Turn: Washington's Spies: Ham...

By Ashalynn87

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One-shots and other TURN and even Hamilton(the musical) stuff. (But mostly TURN) I've never done something li... More

Reader x Townsend: Is there something wrong with the eggs I boiled for you?
Reader x Townsend: the boiled eggs-Part two
Townsend x Reader: the heart of a spy
Reader x Townsend (part 1)
Reader x Simcoe: You're not filled with terror at my vengful lust?
Male Reader x Simcoe: I cant wait anymore
Male Reader x Simcoe: I dont care
Simcoe x Reader PT ONE
Simcoe x Reader PT TWO
Simcoe x Reader
Simcoe x Male Reader with fluff/angst
Simcoe x Reader x Abe Pt1
Male Reader x Lafayette: I dont know, I might have to come see you again.
Male Reader x Lafayette: you need, an escort
Lafayette x Fem!Japanese!Reader
Turn Boys Reacting To Your Death: Benjamin, Hamilton, Lafayette, and Townsend
Turn Boys React To Your Death Prt2: Andre' and Woodhull
Turn Boiz Reacting To Ur Death prt 3: hamilton
Turn Boys react to your death: Abe, Simcoe, Brewster, and Ben
Male Reader x John Laurens
John Laurens x GN Mongolian Reader
Female Reader x Peggy (turn)
Peggy Shippen x Female Reader
Reader x John Andrí
Andre x Reader (Angst/fluff)
Andre x reader
Andre x f!reader with fluff/angst (pt1)
Andre x reader fluff/angst (prt3)
Andre x f!reader with fluff/angst (pt2)
Reader x Andre (reader is Washington's daughter)
Reader x Andre (Reader is Washington's daughter)2
Reader x Hewlett: You are my new star
Reader x Hewlett (Part One)
Reader x Hewlett (Part Two)
Reader x Hewlett (Part 3) uwu
Hewlett x Reader part 4
Hewlett x Reader: The Star and The Moon
Caleb Brewster x Reader
Ensign Baker x Reader
Ensign Baker x reader
Male Reader x George Washington
Reader x Washington: Yorktown
Washington x (young) Wife Reader
Washington x Reader (Reader Dressed as Man)
Washington x Reader
Washington x Reader
Washington x Reader (Part One)
Hamilton x Reader: Forbidden
Reader x Hamilton: Forbidden part 2
Male Reader x Hamilton
Female! Reader x Alexander Hamilton
Reader x Hamilton (Reader is Washington's Daughter)
Alexander Hamilton x GN!TibetainReader
Hamilton x Reader
Male Reader x Benjamin Tallmadge: Guess I need a new coat
Male Reader x Tallmadge
Ben Tallmadge x Reader
Benjamin Tallmadge x reader
Ben Tallmadge x Reader
Ben Tallmadge x Male Reader
Eliza x Male Reader
Hamilton x Reader

Turn boys reacting to your death: Washington, Hamilton, Lafayette, and Tallmadge

150 3 0
By Ashalynn87

I don't know, just had to do another part. It is long, like really long, so sorry about that. But enjoy ya'll!

Some songs I listened to if you want to listen too:

Neptune- Sleeping At Last, The Moon Will Sing- The Crane Wives, Daylight- David Kushner, Earth- Sleeping At Last
Benjamin Tallmadge, female reader

You grew up in Setauket all your life. Yourself and Ben grew up as best friends. You always loved him. You hid your affections well however. You feared he would never reciprocate those feelings so it was easier to just pretend you didn't harbor those feelings, you figured he only would ever see you as a friend.

You walked about the town, book in hand. "Morning Miss [y/l/n]."

"Morning Lieutenant Weswood." you respond quickly walking past him and to the safety of Strong Tavern. You entered and quickly began to look for Selah. You find him and walk up to him. "Thank you for letting me read this book. It was quite entertaining."

"Of course. Anna said it was your type of book." he took the book in hand. "Sit, let me get you a drink and something to eat." You smile and sit. Anna comes up to you and sits across from you eagerly. "So, what did you think?"

"It was amazing. The complexities, the romance, the horror, it was phenomenal." Selah brought drink and food, he was kind. A good friend. You would often jump in and help in the tavern on nights that seemed busier than usual. He would always pay you and offer food. Anna was good company. She was often the only one you talked with since Caleb and Ben left. Abe was busy with his farm, wife, and son. You saw a change. It not just your friends but within yourself too.

You remembered when you were a child and played in the mud and dirt with Caleb and climb trees with Ben. Hide and seek was the best. "Found you!" you would say ever so happily when you found Ben. Then father died and your aunt came to raise you. She stopped the tom boy side of you. Father told you to be yourself, he taught you to fire a rifle and pistol. To hide in the wild and build a small shelter. Let you wear pants. He taught you skills. Aunt Margot taught you to sit up right, hold a cup and so many other things that were proper for a lady. Even dress, but that didn't stop you from having pants on under your shift. Once your Aunt came, you saw your friendship slow with Caleb and Ben, you didn't even say goodbye to them when they left to fight for Washington and your homes in the continental army.

You said goodbye to Selah and Anna and exited the tavern only to bump into Lt. Weswood. "Ah, Lieutenant, I didn't see you."

"Quiet alright. I was wondering if I might walk you home."

You gave a forced smile. "As enchanting as that would be, I have other things to do. I would not like to bother your day. Good day." you push past him and he follows. "Your Aunt has invited me to dine tonight and I have no work planned, I can walk with you as you do what you must today." Of course she invited him you thought to yourself. He was an eligible Batchelor. She wanted to see you married. You forced a smile to not offend him and held out your arm for him to take. You both walked about as you did your shopping for ingredients for the diner. He carried most of the stuff, would have carried it all had you not insisted you could at least carry the eggs and bread.

"Welcome home, and I see the Lieutenant is here with you." She rushed to you. "You will marry this man, understood?" she angerly hushed to you. "This way Lieutenant. [y/n] will start the dinner." she took him to take a tour of the house as you rolled your eyes and ventured to the kitchen. You returned to the entrance to gather the other things that the Lieutenant set down once your Aunt took him off on tour.

As you prepared dinner you found yourself feeling a sourness in your throat. It was like your esophagus was made of sandpaper Am I getting sick? You began to wonder. You quickly shoved it aside. Dinner went on and the two of them talked and talked while you poked at the food. The Lieutenant would ask you questions but your Aunt Margot quickly jumped in to answer for you. She clearly feared your honest answers, that the real you she burred inside you would come out and scare him away. You would try, try to push him away.

Over the next few months you found your throat feeling worse and worse. It was even getting harder and harder to breath. You had chest pains. Coughing. You had to see the doctor and that was when he told you what was wrong. "I have cancer of the lung?"

"Yes, I am so sorry Miss [y/l/n]." In a moment your whole world changed. Everything stopped. "Thank you doctor. I have some things to think about and get in order." You left the clinic and made a choice. I'm joining the fight, I will dress as a man. And so it was set. You left after dinner without a word or warning. You joined up and become a great asset on the battle field. You used a name similar to your own. Fellow soldiers would tell you "Great shot [y/false/n]!" You were doing great, but the pain was getting worse. You were starting to feel tired and noticed you were loosing weight. You wondered how much longer you had. The next battle you saw them on the battle field. Saw him. "Ben." you whispered. It was like you fell in love all over again seeing him all dressed out in blue and gold.

He saw you. You tried to run off but began to wheeze, he quickly caught up to you. "[y/n]." he spun you round to look at him. "Found you?" you tease. "Found? What are you doing here?"

"Fighting." You saw he was worried. "Ben, I'm fine. Just not a lot of food to eat in army. We can talk after the fight." You left from him and continued on. It was a draw, but a draw in this war was a victory for you and the others. Ben came to you. "How are you?"

You had to lie to him. "Fine Ben. Truly."

"Your pale." he said quickly placing the back side of his hand to your forehead to feel your temperature. "I never got to say good bye when you left." you said, it just slipped out. "I figured your aunt would shoot at me if I knocked." he chuckled. "I suppose she would have. She would have missed the shot." you tease. "It's good to see you Ben." you blush. "And you aswell, [y/n]."

"MY MY IS THAT [y/l/n]?!" Caleb picked you up and spun 'round. "How are you good looking, a bit sick are you?"

"Just a little but I will be okay." you reassure the bearded man. "Ben not being to hard on yah is he?" Caleb always was like a big brother to you. "Nah, he ain't being to hard." You quickly were transferred to Ben and his dragoons. You started to cough up blood, it was getting harder and harder to hide. Especially after Ben invited you to the ring and became Major Tallmadge. You often visited his tent. Friendship bloomed again, and those feelings came back to the surface.

Next thing you knew, you were unable to breathe. Ben thinking you having some sort of panic attack invited you to stay in the tent. The next thing you knew you were in his cot, chest to chest. In that moment, you knew, he loved you. You held him close. How could you tell him now?

Ben would sneak flowers into your tent, a letter here and you the same. Dream team on the battle field. You could feel yourself getting worse. Finally you told Caleb after you collapsed while talking to him. Ben was so happy to see you. When ever he entered your tent he would hug you, kiss your cheek, forehead, anywhere he could. Soon enough he walked into your tent as soon as you pulled your bloody rag from your mouth. "Ben, I'm sorry." You fell forward. "[y/n]." he held you. "[y/n], what's wrong? I knew something was wrong."

"Ben..." you whisper. You saw your vision was going in and out. You could feel yourself slipping away. You finally let yourself be you. Dress like how you used to dress. Fell in love with Ben all over again. Ben told you he loved you for you. How ever you dressed and that he hid his affections too but when he saw you on the field, he couldn't mess up the opportunity to pull you close and have you at his side. "Someone get a doctor!" Ben yelled out the tent. "Ben... It's cancer..." the realization hit his face, he leaned in and whispered to you. "Find me again."

"Not saying goodbye again?" you smile. You hold his face. "I will find you... I'll find you again... Ben...I... I love..." you let your last breath leave. "You." Ben felt you leave him. He pulled your body close to him. Holding your hand to his face. Crying, screamed into your chest.

George Washington, female reader

War. War was here. It was in your backyard, it your town. There was no escaping it. You made a choice. And when your husband died, it was time to fight. You began making papers and documents under a false male name. Speaking against King George. Telling congress to take action and stop hiding behind a desk. That they have power to behold with just paper and a quill. You made an impact. You also were making money. You never lived with your husband, married by paper only, he was a drinker and gambled. You married to make your parents stop nagging you about when you would marry. You moved into his home, the only thing he gave you when he died. The home was close to four news paper printing shops. You had no job, this paper was putting food on the table and pride in your chest. You were wanted buy the red coats, at least [y/fake/n] was at least. The Royal Gazette had a lengthy and wordy talk about [y/fake/n]. You were scared you had this much attention but felt safe that you were under a pseudonym. A different gender too. Your father and mother had no clue. It was great. Then they said they wanted to host a party. It was quite the guest list. You never expected HIM to show up.

But there he was. The man himself. You also didn't expect to have something spark inside your chest when you saw him. You felt something you had never felt before this day. A feeling that you new would never escape your chest for as long as you breathed. The next thing you knew he walked over to you and asked you for a dance. You happily agreed. As the two of you spoke, he quickly realized your words and pattern of speaking was like that of [y/fake/n], he inquired about if you read his work. You smiled and said you did. He was very smart, he asked more questions. "Till next time we dance, [y/fake/n]." he walked away to talk to other generals. "What a brilliant man." you whispered to yourself. The next thing you knew you were writing letters the the man. Just talk of important things. You offered to write to congress once he told you the conditions in camp. You never expected your conversations with an acquaintance turned friend to something a bit more. It was enchanting to say the least. It inspired you to be more vocal in papers. He warned against it, saying [y/fake/n] should lay low for a while.

He was right, red coats were all over New York and cracking down hard on finding [y/fake/n]. You wrote one more paper, one more wouldn't hurt. The next day red coats were at every printing press and tavern, inns, and shops. One was being interrogated, pulled out of his store, he recognized your face, pointed at you, you froze in fear. Two red coats approached. "Miss. We have some questions for you."

"I'll answer any questions you have." You then escorted them int your home.

"How do you know [y/fake/n]?" you figured you lie, obviously, but give enough of the truth to let it be believable and be kind on you. "I must he honest. I am a widow, I had no money and no prospects. He gambled and drank it all. So when Mr. [y/fake/n] offered me money to drop off papers for him, I agreed. I didn't know it was him, the rebel paper righter till last drop. He never gave his name till then. Said he was a poet of justice. I was naive. Forgive me. I be on the street-" A red coat rose his hand for you to stop talking. "No more. Just a poor woman. He prayed on you. I must ask, how often does he drop off papers?"

"Not often, he usually does it in bulks for me to drop off over time. I do not think he lives in New York, Sir." you got up and grabbed papers you had ready, you were going to publish them when Washington told you to take a break. Glad you had not published them. "Here, the others." the red coats looked through them. "Thank you Ms. [y/n]."

"I don't think he will drop off papers to me any more once these go unpublished." you smiled. It was good while it lasted. "That would be right. Did he ever show his face?" the red coat pulled out a small notepad and pencil. "Aye, enough. He wore a mask, like from those Italian plays in theater. But he had black hair and beard, a raspy voice, like he just been screaming for hours. Missing three fingers on left hand and walk with limp. Average height and weight." You made him average but gave enough unique features no one could match. "If you catch him, I can help you identify if it be him or not when I hear his voice." that way of someone was arrested you could clear them and say it wasn't him.

"We would appreciate that Ms. [y/n]. As for job, we know a tavern that is also an inn for soldiers, the owner needs a new help." good place to get information for Washington. "I would appreciate that Sirs." you shake their hands and the two leave with your hard work papers. Time to let [y/fake/n] retire.

The next seven months you adjusted to working in a tavern with guests. You heard many things from soldiers mouths but nothing useful until one night you heard from a major that there would be an attack on Washington in camp. You had to wright to him, but you wrote to him so much. You couldn't use your real name, not this time, he had to know it was urgent. You would use [y/fake/n].

You gave details, as much as you could. You quickly ran to a post rider you knew who delivered letters to camp for others like you. You ran to the tavern he usual drank at before riding out. You were in luck he was there. You gave him the letter and told him the importance. He didn't even finish his drink before he was out the door and on his horse. You watched him ride off and you ran home. Two days later five red coats kicked open your door. "[y/n]. You are under arrest for treason against the King." you threw a pot at the officer and tried to run. Fear took over your body. You almost got away but one just had to be faster than you. You were taken to a cell. You shouldn't have ran, you could have lied out of this. But when the officer came in with a bloodied beaten rider you knew who would give letters to congress under [y/fake/n]. At least the other rider would make it to Washington. But it was over, you knew they would hang you as quickly as possible. "[y/fake/n]. Who knew?" he walked to you and slapped you across the face. He grabbed your face and squeezed. "I can't wait to see you hanging on the gallows." you recognized him, he was the one that interrogated you and offered you the job at the tavern. He took it personal.

The post rider got to camp and rushed to find Washington. He gave him your letter, this confirmed what Benjamin told him about the turncoat and deserter. He would figure this out. He told the rider to ride back. He did and as he walked towards your home he saw you were being arrested. He quickly hopped back onto horse and rode to camp.

You sat in cell. Blooded cell mate on floor. "I tried. He found old papers [y/n]."

"It is quite alright. We both did what we could. I am glad that if I am to hang it is to hang from the gallows with you, Mr. Tomsek." he was a good man. Wanted to fight but couldn't for his own reasons. You hoped news of your death would go still, that your George wouldn't hear of it. If he did and tried to save you, it would only hurt more for him. You just wished you could hold his hand and dance with him one last time. Hear his voice and see his face.

The rider rushed into camp. "Mr. Elswell?" Washington asked puzzled as to why he was back so soon. "Its [y/n], sir. She's been arrested. I think they plan to hang her-" Washington ran out the tent and got his two best men and fastest riders onto horse to save you, Mr. Elswell joining on new horse to go rescue you immediately.

"Ms. [y/n]. It's time."

You folded your letter and handed it to a young private. "My last words. Not for papers, news. A final letter so someone I know. Send this for me." the private looked to his Major and back. "Aye, Ma'am." he went off to send the letter. The Major, the man who interrogated you escorted you to the gallows as two others dragged Mr. Tomsek. "[y/f/n] is charged with high treason against the crown, publishing heinous and barbaric papers about our great king, King George the Third-" he went on and on about your crimes. Then came Mr. Tomsek. His was a short list.

You walked forward, a square around you for the drop. You did everything you could to not cry, you didn't want them to see you cry. They put a bag over your head. Then you felt the rope.

The men rode in fast, rushing past everyone in town, as they turned the corner. Thwunk.

They were two seconds to late. You swung from the noose. Lightly going back and forth. The red coast saw the men and they rode off to camp. Washington paced back and forth, he wondered if he should have gone. The tent flap opened and the three men entered. "Where is she?" he looked around. The men stood still. "Sir..." silence. "We were too late."

"No. I should have..." he held his head, hat fell to the ground. "I should have been there."

"You wouldn't want to see it. She wouldn't have wanted you to see-" Washington interrupted Mr. Elswell and pushed everything off his desk. The men looked at each other and left him to be alone. He was a mess, grieving mad. He felt he failed you, how could he let you hang. How could he have saved you. "I could have saved you..."

A month later he got your final letter, telling him you loved him to the end and that you fate was set. You were glad to love him, and be loved by him.

He kept that final letter on him everyday.

Alexander Hamilton, male reader

When you joined the revolution is was hard at first. You left your home and life behind you. What else were you to do? You had all the reason to fight, to be a part of history, of something bigger than yourself. You found you were good at it. You could read and wright, and fire a weapon. You were an excellent shot and great at aiming a canon. You were working your way up. It felt good to be validated and recognized but on the other hand the more people knew who you were the more likely that those others would find out about who you were.

Now you were a Captain. You were in meetings and gatherings, helping lead the men on the battlefield. That is when you met him. Alexander Hamilton.

He was amazing. Took the words right out your mouth. Your breathe flew away from your chest. You could only hear the bumps of your heartbeat and nothing else around you. He had stollen the enemy's canon before, he had something up his sleaves and so much more stirring in that mind of his. You never really spoke to him one on one before. You knew who each other were but never conversed for long. After this meeting everyone left leaving just the two of you. "I don't believe I have ever properly introduced myself." He walked over to you. You took his hand. "Alexander Hamilton."

"[y/f/n]." You smiled. "I see you are Washingtons right hand man. Congratulations. Get congress to get off their sorry asses, will you?" you tease in joy. Hamilton smiles and lightly laughs. "I will, already wrote five letters just these two days." The next thing you knew the two of you were talking up a storm. It was amazing. You felt a chemical change in you. It was consuming you. The more the two of you talked over the next few months was your life. You looked forward to conversation. Reading his ridiculously long letters. He valued your input on them before he sent them out. He was the first to cross your mind when you woke and before you went to bed.

"How intellectually cleaver of you to word such a sentence like that." you chuckled. "Truly you are a genius Hamilton."

"Only thanks to you being a fellow genius." Hamilton glowed. He was magnetic. "Um... excuse me." you say, rising from where you had sat comfortably, feet on other chair. "I have to get rest. I am off to battle tomorrow. I shall see you when I return, first thing." you turn to leave when Hamilton quickly rose from his seat. "First thing?" he looked to you in such a way, you wondered if maybe he was like you? "First thing." you reassure him. You exit.

The next day you set off to battle, you met them a day earlier than expected. They knew you and your men were coming. You fought hard, only for it to end in a draw. You did kill more men than you lost. You lost too. You were shot in the stomach. Bleeding a lot. You got back and were quickly taken to doctor, you men carrying you. You passed out. You had tried so hard to stay awake to Hamilton first. You knew had you done that you could die. When you woke, you were in your tent on your cot. Hamilton was asleep, head in folded arms on your desk. "Hamilton?" you groan in pain.

"[y/l/n]!" he rushed to be next to you. "You were shot, the bullet fractured they said. They had to cut you open to take out all the pieces. Doctor said for you not to move." you lifted the blanket and saw bandages all around your stomach, no skin was seen. "I was hurt bad then, huh?"

"Very. I was worried." Hamilton grabbed your hand. You looked at this and he quickly pulled away. "I am sorry Captain. I have to leave." As Hamilton stood up, you leaned up and grabbed his arm instinctively. "Hamilton." he looked to you. "It is alright. Stay please." you laid back down, pain shearing through your body. "Its alright. I know." you comfort him. "You are in pain and you comfort me? I must have gotten most lucky to have your kindness."

"And affections." you add. He hold your hand as you drift off to sleep. Over the next months you got to the point you could go walk about comfortably and your relationship grew. Letters flowed between the two of you. He hid them in your tent for you to find, you looked forward to it and even more so to hiding your letters for him. It was a new game for the two of you. Then you were summoned once again to fight. "Right back to me."

"I will go right back to you as soon as I return." you kiss him softly and leave the tent to go off to fight. This fight was off too. They knew you were coming again and now they had more men than you were told. You held out as long as you could. You had to get a win for the army, you did. But you were shot not just once this time. You couldn't walk this time. The men rode you on horse and to camp, they carried you in. You were in pain. The doctor worked as fast as he could and three nurses were helping too. You new you weren't going to pull though this time. You grabbed a nurse by the arm and pulled her close, "Get Hamilton." you told her. "He is my..." you paused. "...best friend. Please." she ran off. You could start to feel pain leave your body, feeling your body stop fighting, you would die soon. You heard the tent flap open. "Will he be okay?" Hamilton shouted out. "Will he stay alive?"

"We are doing all we can-"

"Hamilton..." you interrupt the doctor. "You all go, leave us."

"They can help, they can stop this, they can-" you hold out your hand, letting Hamilton know to stop, that there was nothing the doctor or nurses could do. Not this time. They all left. Hamilton sat next to you on the table. "Hamilton... Alexander, it has been an honor knowing you."

"It has been a wonderful experience having you in my life. I am so glad to have met you."

"You stayed behind to introduce yourself to me on purpose, didn't you?" you smile. He smiles back and holds your hand to his face, you grab his other hand with your free hand and hold it to your own face. You just took a moment to look into each others eyes, combined as one in this moment through hands. To have a grand silence between you. He leaned down to kiss your lips. Hands still in place. You just look at one another, no words needed this time around. You slipped away.

Marquis de Lafayette, gender neutral reader

Yourself and John Laurens had grown up together. You were best friends since before you could remember, so when the war came, revolution, the two of you were quick to join, he the army and you into congress. You both wanted to free persons in slavery, bandages and chains. The two of you met Alexander Hamilton and through him you met the Marquis de Lafayette. Your heart fluttered when you saw him for that very first time. You never felt anything so warm and happy before, it consumed your whole body and soul. You couldn't get him off your mind. And the more and more you got to know each other the more of this wonderful feeling you began to feel. In time you realized it was love. True love.

When you confessed your feelings to him he admitted he was surprised but quite happy. He then confessed to you his own affections of the heart towards you. You two began to blossom together. You tried to teach him to dance, he was bad at it but he was getting there. He began to teach you french, you were getting there too. You told him you planed to join up like Laurens, Lafayette said he felt better knowing you would be safe away from battlefields, glad you didn't end up joining up. That your wonderful words could also work hard and speak wonders. You had to return to the city to write documents and papers, you were the only voice in congress speaking for the men on the battle field. The others didn't like you very much. You were confident, you called them out on hiding behind their desks and pride and money in their pockets.

When one found out you were in a relationship with the Marquis, they took it personal. To get even. Took it too far. Through a co-conspirator, he told you the other congressmen's plan. To have someone in camp poison the Marquis. How he though it was too far and for you to run and save him.

So you did.

You began running. Running with all that was inside you. Love, fear, every emotion was pushing you to move your legs and keep going. You couldn't let yourself stop, as much as your body wanted you to stop and breathe, you had to get to him. To save him. Run. Just keep running. Don't stop. Run for him! you yelled at yourself. Keep going. Just a little bit further! you couldn't stop now. You were so close. The cold air pierced your skin and went into your bones you were going so fast. Then you stopped.

It was the congressmen, just outside camp. He pulled out a pistol and shot. It was a trap to get you exhausted. To have you be to tired to run away. You fell back. The congress men walked to you. He shot you again with a second pistol. He ran away as men from camp came running in. "Get them to the doctor." they picked you up and took you to the doctor. He worked hard. You awoke to him next to you. "Laf." you smile. "Be still, mon plus cher amour (my dearest love)."

"It was..." you told him about the man who shot you and the one who set you up. It seemed like you were getting better. You were even walking about camp. Something was wrong however. You lifted your shirt and took off the bandages and saw that were you had been shot your veins around the area were a dark purple almost black color. "Poison." you said as Lafayette walked in. "They poisoned the bullets." you fell back. Lafayette quickly carried you back to the doctor. "Do you know if they said anything, about what type of symptoms they were feeling?" the doctor asked. "No, just tired and thirsty. I thought from all the blood loss the water, the thirst-"

"Anything else?" you heard the doctor ask. You tried to speak but couldn't. Your tongue felt like it was swollen. You grabbed your loves arm. "I... je t'aime tellement. Je ne regrette rein. Je suis heureux de t'avoir, ici et maintenant, avec moi. (I love you so much. I don't regret a single thing. I am happy to have you, here, and now, with me.)" you feel your body shutting down, your heart slowing down. "Tu es tout pour moi, Je vais rester ici, avec toi, maintenant. Je t'aime. (You are everything to me. I will stay here, with you, now. I love you.)" Lafayette says. The doctor leaves, seeing you are dying. Once gone, you two kiss. He holds you in his arms. You feel yourself go cold, seeing you shaking he holds you even closer in his arms. The last thing you feel is his warmth and the last thing you hear is the beating of his heart. The last thing you see is him. You close your eyes and let go. He screams and cries. Rocking back and forth with you in his arms. You should have been safe off the battle field, you died a soldiers death, and he felt all the pain in his chest. "Je t'aime. (I love you.) Je t'aime."

Thank you for reading! I might do another one soon, who knows :} Have a great day ya'll!

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