The omniversal champion, Spid...

By Dailous

494K 12.2K 7.1K

Spiderman was down on his luck. MJ was with another man and had children with him. He was basically blacklist... More

Prologue: The Chosen
Chapter 1: Preparations
Chapter 2: The Omniversal introduction of Spiderman
Chapter 3: 2 new additions to the adventure.
Chapter 4: Entering Avengers tower
Chapter 5: The man behind the Spider
Chapter 5.5: The Other Spider Worlds.
Chapter 6: The MK tournament begins.
Chapter 7: The spider and actor VS the Black Dragon
Chapter 8: Saving Jax of the S.F.
Chapter 10: Information gathering.
Chapter 11: A new player enters the game.
Chapter 12: A brothers squabble.
Chapter 13: A calm before the Storm.
Chapter 14: Spiderman vs Chasm
Chapter 15: Final Round.
Chapter 15.5: The other spider worlds part 2
Chapter 16: Want answers? Seek your gods.
Chapter 17: A complicated talk.
Chapter 18: Outworld strikes back.
Chapter 19: The Princess and the Spider.
Chapter 20: A heart to heart.
Chapter 21: Attack of the Clone.
Chapter 22: Kolloseum.
Chapter 23: For the fate of Earthrealm.
Chapter 24: The long awaited Talk.
Chapter 25.5: Chain Reaction.
Chapter 26: The war of the realms begins.
Chapter 27: Hold the line.
Chapter 28: Spiderman vs Chasm, the rematch.
Chapter 29: Brothers Unite.
Chapter 30: The Totem vs the Empress.
Chapter 31: He must win.
Chapter 32: Finish Him!
Chapter 33: Rebuilding.
Chapter 34: A tower emerges.
Chapter 35: Mansion exploring.
Chapter 36: Discovery.
Chapter 37: Aboard the Hellicarrier.
Chapter 38: To lead, or not to lead?
Chapter 39: Temple of Anansi.
Chapter 40: Edenians in Wakanda.
Chapter 40.5: The other spider worlds part 3.
Chapter 41: A new world, or is it?
Chapter 42: Kang's reward.
Chapter 43: Just another day in New York.
Chapter 44: An awkward meeting.
Chapter 45: Reunion.
Chapter 46: Decisions.
Chapter 47: Planning.
Chapter 48: Stalling.
Chapter 49: Attempted Coup.
Chapter 50: Getting even.
Chapter 51: A moment of peace.... or is it?
Chapter 52: Standoff.
Chapter 53: Something Marvelous.
Chapter 54: New suit, same old Spidey.
Chapter 55: The Symkarian Embassy.
Chapter 56: A Panther claims a Spider.

Chapter 9: Attempted Extraction.

8.9K 238 170
By Dailous

A/N: I apologise for any spelling mistakes I make.

3rd POV: Spiderman was scouting a secure path for sonya and jax. The webslinger subdued any of shang tsung's guards, using stealth and the high ground to his advantage and webbing them up into cocoons.


The bat family from different universes in the DC omniverse and other stealth like heroes from other omniverses observed spidermans movements, mentally complimenting or giving their own critiques, but overall, they could agree that spiderman was doing well in terms of stealth, from using his surroundings to using distractions.

(Mortal kombat universe)

After making sure that everything was clear, he called out to sonya.

Spiderman: Sonya, it's all clear here!

Sonya moved behind Spiderman, carrying the injured jax with her. However, Jax staggered and dropped to a knee with sonya following with him.

Sonya: Come on, Jax! Move it! That's an order!

Jax: Oh... so you're in charge now?

Jax groaned but complied and slowly got to his feet, and the trio of fighters kept moving and eventually made it to a clearing, and began walking across a stone bridge, with a waterfall in the background and further back was shang tsung's Palace.

Sonya: (brings her arm up and speaks into her wrist communicator) Special forces command, this is sonya Blade! Where's that evac?

Sonya gently sets Jax down with Spiderman jumping down to the ground, his suit reverting back to white and black after tapping the symbol on his chest.

Special forces command: (static).....Blade they are en route (static)..... coming to you (static).

Sonya: affirmative! (Looks at Jax) almost home soldier.

Spiderman: (kneels next to Jax) How're you holding up Jax?

Jax: I'm fine.

Sonya: liar. After I get you to base, I'm coming back, kano's still here somewhere.

Jax: That S.O.B? Your obsession with him is gonna get you killed.

Sonya: I trusted him.

Jax: Yeah, we all did.

Spiderman turned his head to the side, his mind unintentionally bringing up memories flashes of his obsession to go back to the universe MJ was trapped and how far he was willing to go back and save her, braking friendships and the trust of others, unaware that these memories were picked up by a certain British telepath. Spiderman clenched his fist discreetly.

Spiderman (in head): they broke my trust first. They all did. No matter how many chances I gave, they destroyed my trust and abused my friendship...... all but a few anyway.


Seeing the memory flashes, everyone didn't exactly understand as they were sporadic and passed by too quickly. Though earth 616 managed to see it and some just scoffed at spiderman, muttering how he betrayed them first and that he was irrelevant and other felt angry on spidermans behalf as they understood that if they were in his situation, trying to save the people they love, they would be obsessed in finding a way to go back and save them.

MJ (616) frowned at the screen. She never realised how far her ex went to go back and save her. She looked at her lap and sighed, whilst she was touched at the extent he went. She once again mentally reiterated her point that she had a loving family with her and that she was done with Peter.

Meanwhile, MJ's daughter (who I just found out is named Romy), who was sitting in between her mother and brother, stared at the screen, more specifically at Spiderman. Her right eye slightly twitched, and her left hand began to slowly clench.

Paul: something wrong, sweetie?

The child of MJ turned to her father, concern on his face, and the twitching stopped, and Romy's hand unclenched.

Romy: No, I'm fine.

She then turned back to the screen, her face slightly frowning, a certain emotion welling up within her as she stared at the arachnid hero on screen.

(Mortal kombat universe)

Sonya: But I was the one he used.

Spiderman (in head): This is starting to hit close to home.

Spiderman then put a hand on sonya's shoulder.

Spiderman: it's alright to chase after kano sonya, but don't let it control you. (Another flash comes up, and the memory of the man who murdered Uncle Ben flashed I'm his mind) believe me, sometimes you need to take a step back and think things through before rushing, otherwise you end up hurting yourself and everyone around yo-


Spiderman (in head): Wait wha-

Spiderman didn't give it much thought as he swerved to the left as a giant green shuriken flew past him and did a u turn as it was then caught by a very beautiful woman in a green skin tight outfit exposing a lot of skin with another beautiful woman walking behind the one in green, wearing roughly the same outfit but in blue.

Spiderman (in head): Oh great, another fight to partake. (Observes them) Those 2 remind me too much of elektra.


Elektra (616) was sitting cross-legged on a rooftop after hearing what Spiderman said. She, too, observed the 2 women and couldn't help but agree with the airachnid. They were baisicly wearing the same type of revealing outfit, and if she had to guess, they were most likely trained to be assasins.

(Mortal kombat universe)

The 2 assasins approached the earthrealm trio.

Kitana: By order of shang tsung, no one leaves this island.

Sonya: I don't have time for this!

Sonya gets up, ready to fight, but as she's about to, a helicopter suddenly appears. Spiderman put his hand out in front of sonya.

Spiderman: Jax is the priority here, sonya. Go, get him outta here!

Sonya: What about you?

Spiderman: (Turns to face the the edenians) I'll hold them off. (Sees sonya hesitate) I'll be fine, sonya, trust me. Go, now!

Sonya reluctantly agrees as she grabs jax and moves to the landing chopper. Just as Spiderman was about to engage, a fireball flew over his head and impacted against the chopper, causing it to explode and crash land into the ground.

Sonya: No! (Hears laughter and turns to see shang tsung with kano standing next to him) damn you!

Shang tsung: you have a challenger, kano.

Kano chuckles as sonya growls and gets into a fighting stance.

Kano: pretty boy ain't gonna save ya this time, and the bug is busy getting down and dirty with those 2 outworlders.

Spiderman sighed and said the one thing that every spiderman, woman, and child get tired of saying.


And the spiders of the Marvel omniverse United, as they said at the same time as Spiderman (616).


(Mortal kombat universe)

Kano, having enough of Spiderman, fired his eye laser at Spiderman, who sidestepped out of it and fired a Web in his face, blind him, allowing sonya to roundhim away.

Sonya: kano is mine. Do you think you can handle those 2?

Spiderman: I'll manage.

And with that, Spiderman turned his attention to the 2 edenian assasins.

Spiderman: Any chance we could end this peacefully?

Kitana: The only way this will end is through kombat earthrealmer. However, if you surrender, your life may be spared.

Spiderman: But Jax and sonya can't leave the island.

Jade: (sympathetic) No, they can not. Once you're enter this tournament, the only way to leave is to forfeit your life.

Spiderman: (sighs) Then I'm gonna have to fight my way out then.

Kitana: Then come and test your might!

And with that, the battle begins with kitana starting it off by throwing her steel blades straight at the webslinger who dodges out of the way.

Mid spin, spiderman fired 2 webs at the edenian princess with the webbing making contact and blinding kitana. Jade pulled out her green bo staff and charged at Spiderman, twirling it in her hands before starting with an overhead swing that Spiderman blocked by putting his arms up in an X over his head. Jade grabbed her shuriken, and started swiping at spiderman, with Spiderman dodging the strikes however jade then used her staff to sweep spiderman off of his feet but he jumped which gave jade the opportunity to go for an upwards slash with her shuriken but spidey leaned back mid jump performing a backflip but managed to get cut on his right arm.

Spiderman landed on his feet, stared at his arm for a moment, and then got back to his fighting stance. Kitana got the webbing out of her eyes and charged at Spiderman, grabbing her returning steel fans and proceeding to try and cut Spiderman into many pieces. The Web warrior dodged out of the strikes and grabbed both of kitana's arms, lifted them up, and then shoulder bashed into kitana who backpedalled from the attack but regained her footing. The edenian princess then attacked again, but Spiderman moved out of the way, waiting for any opening and exploiting them when he could. He suddenly ducked down as Jade joined the battle as she tried to hit him with her staff, Spiderman threw a punch into kitana's stomach and then uppercutted her before grabbing jade's right arm and judo threw her onto the ground but jade managed to use the momentum to roll and then stand up right. Kitana got up as well and threw a punch, but Spiderman caught it and wrapped his fingers around her fist and spun her around, and then hit her across the face with a roundhouse kick but kitana managed to land a hit of her own when she tossed both her steel fans into spiderman as they peirced his shoulders. Kitana quickly got up and called her steel fans back. Spiderman grunted in slight pain but worked through the pain and got ready for another round.

Neither fighter said a thing to each other, though Jade tilted her head to the side ever so slightly. A smirk hid behind her mask as she held her staff behind her back with both hands and began walking back and forth as her hips very noticeably swayed, catching Spiderman's attention. The webslingers heart began to beat rapidly, his eyes behind his mask narrowed ever so slightly, and a very low growl escaped his mouth before he shook his head and calmed himself down, now was not the time to feel that way, though it didn't escape jade's notice nor kitana's.

Kitana: (whispers) Jade, what are you doing?!

Jade: (whispering) merely checking something kitana. It is nice to see someone not give in to their urges so easily.

Kitana: (whispering) Why would you do that?! You are with kotal!

Jade: (whispering) I'm not cheating on kotal kitana, I'm merely (thinks for a moment) "window shopping" as the saying goes, I believe.

Kitana said nothing and merely sighed in minor annoyance, and Jade stopped her hypnotic movements.


Those with animal powers saw how Spiderman reacted and immediately knew what was happening, being in similar positions themselves and winced, those urges were not fun times for them.

(Mortal kombat universe)

The 2 edenians then got back into the fight with Spiderman preparing himself. Once the 2 edenians got close and Spiderman blocked a strike from Jade's bo staff and backed away from kitana's sweep kick, he sidestepped a steel fan and kicked kitana in the stomach and using the same leg to kick Jade in her stomach as well before jumping slightly and performing a split kick, he then shot a Web at both of them and pulled them, making the 2 edenians crash into eachother before going moving in to get kitana out of the fight using his webs to make quick strikes and finish it with a roundhouse kick.

He then turned to jade who jumped onto spiderman and wrapped her legs and arms around him before leaning back and using the momentum to pull spiderman with her and smash him into the ground, her ass unintentionally (or perhaps intentionally) resting on his web shooter.

Spiderman (in head): How do I get in these situati- oh fuck me!

Jade pulled her shuriken and tried to stab Spiderman in his head, but the webslinger managed to grab the sharp end of the kunai with both of his hands, holding onto it tightly as his hands began to slightly bleed. Spiderman then moved his head to the side as he let go of the shuriken and allowed it to hit the ground instead. Peter then pulled Jade close to him and headbutted her before kicking the edenian assasin off of him before kicking himself up off the ground and then jumping in the air, firing a Web line past jade and pulled himself as hard as he could and landed a strong right hook into jade causing her to crash onto the ground and spiderman landing on top of her ans before jade could do anything spiderman but a hand under jade's chin and his stinger popped out of his skin, the tip of it inches from piercing skin.

Spiderman: (growls) Don't get up. You won't like the outcome if you do.

Jade stares up at the hero from queen's before a shout is heard as they both turn to see kano crash into the ground and sonya standing victorious.

Sonya: You're coming with me.

As sonya goes to approach the downed kano, shang tsung tossed a fireball near the S.F's feet.

Shang tsung: kano is not your prisoner.

Sonya: At least help Jax. He needs a medic.

Shang tsung walks towards sonya before laughing in her face. Before he can walk past her, though, he's forcefully turned to stare at the angry lenses of Spiderman.

Spiderman: Heal. Jax. Now.

Shang tsung: or what? Will you kill me if I don't.

Spiderman: (growls as a golden glow surrounds him slightly before dissipating) The thought keeps crossing my mind.

Shang tsung: (smirks) Then what are you waiting for?

Spiderman's stingers come out of both of his wrists.


Aunt may (616): Peter don't.

Teresa Parker: Come on, bro, don't let him get to you.

Invisible woman 616: (worriedly) Peter.

Franklin/valeria (616) (in head): dad don't!

Thor (616) (in head): man of spiders, do not give in.

Bast (616): Stay your Blade anansi...

Khonshu/zarathos (616): Do it anansi/ get vengeance for the souls he's claimed.

Pheonix (616): (worriedly) anansi.

Hope/anya/kamala (616): Spidey, please don't.

Spiderwoman/madame web/spider gwen/silk (616): Peter....

Wonder Woman (JLU): Don't do it.

Superman (JLU): You're not a killer.

Batman (JLU): Don't let him trick you.

Flash (JLU): Come on, man.

Nightwing (YJ): Don't think about it.

Black canary (YJ): Don't. It's what he wants.

Miss Martian (YJ): Please don't.

Aqualad (YJ): remain calm.

Superman (injustice): Come on, do it. Kill him.

Wonder woman (injustice): end him.

Talia al ghul (JLD): Kill him.

Chun li: Peter don't.

Dante: careful, bud.

Felicia (darkstalkers): Come on, best buddy, don't give in.

Morrigan: (narrows eyes) come now Spiderman, don't give into temptation.

Chris: Don't do it, webhead.

Ryu: Control your anger, my friend.

Sir Arthur: Stay your Blade, my fellow warrior.

Trish: Come on webs, you're better than this.

More and more people began whispering or saying out loud for Spiderman to either kill him or not. With Spiderman (616) being oblivious to it all.

(With kang)

Kang: (seeing the people of the omniverses chanting "kill" and "don't") my, my, it seems they're really getting into it. (Chuckles) see, this is what happens when you have a good show to watch.

(Mortal kombat universe)

Spiderman stared with hate at shang tsung. The intent to kill could be felt with Spiderman hearing the same voices from the dungeon.

???: 《Do it spiderman, let the spider within you out》

???2: 《I told you to stop. It isn't our duty to influence his decisions.》

???: 《that is rich coming from you. But very well, I will concede for now.》

The voices receded back into his mind, and Spiderman was left to his conflicting thoughts.

Do it.

Don't do it.

Kill him.

Don't kill him.

Make him suffer.

He doesn't deserve it.

Make him feel unimaginable pain!

He's not worth it!





With a very angry growl and clenched fists, his nails digging into his cuts and drawing more blood, he ever so reluctantly retracted his stingers back into his wrists and took 2 very slow steps back.


Those who said not to kill sighed in relief whilst those said he should kill the sorcerer, sighed in disappointment, or called him weak for not doing it.

(Mortal kombat universe)

Shang tsung: (cocky smirk) That's what I thought. You could never go through with it. That's why, at the end of the day, your family and your unborn child paid the price for your failures.

Spiderman took a deep inhale, and all thoughts ceased, except one.



Aunt may (616): Peter, don't!!! It wasn't your fault!!!

(Mortal kombat universe)

Spiderman prepared to rush the sorcerer, but sonya Blade got in front of him, putting her hands on his shoulders.

Sonya: Don't. Stay strong, peter.

Spiderman glanced at her, taking ragged breaths before turning to the smirking shang tsung, before Spiderman took a very deep breath and held himself back. He hated how a part of himself agreed with shang tsung that his family paid the price for his mistakes.


Most people could agree with Spiderman as they have gone through similar points, but 2 spidermen could not agree more with Spiderman, and those 2 were Spiderman (PS4) and spiderman (MCU). Both remember their respective aunt may's and how both of them died all because of their mistakes, Spiderman (MCU) wanting to fix the villains from other universes, and it cost his aunt her life being taken by the goblin and spiderman (PS4) losing his aunt may because he wasn't quick enough to stop otto or get the cure quicker in time and it destroyed them.

(Mortal kombat universe)

Shang tsung let out a scoff before walking away with kano following  hitting sonya's shoulder with his. Spiderman sighed and went to the downed edenians. He extended his hand to kitana, but she slapped it away, got up herself, and walked away with a huff. Spiderman sighed once again. He really was not in the mood for that kind of attitude. He turned to Jade and offered his hand, and Jade gladly accepted it and was pulled up.

Jade: forgive the Princess. She hates losing a battle and will tend to throw a fit over it. She will eventually get over it.

Spiderman: speaking from experience?

Jade: (chuckles) Yes, very much. You fought well spiderman.

Spiderman: You too, I wouldn't mind a spar with ya at some point.

Jade: (teasingly) oh? (Puts a hand on his chest, stroking his symbol) is that all you want from me.

Spiderman sputtered slightly and cleared his throat.

Spiderman: Uh yes, that is all. You're a beautiful woman, but I don't know you well enough to start something, plus from what I heard, you whisper to your friend, you're taken.

Jade: Indeed I am, (backs away and walks past Spiderman) perhaps when this tournament is over, we will have that battle, provided you survive it. Farewell spiderman.

Spiderman turned around to stare at Jade's retreating form and noticed her once again swaying her hips.

Spiderman (in head): goddamn- Peter Parker snap out of it right now.

Sonya saw Peter staring and slightly hit him in his chest.

Spiderman: (looks at her) What?

Sonya scoffed and turned away.

Johny: There they are!

Spiderman, sonya, and Jax turned to see johny Cage, raiden, liu kang, psylocke, and Storm approaching them.

Johny: You 2, alright? (Sees jax) Hey, it looks like you found em. S'up sarge?

Spiderman: he's been better.

Psylocke and storm approach spiderman.

Storm: Are you alright?

Spiderman: I'm fine.

Psylocke: No, you're not, (spiderman looks at her) I felt your thoughts spiderman.

Spiderman stared at the 2 of them, seeing the genuine concern, and he sighed, his posture slightly slouched.

Spiderman: No, I'm not alright, but it doesn't matter right now.

Sonya: he's a ma- (raiden goes to Jax). Hey! What are you doing?

Johny: Hey, it's ok. He's cool.

Raiden gathers lightning in his hands and puts them on Jax, who then is covered in lightning.

Jax: what the-

Sonya: jax!

Spiderman: (he and johny hold her back) he'll be alright, sonya.

Johny: Seriously, he's cool.

After a while, all of jax' wounds are healed and he looks at himself, astonished.

Jax: that's amazing.

Raiden stands up and so does jax.

Johny: told ya. Turns out he's a god.

Sonya: thank you....raiden.

Raiden: (puts a hand up) gratitude is unnecessary. (He then addresses everyone else) I have foreseen events, like memories of the future. They lead me to believe that you are all connected to earthrealms fate.

Storm: even us? (motions to spiderman, psylcoke and herself)

Raiden: The 3 of you were not in them, though the visions this could help us, an unknowing advantage perhaps.

Liu kang: what have you foreseen?

Raiden: in my visions, shao Khan becomes invincible. He destroys all life in earthrealm. We will all die. (Everyone takes that bit of info in) I believe that these flashes are a guide to defeating shao khan. But disrupting the flow of time can have serious consequences.

Spiderman mentally nodded his head, memories coming back to him of a time he teamed up with Spiderman 2099 to stop alchemax, anti venom, doc ock, the CEO of alchemax and atrocity.


Spiderman 2099 (Edge of Time [EOT]) groaned, remembering the chaos that unfolded with the time stream. He wasn't the only one as speed force users and time travelers groaned as well. Liz Allan (616) frowned, what was her company involvement with Spiderman? As far as she can remembered and from what she saw of the flashes, none of this happened.

(Mortal kombat universe)

Johny: I'm not worried, I bet you could beat this thing no problem.

Raiden: Unless directly challenged, I can not participate?

Spiderman: Then what are we gonna do?

Johny: Other than standing around looking pretty.

Raiden: For now, the tournament must run its course.

Sonya:.....alright then, we're with you raiden.

Raiden: (nods) Then let us return to shang tsung's Palace. The next match will begin soon.

With that, the group of earthrealmers begin making their way back to the Palace, but Spiderman remains still. His head facing the ground, deep in thought, mulling over what shang tsung said, he then feels a tap on his shoulder and turns to see liu kang.

Liu kang: What troubles you?

Spiderman: it's....just something shang tsung said.

Liu kang: think nothing of what that sorcerer says spiderman. He is rotten to the core and will say and do anything to get what he wants. It is best to ignore him. If you happen to still feel this way, I'm sure your fellow warriors will listen to your problems, as will I if need be.

Spiderman stared at the shaolin for a moment before nodding and patting the warriors arm, and the 2 followed after the others.

Spiderman (in head): Please let there be no drama, I've had enough of that today.

A/N: Well, there we go, a chapter is out. Sorry i couldn't get one out on Sunday, I went out to meet up with some buds of mine. I like to think I did well on this one.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Feel free to leave a review and, as always......PEACE✌️✌️

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