and he gave me a disgusted look. Looks like I'm in for a rough ride...sighs'


Greetings! My name is Evelyn, and I'm currently 24 years old. I work a lot, and my job is pretty decent. However, my life usually feels like an unending cycle of work - day in, day out. But when I finally get some time off, I love reading romance fantasy novels. These books always transport me to another world, which I find incredibly fascinating. The characters, the plot, and the setting never fail to capture my attention, and I often lose track of time while reading. It's a great way to escape from the stresses of everyday life and immerse myself in another world.

The day I have been waiting for has finally arrived - the release of the ultimate episode of "The Bride Of Dragun" - the novel that has taken the world by storm. I am filled with excitement as I turn the pages of the epic finale, eagerly anticipating the conclusion of this incredible journey. The two leading characters have been through countless trials and tribulations to reach this point, and their long-awaited happy ending is finally within reach. As I read the final chapter, my heart swells joyfully as I take in every detail of the pivotal scenes. The author has done an exceptional job of building up to this moment, and the payoff is worth it. However, as the story winds down, sadness creeps in. The villainess, who had been a thorn in the side of the heroes, met an unfortunate end, and I cannot help but feel a pang of sympathy for her. Nonetheless, it was a bittersweet moment as I savored the culmination of this incredible journey. The legendary tale of "The Bride Of Dragun" has ended, leaving me with a sense of wonder and awe at the masterful storytelling that has captivated audiences worldwide.

As I started reading the novel, I got completely absorbed in the story. The plot was so captivating that I lost track of time, and when I finally looked at the clock, it was already past midnight. I knew that I had to be at the office early in the morning for a crucial meeting, and being punctual was of utmost importance. I couldn't afford to be late, so I spent a considerable amount of time thoroughly organizing everything I needed for the meeting. Finally, after ensuring everything was in order, I retired to bed.


"Hey, wake up. Wake up, can't you hear me."

"Wake up; master will be angry if you're late."

A sudden splash followed the jarring sensation of repeatedly being shaken awaken me, and I was drenched with water. Startled and confused, I leaped out of bed to confront the source of this unexpected intrusion. Standing before me was a diminutive woman holding an empty glass. 'Had she just poured water on me?' A growing sense of unease quickly replaced the shock of the cold water as I realized that I lived alone in my apartment - 'so who was this woman, and how had she gained access to my room?' As I glared at the stranger, I asked her, "Did you break into my house?"
She responded in disbelief, "Haa, have you finally lost your mind?" I couldn't believe my eyes and wondered what was happening. Panic-stricken, I started searching for my phone to call the police. However, looking around, I realized this wasn't my house. Something was off, and I couldn't wrap my head around it.

As I look around the room, I couldn't help but notice the worn-out walls, peeling paint, and dusty floors. It was evident that this was not a permanent residence but rather a temporary abode. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that the only furniture in the room was a plain wooden table, a chair, and a bucket of water across from a small bed. The woman standing before me was dressed in a neatly pressed maid uniform, adding to the atmosphere of familiarity. However, despite the signs of orderliness, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The air was thick with an uneasy tension, and I couldn't help but feel like an outsider in this place.

'Wait, this can't be it. I looked up at the stranger - she had a round face, brown hair and black eyes, just like a typical maid character from some novels.'

I inquired, curious about my surroundings. The woman in the room replied, urging me to hurry up and prepare myself before I upset the master. 'Master?' I thought to myself. She pointed towards a container of water and instructed me to freshen up and change into a plain-looking dress that she tossed towards me. After that, she hurriedly left the room, slamming the door violently.

"Where exactly am I?" I wondered as I gazed around the unfamiliar room. "It all seems too surreal, like something out of a novel. But can something like this even happen in real life?" I couldn't help but notice the uncomfortable sensation of wet clothes clinging to my skin. "The coldness of the water felt too vivid to be just a dream."

My mind was wandering when I was rudely interrupted by loud banging on the door, which snapped me back to the present moment. The maid girl impatiently yelled at me to hurry up. "Can I at least have some time to finish?" I grumbled but agreed to get moving. I managed to calm myself down thanks to my adaptability skills. I mean, there are a ton of novels about this thing, so I'm pretty sure I can handle it. I need to find out which novel it is. So, I cleaned myself up and put on that rag-looking dress. It was pretty short, even for me, only reaching below my knees, and the fabric was super old and torn at the edges. You could see many sewing traces all over it. How can they expect people to wear this? Even the maid's dress looks better than this one.

I left the room and quietly followed the maid girl, curious to see where she was headed. As we climbed up the stairs, a grand-looking hallway emerged before us, adorned with intricate details, elegant furnishings, and an abundance of natural light streaming through the large, immaculate windows. Unlike the room below, the hallway was spotless and exuded a sense of luxury.

Every inch of the hallway was adorned with luxurious decor and expensive-looking pieces, signaling the family's immense wealth. The portraits hanging on the walls were particularly striking, each meticulously crafted and seemingly worth a fortune. As I gazed upon them, one face caught my eye - a familiar-looking figure reminiscent of how I described it in letters.

The portrait truly captures the essence of a handsome young man, enough to make one's heart skip a beat. The artist put their heart and soul into creating this stunning image. As I gaze upon it, certain lines from a novel come to mind. "The sun's rays reflecting off the man's fiery red hair illuminated his features, making him seem like a dangerous yet alluring flame. His sharp blue eyes resembled the ocean's vastness, with emotions as fluid and unpredictable as the waves. His face was a work of art, with chiseled features that could enrapture anyone's heart, yet the allure of only one person captured him". The moment my eyes fell on the portrait, a shiver ran down my spine. The name inscribed in gold at the bottom of the frame was enough to make my heart skip a beat. "Ayden Basilisk." The name reverberated like a thunderclap, sending a chill down my spine. Ayden was the eldest child of the Marquis Deuard and the father of the infamous villainess from the novel I had recently finished. The portrait was a masterpiece, capturing every detail of his striking features. His piercing eyes hinted at malice, while his chiseled jawline exuded power and dominance. As I stared at his reflection, I couldn't help but notice the uncanny resemblance between us. The fiery mane of red hair and the striking mauve eyes were the same in our images. Suddenly, a bell rang, startling me out of my reverie. The creaking sounds that followed made me feel as if the walls were closing in on me, and a sense of impending doom washed over me, leaving me feeling helpless and vulnerable.

Basilisk was among the most illustrious and distinguished households in "The Bride of Dragun," a highly acclaimed novel. As the story goes, they played a crucial role in the Great War and contributed significantly to the empire's protection alongside other noble households. The founder of Basilisk established this household with a noble purpose: to protect the empire and its people from harm.

The Dragun, as the name suggests, acted as the sword and shield of the empire, while the Basilisks were like golden branches firmly rooted in the soil, making them an unshakable tree. They were the holders of currency in the empire and possessed enormous wealth, making them unbeatable in commerce. Their business acumen was unmatched, and they had an excellent reputation in the market.

Despite being independent of the empire, the Basilisks had a firm grip on many foreign affairs. They were known to have an astute understanding of the global economy and took calculated risks that paid off handsomely. In politics, they enjoyed significant support from nobles and commoners, making them one of the most influential families in the empire.

I remember their name because they were from the villainesses family, and the household that gave the male lead the most difficulties. Their cunning and ruthless nature made them formidable opponents, and their wealth and power made them almost unbeatable. However, in the end, justice prevailed, and the male lead emerged victorious, but not without enduring numerous trials and tribulations.

'Out of all the books I've read, this one is... ugh. Why did I even bother? And why did the author have to make the villain a woman? That's just the worst. But now's not the time to beat myself up about it. I must figure a way out. This damn story... the time period was also mentioned to be more than one.'

I am abruptly jolted back to reality by a sharp smack to the back of my head. The sudden impact makes me wince, and I turn my head to see a stern-looking maid towering over me. She scolds me in a dominant tone, her hands firmly planted on her hips as she emphasizes her authority. "Hey, stop spacing out and get inside. Master is waiting for you," she demands, her voice laced with impatience.

Before I can even think of responding, she warns me to greet the master properly and not cause any problems. Her words are laced with an underlying threat, and she reminds me of the severe consequences of upsetting the master. I can't help but feel a sense of unease; the maid's demeanor is intimidating, and I can only imagine what the master must be like.

As I gather my thoughts, the maid announces, "Master, I bought her," as she knocks on the big wooden door. The sound of footsteps approaching from inside.

As I approached the door, the maid acknowledged my presence with a slight nod and gestured for me to enter. My heart began to race as I took a deep breath and stepped forward, anticipation building inside me. The moment I crossed the threshold, I was immediately struck by the sheer beauty of the room. It was even more magnificent than the hallway, with every detail perfectly designed. I was immediately drawn to the massive chandelier hanging from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over everything below. The elegant candelabras on the walls added to the warm ambiance, their flickering flames illuminating the room with a soft, golden light. In the center of the room stood an imposing long table, its polished surface gleaming in the dim light. As my eyes adjusted to the room, I noticed three people seated at the table.

At the head of the table sat an elder with striking red hair that seemed to be on fire and piercing blue eyes that bore into my soul. He must have been the marquis. Two young men sat on either side of him, their faces twisted with deep disgust as they glared at me. Their eyes were as cold as ice, devoid of warmth or feeling, and their expression made it clear that they were not happy with my arrival, even though they had invited me. I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as I stood there, feeling like an intruder in this grand room. The way they looked at me was as if they were trying to find fault in everything I did, and I knew that if looks could kill, I would have been dead a thousand times over.

The sun has peaked, casting a warm glow upon the room as I stand before Marquis. With a respectful tone, I address him, inclining my head in a gesture of courtesy. However, he pays no attention to my presence, and neither acknowledges nor responds to my greeting. An eerie silence fills the atmosphere, accentuated by the audible sound of our breaths. It seems like moving forward with this situation might prove to be a daunting task. Unfortunately, I face an inevitable fate with no clear path to follow.


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