|°1-A's New student°|

By Elviraether

159 36 2

Nimca Fuyuko (First name Nimca, Last name Fuyuko) is a special girl in the age of 14. Not only is she special... More

Moving back?!
New start
Welcome to U.A and class 1-A!
Plants playing Dirty?
Training with ALL MIGHT?!
Battle Trails and poison Ivy
Baka-gou & NotInTheMood-Nimca
Sunday anxiety
Sundays training begins🌳
Camphor tree training
Mondays have always sucked
Unforeseen simulation Joint
USJ chaos
All Might in action
Hospital bed
Stretching hurts
The announcement
Juzo Honenuki = friend
One day left
Beginning of the Sports Festival
Calvary Battles
Start of the Duels
End of first round
Round Two, Fight!

New friend?

3 1 0
By Elviraether

I wake up in my bed. I am  exhausted by yesterdays stuff happening, this goddamn headache is killing me.

I yawn and groan while i sit up in my bed.
My head is empty, i wonder if my thoughts maybe had leaked out of my head with the sap, Hm.

I reach for my phone. Notifications. Wonder from what.

'you have been added to 1-A group Chat'

Hm, seems like Eijiro added me to the class group chat. I wonder...

Eijiro🪨: I added her

Mina:🩷👽: YAY

Denki⚡: Very Manly of you Kiri

Eijiro🪨: Thanks man, i'm gonna cry:')

Denki⚡: LMAO


Tsu🐸: Here we go again


Midoriya🥦: Kacchan! Calm down please!


Sero🤳: lmao, this is funny to watch

Mina🩷👽: *facepalm emoji*

Eijiro🪨: Why don't you use the emoji?

Sero🤳: It doesn't exist Einstein

Fuck they have been spamming tonight. How are they able to be awake so late on a school day?!

Kacchan? Maybe that's a name for Bakugo from Midoriya.. And Deku? A name for Midoriya from Bakugo maybe?

Eh, it's probably because i'm Jet lagged and went to sleep kinda late. Wait, what time is it? Hm.. wait- WHAT THE HELL 11AM?! Jesus Fucking Christ what the hell have i eaten?!

Nimca🌻: What the hell has been happening tonight in this chat?!

Uraraka🌈: I have no idea

Sero🤳: Not me either. I think i was drugged on sleep deprivation

Nimca🌻: Now i'm laughing my fucking ass of

I'm laughing, holding my stomach. I don't know why i'm laughing, i just laugh. I wheeze and laugh, Jesus what is happening to me?!

Sap have stopped bleeding from my head and knuckles, Thank god. Mina had added me yesterday, wierd that i have not gotten too many notifications from her. I chuckle a bit, i love this class.


Hm? Someone added me. Todoroki? Guess he maybe was bored or his father, or old man as he calls his father, had forced him.

I press the add back icon with a smile. I'm happy to make friends. I feel lucky to already have friends in the class. That feeling is probably true, not everyone has the luck to get friends so quickly, and friends that seem to be so kind.

'Todoroki added'

'Changed Todoroki to Todoroki🔥🧊'

"Hm", i know Todoroki have two quirks, Mina told me yesterday. Fire on his left side and ice on his right side. I wonder how he got that red burnmark around his left eye though.

Todoroki🔥🧊: Hey

Nimca🌻: Helloooo

Todoroki🔥🧊: Thought i'd add you as we're classmates now. And my old man thought that you seemed powerful so he told me to add you.

Nimca🌻: nice, i love how you call your father 'your old man'

Todoroki🔥🧊: He deserves it

Hm, i feel honoured that Shoto Todoroki's father, number 2 pro hero Endeavor, thought i was powerful. Me? Powerful? I dunno really.. I wonder what Endeavor want.

Todoroki🔥🧊: Nimca Fuyuko //Endeavor

This is wierd asf.

Nimca🌻: Yes?

Todoroki🔥🧊: You and my son will get along well, i look forward to you friendship //Endeavor

Ehm- i don't like this... Endeavor is sus now.

Nimca🌻: 👍

Todoroki🔥🧊: Excuse my old man

Nimca🌻: It's okay👍

I'm in deep thought. The smile that was plastered on my face had faded now.

"Nimca!" My thoughts gets cut off my mom
"Lunch's ready!" I hear her shout. I groan, i'm not hungry at this time.

"I'm not hungry!" I yell back to her. I can practically hear her roll her eyes. Ugh. Atleast i'm happy it's Saturday.

"Your loss!" Mom says and i roll my eyes, classic mom. Hm, maybe i should go train with rock man later today.

I make one of the plants in my room grow a Granny smith apple for me. I take a bite out of the apple, lost in my thoughts.

Nimca🌻: Eijiro, train later today?

Eijiro🪨: Sure!

"You can do better, Rock man!" I shout across the field. Me and Eijiro have started training.

We are on a field in the forest where we used to play as children, now we're training.

"YOU SEED SHIT" he joke and Harden his body with his quirk, his skin harder than most steel and metal. He charge towards me.

"AAARGH!" i yell as the earth Infront of Eijiros rises, him running straight into it. I make the dirt and earth curv itself over him, the collapsing onto him.

"Giving up yet, pretty boi?" I shout to him. His head comes out of a crack in the dirt, he is panting pretty bad.

"RAAAGH" i let out. I lift my hands up and roots sprout out of the ground, holding down Eijiro.

He is struggling pretty bad now.
"I give up!" He shouts to me. The earth and dirt returns to it's original position and the roots retreat. I make the grass grow on the dirt and earth.

"Phew" i mutter as i drink a whole bottle of water. I give him a helping hand up. He takes my hand and pulls himself up.

"Good match'' he says with a smile, he shakes my hand before letting go.

"I have grown stronger" i say with a smirk.
"And what the hell have you done to your hair?!" I ask with a laugh. His natural haircolor is black and it should be spiky, but laying down. His hair is red and spiked up.

"Found a new style. Crimson Riot is my big idol" he says with a big grin, his shark like teeth showing. Crimson Riot is Eijiros big idol, he has a hardening quirk where he can Harden his red and spiky hair, guess that inspired Eijiro.

"Now i get it" i say and chuckle.
"But i still beat you" i tease him and stick out my tongue.

"Idiot" he mutters and shoves me lightly. I laugh.

I pick up a rock and throw it at him
"Gonna add him to your rock collection?" I tease him. He puts the rock in his pocket

"His name is now Rocky 394.0" he says. I laugh out loud, almost screaming.

"You have many rocks, man" i wheeze.


Mina🩷👽: Girl, where r you?

Nimca🌻: wut?

Mina🩷👽: your mom says you ain't home


Mina🩷👽: Let's not focus on that- But there the hell r you gwurl?

Nimca🌻: out training on a field with Eijiro

Mina🩷👽: Where?

Nimca🌻: if you look out in the forest you will see a huge oak tree, there


Nimca🌻: CANDY?! I NEED

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