
By dear13dreamer

11K 138 25

ᴇʟʏꜱɪᴀɴ (ᴀᴅᴊ.) • ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪꜰᴜʟ ᴏʀ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ; ᴅɪᴠɪɴᴇʟʏ ɪɴꜱᴘɪʀᴇᴅ; ᴘᴇᴀᴄᴇꜰᴜʟ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴇʀꜰᴇᴄᴛ • ᴊᴜʟɪᴇᴛ ꜰʀᴇɴᴄʜ ʜᴀᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴇʀꜰᴇ... More

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110 2 0
By dear13dreamer

ɪɪɪ. ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴ
A young woman is walking down a busy London street, listening to a rap song on her phone radio.

"What can happen on an average beautiful day? You never know. Celebrate seasonal changes. It's hot for brothers. On a beautiful sunshiny day.", A radio is heard just before her phone rings.

"You're up early. What's happening?", She says into the mobile.
It is her sister.

"It's a nightmare, because Dad won't listen, and I'm telling you, Mum is going mental. Swear to God, Martha, this is epic. You've got to get in there and stop him.", She rambles on.
"How do I do that?"
"Tell him he can't bring her."
Beep beep.

"Hold on, that's Leo. I'll call you back.", She tells her sister before switching calls.
Her brother.

"Martha, If Mum and Dad start to kick off, tell them I don't even want a party. I didn't even ask for one. They can always give me the money instead."
"Yeah, but why do I have to tell them? Why can't you?", Her phones beeps again with another call.

"Hold on, that's Mum. I'll call you back.", She tells him.
"I don't mind your father making a fool of himself in private, but this is Leo's 21st, everyone is going to be there, and the entire family is going to look ridiculous.", He mother insists.
"Mum, it's a party. I can't stop Dad from bringing his girlfriend.", Martha chuckles before her phone beeps another time.

"Hold on, that's Dad, I'll call you back.", She promises.
Clive is getting into his posh open-top car.

"Martha? Now, tell your mother, Leo is my son, and I'm paying for half that party. I'm entitled to bring who I like."
"I know, but think what it's going to look like for Mum, if you're standing there with Annalise."
A long-legged blonde, young white woman joins Clive in the car.

"What's wrong with Annalise?", He asks.

"Is that Martha? Say hi. Hi, Martha, hi!", Annalise says into the phone, in an annoyingly high pitched voice.
"Hi, Annalise.", Martha fake smiles, even though she knows the woman cannot see her expression.
"Big kiss, lots of love, see you at the party, babe. Now, take me shopping, big boy."
Martha laughs in a cross between disgust and amusement just before The Doctor walks up to her.

"Like so.", He takes off his tie.

"See?", With that, he walks away again.

Just then, Martha arrives at the Royal Hope Hospital, and a man in full motorcycle gear barges past her.

"Oi! Watch, it mate."

The figure turns to stare at Martha, then walks on. Inside, at her locker, Martha puts on a white coat, then gets an electric shock from the door.
The consultant and his students are gathered around a woman's bed. The consultant, Mister Stoker, is taking her pulse.

"I was all right till this morning, and then, I don't know, I woke up and I felt all dizzy again. It was worse than when I came in.", The patient called Florence explains.

"Pulse is slightly thready. Well, let's see what Britain's finest might suggest. Any ideas, Morgenstern?"

"Dizziness can be a sign of early onset diabetes.", A nervous young man guesses.

"Hardly early onset, if you'll forgive me, Miss Finnegan. Any more ideas? Swales?"

"Er, could recommend a CT scan.", The woman suggests.

"And spend all our money? Jones?", He turns to Martha.

"We could take bloods and check for Meniere's disease."

"Or we could simply ask the patient. What did you have for dinner last night?", He directs the question to Miss Finnegan.

"I had salad.", The woman responds.

"And the night before?

"Salad again.", She answers.

"And salad every night for the past week, contrary to my instructions. Salt deficiency, that's all. Simple, honest salt.", He tells the group.
"Hippocrates himself expounded on the virtues of salt. Recommended the inhalation of steam from sea water. Though no doubt if he'd been afflicted with my students, results might have been rather more colourful.", Stoker leads his students from the Breast Screening Unit to the Orthopedic Dept, past the lifts.

Two figures in full motorcycle leathers get out. In reality, they would never have been allowed in the hospital without taking off their helmets.
Stoker pushes back the curtain around a bed.

"Now then, Mister Smith, a very good morning to you. How are you today?", He asks the Doctor as he sits in the bed. Juliet is sitting on a nearby chair.

"Oh, not so bad. Still a bit, you know, blah."

"John Smith, admitted yesterday with severe abdominal pains. Jones, why don't you see what you can find? Amaze me.", Stoker says.

Martha steps up with her stethoscope.

"That wasn't very clever, running around outside, was it?", She asks him.


"On Chancellor Street this morning? You came up to me and took your tie off."

"Really? What did I do that for?", He asks, sounding genuinely confused.

"I don't know, you just did.", Martha shrugs.

"Not me. I was here, in bed. Ask the nurses. Or Jules. ", He points a finger in the brunette direction. She nods at the woman, who looks down quickly with wide eyes open laying eyes on the woman.

"Is she your wife?"

Just then, Juliet scoffs loudly.

"As if!", She cries, laughing.

"N- no. Never ever, ever, ever, ever! That's ridiculous, that will never happen.", She continues, not noticing the annoyed look on the Doctor's face.


"Okay I think they get it now!", He suddenly exclaims, the stabbing pain in his hearts too much to bear, now.

"Well, that's weird, cause it looked like you. Have you got a brother?", Martha continues her previous line of questions.

"No, not any more. Just me.", The Doctor shakes his head.

"As time passes and I grow ever more infirm and weary, Miss Jones.", Mr. Stoked sighs, growing impatient.

"Sorry. Right.", Martha listens to the Doctor's chest, and hears the two heartbeats. The Doctor winks at her and Juliet bites her lip to keep from smiling as well. The Doctor glances over at her, his cheeks ringing slightly pink before he turns bald to face the team of Doctors.

"I weep for future generations. Are you having trouble locating the heart, Miss Jones?"

"Er, I don't know. Stomach cramps?", She struggles to come up with a diagnosis.

"That is a symptom, not a diagnosis. And you rather failed basic techniques by not consulting first with the patient's chart.", Stoker gets an electric shock from the metal clip.

"That happened to me this morning."

"I had the same thing on the door handle.", The nervous man comments.

"And me, on the lift.", Swales adds.

"That's only to be expected. There's a thunderstorm moving in and lightning is a form of static electricity, as was first proven by. Anyone?", Stocker looks for an answer, but the doctors offer him none.

"Benjamin Franklin.", Juliet says quietly.

"Correct.", Stoker turns to her, sounding impressed.

"My mate, Ben. That was a day and a half. I got rope burns off that kite, and then I got soaked...", The Doctor cuts in before trailing off.


"And then I got electrocuted.", He adds.

"Moving on. I think perhaps a visit from psychiatric. And next we have-", Stoker says to one of the Doctors as they walk away.

Martha, Juliet and the Doctor exchange grins as she moves away.
While Swales makes coffee, Martha is on the phone.

"No, listen, I've worked out a plan. We tell Annelise that the buffet tonight is one hundred per cent carbohydrate, and she won't turn up."

"I wish you'd take this seriously."
"That's our inheritance she's spending, on fake tan. Tell you what, I'm not that far away, I'll drop by for a sandwich and we can draw up a battle plan.", Tish reminds her sister.
"In this weather? I'm not going out. It's pouring down.", Martha scoffs, incredulously.
"It's not raining here.", Tish turns the corner and sees a big black cloud over the hospital.

"That's weird. It's raining right on top of you, I can see it, but it's dry where I am.", She comments.
"Well, you just got lucky."
"No, but it's like in cartoons. You know, when a man's got a cloud over his head."

"Yeah, but listen-", Martha starts.
"I'll tell you what we'll do.", She sees the Doctor walk past wearing a dressing gown, he is quickly followed by Juliet.

"We tell Dad and Annalise to get there early, about seven thirty, and we tell Leo get there at the same time so we can do all that birthday stuff. We tell Mum to get there for about eight thirty, nine, and that gives me time to have a word with Annalise, and-", She is cut off as Swales touches her arm.


"The rain.", Swales points out the window.

"It's only rain.", Martha assures her.
"Martha, have you seen the rain?", Tish asks, suddenly.
"Why's everyone fussing about rain?"

"It's going up."
"The rain is going up.", Both Tish and Swales inform her.
There's a big thunder roll and lightning flash, and the building tilts from side to side a lot. Finally it stops.

"What the hell was that?"

"Are you all right?", Swales asks her.

"I think so, yeah. It felt like an earthquake, or-"

"Martha? It's night. Look. It was lunchtime.", Swales interrupts her, looking out the window.

"It's not night."

"But it's got to be. It's dark.", Swales breathes out.

"We're on the moon.", A half Earth hangs in the black sky over a cratered surface.

"We can't be."

"We're on the moon. We're on the bloody moon."

Staff and patients stare out of the windows. The electricity still works as people switch lights on. Then the panic really sets in.
"Sorry, miss, no.", A policeman stops Tish.

"My God."

On the Albert Embankment, opposite the Palace of Westminster and next to County Hall is a crater where the hospital used to be. Tish uses her phone.

"Martha? Martha, can you hear me? Martha!", Tish walks away past the Tardis parked in a small green space.
Hysteria is in control.

"Have you seen-", Florence stops Martha, who is rushing around.

"I'm sorry, I can't."
"All right now, everyone back to bed, we've got an emergency but we'll sort it out. Don't worry.", Martha attempts to calm everyone down.

The Doctor draws the curtain around his bed as Martha and Swales go to the window. Juliet is standing with him.

"It's real. It's really real. Hold on.", Martha reaches to open the window.

"Don't! We'll lose all the air.", Swales cries.

"But they're not exactly air tight. If the air was going to get sucked out it would have happened straight away, but it didn't. So how come?"

The Doctor has got dressed behind his curtain.

"Very good point. Brilliant, in fact. What was your name?", He steps out from behind the curtain.


"And it was Jones, wasn't it?", Juliet asks. The woman nods in confirmation.

"Well then, Martha Jones, the question is, how are we still breathing?", The Doctor questions.

"We can't be.", Swales says.

"Obviously we are, so don't waste my time. Martha, what have we got? Is there a balcony on this floor, or a veranda, or-", He trails off, ignoring the glare Juliet is sending his way for his rude comment.

She turns to the woman and offers an apologetic smile, as Martha answers him.

"By the patients' lounge, yeah."

"Fancy going out?"

"Okay.", She agrees.

"We might die.", Juliet warns her.

"We might not.", Martha points out.

"Good. Come on. Not her, she'd hold us up. Ow!", Juliet punched him square in the arm for that one.
They open the glass doors and step out. All three take a deep breath. Not one of the three see as a brunette girl watches them through a nearby window.

"We've got air. How does that work?", Martha asks.

"Just be glad it does.", The Doctor tells her. Juliet nods in agreement.

"I've got a party tonight. It's my brother's twenty first. My mother's going to be really, really...", Martha remembers.

"You okay?", Juliet asks her.


"Sure?", The Doctor asks, now.

"Yeah.", Martha assures them both.

"Want to go back in?", Juliet suggests.

"No way. I mean, we could die any minute, but all the same, it's beautiful.", Martha breathes out, staring at the sight before her.

"Do you think?"

"How many people want to go to the moon? And here we are."

"Standing in the Earthlight.", Juliet grins at the view as well.

"What do you think happened?"

"What do you think?", The Doctor throws the question right back at her.

"Extraterrestrial. It's got to be. I don't know, a few years ago that would have sounded mad, but these days? That spaceship flying into Big Ben, Christmas, those Cybermen things. I had a cousin. Adeola. She worked at Canary Wharf. She never came home.", Martha finishes, sadly.

"I'm sorry."


"We were there, in the battle.", Juliet says, just barely managing to keep hold of her emotions.

"I promise you, Mister Smith- I never did get your name.", She turns to Juliet.

"Juliet French.", Martha smiles, before continuing.

"Right. I promise you, Mister Smith, Miss French, we will find a way out. If we can travel to the moon, then we can travel back. There's got to be a way."

"It's not Smith. That's not my real name.", He tells her.

"Who are you, then?"

"I'm the Doctor."

"Me too, if I can pass my exams. What is it then, Doctor Smith?", Martha asks, still not getting it.

"Just the Doctor."

"How do you mean, just the Doctor?"

"Just the Doctor.", He repeats himself.

"What, people call you the Doctor?", Martha scoffs at him.


"Well, I'm not. As far as I'm concerned, you've got to earn that title.", She rolls her eyes, unimpressed.

"Well, I'd better make a start, then. Let's have a look. There must be some sort of-", He throws a pebble out. It bounces off of something invisible.

"Forcefield keeping the air in.", Juliet says, simply.

"But if that's like a bubble sealing us in, that means this is the only air we've got. What happens when it runs out?", Martha starts to grow worried.

"How many people in this hospital?", The Doctor asks her.

"I don't know. A thousand?", Martha estimates.

"One thousand people... suffocating.", He mutters.

"Why would anyone do that?", Martha asks in disbelief.

"Head's up! Ask them yourself."

Three massive columnar spaceships pass overhead, then land nearby. Columns of marching beings come stomping out.

"Aliens. That's aliens. Real, proper aliens."

"Judoon.", The Doctor and Juliet both glare at the aliens.

As the trio goes to reenter the building, the young brunette girl rushes off as to not be seen by any of them.
Stoker is watching through binoculars.

"Mister Stoker? I'm sorry, I didn't know who else to ask, but can you help me?", Florence walks into his office.

"I think we've gone beyond aspirin, Miss er-"

"Finnegan.", She provides her name.

"Names. What are names now when something unnamable is marching towards us across the moon? Two more years, I thought. Two more years and then retire to Florida. But there is Florida, in the sky. I can see it. My daughter, she's still in university. I am never going to see her again.", He thinks about his family, sadly.

"But I need help, Mister Stoker."

"I can't do anything.", He tells her.

"Oh, I think you can."

The two motorbike men enter.

"What do you two want? It's a bit too late to sign for anything.", He sighs.

"These are my lovely boys. I prefer not to get my hands dirty.", Florence smiles.

"I'm sorry?"

"You see, there are great tests to come, and terrible deeds. Some of them my own. But if I am to survive this, I need you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Blood. Specifically, yours.", She snaps her fingers and the men take hold of Stoker.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Well, let go of me! What the hell? Let go."

"You see, I was only salt deficient because I am so very good at absorbing it. But now I need fire in my veins, and who better than a consultant, with blood full of salty fats and vintage wines and all those Michelin star sauces.", She explains, licking her lips in anticipation.

"Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm a survivor, Mister Stoker. At any cost. Look, I've even brought a straw.", She takes one out of her handbag. Florence advances and Stoker screams.
The aliens march towards the hospital.

"What are they doing?", A woman asks as the aliens pass through the forcefield and into the hospital. The people there scream and run, hiding behind the chairs in the waiting area. The leader takes off his helmet to reveal that he is - a two horned rhinoceros. He speaks in his own language.

"Blos so folt do no cro blo cos so ro."

The other Judoon draw their weapons.

"Er, we are citizens of planet Earth. We welcome you in peace.", A doctor called Morganstern steps up.

The Judoon pushes him against the wall and shines a blue light in his mouth.

"Please don't hurt me. I was just trying to help. I'm sorry, don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me.", He cries.

The Judoon plays a recording of Morgenstern on his blue light device, then plugs it into his armour.

"Language assimilated. Designation Earth English. You will be catalogued." He shines a blue light onto Morgenstern's forehead.

"Category human.", He marks a cross on Morgenstern's right hand.

"Catalogue all suspects.", The Judoon orders it's remaining troops.

The process is repeated on all the people by the other Judoon.
The Doctor, Juliet and Martha watch it all from above. Once again, none of them seem to notice as the brunette from earlier also watching them and not the scene below.

"Oh, look down there, you've got a little shop. I like a little shop.", The Doctor smiles brightly.

"Never mind that. What are Judoon?", Martha asks.

"They're like police. Well, police for hire. They're more like interplanetary thugs."

"And they brought us to the moon?"

"Neutral territory. According to galactic law, they've got no jurisdiction over the Earth, and they isolated it. That rain, lightning? That was them, using an H2O scoop.", Juliet explains to her.

"What are you on about, galactic law? Where'd you get that from? If they're police, are we under arrest? Are we trespassing on the moon or something?", Martha scoffs.

"No, but I like that. Good thinking. No, I wish it were that simple. They're making a catalogue. That means they're after something non human, which is very bad news for us.", The Doctor comments, exchanging a look with Juliet.

"Why? Oh, you're kidding me. Don't be ridiculous. Stop looking at me like that."

"Come on then.", The Doctor nods his head as he and Juliet start to walk off.
"Troop five, floor one. Troop six, floor two. Identify humans and find the transgressor. Find it."
"Prepare to be catalogued.", The Judoon say to the people.

"Do what they say. All they want is to shine this light thing. It's all right. They're not going to hurt us. Just listen to them.", Morganstern assures them.

A man smashes a jug over the head of a Judoon.

"Witness the crime. Charge, physical assault. Plea, guilty. Sentence, execution.", The Judoon kills the man with a painful heat ray. The remains are just a pile of carbon.

"You didn't have to do that.", Morganstern tells the Judoon with a sigh.

"Justice is swift.", The Judoon says simply.
The Doctor using his sonic screwdriver on a computer.

"They've reached third floor. What's that thing?", Martha informs him before noticing the strange object.

"Sonic screwdriver.", Juliet pipes up.

"Well, if you're not going to answer me properly."

"No, really, it is. It's a screwdriver, and it's sonic. Look.", The Doctor shows her.

"What else have you got, a laser spanner?", Martha asks, sarcastically.

"I did, but it was stolen by Emily Pankhurst, cheeky woman. Oh, this computer! The Judoon must have locked it down. Judoon platoon upon the moon. Because we were just travelling past. I swear, we were just wandering. We weren't looking for trouble, honestly, we weren't, but I noticed these plasma coils around the hospital, and that lightning, that's a plasma coil. Been building up for two days now, we I checked in. I thought something was going on inside. Jules told me to leave it, but I insisted. It turns out the plasma coils were the Judoon up above.", He rants to her.

"But what were they looking for?"

"Something that looks human, but isn't.", Juliet answers her question.

"Like you two, apparently.", Martha says, sounding unimpressed.

"Like us. But not us."

"Haven't they got a photo?", Martha asks.

"Well, might be a shape-changer."

"Whatever it is, can't you just leave the Judoon to find it?"

"If they declare the hospital guilty of harboring a fugitive, they'll sentence it to execution. ", Juliet regretfully informs the woman.

"All of us?"

"Oh yes. If we can find this thing first. Oh! You see, they're thick! Judoon are thick! They are completely thick! They wiped the records. Oh, that's clever."

"What are we looking for?"

"I don't know. Say, any patient admitted in the past week with unusual symptoms. Maybe there's a back-up.", The Doctor guesses.

"Just keep working. I'll go ask Mister Stoker. He might know.", With that, Martha leaves the room.
"Mister Stoker?", She sees a pair of feet sticking out from behind the desk, the motorcycle men, then Florence stands up still sucking on her straw. Martha runs.

"Kill her!", Florence cries.

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