Ⓗunting Ⓨou (Hunter X Reader)

By sun_ve

47.2K 2K 10.2K

Y/N is 21, and is a wild witch, specialized in Beast Keeping, plants, and Potions. Once she left Hexside, she... More



1.1K 45 69
By sun_ve

Once he left you took the opportunity to look around. There were shattered potion bottles in different shapes or sizes. You collected a few for yourself and continued gazing around the old brewery.

Again, there were no books of interest. You decide since you can't find anything inside it would be best to look outside possibly.

That's when you notice a half empty potion. It's green. Some of it spilled out and created a bunch of flowers.

Could that golden boy have messed with this? Is that why he was covered in flowers?

You pick up the half empty potion bottle with the green liquid it contains and you drip some of it on the ground.

Just like that, a flower blooms where it drips.

"Jackpot." You smirk and out the potion in your bag, you make sure to cap the top of it with a spare cap you have.

"Is there any other potions like these lying around?" You mutter.

You pace around outside. As you're pacing you wonder where he found this potion. It just have been inside since he was here before you but the outside back area of the abandoned brewery is also quite large.

You pace around and then you feel like you step on a different texture rather than grass against the ground.

You lightly tap it again. It's odd, you're stepping in grass but the ground doesn't feel soft and plump like grass normally is. You bend down against the ground and rub your hands through the odd patch of grass. You knock on it.

It's hollow inside. What?

Maybe it's a cellar! You start pulling around trying to find somewhere to open this odd thing in the ground. So far there's nothing. You then feel a random slip in between the grass and the door and you pull on it. Just like that the cellar door opens.

A bright smile creeps across your face. "Yes!" You grin and hop into the cellar.

Golden Guard POV

I did manage to find the scouts. I was quiet most of the time, I couldn't stop thinking about how cornered she had me and it pissed me off. I was trying so hard to think of anything to possibly corner her as well, but she had me.

Damn it that pisses me off. No one ever corners me like that.

"You're awfully quiet." Steve says.

"Apologies." I mutter.

"Did something happen?" He chuckles.

"A witch I encountered there, that's all." I mutter.

"And..?" Steve asks.

"And nothing." I mumble.

Steve chuckles a bit and nudges me. "Cmon, it's something." He laughs.

I grumble and look up at him and then back ahead.

"She's smart as hell that's for sure." I say grumpily.

Steve laughs. "How?" He smiles.

"She said she saw you guys with no supervision, and then since she ran into me she assumed I left you guys- well- I mean- I did- BUT- I was going to come back I was gonna be quick I was just checking something. And then she's such a smart ass she quotes the scout handbooks to me." I exclaim.

"That's kinda funny." Steve laughs.

"No it's not! I could have been in trouble! But she wanted to make a deal that she wouldn't report me if I let her trespass." I say.

"Fair offer, she's not a wild witch is she?" Steve asks.

"No I don't think-" I stutter.

Wait a minute.

"Actually..." I say.

"I don't think I saw her sigil." I say suddenly.

"Yeah, aren't you supposed to get those when your fresh out of school?" Steve laughs.

"I mean, I don't know though, I probably didn't pay attention." I say.

"I'd say after we're settled in the castle you check if she's still there, being a wild witch these days is more of a felony." Steve shrugs.

I stand there for a moment unsure of what to do. Would it really be worth the hype to get back at her like that?

Probably. I hate it when others try to corner me like that and she succeeded. Maybe I should go back.

I'll show her that no one messed with the golden guard.

Your POV

The cellar is the best thing you think you've ever found. It has so many potions down here, potions you haven't even seen at all.

What was also super useful is that there weren't any books but notebooks down here, of how to properly brew certain potions.

Better yet, how to brew certain potions you've never brewed before. This place must have been made to secretly trade potions to other witches back then without getting caught. They probably blamed the brewery above since it's obviously destroyed now but they didn't even think of the possibility there would be a brewery in the cellar.

You pull out your scroll and let Eda know your investigations made here so far. You're sure to come back home victorious now.

"Titan! This is so cool! I wanna try and brew something!" You grin excitedly.

"What potion sounds the coolest.... Ooohhh.." you giggle and look through all the potion notes.

You get kind of curious through the Oracle aspect of potions. It looks like these potions could make you look into the future, past or present.

You could totally try one of these out. You could glance into your future past or present. The present has more access though, you don't have to look at whatever your seeing in the present but what's happening currently at the moment towards others.

You're kind of curious what Vineys doing, so you decide to make the potion to look into the present.

The first thing you do is pour the liquid base of the potion. It's just ordinary forest water.

"Let's see.... Fairy wings, and mint seem to be the key items to access anything Oracle wise..." you mutter and look through the cabinets.

"Damn these guys are stocked!!" You grin and grab what you need.

"What next..." you mutter and look at the recipe.

"It says... to look into the present you would need griffin feathers..." you mumble and rummage through the cabinets.

You pull out a griffin feather and pop it into the brew. The last thing it says.... Is...

"My own hair?" I mumble.

According to the notebook it says using your own hair in Oracle potions allows the potion to get a glimpse of your mind, it's always said that hair holds memory.

You sigh and pluck a hair out your head and pop it into the brew. You begin stirring and adjusting the heat when needed. So far so good.

Just like that the potions begins to turn a bright purple color. That must mean it works, the Oracle coven is known for its purple colors. You take an empty potion bottle and scoop it up and begin to drink it. You wait for the components to sit in.

You relax and close your eyes and then finally the potion begins to work.

As you close your eyes you see a different perspective of yourself. It's as if you're a different person looking at you, you're standing in the brewery with your eyes closed, as still as ever.

It's time to look into someone else's present, what's Viney up to?

Your mind shifts to Viney and it's as if your brain is able to see what exactly she is doing right now. She seems to be talking with her brother Rowan.

"Ask her then if this is so important." Viney says

"I know, I know I'll try." Rowan rolls his eyes.

Ask who? You wonder. Maybe he likes someone, oh well, nothing interesting. What else can you look at...?

You look at your brother Matt. Currently he's in his room, he seems really invested in practicing this illusion magic, really really invested from what you can tell.

"Damn it! I fucked it up!" Matt yells.

You smile a little, it's good that he's excited to work on something.

You shift your mind to your older brother Steve. Steve seems to be coming back from his mission as a coven scout. He mutters something to one of his coworkers.

"The golden guards off to find this girl he said he encountered, thinks she may be a wild witch." Steve says.



A wave of anxiety goes over you and you shift the present to the golden guard, to see if whatever Steve is saying is true.

There you see the golden boy running in the exact same pathway you took to get here.

He's muttering to himself.

"Damn witch, using the scout handbooks against me, I don't remember any sigil on here hand let's see how she likes being arrested." He mutters as he runs.


You focus on yourself and quickly open your eyes and take a deep breath in and wake up.

"He's coming." You mutter and shake yourself off.

"Shit. I cant let him know I'm a wild witch! I need to fake a sigil." You say frantically.

"Ah damn it, uh... I'm not really good at illusions, they only last for so long." You mumble.

"Uh... which sigil should I fake..? What sounds the most believable...! Uh.. potions right? It would make sense since I'm a random girl curious about looking in this old brewery!" You laugh a little and try to use an illusion spell.

A fake potion sigil appears in your wrist, you don't know how long it'll last but your hoping it will last for as long as you need it to.

You never closed the cellar door so that means you need to get out of here before he notices it's open. So with that, you shove the potion notebook in your bag and climb out the cellar.

As you poke your head out you frantically look around to see if he's made it yet. No sign, you got to get out of here.

You shut the cellar door and hold your bag strap to your chest and frantically look around once more to see if he's here.

You begin running through the abandoned brewery house and open the door to the outside so you're no longer in the backyard.

You stand on the porch frantically and look around. That's when you knew the Oracle potion really was an Oracle potion.

"YOU!" The golden guard shouts and runs to you.

You freeze up and stare at him nervously, not sure whether or not to run or to show him that fake sigil.

You're thinking too much and he grabs your shoulder and yanks you to look him in the eye. Your eyes widen as you stare at his bright gold mask.

"You. I never saw a sigil on your wrist. Seems more important than my little misconduct now doesn't it?" He smirks underneath his mask.

"In fact, more of a felony." He says and tightens his grip on your shoulder.

"Let me see it, now." He says and drags your wrist out.

"W-Woah Woah what happened to asking instead of demanding?!" You yell.

You pray that the illusion of the potions sigil is still intact, as he pulls down your sleeve to look.

He glances at the potions sigil and then back at you.

"I could've sworn... I didn't see anything when I last saw y-" he gets cut off by a loud screech in the distance.

You both spin your heads around towards the noise and look at what's going on.

Just like that a huge manticore tromps out of the woods and glares at both you and The Golden boy. It looks pissed off and it begins charging towards you.

"Damn it- stay back I'll handle this for Titans sake!" Hunter exclaims and runs staff in hand towards the manticore.

You stand there in shock and watch things unfold.

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