Solar ; 𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘰𝘧 �...

By youbadfriend

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Invisible. That's all Elle Anders was. Until Time Master Rip Hunter recruited her and eight others for the jo... More

act one
one: invisible as she
three: let's go time traveling
four: black market arms deal gone wrong
five: the blame game
six: in vandal savage we hate
seven: not a big deal
eight: cumulations of realizations
nine: crashing into the cold war
ten: how you care
eleven: the soviet union sucks
twelve: right and wrong
thirteen: acting like a team
fourteen: matchmakers
fifteen: the superhero world
sixteen: presents and the present
seventeen: let's go space traveling
eighteen: pirate predicament
nineteen: fire and ice
twenty: the not-so-nifty fifties
twenty-one: disappearing act
twenty-two: hesitation or no hesitation
twenty-three: a two-year jump
twenty-four: resurfacing pasts
twenty-five: to kill or to kidnap
twenty-six: eavesdrop central
twenty-seven: so much more to learn
twenty-eight: the wild, wild west

two: so it begins

553 16 10
By youbadfriend

▂▂▂▂▂ act one , chapter two
Central City , 2016 ▂▂▂▂▂

❝what's the big deal about it disappearing? i can do that!❞

THE FIRST THING that Elle felt when she regained consciousness was the several tiny rocks digging along her backside, little pebbles pressing against her body, surely making temporary indents. And then the second thing that Elle felt was the presence of two bodies on either side of her. She jolted up at the revelation and tried to cease the groan wanting to escape past her lips, her head moving on a swivel from left to right, realizing that she was not the only one on this... rooftop, she had come to learn. They were all on a rooftop. To Elle's left, there was a grumble of words she couldn't understand as her hand traveled to her face, fingers pinching the skin on her forehead, hoping to rid the pain throbbing inside.

"Stein?" This voice — a male voice that also came from her left — was more discernible to Elle. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm as ignorant as you for once." Another male voice spat back, but this time, it was directly to her left and had Elle's hand moving from her face as she squeezed her eyes shut, tilting her head to the side.

"Can you please shut up? I have a massive headache," Elle said, annoyed.

Evidently, nobody cared about the pounding ache in her head as the woman directly to Elle's right asked, "Where are we?"

"Why don't you ask the dude who knocked us out and kidnapped us?" Now, this voice sounded younger to Elle, someone more her age, and it had her turning her head to look past the three people beside her to see a younger man, no older than twenty, maybe, at the end. "British dude with a flashy thing. Ring any bells?"

"The name's Rip Hunter," the British man in question announced further down on the roof, his hands on his hips as he walked toward the newly conscious group, all slowly coming to stand upright. "I'm from East London. Oh, and the future."

"Nice to meet you, Rip," a gruff voice greeted, not very nicely, Elle would say, and he reached for the nonnormal-looking gun on his hip. When looking at the man and the other next to him, Elle realized who they were. She had seen newspaper articles about Captain Cold and Heat Wave — they each owned guns corresponding with their aliases, but it never really interested Elle, though.

"Uh, while you were incapacitated, I may have tampered with your weapons. I've assembled you all because I need your help." The British man, Rip Hunter, as he claimed to be, continued to walk down the line of people he had kidnapped. "The future of the world is in peril because of a man by the name of Vandal Savage."

He stopped at the end of the line of people, and after a moment, the man in brown and gold armor resembling a bird costume, matching with the woman by his side, distraughtly said, "That can't be. We destroyed him."

"Yeah, the Green Arrow and Flash helped us do it," the woman seconded.

Rip swiveled back as Elle eyed him curiously — this dude couldn't be serious. He had to be crazy. "And therein lay the problem. Unless you or Mr. Hall deliver the death blow, Savage can be restored from but a single cell."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Heat Wave, or Mick Rory, if Elle remembered his name right (and she doubted that she did), inquired.

"Vandal is immortal. Kendra and I reincarnate," informed the hawk man as if that was a completely normal thing to say.

"Yeah, I've done that," the blond beside Elle stated.

She snapped her head to her. "What?"

"And what the hell does this Randall guy got to do with us?" Mick Rory asked.

"Vandal," Rip corrected, though Elle couldn't blame Rory for not remembering the stupid guy's name; she had forgotten as well. The British man walked back again down the line to where he first was. "In the future, he will employ the evil he's perfected over his long life, and the power he has amassed throughout history, to finally conquer the world. I've been tasked with assembling an elite team to stop him."

"How?" The blond asked the question Elle was thinking. She wasn't convinced this guy wasn't some crazed lunatic, but she had to admit she was curious about what he would say.

Rip waved his hand in the air. "To travel through time. To capture Savage before he grows into the monster he becomes."

"You got the wrong guy," Captain Cold — Leonard Snart? Elle guessed — stepped forward, moving past the acclaimed time traveler. "'Hero' ain't on my resume."

"Or mine," Snart's partner concurred, following his actions.

"I know it's difficult for you to fathom—"

"That's an understatement," Elle interrupted with some sass.

Rip glanced back at Elle, letting a huff pass his lips before returning to the two criminals who had stopped. "But where — when I'm from, the year 2166, you and everyone on this roof aren't just considered heroes... You're legends."

"Legends?" Elle hadn't even taken note of the man in a blue and red metal suit at the far end of everyone, given that he hadn't uttered a word until just now. She studied his armor, thinking that Aiden would love to take a close look at the feat of engineering.

"I, um, hate to nitpick, but doesn't a legend have to be dead?" The man who had been beside Elle and the oldest one by far spoke. He and the metal man made their way up the line.

"Yeah, see, uh, that's a deal breaker for me, so I'm gonna pass," the other younger person said.

Elle leaned to the side, nodding in accord with him. "Yeah, me too, 'cause I kind of value my life."

"It's dangerous for any of you to know too much about your own futures, but I am here because each of you, as individuals, is destined for greatness."

That's when Rip lost Elle completely — she never believed for one second that her life was of greater importance to anyone. Hell, she thought that she was the most insignificant person on this planet, and one British guy in a brown coat wouldn't change that outlook for her.

But the metal man, on the other hand, well, he nodded at Rip. "I could get behind that."

Once more, he ambled towards the edge of the roof. Does all this guy do is pace around, Elle thought.

"And, because if you don't follow me, this is what is in store for your world one hundred and fifty years from now." He lifted his arm, which held some device, emitting a holographic projection across the sky.

The fact that this man had the capability to do this should've amazed Elle, but what Rip showed from the projection took all of her attention. What she saw was destruction, the sky a shade of orange and red, buildings crumbling to the ground and going up in flames. There was just nothing there but mere fires scorching the earth. It was a daunting sight, really, scary even, and Elle was thankful when Rip relaxed his arm by his side, and the projection went away.

"I could've chosen any time and any place." He turned toward everyone. "Of all the people who ever lived, I chose you nine. I certainly hope that you won't let me, and the world, down." Then Rip walked up to the older man, handing him a business card. "If your answer is yes, meet me at this address in thirty-six hours."

Just like that, he walked away, leaving everyone he had brought together on this roof with a decision. To Elle, it was apparent that some had already made their choice, her included. This had to be a scam of some sort — it just had to be because it couldn't be anything else; then that would mean her life would just get crazier, and that was the last thing she wanted. Elle's life was tough as it was; she didn't need to be throwing time travel — if the Brit was even telling the truth — into the mix. Her decision was made; she was not going.

"So what do you think?" The man in the metal suit asked no one in particular as, just out of curiosity, Elle looked over the older man's shoulder at the business card.

"I think that's five minutes of my life I'm not getting back," declared Snart. Elle wasn't the only person who had made up their mind already.

"He just showed us the entire world in flames. You can't turn your back on that," the old man told.

"Observe." With that one word, Leonard Snart and Mick Rory began walking in the opposite direction of everyone.

"Well, I think we can all agree that the mission will go a whole lot better without those two," the man in the suit remarked.

"I haven't signed on yet," the blond noted.

"Me either. Don't count me in," Elle stated bluntly, clarifying that she wasn't interested in anything just said.

"And I'm not signing on at all." The younger man began to storm off.

"Jefferson—" The old man started.

"No." The kid, Jefferson, halted, veering around. "I'm not going off to die in some apocalyptic future. I'm staying right here in the present."

"Ditto." Elle raised her eyebrows before both of them began walking in separate directions with the same idea in mind: they were not going on this stupid mission, no matter what.

As cynical as it was to think, Elle knew her life didn't matter, and she wasn't going to believe some wack-a-do who showed up, knocked her out, and claimed to be a time traveler from the future. She wasn't that stupid; she knew her worth and was unwilling to bet it could be any higher than she knew it was.

ON THE WALL in the Parlour's living room resided a clock that had just struck eleven-thirty, and Aiden was still sitting patiently on the couch, his left leg bouncing furiously as he waited for Elle to return home. It had been over four hours since she had left, and it was sufficient to say that everyone in the apartment was worried about the Anders girl. After some persuading, Aiden had convinced his mother and his two younger sisters to go to bed, promising that he'd wait for Elle to get home, and if that didn't happen by midnight, he would call the police. Elle was smart, Aiden knew — street smart, so she knew how to get out of trouble, especially now having acquired her powers. He was confident that Elle was okay; she had to be. Still, the boy couldn't help but be anxious as he awaited his girlfriend's arrival.

Another minute had passed when Elle quietly entered the apartment, having used the spare key under the mat to get inside, and shut the door as quietly as possible behind her, twisting the deadbolt on the door in its rightful place. Aiden's head veered towards the door at the sound, relief flooding through his system at the sight of Elle. He shot up from his place on the couch and ventured the short distance between the two, grasping Elle in a tight hug the minute she had turned to face away from the door.

Being met with the sudden embrace, Elle barely had the chance to register who exactly it was that had their arms around her shoulders, but quickly she realized that it was Aiden, relaxing into his touch and letting a pleasant sigh pass through her mouth. Elle was thrilled to be in the presence of something normal; she needed that familiarity after what happened the past few hours. Instinctively, her arms found their way wrapping around his middle, and her chin found its place on his shoulder as she inhaled deeply.

"Sorry, I didn't bring back any milk," Elle remarked weakly.

"Are you alright?" Aiden asked, and Elle could feel his breath on her neck.

"Yeah." She pulled back from the hug, her ocean eyes connecting with Aiden's brown ones, a small smile pricking her lips. "I'm fine."

Aiden nodded, a solace sigh invoking from his mouth. "What the hell happened?"

Elle's eyebrows shot up at his inquiry, wondering whether or not she should even tell Aiden — it sounded so far-fetched, and she knew she wouldn't believe her. However, Elle quickly shook that thought away because if she told Aiden about her powers and he didn't flee, she could tell him about this. Truth be told, Elle didn't even know where to begin.

"You won't believe what happened," she smirkingly smiled.

The two moved to the fire escape accessible through one of the living room windows, both their legs dangling dozens of feet above the solid ground, looking out at all the lights in Central City. This was a huge part of why Elle liked living here in Central City; it held this beauty to it, especially when she peered out at all the lights emitting from buildings and such. She loved seeing the way the man-made lights mixed with the sky's stars so much that you couldn't tell which was which. It seemed as though there was no barrier between their world and whatever was above them in the stratosphere — like worlds were colliding. Elle thought there was a sort of peace in that, and she was content with believing there really was no barrier between them and space.

As the couple sat there, one's attention was fixated on the city while the other's was on the person beside them; Elle spoke about everything and everyone she encountered that evening. There was not a single detail that she missed, explaining everything from the moment she stepped in the store to being knocked out to being shown what was supposedly in store for the future. Elle mentioned all the people she met, explaining exactly how they came across and how they looked; even if she only knew four people's names out of the ten, she still illustrated each person. A part of her hoped that Aiden may have known some of the people just based on her description, and maybe she could obtain more information.

It was long after midnight when she was done describing her short-lived adventure, and Elle looked wearily at Aiden, curious as to what he would say. "You said there was a man. Black hair, metal suit, right?" came out of his mouth first.

"Yeah." Elle nodded.

"Well, I think I know who that is," Aiden claimed, Elle peering up at the revelation. "But he's supposedly dead. Ray Palmer. He was some genius billionaire; he built his own super suit. I saw him in this magazine I had, but he... died."

Elle let out an exasperated breath. "He seemed pretty alive to me."

In return, she got a look from Aiden before he went on. "The others... I haven't heard of any of them. Not really."

"Come on, you're supposed to be my genius," Elle teased through a grin, playfully shoving his shoulder.

"Hey, I can't be a genius on everything," Aiden defended.

The teens shared a few laughs before the humor died down, and Elle could feel the seriousness come over the atmosphere. She should've been prepared for the next question Aiden asked, but she wasn't, not really, especially when he sounded so weighty as he said it, acting as though this really was reality.

"Are you gonna go?"

The only thing Elle could do was stare back into the city, admiring the lights and hearing all the commotion — it was peculiar to Elle. All these people should've been asleep, and she wondered what they could be doing at this hour. But then she remembered that she was also a crazy person up in the wee hours of the morning right now.

When a breath escaped Elle, she could see it before it faded into the darkness. "No."

From beside her, Elle could feel the way Aiden's eyes were looking at her, and she could tell that he shifted in his place so that one of his legs was bent, resting against the floor of the fire escape. She didn't want to look over at him because if she did, she would see the way he read her like an open book; it was as though she was transparent to him even when she wasn't invisible.

After a very long beat of silence, Aiden spoke. "I think you should go."

He was so quiet that Elle wasn't even sure she had heard him right until she found the courage to look over at him, seeing his face and the way it indicated that she had heard him correctly.

"You think I should go?" She inquired surprisingly, and he nodded in confirmation. "Tell me, is time travel even possible? Can it be a reality?"

"Technically... in theory, yes. This Captain Hunter you mentioned said he was from the future, right? It's possible that he is from a period where time travel exists. Therefore, he could come back to this moment where time travel isn't a thing."

"I just can't believe we're talking about it like it's real," Elle sighed. "Do you know how crazy we sound right now?"

"Crazier than if we were talking about superpowers? Are you forgetting we live in a world where someone runs at the literal speed of light? But — time travel? We do kinda sound like we just escaped from an insane asylum," he remarked with a laugh. "Though you always sound like that, so."

Elle scoffed at him, desiring to punch him in the ribs, but she held back, beginning to think about things — the future, how everything would be if she went on this mission, everything she would leave behind; Elle didn't know if she could do that.

"But what about you? And Grace and Reagan? Your mom. What would I say to them? 'Hey, I'm going on a time travel mission, so I might not be home for dinner'?" She said with a pang of dread rattling through her body. "I can't just leave you guys."

"You won't," Aiden assured — Elle couldn't fathom how confident he sounded.

"And how could you possibly know that?" Her tone was humorous, but she was genuinely looking for an answer — if Aiden couldn't give her one, it only enhanced her decision to stay.

"Because. It's time travel," he stated matter-of-factly. "You can be returned right to the moment you left so you can be home in time for dinner. You wouldn't have to say goodbye to anyone. To you, it would seem like you were gone for a while, but to us... it would just be like you went out for something. Like milk."

Elle smiled with a sigh, leaning into Aiden's hand that cupped her face; it had moved there as he spoke — he sounded so sure. It did bring comfort to the girl who had initially thought she had made her final decision on that roof, but here she was, the boy she cared for making her question everything. Throughout all the time she had known him, Aiden had only ever been supportive of her through everything. Every test, every foster home, Aiden was by her side, whispering in her ear that everything was going to be okay. And certainly, that didn't change now.

"I'll be here waiting for you to get back," he guaranteed. "While you go save the world."

The smile on Elle's face didn't diminish as she brought her own hand to the one Aiden held by her face, but then it turned into a sly smirk as she whispered, "That was so cliche."

"Oh, shut up," exclaimed Aiden with a light scoff. "Also, think about it this way: if you go and it turns out to be a scam, you can just come right back here like it never happened."

"Yeah, you're right," Elle agreed. "Which will probably happen. But since you want to get rid of me so badly, I guess I'll go."

And the following day, Elle took the first train to Star City with the address on the business card in mind and the probability of time travel.

( Star City , 2016 )

IT WAS ALMOST a guarantee that Elle and everyone else on that roof were getting scammed when seven of the nine people showed up at an abandoned shipyard exactly thirty-six hours later when Rip Hunter told them to meet here. The area was just a huge concrete slab that was a shore to some body of water, and storage containers were lined up around the place.

Everyone was standing near the beginning of where the concrete started, getting acquainted. To Elle, it seemed as though most at least knew one other member of this thrown-together group, and it made Elle feel slightly out of place as everyone around her talked. Introductions were being tossed around, and when it was her turn, she wasn't even paying attention.

"Sorry, what?" Elle was innocently oblivious to the question the blond woman — Sara, if Elle had heard her name right — asked.

The ends of her lips twitched up at Elle. "I just asked what your name was."

"Oh, uh, Elle," she answered sheepishly, glancing around at everyone. "Hi."

"Hi, Elle." Ray Palmer stuck out his hand for her to shake with a buoyant smile.

"Right." Elle drew out the word as recognition covered her face. "The dead guy."

The words that had just slipped out of her mouth without any thought earned a loud laugh from Mick Rory as he stood beside his partner. Elle looked profoundly apologetic at the billionaire who, after shaking off the slight embarrassment, raised his hands steadily.

"It's fine," Ray eased, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets.

"So, uh..." Elle wondered, doing her best to make conversation with these people who barely knew her and were supposedly superheroes. "Where's your suit?"

"Oh, it's right here," said Ray cheerily, pulling out one of his hands, which held a small case, only capable of housing a necklace, maybe, by its size.

"What is that?" Rory grumbled.

"My suit," Ray answered, his smile faltering a bit before he spoke proudly. "I shrink it down so it allows for easy transportation."

"Smart," the other woman, Kendra, complimented.

From where he stood facing the open area, Snart spun around to face everyone, the usual grimace on his face. "So how long are we supposed to wait here for the Brit to show up? Or are we just going to stand here ogling over pretty boy's suit?"

Just as the words left his mouth, a silver convertible drove past them, and the older gentleman from the rooftop was in the driver's seat. The other kid, Jefferson, was in the passenger seat, sleeping off whatever concoction the older man had given him before they came.

"Well, it looks like that's our cue," Elle grinned snarkily at Snart, taking the lead in walking toward the middle of the shipping yard as everyone else followed behind her.

The older man got out of his car, unaware everyone else was walking up behind him. With the business card Rip had given him, he looked out at the empty area, seeing nothing but leaves blowing around on the cement and throwing his hands in the air.

"Professor!" Snart greeted as everyone walked towards the parked car. "This is the place."

"I think we're being punked," Ray commented. "Do people still say 'punked'?"

Sara threw him an annoyed glare. "No."

"What is he doing?" Elle pointed at Jefferson's unconscious body as she eyed the Professor.

"Looks like he threw himself a going away party," Mick observed.

The older man looked apprehensive. "Yes, I believe he drank something that didn't quite agree with him."

As he placed the business card in his blazer pocket, Elle spoke straightforwardly; it wasn't hard to discern what happened. "You drugged him, didn't you?"

"I — well... yes." The Professor finally admitted.

Snart turned his focus on Kendra and Carter, noting the latter's vexed look. "You don't look too happy to be here."

"Perceptive," stated Kendra.

"Well," Rip appeared out of nowhere seemingly, and it had Elle's eyebrows scrunching together, "I see you've all decided to come. Well then, we can be on our way."

Snart crossed his arms, retorting, "I ain't footing it anywhere."

"A Time Master's sacred charge is to do no harm to the timeline." Rip pulled something out of his pocket as he babbled what sounded like nonsense to Elle. "Can you imagine what a time ship would look like in, say, Victorian England?"

"Holographic indigenous camouflage projection," the Professor awed.


And with a push of a button on the device Rip held, before the nine appeared, a massive ship equipped with tech no one from this time had ever seen before, the panels on the ship working to reveal its true image. Elle thought about how much Aiden would love to be here to see it and gawk over all the tech that had to be aboard the ship to make it run. As time went on, this time-traveling thing became much more believable to Elle, seeing as a literal timeship appeared before her eyes.

Everyone admired the ship as Elle vocalized, "What's the big deal about it disappearing? I can do that!"

With no trouble, Elle made herself disappear, blending in with her surroundings for a brief moment before returning to a visible state. Everyone's gaping gazes switched to her as she just simply shrugged.

"Yes, Ms. Anders and that is why I have recruited you," the Englishman explained before returning to his ginormous ship. "It's called the Waverider. It's been my ship for over a decade. Shall we?"

He gestured for everyone to follow, and they did, all wandering off in the direction of the ship par from Rory, whom the Professor asked to grab Jefferson. Elle, still at the head of the group of nine, walked towards the Waverider, still not believing quite yet that she was about to step foot on an actual time ship, and as soon as she did so, her life would never be the same.

WHILE ABOARD THE Waverider, Elle stared in amazement at all the different machinery equipping the time vessel, no doubt from a faraway future because she knew that no one in 2016 had this sort of technology. Elle took her time strolling through all the different corridors of the ship, taking in every aspect she could, making a mental note of where the galley was located.

Accompanying the galley was a library, filled to the brim with all kinds of historical books and articles; empty rooms with no more than a bed inside were scattered about the hallways, as well as a MedBay, which had two chairs and not much medical equipment appeared to be inside. There were many more areas with the ship, and Elle tried her best to memorize where everything was, knowing that at one point, she would get lost in this massive time machine.

Eventually, after everyone got to look around, besides Jefferson, who was still unconscious from the Professor's roofie, they all made it to the front portion of the ship, the bridge Rip had called it. Inside, seats were mirroring what you would see at amusement parks on roller coasters, with one at the very front, assumably the captain's chair. A console was in the middle of the room, one giant screen took up the majority of the surface, and a parlor was connected to the bridge, giving off an orange ancient color, as it was filled with all sorts of artifacts from different time periods. It took a lot for Elle to resist the urge to go and fiddle with everything in that room, but she decided that would be frowned upon.

"This," Elle gestured with her hands to the ship around her as she traveled further into the bridge, where Snart, Sara, and Rip were, "is some serious Star Wars crap."

Following behind Elle into the bridge was the Professor, Martin Stein, as Elle had learned, Ray and Rory. The arsonist placed his arm around Stein's shoulders, gesturing towards Jefferson. "Whatever you roofied him with, I'd like some."

"I did not roofie him," insisted Stein.

"Oh, I ain't judging," Mick asserted.

"Looks like it to me," remarked Elle from where she now stood in front of Jefferson, waving her hand profusely in front of his face. "He's out cold."

Kendra and Carter entered, the former praising with a smile, "I have never seen anything like this before."

"Neither have I, and considering I have four thousand years worth of memories, that's saying something," Carter followed, spinning to marvel at the ship.

Elle's head snapped to the man. "You have four thousand years worth of memories?"

When Carter nodded in confirmation at her, Elle had to resist the urge to let out an astonished gasp. There were many things she had yet to learn about these people and the mission she was partaking in.

"How does a vessel of this size function without a crew?" Pondered Stein, looking to Rip.

"I don't need one," the Brit explained. "I have Gideon."

Above the console in the middle of the bridge appeared a holographic blue head with woman-like features and an English accent — an AI of some sort, Elle assumed, only she had never seen or heard of one this advanced. "Welcome aboard. I am Gideon, an interactive artificial consciousness programmed to operate the vessel's critical systems and aid Captain Hunter in his mission."

Snart tilted his head. "Captain?"

Rip just ignored him. "Gideon's been working on helping me locate Vandal Savage."

"I thought you said he's pretty active in the twenty-second century," quipped Ray.

"Perhaps engaging Savage at the height of his powers isn't the best strategy," Stein assumed.

"Indeed." Rip began walking towards the far side of the console closest to the parlor. "Unfortunately, Savage has kept his movements hidden throughout history. Not even Gideon can determine where or when we can find him. But I have the next best thing: the man who can." As Rip placed either of his hands on the console, leaning against it, a picture of an older man with dark skin and gray hair wearing a suit and tie appeared, as well as the name Aldus Boardman. "Professor Aldus Boardman. Professor Boardman is the world's leading — well, only — expert on Vandal Savage. We're gonna pay him a little visit."

"Wait, wait, wait," Elle spoke, walking towards the console. "So this Gideon, a supercomputer, can't find Savage, but this Professor can?"

"Yes, and as I said, he is the only expert on Savage."

"Course plotted for St. Roch, New Orleans," informed Gideon.

"St. Roch?" Carter queried.

"October seventeenth, 1975."

Rip began moving towards the lone chair at the front of the room as he announced. "I suggest you all strap yourselves in. Temporal navigation isn't something one wants to be standing up for."

As Rip brought the front of his chair down, everyone began taking a seat, Elle finding her place beside Ray Palmer as she got seated in the chair, preparing herself for traveling through time — it still sounded surreal to her. She breathed deeply, closing her eyes, which only opened when Mick Rory spoke.

"Time travel. Cool," he stated gruffly.

"This is actually real," Elle murmured to herself.

"Some of you may experience some slight discomfort. In very rare instances, there will be some, uh," Rip lowered his voice as he tapped on a small screen on his chair, "bleeding from the eyeballs."

Everyone's faces dropped, and Kendra said, "I'm sorry, what?"

"If I lose an eye, you skinny Birt..." Elle threatened through gritted teeth."

Whatever Rip had been doing on his chair made all the lights on the bridge turn blue as Elle felt her body shake from the Waverider being lifted off the ground. Now, Elle had never flown before, and she definitely had not time traveled before, so she wondered how well exactly her body was going to take it.

"The human body is used to time unfolding linearly," Rip interpreted.

Elle felt the ship begin to move with greater intensity, her body shaking the same way it was, and her hands were clenched against the safeguards of her seat in anticipation. The Waverider kept rising and rising into the sky, its movements becoming rougher.

"Oh. Jefferson, I'm so glad you're awake," the Professor said to the now-conscious boy beside him. "I didn't want you to miss this."

"Miss what?" Jefferson was groggily trying to grasp what was happening around him, and when he did, he was not very happy, to put it lightly. "What the—"

He shook his safeguards, and Rip implored him not to do that. "Oh, no, I wouldn't unfasten those if I were you."

"Get me off this — whatever this thing is!"

"Good luck explaining this," smugly remarked Sara."

"I did him a favor," Stein reasoned, warranting a disbelieving look from Jefferson.

"He doesn't look all that grateful," noted Snart.

"Just hang on and remain calm," advised Rip, and Elle's eyes were about to shoot out of their sockets.

"Calm?! You want us to remain calm when we are about to travel through time?" She exclaimed loudly.

"It would be ideal," Rip muttered as his chair swiveled around to face the giant windshield. Then, he more profoundly stated, "All your worlds are about to change."

hope y'all enjoy!!! have a lovely day/night loves!

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