Life In Smallville

By BaguetteManOfficial

185K 10.8K 5.2K

#1 in Kara as of March 29th, 2023 #1 in Cryokinesis as of April 1st, 2023 #1 in Killerfrost as of April 3rd... More

Faster Than A Speeding Bullet
More Powerful Than A Locomotive
Able To Leap Tall Buildings In A Single Bound
Up, Up, And Away
The Woman Of Tomorrow
Date Night
Costume Day
Central City Here I Come, Smallville's Where I'm Coming From
Good Morning Sleeping Beauty
Kara Makes A Friend
Blacking Out
Heart To Heart
A Short Chapter To Tide You All Over For The Next Few Days
Another One Joins The Cast
Ultra Part 1
Ultra Part 2
Ultra Part 3
Killer Frost
Three Months Later
What Happens Next
Psychiatric Help
The Dreamer
Super Friends
World's Finest
Pink Hair
The Ultimate-Humanite
Supergirl Blue
Getting Better
Going Home
PomPoms And Proposals
Blue Badgering
More Change
Waking Up
A Busy Morning
The Raoist
Hot Chocolate
Saturn Girl
Alien Life Form
Booster Gold
Barbie Girl
There For Her
Crash And Burn
What To Do?
Self-Conscious Kara
Excavation + Casting
Come On Barbie, Lets Go Party
Kryptonian Biology
Battle Part 1
Battle Part 2
Couples + More Casting
Kara Kent
The Fair Part 2
She's Leaving Home
Mxy Strikes Back
Hanging Out
Dress Up
Ms. Gsptlsnz
Sleep Deprived
Riled Up
One Day
The Team
The Light Part 1
The Light Part 2
The Light Part 3
The Light Part 4
Date Night
What We Deserve
The Black Place
The Final Nail In The Coffin
1 Month Later
We Match
Playing Dress Up
Red Daughter
Linda Lee

The Fair Part 1

470 34 29
By BaguetteManOfficial

Kara Zor-El flew through Smallville in her summer costume, once again picking up her daily order from the cafe. She paid before walking out of the place with a muffin in one hand and a coffee in the other.

"Morning" she smiled and sipped her drink as she waved at a couple that she passed by. They quickly returned her greeting.

The hero walked for a while before finishing her breakfast and throwing away the trash. She put her hands in her jacket pockets and glanced around, nothing except people enjoying their days. 

Kara spotted a flier stapled to a telephone pole before flying over to it. "Smallville town fair" she spoke before breaking into a smile.


"Nothing ever happens in this town! We have to go!" Kara jumped up and down with excitement as she stared at her boyfriend hopefully.

(Y/n) sighed as he continued sipping his hot chocolate. "I was really hoping you wouldn't find out about this"

"You really don't want to go?" Kara frowned as she continued to stare hopefully at the boy.

"Kara I know you don't get bothered by heat but it's going to be one of the hottest days of the summer" (y/n) replied before he took another sip.

"I'll make it cooler!" Kara said hopefully which made the boy give her a confused look.

Kara took a deep breath in before quickly blowing it out. The boy felt as the room dropped rapidly in temperature. "See? I can make sure you don't burn, let's just go!"

(Y/n) sighed, knowing any problem he could point out Kara would have a solution for. "Alright fine"

"Thank you!" Kara said excitedly as she clapped her hands together. "Now do I go as Kara or supergirl?"

"I assumed Kara" (y/n) gave her a confused look. "That way we can actually be a couple in public"

"Oh. Right" Kara laughed as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Kara it is then... Sometimes I wish these two lives didn't have to be so separate"

"So do I. I want people to know I kiss Supergirl"

Kara let out a small laugh at that. "You do a lot more than that"

"Down girl" (y/n) smiled as he rolled his eyes at the girl. "You know what I meant"

"I do" Kara smiled as she leaned her head against the one belonging to her boyfriend. The two were almost the same height at this point. "And that would be nice. Still though, kissing me as Kara Kent isn't to bad is it?"

"No" (y/n) replied as he took the girls cheeks in his hands and pulled her towards him. "I guess not" he spoke before planting his lips on hers. "Plus the wig adds a bit of variety"

"It does spice things up doesn't it?" Kara smirked before running off and returning within a second with her wig on.


Kara and (y/n) walked hand in hand as they walked through the fair a few days later. "This is really just stereotypical small town stuff isn't it?" Kara asked with an excited smile as she hugged her boyfriends arm and looked around as they stopped walking.

"That's Smallville for ya" (y/n) replied with a nod. "Come on, I want to grab something to eat"

"Deep fried butter?" Kara asked as she noticed a booth in the distance.

The boy grimaced at the idea. "That may be enough to give even a Kryptonian diabetes. How about we get some-"

"Ooh!" Kara stopped hugging the boy before taking his hand and pulling him. "Strawberries!"

"Yep that's better than what I saw" the boy replied as he quickly followed Kara as she dragged him to where one of the farmers had set up as she fished her wallet out of her overalls.

They were quick to buy a box of strawberries and went back to looking around. "These are so good" Kara smiled as she ate one of them in one bite. She pulled the stem out of another before putting one half in her mouth and motioning for the boy to take a bite of the part sticking out.

"Seriously?" The boy laughed as Kara nodded quickly. "Fine" he leaned in and their lips connected as (y/n) bit the strawberry in half. He pulled away a moment later to see Kara with a happy smile as she chewed her half of the strawberry.

"We are so cute" Kara spoke happily once she finished chewing. "Hey look, a stage" she pointed across the fair. "We getting a standup comic?"

"I'd put my money on it being a band" (y/n) spoke as he motioned to the guy with a guitar making his way behind the stage.

"Oh. That's good too" Kara smiled as she pulled the boy towards the stage. "I-" she cut herself off.

(Y/n) glanced at Kara and noticed she had a thoughtful look. "What are you planning?"

"Just stay here and wait" Kara spoke before handing the boy the box of strawberries and quickly melting into the crowd.

Twenty minutes later the band made their way onto the stage and (y/n) was not at all surprised to find Supergirl up there with a microphone in hand beside the lead singer. "Hi Smallville!" She spoke excitedly into the mic. A cheer went up from the crowd for the local heroine. "Alright hit it" she spoke as she glanced at the band.

The band started playing their music and Kara smiled before beginning to sing. (Y/n) didn't know the song or pay it any attention. Instead he just watched as Kara enjoyed herself on the stage.

Word count: 1019

(I feel like I've said it before but people don't seem to understand so I'm gonna say it again here. Frost was not some sort of transfer of Killer Frost's mind into the main characters. He is a split personality created by a mix of stress and various other factors. The reason he doesn't show up as much now is because (y/n) is learning to handle everything better)

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