Stars & Constellations: A Tra...

By Meadowfeather176

1.7K 48 21

Y/N is a lonely soul. Always have been alone, avoiding people since the death of her parents. Until the day e... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Bonus Chapters
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's Note. (Aka Ratchet's Note)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 9.5
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Updated Design!
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Discord Server
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Heads up
Chapter 25
Bonus Chapter #2
Chapter 26
What Should I Draw Next?
Chapter 27
1k reads special head's up.
Hint for future events!
Map call Canceled
Chapter 28
Chapter 28.5
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
1k Special Edition Reveal
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 | The Finale
Rewrite Notice

Chapter 16

17 0 0
By Meadowfeather176


Flightwing was flying on my left side, Nightwind on my right, and Boltdash behind me. I felt crowded, because I never liked flying in groups, because I always worried I'd fly into someone. Flightwing is a F-15E Strike Eagle, Nightwind is a F-22 Raptor, and Boltdash is a F-100 Super sabre.

Flightwing was just about a hundred miles faster of a build than me, which he kept in pace, Nightwind was a slower build, so me and Flightwing had to slow down for them, which was fine. Boltdash was even slower, and at some point, I told him to meet us at the outposts, as we couldn't waste time, with lives on the line. Boltdash agreed, knowing he was the slowest, and he was saying how he was going to find a faster alt mode.

Flightwing and Nightwind flew at my sides, Boltdash already far behind, as we slowly moved through Polyhex. We were still about a thousand miles out, 45 minutes depending. Nightwind pushed as fast as she could go, Flightwing pushing ahead to his max speed, me close behind him. We all pushed to our maximums, which was still decently faster than a regular earth-jet, considering we were cybertronians, running on energon. Come to think of it, I was the first of my kind. The first of the cyberwolves. Maybe eventually I won't be the only one.

"Decepticons ahead!" Flightwing called out on the com link, as the decepticons started showing up on our radars. Probably going for any reinforcements. I quickly requested Ratchet to ground bridge the last 2 autobot seekers, who were about 60 minutes behind us, where Boltdash was.

"Prepare yourselves for a dogfight!" I called out, replying to Flightwing's warning, as the decepticon seekers came into view. Nightwind was growing nervous, nervously grumbling about random things, I couldn't tell what, but I knew that by the numbers of decepticons on my radars, that it was suicide to attempt a dogfight. I thought fast, deciding on a plan. "I will act as a distraction, you two, dive down, and fly low to the buildings. Don't worry about me, tell Boltdash, Highstriker, and Windglider about the change of plans." I say quickly, lifting up, and shutting off my com link. Flightwing and Nightwind did what they were told, and dove down into the streets.

"Hey decepticons!" I called out, as I heard them talking about who I was, before the leader ordered to chase after me, something about 'Megatron would be pleased if they caught me' and about how 'I could maybe have a pause on his slowly crazing behavior' I bolted as fast as I could, away from the others of my reinforcement squad.

I watched the Decepticons chase after me, knowing I was probably knee deep in scrap. They started firing at me, as I dodged and spiraled, and did my best to loop backwards and return fire. They shot at my wings, managing to hit a few shots, as I grunted from the sudden pain. I watched one fly into another from sudden excitement, causing both of them to fall to the ground with a nasty explosion on impact.

5 down, 10 left to go. Damage report states I have major wing damage on my right wing, it burned painfully letting me know it was damaged. I grunted, continuing to dodge the blaster shots. I flipped backwards, releasing my two tracking-missiles on a couple of them, but not without escaping with several more hits to my second pair of wings, and my tail. I watched two more of them explode, unable to escape the missiles. That left 8 seekers.

I was about to blaster fire on them, when one of them got a good hit on my wing, sending me falling to the ground, as I frantically tried to pull back up, only to find painfully, I couldn't. I was spiraling out of control, and in my agony, I managed to transform into cyberwolf form just before I hit the ground, rolling forward, and bouncing off the ground several times, before landing in front of a patch of cyber trees. I whimpered out of pain, laying on my side, as I panted from the heat that was still lingering in my frame. I groaned, standing up on my paws, the remaining decepticons landed in front of me, blasters raised. I was about to fight them, until I watched several missiles drop down on them, blasting them to bits, as I dropped to the ground to hide from most of the damage of flying shrapnel.

I looked up, spotting the forms of Flightwing and Nightwind. I started dumbfoundedly at them, transforming to bi-pede, wincing at the pain in my wings. "Thanks." I said, as they landed in front of me. "Couldn't let you sacrifice yourself for us. Now, try and get back to base." Flightwing says, as NIghtwind nods. I noticed how Nightwind was always the quiet one.

"No. I will help, otherwise Ratchet will forbid me to ever go on a mission ever again." I grumbled, as Flightwing sighed. "He does have a point, you know?" He continues, Nightwind nodding slowly.
"So what? Abandon you, just for my own selfish needs? No." I perk my damaged wings, ignoring the searing pain, as I puffed out my chassis out of pride, and stubbornness. "Can you even fly?" Nightwind asks shyly. I transformed to jet mode, and managed to lift into the air, wobbly riding a gust of wind. I put on some music, not to dullen my senses, but to relax my stiffening frame from the amount of worry and desperation that was wrecking it at the moment. I put it on low enough so that I could still hear everything in my surroundings.

Labour by Paris Paloma

Why are you hanging on,
So tight,
To the rope that I'm hanging from,
Off this island.
This was an escape plan,
Carefully timed it,
So let me go,
And dive into the waves below.
I was listening to the song, when;

"What are you listening to?" Flightwing asked,

"A song from Earth." I replied, knowing that they couldn't understand the language. I could. Nowadays, there were very few universal translators, which kept most of my things private. Normally I wrote in english, so unless a cybertronian had gone to earth, they couldn't understand it.

Who tends the orchards?
Who fixes up the gables?
Emotional torture,
From the head of your high table,
Who fetches the water?
From the Rocky Mountain spring,
And walk back down again,
To feel your words and their sharp sting.

We were still 15 minutes out, and so far, no more decepticons came for us. Boltdash, and the other two were still quite a long way behind us. I was ignoring my pain as I flew, shifting only to ride the gusts of wind, and following them rather than charging through them.

And I'm getting fucking tired,
The capillaries in my eyes are bursting,
If our love died, would that be the worst thing?
For somebody I thought was my saviour,
You sure make do a whole lot of labour,

I haven't listened to this song in a long long time. It always.. saddened me, because I knew what it meant, and it made me feel sympathy for whoever was going through something like that. But today, it made me feel determination I haven't felt in months.

The calloused skin on my hands is cracking,
If our love ended would that be a bad thing?
As the silence haunts our bedchamber,
You make me do too much labour.

I felt determined, because I wanted to prove that I wasn't just a thing to be used. I wanted to prove to the decepticons that they had no right nor power to make me do what they wanted.

Apologies from my tongue,
Never your's.
Busy lapping from flowing cup,
And stabbing with your fork,
I know you're a smart man,
And weaponize, the false incompetence.
It's dominance under guise.

Flightwing and Nightwind were growing increasingly more curious, I felt their presence, curiosity overflowing. I rode another gust of wind, as we neared the outposts.

If we had a daughter,
I'd watch and could not save her,
The emotion torture,
From the head of your high table,
She'd do what you taught her,
She'd meet the same cruel fate,
So now I've got to run, so I can undo this mistake.
At least I've gotta try.

I was growing tired from the pain as the flight continued on, I began feeling worn down. I sighed.

The capillaries in my eyes are bursting,
If our love died, would that be the worst thing?
For somebody I thought was my saviour,
You sure make do a whole lot of labour,
The calloused skin on my hands is cracking,
If our love ended would that be a bad thing?
As the silence haunts our bedchamber,
You make me do too much labour.

We were almost there, about 12 minutes left to go.

All day, every day,
Therapist, mother, maid
Nymph then a virgin,
Nurse and a servant,
Just an appendage, live to attend him,
So that he never lifts a finger.
24/7 baby machine,
So he can live out, his picket fence dreams,
It's not an act of love if you make her,
You make me do too much labour.

As the song grew louder, Flightwing and Nightwind's curiosity grew, waiting to ask questions.

All day, every day,
Therapist, mother, maid
Nymph then a virgin,
Nurse and a servant,
Just an appendage, live to attend him,
So that he never lifts a finger.
24/7 baby machine,
So he can live out, his picket fence dreams,
It's not an act of love if you make her,
You make me do too much labour.

I put on a burst of speed, ignoring the protesting pain of my wings, as I rushed forward out of determination. Flightwing caught up quickly, Nightwind doing her best to catch up, as she pushed forward as best she could.

All day, every day,
Therapist, mother, maid
Nymph then a virgin,
Nurse and a servant,
Just an appendage, live to attend him,
So that he never lifts a finger.
24/7 baby machine,
So he can live out, his picket fence dreams,
It's not an act of love if you make her,
You make me do too much labour.

I sped faster, my motivation, my determination fueling my drive to keep going. I needed to help my friends, my family. I needed to help end this war once and for all. And even if I didn't want this, I had to help. I couldn't stand by and watch as everyone dies around me again. I can't stand and watch them all die again.

I raced forward, Flightwing at my side, Nightwind farther behind. I dove down into a steep dive at the sight of the outposts, quickly nearing the ground, I slowed myself, circling, and transforming into cyberwolf form, falling on the nearest decepticon, as I did my best to knock him out. I didn't want to be a killer, but I will, only if I had to.

I quickly studied the area, noticing Ultra Magnus fighting with a few decepticons, Bulkhead, Arcee, Bumblebee, fighting a group of decepticons. There must have been reinforcements.. But how? How did they know we were coming?
I looked around for Smokescreen, and Sunbeam, finding Smokescreen and Wheeljack fighting. I chuckled as Smokescreen seemed to be enjoying fighting with the wrecker. But where was Sunbeam?

I looked around, spotting a yellow, orange, and white frame standing as she was cornered by some decepticons, she threw down what looked to be a particle shield that medics in the field used. I watched it fail. I ran forward, "Sunbeam!" I yelled out, bolting across the metal, Sunbeam swung a sword at them, which I winced as it fell out of her servos, as she clumsily slipped on a puddle of energon.

They were laughing.
They were laughing.
As Sunbeam backed up into a wall. I wasn't fast enough.
I watched Sunbeam throw a bunch at one, only to get punched in the helm hard enough to send her flying to the ground. I watched them pick her up, laughing as they beat her. I wasn't fast enough.
Finally, they got done with her, and dumped her dented and leaking body onto the ground. I watched one lift a blaster up, I watched them point towards her helm. I wasn't fast enough.
I heard the shot rang out, I smelled, I felt the sudden terror from Sunbeam, as her courage got drowned by her terror. I felt her terror suddenly disappear.
I let out a sparkbroken howl, as I skidded to a stop at the trio, at Sunbeam. I whined, I turned around, snarling deep, deeper than I have ever managed to muster.

They dropped their weapons. I felt their terror. That didn't stop me. That didn't stop my anger, my sadness to sweep over me like a dark wave. I barely felt anything from Sunbeam, but enough to know she was still alive. Still online. I felt a sudden wave of fierce protectiveness, forcing me to act.

I didn't stop. I leapt forward with a howl of anger. The battle stopped suddenly, as everyone heard my sparkstopping howl. I leapt on one, quickly ending their miserable existence by brutally ripping their helm off their body. I leapt to the next one, ending them swiftly with a quick rip of their spark chamber, and I finished them off with a swift bite. The last one was attempting to shoot me off, I tanked the hits, as I prowled towards them, as they backed away, having dropped the blaster at the sight of my fangs.

They held their servos out, out of terror, as I charged forward, pouncing on them, ripping off each limb, before snarling into their faceplates, looking into their optics which were clouded from pain and terror. I made it quick, and bit down on their neck. What was left of them fell limp under my claws.

I lifted my helm, as I looked around blankly at everyone, I didn't recognize anyone, besides the frame behind me. I turned around, and stalked over to them. Nuzzling myself into them, as I whined, as I felt their shallow vents, attempting to cool herself. I curled up, about to relax and wait.

Until I heard pedesteps near me, I perked up, and raced forward, to snarl at the white, red, and blue frame standing in front of me. I instantly recognized them as part of my protection class by their scent. I stopped, wagging my tail slowly as I looked back at the yellow frame behind me. A Yellow and Black frame neared, I recognized it as my protection class as well.

But, the next frame that neared, mostly blue, with a little bit of red. I snarled, I heard their voices, but I didn't understand. "Y/4! 40n1!" I heard from the frames near me, the yellow and white ones. I stalked forward, snarling and snapping my jaws out of warning.

I leapt forward, as they didn't back away. I bit down on their arm, digging my claws, as I snarled deeply. I was flung off them. "R@1ch31 Wh@1 1s Wr026 Wi1h Y/4?!" I heard them yell, as I backed away and circled, readying myself for another lunge.

I was pinned from one of my protection class, but I refused to attack them. They got up quickly, I heard them barking orders at each other. They were putting together some kind of flat thing out of scrap metal, I curiously watched, as I watched with satisfaction as I was next to the hurt one, standing guard.

They put injured soldiers on the flat things, I understood the loyalty and purpose behind it, so I walked up just as another flat thing was finished. They fled away at the sight of me, as I puffed out my chassis out of pride, feeling powerful. I grabbed the flat thing, and pulled it over to my packmate, who I helped nudge them onto the flat thing. My other two pack mates lifted the flat thing while Golden was laying on it. Yellowstripes was holding one end, and Storm was holding the other.

Satisfied. I trotted after them. I paused, looking back at the towering outposts. My pack mates were safe. Everything was well.

I finally calmed down.

I blinked out of mild confusion, transforming to bi-pede, ignoring my wing pain, and running forward to catch up to the others. "Did we win?" I asked Smokescreen who looked at me with a confused expression. "Well, the way you ripped those three decepticons was enough for the others to back down and retreat." He replied, as I remembered what I did.

It bothered me, yet it didn't. Because it felt natural, because it felt normal. I had a nagging thought about how I was dangerous.

I ignored it, and ignored the terrified expressions as I ripped them apart. I was fine. Everything was fine. I kept it to myself. Sunbeam was safe, and that was all that mattered.

But... I tore them apart... like they were nothing but scrap metal beneath my fangs and claws.
I tore them apart as easily as a hot knife on butter.
I shivered as I tried to push away their expressions from my mind, as I tried to handle the stress by myself.
I nearly tore apart Ultra Magnus, and now I know I'm dangerous. I'm a monster. I'm nothing more than that.

But, now I understood why Zahavi told me I had the spark of a Predacon.
And for the first time,
I understood my wild, chaotic, yet magnificent nature.


And that is why, you do not mess with Y/D and her pack.
Hope you enjoyed some more spicy Y/D scenes, even if it's less spicy, and more savage.

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