Red Hot ~Nikki Sixx

By sixxndirish81

305K 7.5K 2.8K

Ashten is hired on as Tommy's new assistant and thrust into all aspects of his life. Including Nikki Sixx. More

Part 1: In the Beginning
Part 2: Merry-Go-Round
Part Three: Don't Go Away Mad
Part 4: Satan Sixx
Part 5: Louder than Hell
Part 6: Ride with the Devil
Part 7: Dr. Feelgood
Part 8: A Brewing Storm
Part 9: Hell on High Heels
Part 10: Live Wire
Part 11: Danger
Part 12: Oh My God
Part 13: Relief
Part 14: Kiss and Make-up
Part 15: Date night
Part 16: Just Another Psycho
Part 17: Knock em Dead
Part 18: Bastard
Part 19: Piece of Your Action
Part 20: Hotter than Hell
Part 21: C'mon and Love Me
Part 22: Take Me to Your Heart
Part 23: Feel Me in Your Bones
Part 24: Sure Feels Right
Part 25: Terror Twin Tuesday Part 1
Part 26: Terror Twin Tuesday Part 2
Part 27: Nikki Fuckin Sixx
Part 28: More of Nikki Fuckin Sixx
Part 29: Ashten Montgomery, M.D.
Part 30: Snow Daze
Part 31: More Snow Daze
Part 32: Public Enemy #1
Part 33: Thin Ice
Part 34: Thanksgiving Eve
Part 35: A Family Affair
Part 36: Wolf At Your Door
Part 37: Two Words
Part 38: Calm Before the Storm
Part 39: Busted
Part 40: Damage Control
Part 41: Under the Weather
Part 42: Dancing on Glass
Part 43: Blindside
Part 44: Aftermath
Part 45: Hungover
Part 46: Sweet Emotion
Part 47: Needle and the Damage Done
Part 48: Sweet Pain
Part 49: Sticky Sweet
Author's note
Part 50: Dream On
Part 51: Back to Basics
Part 52: Warren
Part 53: Sweet Dreams
Part 54: St. Nikki, Part 1
Part 55: St. Nikki, Part 2
Part 56: A Man of Means
Part 57: Somebody Get Me a Doctor
Part 58: Back For More
Part 59: Predator and Prey
Part 60: Long Cold Winter
Part 61: Slow An' Easy
Author's Note
Part 62: The Ex Factor
Part 63: Scars
Part 64: Impromptu Debut
Part 65: Pillow Talk
Author's note.
Update coming soon!

Part 66 - Dirty Thirty

2.1K 58 65
By sixxndirish81

A/N - Yep, shame on me for letting this go for so long. And for your patience, you get an extra long update.

"I can't believe you guys are making me do this," Ashten grumbled while half-heartedly applying a coat of mascara to her lashes.

"Making you?" Stella snorted from the other room.

"Yes! Making me. I don't want to go to this stupid party!"

"Well, it's kind of your birthday, so..."

"No, it's not. My birthday isn't until tomorrow and this party has absolutely nothing to do with me. It's Tommy's excuse to get wasted and swing his dick in front of his famous friends,"  Ashten snapped, albeit at the wrong person. 

This was a similar version of this same conversation she'd had with three people that very day and she was sick of it. So sick she retreated to Vi's earlier that afternoon for a milkshake and some solitude.

That turned into a bust too. After ten minutes of non-stop calls and texts, she'd been more than tempted to toss it in Vi's deep fryer.

How she had become the contact person for that night's dreaded event was beyond her but Ashten would have bet her next paycheck it was all Tommy's fault. 

Much to her chagrin, and as many times as she'd told him not to make a big fuss, Tommy insisted on throwing her a party for her 30th birthday. To her utmost horror, he started talking about themes and costumes, everything imaginable that would cause this thing to become a full-blown circus.

Luckily, and thanks to whatever deity was in the sky, she was able to reign him in to avoid the whole event becoming a complete shit show. He'd at least given her the option of choosing the venue, and since she didn't get to spend too much time there during the Covenant House event, she chose the Viper Room. She liked the intimate vibe of the place and she figured if she had to sit through an unwanted party in her honor, she could at least be in a place where she had a shot at running into Johnny Depp again.

Nonetheless, the day of the party arrived and she wasn't even close to being in a festive mood. Between working for Tommy, and spending time at the Covenant House –both in a physician capacity and assisting Jozie with building a new dance program–she was already exhausted.  Additionally, she was preparing to take the medical board exam to renew her license which added a rigorous study schedule to her already overflowing plate. 

Fatigue aside, she hated birthday parties. For herself, anyway. She was not a fan of being the center of attention. Being bombarded with superficial well-wishers, who didn't even know her, that were only there for free booze and extravagant party favors, wasn't appealing to Ashten.

It was the last thing she wanted and she was beyond annoyed that Tommy was doing all of this with a total disregard for her. 

With the enthusiasm of someone going to the dentist for a root canal, Ashten finished her makeup and started to work on her hair. All the while she grew envious of Storm, who was camped out in her living room with junk food and binge-watching the entire 21 Jump Street series. 

She would much rather be snuggling up on the couch for a movie.

With Nikki.

Thinking of it made her heart ache.

Not only was she being forced to participate in the horror story that would no doubt be her evening, she was having to do it alone.

Nikki wasn't going to be there. And no amount of birthday cake or celebratory cocktails could help her force down that jagged pill. 

The shock of all shocks, Nikki's absence was also almost all Tommy's fault.

The drama ensued when Tommy and Vince suddenly rekindled their decades-long rift, which resulted in yet another fistfight and a couple of black eyes. Ashten still wasn't clear on the details of what caused the current falling out, but after that boxing match, and through a bloody lip,  Tommy announced he didn't want to have anything to do with the singer. It escalated so badly that Nikki even had to intervene to talk Tommy out of completely bailing on the CrueFest tour. Tommy acquiesced but refused to do any interview or press if Vince was involved.

It was a moot point since the two weren't scheduled to do any interviews together. But Tommy stood firm and because he was so adamant, Vince became even more belligerent and they both dropped out of a scheduled press tour at the last minute– leaving Nikki to hold the grenade.

Now Nikki not only had to do his scheduled appearances. He also had to cover interviews for the other two to keep the band from being sued for breaching contracts. 

Until she met Tommy and Nikki, Ashten had no clue and was somewhat shocked at the amount of legalese involved in the music business. These guys could get and had been, sued for practically anything.

Which was why Nikki was in New York and not home for her birthday.

Despite Ashten's pleas, Tommy refused to reschedule the party. Nikki couldn't attend since he was stuck doing the work the drummer tantrumed his way out of.

Ashten wondered when Nikki's assurance of Tommy snapping out of his nasty mood would come to fruition. Weeks had passed and the end to the drummer's incessant mood swings seemed to be nowhere in sight. He'd been a heinous, Freddy Krueger nightmare no one could wake up from.

The latest Neil vs. Lee cage match was just the thick icing on a cake with never-ending layers. First, came the argument about which bands to take along on CrueFest.  Buckcherry, Papa Roach, and Trapt were on board and there was much hype about it being the highest-grossing tour of the summer.

Then, Sixx AM released Life is Beautiful and it was making all kinds of noise on the radio. Elated, Nikki was doing interviews about the Heroin Diaries and soundtrack. Naturally, being asked questions about the new band, it just seemed logical to put Sixx AM on the CrueFest lineup to support the album.

Tommy got wind of it and had a bitch fit. 

He accused Nikki of trying to monopolize stage time and make himself the focus of the entire tour. It was a ludicrous notion at best. As if Motley wasn't Nikki's baby and he hadn't devoted his entire life to it.

Nonetheless, it didn't keep Tommy from threatening to quit. Not just the tour, but the band itself.

Ashten wasn't sure of the logistics, but the patented Sixx-caliber power and persistence magically put that fire out and Sixx AM was added to the bill.

All crises seemed averted —for about two seconds. 

Tommy started bailing out on the tour production meetings, which were something he'd always been adamant about attending. However, this tour didn't seem to be worth his time, essentially abandoning the entire design to Nikki.

Yet, Tommy's apathy didn't stop him from flipping his wig over Nikki having the audacity to proceed without him. On more than one occasion, Ashten walked in on the two of them nearly coming to blows.

Suffice it to say the vibe was bad.

Why Nikki picked this particular time to quit smoking was mystifying to her. He was already dealing with two prima donnas, trying to release a record, starting to work on a new book and horrific divorce proceedings.

Why not add nicotine fits to the blender and flip the switch? What could go wrong?

Ashten's answer came in the form of a few spats they'd had shortly before Nikki's departure.

It was nothing major at first. Just a few minor couple's issues. Like, someone leaving an empty paper towel roll on the holder instead of replacing it, or trying to decide what to eat for dinner because neither of them wanted to make a decision.

Then came the biggest one.

Both of them had been buried in endless mountains of work for what seemed like a year and were finding it difficult to carve out time together. At times, they had to settle for just sitting in her living room while working on their respective projects.  It wasn't ideal, but at least they were together.

On this particular day, they sat on opposite ends of her sectional sofa. Nikki picked at the strings of an acoustic in what was most likely the beginning of a new song while she studied for her medical boards. His frustration seemed to be growing as the melody he tried to build wasn't coming as easily as he wanted– something, as a writer he dealt with more often than he'd like.

Irked by his brain block, Nikki put his guitar aside and ran his palms down his face.  Growling, he stood up and stretched.

"I need a break. Want something to drink?"  He nudged his knee against hers before heading to the kitchen.

"Not right now. I want to finish this section," she called after him, maintaining her razor-sharp focus on the practice quiz on her laptop.

"What's it on?" 

"Depressive disorders and medications."

"Want me to help?" Nikki offered, returning with a bottle of water, Oreos, and a sarcastic smile.

Fully aware he was far from serious, Ashten raised an eyebrow at him. "You?"

"Sure. I've had plenty of medical training."  He flopped back down on the couch and pulled one of the sandwich cookies apart.


"Yep. I've been an amateur gynecologist for years." He licked the cream from the cookie and grinned, proud that his cleverness earned him a groan and a dumb look from his girlfriend. "Speaking of which—"

"Speaking of which?!" She was perplexed and somewhat terrified at how that could segway into a normal conversation. 

"I have a physical coming up. For tour insurance purposes and all."

"Yeah?" She focused back on her quiz, three questions away from completion. 

"I was thinking that while I'm there I should maybe get them to check my vasectomy?" Nikki's voice trailed off as he chewed.

"Probably not a bad idea."  

"Right. Just, ya know, check and see how complicated it would be to get it redone. Or... not redone."

Too distracted to completely absorb what he was implying, or to notice he was studying her, Ashten responded tersely. 

"Whatever you want."

"Whatever I want." Nikki parroted, his tone flat. She could feel a shift from the cushion next to hers.

"Yeah, you're a grown man. It's your decision. Not mine."

There was a five-second pause and Nikki raised his eyebrows, his mouth slightly pursed.


"What?" She side-eyed him and took in the perturbed look on his face.

"Nothing. Just good to know where you stand."

"What does that mean?" Ashten finally tore her eyes away from the screen, her eyebrows furrowed and heckles beginning to raise.

A flippant shrug was his only reply and now he wasn't looking at her.

"What?" She prodded, beginning to think he was looking for a fight.

Nikki passive-aggressively sighed through his nose. "I would think it would matter to you if you had intentions of us having a future. Guess not, though."

Yep, he was looking for a fight. He had to be shitting her with this. 

She didn't have the mind space for a fight.  Her brain was way too crowded. Like, the Beatles at Shea Stadium with girls streaming packed.

Yet, for some inexplicable, logic-defying reason, she engaged.

"Really?" She closed her laptop, her studies abandoned for the moment. Whatever this was needed her immediate attention.

"Correct me if I am wrong, but when we started dating you made it very clear you don't want any more kids. I was fine with that."

"Yes," Nikki grumbled, taking a swig of water.

"You got a vasectomy long before I came around. It was your decision before me and it still is your decision. That is all I am saying."

Nikki raised his eyebrows. "So you would get your tubes tied without talking to me first?"

"Don't put words in my mouth,' Ashten snapped. "That is not what I said."

"Would you?" 

"No, of course not. Not that I would need your permission. And you don't need mine!"

"I'm not asking for your permission, I'm asking how you feel."

Nearly at boiling point but fighting to maintain her cool, her voice escalated. "At this very moment, I don't care."

"Like I said, good to know," Nikki fired back.

Ashten collapsed back onto the couch pillow, her hands running through her hair as if she was tempted to tear it out. 

"Nikki,"  She attempted to even out her voice and speak logically, attempting to de-escalate what was becoming a ticking bomb. "If you don't want to get it done, then don't. It's not like that is our only birth control option. I'm on the pill."

Nikki snorted, his eyes filling with sarcasm and grit. "Yeah, because you are so great about remembering it —"

"Don't do this," Ashten warned, folding her bottom lip under her front teeth. She couldn't believe he was daring to go there but braced herself for the blow.

"I mean it worked out for you last time, right?"

She took the shot like a champ, setting her jaw and barely flinching. "You're doing this to me tonight? Before you leave for two weeks?"

"Oh, does that not fit into your schedule?"  He spat, now standing with his hands on his hips, mockingly referring to the fact that her life had been meticulously planned down to the minute for the previous few weeks. Including meal breaks.

Ashten glared up at him with her two fists curled into solid balls. Always a sure sign he was royally pissing her off.

"You know what? This is a useful discussion better had at another time–"

"Yeah, I bet–" Nikki sneered.

"Your feelings on the matter are noted and will be given ample consideration. Good night." 

With a tilt of her head, she motioned towards her front door, indicating the open invitation to her bed was revoked for that evening.

The room became blanketed in silence as they stared at each other, both with their eyebrows raised in surprise but neither of them backing down.


Nikki finally broke the quiet, glaring at her and stomping out, leaving his belongings in her living room.

He'd left the following day and their communication had been limited to a few text messages ever since.

"How'd you leave it?" Stella asked while they continued getting ready.

"He said not to worry and we'd talk about it when he got home." 

"Comforting. So, what did you bake?"

Ashten cut her eyes, scowling while sliding the last bobby pin in her teased ponytail.


Ignoring Stella's skeptical gaze she quickly redirected focus to something else by holding her arms out and spinning for wardrobe approval. "Does this work?"

Applying her dark red lipstick, the redhead assessed her friend's short black silk halter dress and black suede strapped sandals from the mirror.


"Alright." Hitting a spin in front of the mirror for one final inspection, Ashten let out a deep sigh. On her way to the front door, she made a stop in the living room to grab her purse to check in on Storm, who was complaining of stomach cramps and sprawled out under a heating pad and blanket. 

Dying to get away from the high amount of testosterone in the main house, the teen took refuge at Ashten's for the evening where she could paint her nails and drool over a classic 80's sex symbol.

"Hey, kid. How's season two treating you?"

Storm tore her eyes away from Johnny Depp and gave her a dreamy look. "He was so freaking cute. Major eye candy."

"Yeah. And wait until the season with Richard Greico."

"Who?" She searched the buffet of junk food spread out before her, finally landing on a container of freshly baked fudge brownies. Wasting no time, she sunk her teeth into one and hummed in delight.

Ashten chuckled, remembering this show was way before Storm was even an idea.  "Trust me."

"Will it make my cramps go away?"  She rubbed her belly pitifully.


"Sometimes, I hate being a woman.  My back and boobies hurt, too."

"I know. Help yourself to the ibuprofen in the bathroom cabinet. Once I get my new prescription pads I will write you one for the higher strength tablets. More effective than the over-the-counter kind," Ashten offered, rubbing Storm's head and mentally reminding herself to order some new Rx slips as she seemed to be out of them–an annoying discovery when she tried to write an order for Prozac for a new intake at the shelter.

"Ready?"  Stella hopped her way into the room while pulling on her shoes.  She eyeballed the brownie in Storm's hand and cut her eyes to Ashten. "Didn't bake anything, huh?"

"We should go. The sooner we get there the sooner I can leave." Ashten cleared her throat and ushered Stella down the hall.

Stella rolled her eyes and followed. "Could you be more dramatic?"

"What?" Ashten huffed and furrowed her brow.

"We are heading to your birthday party.  Not the electric chair."

"It's just–"

"I know. Nikki isn't here and it sucks. And you guys had a weird conversation that is making you feel all spazzy and it needs to be addressed. But, trust me. It will be a fun night."

"What if it isn't?" Ashten looked at her phone for the umpteenth time that day in hopes of a text message from Nikki. Their exchanges since he left town had been short and few and far between. That was never a good sign.

It wasn't like Nikki not wanting to talk things out immediately. Like her, he hated leaving things unsaid. Incomplete. 

And she couldn't fault Stella. It wasn't like this was her idea. Ashten didn't need to ruin her evening with the whole 'it's my party and I'll cry if I want to attitude."

"I will do my best."

"Thank you,"  Stella nodded, appreciating that her friend mustered up every ounce of energy possible to utter those words. She looked at her phone to check the time.  "We will get there by nine. If by midnight, you are hating it, we can leave. It's just three hours."

"Why midnight?" she asked as they got into the limo, their designated vehicle for the evening.

"Because you turn thirty at midnight. Duh!" 

"Okay," Ashten surrendered. "Midnight."


"Admit it. You are having a good time."  D.J. said, holding a shot of Patron up for a cheers.

Ashten clinked his shot glass with her own and threw back the smooth chilled tequila, her fourth of the evening— along with other assorted shooters sent her way. 

"Okay, okay. This party is not at all the nightmare I imagined."

She took a seat at the bar, her feet needing a break from the non-stop dancing Stella had pulled her into since their arrival. She'd been there for nearly three hours and she had a nice buzz. The good, giggly, fun kind of tipsy that she liked to be when at a party or a concert. Just enough to have fun and let off steam but still be totally in control of herself.

No one was more shocked than Ashten to discover the party in her honor was not complete pandemonium. It had actually turned out to be a pretty tame and tasteful affair for an event held by a terror twin. Along with an open bar, there were trays of various shooters and champagne as well as an impressive spread of amazing food, including a fried green tomato and pimento cheese slider and a tray of red velvet birthday cupcakes with cream cheese frosting— all in honor of Ashten's southern roots.

"What did you expect?" James asked from her other side, sipping on his cocktail.

"I don't know. Go-Go cages. Naked mud wrestling. Midgets."

"I wouldn't rule it out." D.J. sucked on a lime wedge and looked around, brows furrowed. "Where is Tommy, anyway?"

Ashten simply shrugged in reply while the two men headed off to the bathroom and food table, respectively. Quite frankly, she didn't particularly care where Tommy was at the moment. He'd shown up about an hour after her arrival and was already half in the bottle, slurring his words and hugging her as if there was no issue between them whatsoever. 

As if his behavior as of late wasn't keeping Nikki away from her. 

She let out a deep sigh, her heart making a slight dip into her gut. Admittedly, she was having a good time with her friends and she'd gotten to meet some pretty damn famous people— namely Steven Tyler who shamelessly flirted with her. And yes, the owner himself, Johnny Depp was in attendance. She couldn't help but swoon a little and made sure to text pictures to Storm who was "literally dying".

But, they all asked where Nikki was and it made her soul clench a little— and her resentment of Tommy swell.

He should be here. She thought while she sat at the bar alone for the first time that evening, the day's fatigue mixing with the alcohol.

Looking at her phone to check the time, she was somewhat relieved it was almost midnight and she could leave soon, which she was going to tell her friends once they came back to the bar.

If they ever came back. Seemed like they'd been gone forever. Come to think of it, she hadn't seen Stella in an hour.

Maybe she finally took the plunge and pulled D.J. to the closed-off upstairs bar to have her way with him. 

She giggled to herself. It was doubtful, but she figured someone should get birthday sex tonight if she couldn't.

Her phone chimed the second the thought passed her mind. 

N- Hey, baby. Having fun?

Her heart swelled to see Nikki's name light up on her screen. It was bittersweet. She was so happy to hear from him but felt achy that he wasn't right next to her.

A- Not bad. Good food. Good drinks.  Would be much better if you were here.

N- I know, babe. I'm sorry.

A- Not your fault.

Ashten stared at her phone wanting to say more but didn't particularly want to get into the Tommy mess, or the fight they'd had.  This was not the time, nor the place. Instead, she looked at the time.


A few more minutes to midnight and she could leave graciously, fulfilling her promise to her friends.

Wherever the hell they were.  She furrowed her brow and looked around, but still no sign of anyone.

She remembered the last time everyone disappeared like this was also at a bar—

N- I can hear you thinking.

A- From across the country?

N- Sure.

"Excuse me, are you Ashten?"

She looked up at a female bartender standing across from her. 


"Then this is for you." She set a shooter glass full of a pink liquid in front of Ashten that looked vaguely familiar. "It's a W–."

"Wet pussy shooter," Ashten nodded knowingly. "I had one once during a girl's night out and my boyfriend Nikki—"

Her words, along with her heart, came to an abrupt stop.

The girl's night out when Nikki crashed and sent her that very shot.

Her phone chimed again.

N- That's a damn shame.

Ashten's brow furrowed.

A- Huh?

N- The birthday girl having to play with her own wet pussy. It's a shame.

Ashten's eyebrows flew up and she looked at the phone as if it just sprouted wings and was about to fly. 

No way.

She felt a jolt of electricity trickle down her spine as she stood up and quickly looked around the room, scanning each form for green eyes and unruly black hair.

Coming up short, she downed her shooter and waved to the bartender to get her attention.

"Where did this come from?" 

"From him." The brunette approached with a grin and pointed her index finger to the ceiling.

Ashten's eyes followed the gesture up the stairs above them leading to the second-floor bar. 

And there he was, leaning against the balcony. When she met Nikki's gaze, the intense look in his eyes almost knocked her off her barstool.

Her legs moved of their own volition, carrying her full speed to the staircase where she made the ascension, nearly rolling her ankle in the process. She felt like she was running in slow motion but somehow she finally made it to him, his trademark smirk adorning his face as he pulled her into him and slammed his mouth on hers.

The kiss was hungry and passionate, making her blood pump so loudly in her head. Her heart beat wildly against his chest.

He smelled amazing, like leather and mint which made her shiver, drinking him in as the warmth of his arms seeped into her skin.

They didn't pull apart immediately, their kiss lingering for a while, and when they finally parted for breath, their noses touched.

"Hey, baby." Nikki finally said, his voice husky against the shell of her ear— it's timber dangerously low and so filled with pent-up lust it made Ashten throb.

"Oh my god, how are you here?! I thought you were working." Her throat nearly closed up, emotion hitting her.

"I was. I rushed to get finished early to get back here in time." He cupped her cheeks in hands and kissed her lips. "Which is why you haven't heard from me much. No other reason than that. I wasn't ignoring you, I promise."

Ashten groaned. "Oh god. You talked to Stella and she told you I was wigging out, didn't she?"

"She mentioned it."

"I'm sorry–" 

He silenced her by putting his fingers to her lips, groaning a little when she gave the tips a quick lick.

"Jesus." The look he gave her was downright smoldering while he slid his hand to the small of her back, pressing her into him. "You have nothing to apologize for. I know you love me. I wonder why sometimes," he added with a chuckle. "But I know you love me."

Ashten smiled and let out a tearful giggle.

"I sometimes wonder why too. You're a huge pain in the ass," she teased, her arms hooking around his neck.

Nikki chuckled and gave her ass a playful slap, a move that shot through her entire body, making her ache with want. 

"I can't believe you're really here." She buried her nose in his neck and inhaled deeply, as if breathing him into her before nipping at his flesh.

Nikki grabbed her bottom with both hands, his Adam's apple bouncing in his throat while he visibly swallowed. "Had to be here to celebrate your Dirty Thirty."

The implication sent a jolt through her body.

"How dirty?"

"Really fucking dirty." Nikki growled, his eyes owning her as he walked her backwards into the upstairs bar that had been closed off for the night.

He quickly hoisted her up and sat her on a pool table, kissed along her neck, sucking and licking until he reached her lips. With zero hesitation he slanted his mouth against hers, letting his tongue slick across the seam of her lips. She opened her mouth for him, letting his tongue find hers, sweeping tenderly against it over and over in hot, heady kisses that made her whole body shake.

Ashten broke away to catch her breath and Nikki pulled her into him by her knees, opening her legs to push himself against her.

"Sir," she let out a breathy moan when his teeth grazed her ear lobe, "we are in a public place."

His chuckle was borderline wicked. "No one's coming in here."


"Why do you think the upstairs bar was closed off tonight?"


"Yep. It pays to know the owner." Nikki pushed her dress up around her hips, his grin devilish while his hands slid up her thighs, parting them further. 

"Yeah." Ashten let out a breathy moan at the amorous look he was giving her.

"The only person coming in here—" he said, sliding his fingers into her panties, pushing them to the side, "—will be you."

He captured her lips once again while he stroked her gently. Then something primal took over, forcing him to drop to his knees and pull her towards the edge of the table, spreading her open wide for him. 

And fuck if she didn't look incredible. Pink, swollen, and dripping wet just waiting for him to lick her up.

Ashten leaned back and groaned deeply, her hands behind her holding her up while Nikki made the first pass of his tongue up her slit. 

She opened her legs more, offering her whole self to him and raised her hips to his mouth when he swirled his warm tongue around her most sensitive nerves.

Growling at the taste of her, Nikki wrapped his arms around her thighs and pulled her further into his face, nearly pulling her off the table. Puckering his lips and sucking hard, he drew a loud gasp from her as the very tip of his tongue flicked her clit.

Her hips rose, seeking more and Nikki gave it to her. He flicked his tongue against her folds, tongue dipping into her and fucking up into her as far as he can while his thumb pushed against her button.

Ashten's knuckles turned white against the table as she held herself back from rocking against his mouth too violently. With starvation in the back of his throat , his talented mouth worked her, covering every inch of her sensitive flesh.

"Fuck," she nearly shouted, knees trembling.

"Shhh." he commanded, looking up at her mockingly. "We are in public, remember?"

She couldn't have kept quiet with a gun to her head.

Nikki continued to fuck her with his tongue. With their two-week separation, and the pent-up frustration, it was no wonder her orgasm came quickly, hitting her like a truck.

Fuck, he looked so good, staring up at her as she felt herself falling apart. She gripped onto his hair with one hand and ground onto his face with her release. 

But Nikki didn't stop at just the one. He never did.

He continued to attack her nether lips with more vigor. Opening her up and sinking his velvet tongue inside her heat again, unlocking another orgasm that made her convulse until she thought her body would shut down.

Ashten tugged at his hair to get him to stand as she slipped off the table. She grabbed the back of his neck and collided their lips together for a kiss that dripped with desire and longing, their desperate panting and sharp moans creating a dirty soundtrack as they danced around the room, finally landing up against the closest wall. 

Nikki's belt and fly were opened in a desperate haste and he nearly went cross-eyed when Ashten pulled him out of his jeans, her full lips sucking wetly on his tongue. She hooked her long leg around his hip and her nails clawed his shoulder blades as he firmly grabbed her hips and hoisted her up, slamming her back into the wall.

Ashten's pulse raced wildly as her hands flew to his shoulders, holding on for dear life as he stroked her core with the slick tip of his hard cock, the wetness of her making him groan.

In one sharp and precise movement, he buried himself inside her to the hilt.

A gutteral gasp parted Ashten's lips and harmonized with his strangled moan, their eyes connecting in a sexual haze. 

The stretch was harsh, he could see it in the knitting of her eyebrows as she opened to accommodate his girth.

He pulled out all the way and thrusted in quicker this time, knocking her ass against the wall, making her moan into his mouth.

He was so big inside her, so thick and deliciously hard her warm wet walls squeezed him tightly. The slick sounds of their flesh meeting kept a steady beat as he fucked her against the wall, fast and hard.

"God, you feel good," she moaned, as he slid in and out, hitting the exact spot that made the knot in her stomach tighten like a band.

Nikki gripped her ponytail as he lifted to kiss her again, a wet dirty kiss that sent spasms shooting down her body and between her legs as he pounded into her.

"Don't stop. Fuck, don't stop" she pleaded, her nails digging into the back of his neck.

"Couldn't if I wanted to," he grunted, feeling her start to clench around him. 

When her words became profane and her moans got louder, he knew she was close to the edge. He pushed his thumb into her clit, rubbing with no mercy.

"Come on, baby," he coaxed, knowing he was about to blow.

No sooner had the words left his lips when Ashten's body stiffened, her hot slick walls clenching down on him, coming so hard she almost pushed him out of her.

He was soon to follow, drilling deep and exploding inside her as he fucked her through the end of her orgasm.

Sweaty and panting, he held her against the wall with his head buried in her neck while they recovered. She looked down at him, smiling a giddy and sated smile, her eyeliner slightly smudged.

"Happy Birthday, baby." 

He gently set her feet on the ground and pinned her against the wall, planting a kiss that was borderline chaste compared to what they'd just done.

"Thank you. A lot." She was breathless, her eyes fluttering shut in bliss while she tried to come back down to earth. "My legs feel like jelly."

"Mission accomplished." Nikki smirked and fastened his belt, then took her by the hand. "Come on. Now for your gift."

"My gift?" She pulled her dress down with her free hand as he led her out of the room and down a back staircase out to the back parking lot where her limo awaited them.  "Are we going somewhere?"

"Yep," he all but hoisted her into the back and climbed in behind her, shutting the door. "We are getting the hell out of here."

"Ok. But where?"

"Tonight, we are going to stay at the Plaza—" He slipped his arm around her, pulling her close to his side, "—where we will sleep, but mostly fuck, on Egyptian cotton sheets and eat fluffy french toast for breakfast."

"Hmm, that sounds nice." She cuddled into him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Yep. And then tomorrow, we fly to Cabo for a week."

"What?!" Ashten bolted up right and gaped at him. "We are?"

Nikki grinned at her, his eyes sparkling. "Yep. I rented the same house we had last time."

Her head spun and flooded with questions.  "But, you've got— and I have—" she stammered.

"I know. You have your exam and I have work. I brought your laptop and study guides."

"But, Tommy–"

"— is fine with it. You haven't taken a vacation since you started working for him.  You're due. And babe, we need to get away."

She nodded, agreeing whole-heartedly that their relationship could use the time away together. "Okay, but I don't have any clothes."

"Stella and Storm packed a bag for you.  It's in the trunk." He squeezed her shoulder and kissed her temple.

"They knew you were coming?!" 

Nikki laughed at the slightly irritated look on her face. "Everyone knew, sweet girl."

"I'm gonna kill all of them," she huffed, only making him laugh harder. Part of her was pissed they all hid this from her, while the other part was deeply touched she had such good friends.

"You don't have time to plan a murder.  We're busy for the next week."

"So, when we get back then?"

"Whatever you want."

Nikki was right. The time away was exactly what both of them needed. They spent a blissful week in Cabo, working when needed, but mostly indulging in the beach, amazing food, and each other.

Recharged, they arrived back home and got back to their normal routine. Ashten took her medical board exam and was patiently awaiting the results when Nikki called her to tell her they'd arrived.

She ran over to Tommy's and ripped open the envelope, confirming she'd passed with flying colors.  However, her elation was short lived when another letter from the medical board arrived the following week.

"Dear Dr. Montgomery," Nikki read aloud when she showed him the letter,  "We regret to inform you we are not able to renew your California state medical license at this time as your name has been flagged for review." 

He furrowed his brow and looked up at her. "What is this?"

"Keep reading," she replied softly, unable to look at him.

He cleared his throat and read on. "Blah, blah, blah... come to our attention that... blah, blah... inappropriately prescribing and monitoring opioids or other controlled substances?"

Nikki looked at her like she'd grown an extra head. "What does that mean?"

"It means I have to go before the medical board to fight for my license because they think I have been writing bogus prescriptions." She chewed her lower lip, her gut lurching at the reality of the situation.

"But, you haven't. Right?."

"No. I haven't. I don't even have prescription pads right now. I thought I'd run out and ordered new ones. They haven't even gotten here yet. Anything I've prescribed for the kids at the Covenant House, I've called in to the pharmacy directly."

"Okay." Nikki sat at the kitchen island next to her, trying to figure this out. "Can you get copies of the scripts you wrote?"

She could. And the Xeroxed copies arrived to her via fax a few hours later.

Suddenly, she and Nikki were sifting through pages of prescriptions for Oxycodone, Vicodin, Percocet, and Morphine. All were prescribed by Dr. Ashten Montgomery, M.D.

And all of them were in Tommy's handwriting.

"Fuck," Nikki muttered.

"Yeah," she agreed, "fuck."

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