
By dear13dreamer

10.3K 137 23

ᴇʟʏꜱɪᴀɴ (ᴀᴅᴊ.) • ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪꜰᴜʟ ᴏʀ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ; ᴅɪᴠɪɴᴇʟʏ ɪɴꜱᴘɪʀᴇᴅ; ᴘᴇᴀᴄᴇꜰᴜʟ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴇʀꜰᴇᴄᴛ • ᴊᴜʟɪᴇᴛ ꜰʀᴇɴᴄʜ ʜᴀᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴇʀꜰᴇ... More

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58 1 0
By dear13dreamer

xxɪ. ᴜꜱᴇʟᴇꜱꜱ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴꜱ
"Make your decision, Mister Smith.", Jenny says, growing impatient.

"Perhaps if that human heart breaks, the Time Lord will emerge.", Baines suggests.

Out of sight, Latimer takes the watch from his pocket, and opens it. Golden energy shimmers and the Family turn their heads quickly, they don't notice that Thea had now absorbed the information from her own watch.

"Time Lord.", A voice calls.

"It's him!", Baines points, misreading the situation and not yet realizing that Thea is also a Time Lady.

Latimer closes the watch. Martha runs over and gets the gun off Jenny and uses her as a shield while she aims it at Baines.

"All right! One more move and I shoot.", She threatens, as Juliet is released from the woman's hold. She immediately runs over into John's open arms.

He holds her close and watches the situation before him, making sure not to let her go, even for a second.

"Oh, the maid is full of fire.", Baines comments.

"And you can shut up!", She fires the gun at the ceiling.

"Careful, Son of Mine. This is all for you so that you can live forever.", Clark warns him.

"Shoot you down."

"Try it. We'll die together."

"Would you really pull the trigger? Looks too scared.", Baines scoffs.

"Scared and holding a gun's a good combination. Do you want to risk it?"

The family lower their guns. Anastasia is returned to John and Juliet. The three embrace each other.

"Doctor, get everyone out. There's a door at the side. It's over there. Go on. Do it, Mister Smith. I mean you.", Martha orders.

"Do what she said. Everybody out, now. Don't argue, Mister Jackson. They're mad. That's all we need to know. Susan, Miss Cooper, outside, all of you.", Joan says suddenly.

The villagers run out, screaming.

"Move yourself, boy. Back to the school, quickly."

"And you. Go on. Just shift."

"What about you?", Juliet asks Martha and Thea, who is now standing with her.

"Mister Smith, I think you should escort your wife and daughters to safety, don't you?", Martha says, before lightly shoving Thea in his direction.
"Mister Hicks, warn the village. Get everyone out. Latimer, get back to the school. Tell the headmaster-", John is cut off.

"Don't touch me. You're as bad as them.", Latimer runs off.
Jenny gets away from Martha and rejoins her Family.

"Don't try anything. I'm warning you, or Sonny boy gets it.", Martha points the gun.

"She's almost brave, this one."

"I should have taken her form. Much more fun. So much spirit.", Jenny mumbles.

Martha backs away as the Family move forward.

"What happened to Jenny? Is she gone?"

"She is consumed. Her body's mine."

"You mean she's dead.", Martha corrects her.

"Yes. And she went with precious little dignity. All that screaming."

A scarecrow grabs Martha from behind.

"Get the gun!", Baines demands.

The scarecrow takes the gun and Martha runs out of the hall.

"Good work, soldier.", Baines praises.
"Don't just stand there, move! God, you're rubbish as humans. Come on!", Martha, John, Juliet, Anastasia , Thea and Joan run.

"Run! Ah, this is super. We've been in hiding for too long. This is sport.", Baines exclaims, happily.

"I can smell the schoolteacher. He's gone back to his academy."

"And what do we know about her?", Baines inquires about Martha.

Jenny's body glows green.

"This body has traces of memory. Was once her friend. Martha would go walking to the west. Husband of Mine, follow the maid's scent. Go to the west. Find out what she was keeping secret."

"Soldiers!", Clark leaves with scarecrows.

"As for you, Mother of Mine, let's go to school.", Baines smirks.
John closes the main doors behind them, grabs the bell and starts ringing it.

"Dad, what are you doing?", Anastasia asks.

"Maybe one man can't fight them, but this school teaches us to stand together. Take arms! Take arms!", John orders.

"You can't do that!", Thea cries.

"You want me to fight, don't you? Take arms! Take arms!", He turns to Martha.

"I say sir, what's the matter?"

"Enemy at the door, Hutchinson. Enemy at the door. Take arms!"
"They're sounding the alarms."

"I wouldn't be so pleased, Son of Mine. These bodies are silly and hot. They can damage and die. That's why we need the Time Lords.", Jenny says to him.

"Indeed. They will have guns. Perhaps a little caution. Sister of Mine, you're such a small little thing. Find a way in and spy on them.", Baines agrees.
The guns are being passed out.

"You can't do this, Doctor. Mister Smith!"

"Redfern, maintain position over the stable yard. Faster now. That's it.", John orders.

"Where do you need me?", Juliet asks him.

"Safe. I need you to be safe. Get back to our room, take the girls."


"Don't argue, please. I need to know you're okay. All of you.", He says, with tears in his eyes.

"I'll keep us safe. I can't get to our room, but I'll make sure we're somewhere safe.", He nods at her.

Juliet sighs before walking away with Thea and Anastasia.

"They're just boys. You can't ask them to fight. They don't stand a chance.", Martha cries.

"They're cadets, Miss Jones. They are trained to defend the King and all his citizens and properties."

The Headmaster enters.

"What in thunder's name is this? Before I devise an excellent and endless series of punishments for each and every one of you, could someone explain very simply and immediately exactly what is going on?", Rocastle asks.

"Headmaster, I have to report the school is under attack."

"Really? Is that so? Perhaps you and I should have a word in private."

"No, I promise you, sir. I was in the village with Juliet. Matron, Anastasia and Theodora were there as well. It's Baines, sir. Jeremy Baines and Mister Clark from Oakham Farm. They've gone mad, sir. They've got guns. They've already murdered people in the village. I saw it happen.", John explains.

"Matron, is that so?"

"I'm afraid it's true, sir.", Joan confirms.

"Murder on our own soil?"

"I saw it. Yes."

"Perhaps you did well then, Mister Smith. What makes you thing the danger's coming here?", Rocastle sighs.

"Well, sir, they said-"

"Baines threatened Mister Smith, sir. Said he'd follow him. We don't know why.", Joan admits.

"Very well. You boys, remain on guard. Mister Snell, telephone for the police. Mister Philips, with me. We shall investigate."

"No! But it's not safe out there.", Martha tells him.

"Mister Smith, it seems your favourite servant is giving me advice. You will control her, sir.", Rocastle and Philips leave.

"I've got to find that watch.", Martha mutters.
Juliet, Anastasia and Thea all sit together.

"Please, Stasia. Just open it!", She begs her sister. Anastasia is staring down at a watch, debating what to do.



Juliet isn't listening to their conversation, she is too busy scanning for any oncoming threats.

Anastasia sighs and gives in at last.

"Oh my god! We've got to find d- The Doctor!", Anastasia gasps, getting used to calling him by his real name again.

"What about Mum?", Thea asks, nodding towards Juliet.

"We'll have to sneak off."

And so they do. Juliet hasn't even noticed their absence, until she turns to ask them something.

"Girls? Girls!", She exclaims. Tears well up in her eyes as she runs off, trying to find them and ensure that they are both safe.
Joan follows Martha. They pass Latimer, who is hiding with the watch.

"Hold me. Keep me safe. Keep me dark. Keep me closed. The time is not right. Not yet. Not while the Family is abroad. Danger!", The Doctor's voice warns.

Lucy sneaks into the school.
"So. Baines and one of the cleaning staff. There's always a woman involved. Am I to gather that some practical joke has got out of hand?", Rocastle scoffs.

"Headmaster, sir. Good evening, sir. Come to give me a caning, sir? Would you like that, sir?", Baines greets him.

"Keep a civil tongue, boy."

"Now come on, everyone. I suspect alcohol has played its part in this.", Phillips says.

John watches from a window.

"Let's all just calm down. And who are these friends of yours, Baines, in fancy dress?"

"Do you like them, Mister Philips? I made them myself. I'm ever so good at science, sir. Look.", He pulls the arm off a scarecrow.

"Molecular fringe animation fashioned in the shape of straw men. My own private army, sir. It's ever so good, sir.", He explains.

"Baines, step apart from this company and come inside with me.", Rocastle orders.

"No, sir. You, sir, you will send us Mister John Smith. That's all we want, sir, Mister John Smith and whatever he's done with his Time Lord consciousness. Then we'd be very happy to leave you alone. Or you could give up his precious wife or daughters. Any one of them will do. They are women after all. What's the harm?"

"You speak with someone else's voice, Baines. Who might that be?"

"We are the Family of Blood.", Baines reveals.

"Mister Smith said there had been deaths."

"Yes, sir. And they were good, sir."

"Well, I warn you, the school is armed."

"All your little tin soldiers. But tell me, sir, will they thank you?", Baines asks.

"I don't understand."

"What do you know of history, sir? What do you know of next year?", Baines says cryptically.

"You're not making sense, Baines."

"1914, sir. Because the Family has travelled far and wide looking for the Smith's and, oh, the things we have seen. War is coming. In foreign fields, war of the whole wide world, with all your boys falling down in the mud. Do you think they will thank the man who taught them it was glorious?"

"Don't you forget, boy, I've been a soldier. I was in South Africa. I used my dead mates for sandbags. I fought with the butt of my rifle when the bullets ran out, and I would go back there tomorrow for King and Country!", Rocastle exclaims.

"Et cetera, et cetera.", Baines vapourises Philips.

"Run along, Headmaster. Run back to school. And send the Smith family. Let's see how they hold up against our own! A battle of the families, shall we say?", Baines grins.
Suddenly, Juliet runs straight into John.

"Sorry, Love.", He says, turning back around to the window.

"Jules? What are you doing here? I told you to keep the girls safe!"

"I know. But I was looking for - for any threats and then they were gone! I don't know wh- what...", She swallows hard.

"What hap- happened.", Her eyes roll back in her head and he rushes forward to catch her.

With ease, he takes her into his arms and leans her up against a nearby wall, to keep an eye on her.

He kisses her forehead and stokes her cheek before standing again.

"Mister Philips has been murdered, Mister Smith. Can you tell me why?"

"Honestly, sir, I have no idea. And the telephone line's been disconnected. We are on our own.", John informs him.

"And what's happened to your wife?"

"Fainted. No idea why."

"Well, what more can you expect from a woman in a time of need? Dramatists, as always."

John glares at him for a moment before slapping him across the face, hard.

"Don't you dare insult my wife! Actually, don't insult any woman. She's stressed, and it looked to me as if she was doing more than anyone else around here anyways. The only thing we men are good for, is war. The women are good for everything else. Do well to remember that next time you insult an entire sex based on one experience with one person.", He shouts.

The headmaster's eyes go wide.

"Well, I never imagined you to be so outspoken, Mister Smith. But, I must say, you are correct and I must commend you for your gall.", He nods, impressed. John grins to himself before Rocastle returns to the situation at hand.

"If we have to make a fight of it, then make a fight we shall. Hutchinson, we'll build a barricade within the courtyards. Fortify the entrances, build our defences. Gentlemen, in the name of the King, we shall stand against them."

"Yes, sir! Right, come on. Let's get moving.", The boys exclaim.

A wooden beam is put across the main doors.

"Hurry, get back."

"Barricade the kitchens. Secure the passageway to the stables.", Hutchinson orders. He drags Latimer out of his hiding place.

"You coward. You'll do your duty, Latimer, with the rest of us.", He spits.
"Sandbags to the north and west."

"Stables in case of-"

"Pemberton, load the spare magazines with bullets.", Rocastle orders.

"Quickly, now. Take the magazine cut-off out."

Lucy watches from a window.
"They've got an army. So do we. Soldiers. Soldiers!", Baines calls.

More scarecrows raise their heads and make for the school.
"Ashington, we need water for the Vickers gun. See to it. Faster. All of you, faster."

"Lockley, when firing commences, you're in charge of the gallery.", John supervises.

"Peterson, that is not acceptable. Report to your senior officer."
All the scarecrows assemble.

"War comes to England a year in advance.", Baines smirks.
Lucy contacts the Family telepathically.

"Family of Mine, wait. Hold the soldiers back. The Time Lord is playing some sort of trick."

"Discover him, Sister of Mine.", Baines tells her.
Martha is searching while Joan just stands there.

"I know it sounds mad, but when the Doctor and Juliet became human, they took the alien part of themselves and stored it inside the watch's. It's not really a watch, it just looks like a watch."

"And alien means not from abroad, I take it.", Joan clarifies.

"The man you call John Smith and the woman Juliet Smith, we're both born on another world."

"A different species."


"Then tell me. In this fairy tale, who are you?"

"Just a friend. I'm not. I mean, I'm not with diathermy of them or anything like that. Just their friend.", Martha answers.

"And human, I take it?"

"Human. Don't worry. And more than that, I just don't follow them around. I'm training to be a doctor. Not an alien doctor, a proper doctor. A doctor of medicine.", Martha explains.

"Well that certainly is nonsense. Women might train to be doctors, but hardly a skivvy and hardly one of your colour.", Joan scoffs.

"Oh, do you think? Bones of the hand. Carpal bones, proximal row. Scaphoid, lunate, triquetal, pisiform. Distal row. Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate. Then the metacarpal bones extending in three distinct phalanges. Proximal, middle, distal.", Martha lists off as she points to each bone in her own hand.

"You read that in a book."

"Yes, to pass my exams. Can't you see this is true?"

"I must go.", Joan says quickly.

"If we find that watch, then we can stop them."

"Those boys are going to fight. I might not be a doctor, but I'm still their nurse. They need me.", Joan tells her before she walks off.

Martha's eyebrows furrow as she hears laughter behind her.

"That was brilliant, Aunty!", Anastasia laughs.

"You were great!", Thea adds as they step out of the shadows.


Anastasia shrugs.

"I'm trying it out. You're like an aunt to me. To us both."

Martha grins at that.

"Aunty. I quite like that.", She admits.

"Wait. Aren't you two supposed to be with Jules? Hiding, and safe?"

"Technically... yes. But we've both got our memories back and we're here to help you stop the family.", Thea explains.

"Besides, you don't need the hassle of handling four of us being rubbish as humans.", She adds.

"You've got a point there."
"Son of Mine, Wife of Mine.", Clark calls to his family.
"Father of Mine, what have you found?"
"His Tardis. The Doctor and his Jewel cannot escape.", Clark informs the rest of the family.
Joan has changed into her uniform. John is helping Juliet stand back to her feet as Joan enters.

"You're with Armitage and Thwaites. They know the drill. Joan, it's not safe.", He says upon seeing her.

"I'm doing my duty, just as much as you. Fine evening we've had together."

John rolls his eyes at her blatant flirting. And in front of his wife, no less. Have this woman no shame?

"Tell me about Nottingham."

"Sorry?", Juliet asks, practically leaning against John, in order to stay standing.

"That's where you were brought up. Tell me about it."

"Well, it lies on the River Leen, its southern boundary following the course of the River Trent which flows from Stoke to the Humber.", He recites.

"That sounds like an encyclopaedia. Where
did you live?"

"Broadmoor Street. Adjacent to Hotley Terrace in the district of Radford Parade."

"But more that facts. When you were a child, where did you play? All those secret little places, the dens and hideaways that only a child knows? Tell me, John. Please tell me.", Joan presses.

"How can you think that I'm not real?", He asks her.

Joan rolls her eyes, annoyed.

"Perhaps she's right, Love. Do you even remember our wedding day? Or our marriage? Or the girl's births?"

"When I kissed you, was that a lie?", He suddenly asks her, a heartbroken look in his eye.

"No, of course not. No."

"But this Doctor sounds like some, some romantic lost prince. Would you rather that? Am I not enough?", He asks.

"No, that's not true. Never.", She assures him.

"I've got to go.", He says, grabbing her hand, intending for her to follow him.

"Martha was right about one thing, though. Those boys, they're children. John Smith wouldn't want them to fight, never mind the Doctor. The John Smith I was getting to know, he knows it's wrong, doesn't he?", Joan says suddenly.

"Mister Smith, if you please!"

"What choice do I have?", John and Juliet walk off, leaving Joan alone.

"I love you.", He declares as he stops walking for a moment to look Juliet in the eye.

"I love you too."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Of course I'm sure. I'm your wife!", She exclaims.

He cracks a smiles before he kisses her.

"Mister Smith!", Headmaster Rocastle calls again.
"Get those bags piled up, filth. Going to mean the difference between life and death for us.", Hutchinson orders.

"Not for you and me."

"What are you babbling about?"

"We're going to battle together.", Latimer says.

Future memories of shells screaming overhead.

"We fight alongside. I've seen it. Not here, not now."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you and I both survive this. And maybe, maybe I was given this watch so I could help. I'm sorry.", Latimer runs away.

"Latimer, you filthy coward!", Hutchinson cries.

"Oh yes, sir. Every time."
Martha gives a little scream, and throws papers into the air. Anastasia and Thea have also come up empty handed. They all leave John's study. Latimer is hiding, talking to the watch.

"What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?", He asks it.


"Beware of what?"

"Her.", Latimer looks up and sees Lucy standing in the corridor, holding her balloon. She sniffs.

"Keep away."

"Who are you?", Lucy asks.

"I saw you at the dance. You were with that family. You're one of them."

"What are you hiding?", She tilts her head.

"Nothing.", He lies.

"What have you got there?"

"Nothing.", He repeats himself.

"Show me, little boy.", She demands.

"I reckon whatever you are, you're still in the shape of a girl. How strong is she, do you think? Does she really want to see this?", Latimer aims the watch at Lucy and the golden energy shows her an explosion, and the Doctor. She runs away.
"Time Lord.", Baines mutters.

"Inside the device."

"Everything he is concealed away in the hands of a schoolboy. But now we know, that's all we need to find. The boy and the watch. What are we waiting for? Attack!", The army of scarecrows moves forward.
"Stand to!"

The scarecrows hammer at the main gate.

"At post!", Everyone takes aim.

"Enemy approaching, sir.", A boy shouts.

"Steady. Find the biting point."

The scarecrows break in.

"Fire!", The boys open fire and take down scarecrows as they advance. John does not squeeze his trigger. Juliet watches on from afar, so that she won't be hurt. All the scarecrows are down after the automatic gunfire ceases.

"Cease fire!", Rocastle walks over to the scarecrows.

"They're straw. Like he said, straw."

"The no one's dead, sir? We killed no one?", Hutchinson asks.

Footsteps on the gravel.

"Stand to!"

It is Lucy and her balloon.

"You, child. Come out of the way. Come into the school. You don't know who's out there. It's the Cartwright girl, isn't it? Come here. Come to me.", Rocastle outstretched his hand to the little girl.

Just then, Martha, Anastasia and Thea run out of the school.

"Mister Rocastle! Please, don't go near her.". Martha warns.

"You were told to be quiet.", He spits at her.

"Just listen to us. She's part of it.", Thea attempts.

"Matron, tell him.", Martha begs.

"I think that. I don't know. I think you should stay back, Headmaster.", Joan says.

"Mister Smith.", Martha turns to John.

"She was, she was with, with Baines in the village."

"Mister Smith, I've seen many strange sights this night, but there is no cause on God's Earth that would allow me to see this child in the field of battle, sir. Come with me."

"You're funny.", Lucy says.

"That's right. Now take my hand."

"So funny.", Lucy produces a ray gun and vapourises the Headmaster.

Juliet gasps and backs herself against the building. John turns around instantly and finds her with his eyes. He relaxes slightly upon seeing that she is safe.

"Now who's going to shoot me. Any of you, really?", Lucy taunts them.

"Put down your guns.", John orders.

"But sir, the Headmaster-", Hutchinson goes to argue.

"I'll not see this happen. Not anymore. You will retreat in an orderly fashion back through the school. Hutchinson, lead the way."

"But sir-"

"I said, lead the way.", He repeats himself.

"Well, go on, then. Run!", Baines fires his gun into the air.

"Come on!", Martha exclaims.

"Reanimate!", Baines shouts.

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