
By dear13dreamer

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ᴇʟʏꜱɪᴀɴ (ᴀᴅᴊ.) • ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪꜰᴜʟ ᴏʀ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ; ᴅɪᴠɪɴᴇʟʏ ɪɴꜱᴘɪʀᴇᴅ; ᴘᴇᴀᴄᴇꜰᴜʟ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴇʀꜰᴇᴄᴛ • ᴊᴜʟɪᴇᴛ ꜰʀᴇɴᴄʜ ʜᴀᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴇʀꜰᴇ... More

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77 1 0
By dear13dreamer

ɪɪ. ʙᴇᴛʀᴀʏᴀʟ
"There's someone behind this, directing the roboforms.", The Doctor explains.

"But why is it me? What have I done?", Donna asks.

"If we find the controller, we'll find that out. Ooo! It's up there. Something in the sky."

Juliet rolls her eyes at his avoidance of her question.
A large red claw touches the screen showing the Doctor and Juliet both looking upwards.

"Clever, clever, clever boy. And girl. Eat you up all snicker snacker, travelling man and woman. He shall come to me, and the beautiful bride. And never forget his Jewel. Such secrets to unlock! I shall descend this night. I shall descend upon this Earth and shine!", The spaceship is a seven pointed star, with spiders web accessories, and the Empress looks like a giant spider.
The ambulances have arrived.

"I've lost the signal. Donna, we've got to get to your office. HC Clements. I think that's where it all started. Lance! Is it Lance? Lance, can you give me a lift?", The Doctor asks.
"To you lot this might just be a locksmiths, but HC Clements was brought up twenty three years ago by the Torchwood Institute.", The Doctor says.

"Who are they?"

"They were behind the battle of Canary Wharf.", Juliet replies coldly. The Doctor gives her a sympathetic look, understanding why her tone is so cold.

"Cyberman invasion. Skies over London full of Daleks?", He asks Donna.

"Oh, I was in Spain."

"They had Cybermen in Spain.", Juliet points out. Her time sounds rather rude, once again.

"Scuba diving.", She adds.

"That big picture, Donna. You keep on missing it. Torchwood was destroyed, but HC Clements stayed in business. I think someone else came in and took over the operation."

"But what do they want with me?"

"Somehow you've been dosed with Huon energy. And that's a problem, because Huon energy hasn't existed since the Dark Times. The only place you'd find a Huon particle now is a remnant in the heart of the Tardis. See? That's what happened. Say, that's the Tardis.", He picks up a coffee mug.

"And that's you.", He grabs a pencil.

"The particles inside you activated. The two sets of particles magnetised and whap.", He shakes the mug and the pencil, then drops the pencil into the mug.

"You were pulled inside the Tardis."

"I'm a pencil inside a mug?", Donna asks as he spins she mug around.

"Yes, you are. 4H. Sums you up. Lance? What was HC Clements working on? Anything top secret? Special operations? Do not enter?", He turns his attention to Donna's fiancée, not missing the skeptical look on Juliet's face.

"I don't know, I'm in charge of personnel. I wasn't project manager. Why am I even explaining myself? What the hell are we talking about?", Lance asks, suddenly feeling as if he's being interrogated.

The Doctor gets a computer screen to work. It shows a plan of the building.

"They make keys, that's the point. And look at this. We're on the third floor.", He points out.
"Underneath reception, there's a basement, yes? Then how come when you look on the lift, there's a button marked lower basement? There's a whole floor which doesn't exist on the official plans. So what's down there, then?"

"Are you telling me this building's got a secret floor?", Lance scoffs.

"No, I'm showing you this building's got a secret floor."

"It needs a key.", Donna says, referring to the lift.

"I don't.", He sonics the LB button.

"Right then. Thanks, you two. Juliet and I can handle this. See you later."

"No chance, Martian. You're the man who keeps saving my life. And she is the woman who keep you in check. I ain't letting either of you out of my sight.", Donna declares.

"Going down."


"Maybe I should go to the police.", Lance starts.


Lance gets in the lift at Donna's command.

"To honour and obey?", The Doctor cheekily comments.

"Tell me about it, mate.", Lance sighs.

"Oi.", Both Donna and Juliet scold the pair.
The Empress watches the lift coming down.

"The bride approaches. She is my key."
Lit in eerie green.

"Where are we? Well, what goes on down here?", Donna asks.

"Let's find out.", The Doctor grins.

"Do you think Mister Clements knows about this place?"

"The mysterious HC Clements? I think he's part of it. Oh, look. Transport."

Transport comes in the form of two wheel electric stand up jobs. Donna can't help laughing. They arrive at a bulkhead door labelled Torchwood. Authorised personnel only. The Doctor turns the wheel to open it to reveal a ladder.

"Wait here. Just need to get my bearings. Don't do anything."

Juliet goes to follow, but he stops her.

"Stay here, I'll be back."

She goes to argue but the look on his face makes her stop entirely.

"You'd better come back.", Donna calls after him as he starts up the order.

"I couldn't get rid of you if I tried.", He mutters.

"Donna, have you thought about this? Properly? I mean, this is serious! What the hell are we going to do?", Lance suddenly turns to the ginger.

"Oh, I thought July.", She says, nonchalantly.

The Doctor climbs up to another sealed cover operated by a wheel, like in a submarine. He opens it and climbs out onto the top of number 8 in the Thames Barrier. Back with Lance, Donna and Juliet. -

"Thames flood barrier right on top of us. Torchwood snuck in and built this place underneath.", He calls down to them.

"What, there's like a secret base hidden underneath a major London landmark?", Donna clarifies.

"Oh, I know. Unheard of."
Lots of bubbling tubes.

"Oo, look at this. Stunning!", Juliet's face suddenly brightens. The Doctor smiles at her newfound happiness.

"What does it do?", Donna asks.

"Particle extrusion. Hold on. Brilliant. They've been manufacturing Huon particles. Course, our people got rid of Huons. They unravel the atomic structure.", She rambles on, excitedly.

"Your people? Who are they? What company do you represent?", Lance suddenly questions.

"Oh, we're freelancers. But this lot are rebuilding them. They've been using the river. Extruding them through a flat hydrogen base so they've got the end result, Huon particles in liquid form.", The Doctor covers quickly as he also steps forward to inspect the liquids.

"And that's what's inside me?", Donna nods at the tubes.

The Doctor turns a knob on top of the container, and the liquid glows gold. So does Donna.

"Oh, my God!", She cries out.

"Genius. Because the particles are inert, they need something living to catalyse inside and that's you. Saturate the body and then. Ha!", The Doctor jumps backwards.

"The wedding! Yes, you're getting married, that's it! Best day of your life, walking down the aisle. Oh, your body's a battleground! There's a chemical war inside! Adrenaline, acetylcholine. Wham! go the endorphins. Oh, you're cooking! Yeah, you're like a walking oven. A pressure cooker, a microwave, all churning away. The particles reach boiling point. Shazam!", Donna slaps him.

"What did I do this time??", He asks her, before turning to Juliet for an answer. She is no help, for she is too busy keeping her laugh in.

"Are you enjoying this? Right, just tell me. These particles, are they dangerous? Am I safe?"

"Yes.", The Doctor tells her simply.

"Juliet, if your lot got rid of Huon particles, why did they do that?", Donna turns to the time lady, hoping for a straight answer.

"Because they were deadly.", Juliet deadpans before realizes what she just said.

"Oh, my God."

"We'll sort it out, Donna. Whatever's been done to you, I'll reverse it. I am not about to lose someone else.", The Doctor interjects.

"Oh, she is long since lost.", A voice says.

The wall in front of them slides up to reveal a tiered hole descending into the earth.

"I have waited so long, hibernating at the edge of the universe until the secret heart was uncovered and called out to waken!"

Lance runs away. Black robed robots turn their guns on the Doctor, Juliet and Donna.
"Someone's been digging. Oh, very Torchwood. Drilled by laser. How far down does it go?", The Doctor addresses the voice.

"Down and down, all the way to the centre of the Earth!"

"Really? Seriously? What for?", Juliet asks now.

"Dinosaurs.", Donna says suddenly, causing both time lords to stare at her, confused.


"Dinosaurs?", She repeats herself.

"What are you on about, dinosaurs?", The Doctor scoffs at her.

"That film, Under the Earth, with dinosaurs. Trying to help."

"That's not helping."

"Such a sweet couple.", The voice comments.

Juliet feels a sharp pain in both of her hearts at the comment, but shrugs it off as another reminder of Rose. 

"Only a madman talks to thin air and trust me, you don't want to make me mad. Where are you?"

"High in the sky. Floating so high on Christmas night.", The Voice replies.
"We didn't come all this way to talk on the intercom. Come on, let's have a look at you!", The Doctor says, grabbing hold of Juliet's hand and squeezes it, to give her some comfort.

"Who are you with such command?"

"I'm the Doctor and this is Juliet.", He introduces.

"Prepare your best medicines, doctor man, for you will be sick at heart."

"And prepare your Jewel for the challenges she's yet to face. Just as a stone, she will be tried and pressed. All to be made into a Jewel!"
The Empress transports herself in.

"Racnoss? But that's impossible. You're one of the Racnoss?", The Doctor looks at the creature in confusion.

"Empress of the Racnoss."

Lance climbs the ladder, then runs.

"If you're the Empress, where's the rest of the Racnoss? Or, are you the only one?", Juliet asks.

"Such a sharp mind."

"That's it, the last of your kind. The Racnoss come from the Dark Times, billions of years ago. Billions. They were carnivores, omnivores. They devoured whole planets."

"Racnoss are born starving. Is that our fault?"

"They eat people?", Donna asks, growing disgusted and scared at the same time.

"HC Clements, did he wear those, those er, black and white shoes?"

"He did. We used to laugh. We used to call him the fat cat in spats.", Donna fondly smiles at the memory.

The Doctor points to a pair of feet sticking out of the web across the ceiling, wearing black and white shoes.

"Oh, my God!"

"Mmm. My Christmas dinner.", The Empress hums.

"You shouldn't even exist. Way back in history, the fledgling Empires went to war against the Racnoss. They were wiped out.", Juliet suddenly bursts out at the Empress.

Lance is on a balcony above the Empress. He makes the shush gesture.

"Except for me."

"But that's what I've got inside me, that Huon energy thing. Oi! Look at me, lady, I'm talking. Where do I fit in? How comes I get all stacked up with these Huon particles? Look at me, you! Look me in the eye and tell me.", Donna demands.

"The bride is so feisty.", The Empress says, sounding amused.

Lance is sneaking up behind the giant Empress with a fire axe.

"Yes, I am! And I don't know what you are, you big thing, but a spider's just a spider and an axe is an axe! Now, do it!"

Lance starts to swing the axe. The Empress turns and hisses at him. Lance laughs, and the Empress joins in.

"That was a good one. Your face.", He laughs.

"Lance is funny.", The Empress smiles.

Juliet's eyes widen as all the price start to click together in her head.


"I'm sorry.", She whispers to Donna, uncharacteristically according to the ginger.

"Sorry for what? Lance, don't be so stupid! Get her!"

"God, she's thick. Months I've had to put up with her. Months. A woman who can't even point to Germany on a map.", He complains.

"I don't understand."

"How did you meet him?", The Doctor asks her.

"In the office."

"He made you coffee.", Juliet adds.


"Every day, I made you coffee."

"You had to be dosed with liquid particles over six months.", The Doctor reveals.

"He was poisoning me.", Donna realizes. Juliet sadly nods at her.

"It was all there in the job title. The Head of Human Resources."

"This time, it's personnel."

"But, we were getting married.", Donna mutters with tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Well, I couldn't risk you running off. I had to say yes. And then I was stuck with a woman who thinks the height of excitement is a new flavour Pringle. Oh, I had to sit there and listen to all that yap yap yap. Oh, Brad and Angelina. Is Posh pregnant? X Factor, Atkins Diet, Feng Shui, split ends, text me, text me, text me. Dear God, the never ending fountain of fat, stupid trivia. I deserve a medal.", Lance rambles on.

"Oh, is that what she's offered you? The Empress of the Racnoss? What are you, her consort?", The Doctor asks him.

"It's better than a night with her."

"But I love you.", Donna mumbles, tears in her eyes as Juliet walks over with outstretched arms.

"That's what made it easy. It's like you said, Doctor. The big picture. What's the point of it all if the human race is nothing? That's what the Empress can give me. The chance to go out there. To see it. The size of it all. I think you understand that, don't you, Doctor?", Lance addresses the man as Juliet holds a sobbing, Donna.

"Who is this little physician and jewel?"

"She said Martians.", Lance informs the Empress.

"Oh, We're sort of homeless. But the point is, what's down here? The Racnoss are extinct. What's going to help you four thousand miles down? That's just the molten core of the Earth, isn't it?"

"I think he wants us to talk."

"I think so, too.", The Empress agrees with Lance.

"Well, tough! All we need is Donna."

"Kill this chattering little doctor man and his Jewel!", The Empress orders.

"Don't you hurt them!", Donna suddenly collects herself and manages to shouts.

"No, no, Donna. It's all right.", The Doctor assures her as he grabs Juliet's hand and pulls her closer to him. He stands with her slightly behind him, hoping to keep her safe.

"No, I won't let them."

"At arms!", The Empress cries.

The robots point their guns at the Doctor and Juliet.

"Ah, now. Except."

"Take aim!"

"Well, I just want to point out the obvious."

"They won't hit the bride. They're such very good shots.", The Empress tells him.

"Just, just, just, just, just hold on. Hold on just a tick. Just a tiny little, just a little tick. If you think about it, the particles activated in Donna and drew her inside my spaceship. So reverse it, and the spaceship comes to her.", The Doctor turns the knob on the Huon container.

"Fire!", The Empress exclaims in anguish.
The Tardis builds itself like smoke around Donna, Juliet and the Doctor.

"Off we go.", He grins.
"My key! My key!", The Empress cries out as the Tardis dematerialises.
"Oh, do you know what I said before about time machines? Well, I lied. And now we're going to use it. We need to find out what the Empress of the Racnoss is digging up. If something's buried at the planet's core, it must've been there since the beginning. That's just brilliant. Molto bene. I've always wanted to see this. Donna, we're going further back than I've ever been before."
"If a key is lost, then another must be cut. At arms!", The robots suddenly turn their guns onto Lance.
"We've arrived. Want to see?"

"I suppose.", Donna shrugs, still upset from the revelation about Lance.

"Oh, that scanner's a bit small. Maybe your way's best.", He goes to the door.

"Come on. No human's ever seen this. You'll be the first."

"All I want to see is my bed.", Donna mumbles as Juliet walks along with her.

"Donna Noble, welcome to the creation of the Earth.", Lumps of rock floating around a dust covered sun.

"We've gone back four point six billion years. There's no solar system, not yet. Only dust and rocks and gas. That's the Sun, over there. Brand new. Just beginning to burn.", Juliet explains with a smile.

"Where's the Earth?"

"All around us in the dust.", The Doctor answers.

"Puts the wedding in perspective. Lance was right. We're just tiny."

"No, but that's what you do. The human race makes sense out of chaos. Marking it out with weddings and Christmas and calendars. This whole process is beautiful, but only if it's being observed."

"So I came out of all this?", She wonders aloud.

"Isn't that brilliant?"

A large rock drifts past.

"I think that's the Isle of Wight."

"Eventually, gravity takes hold. Say, one big rock, heavier than the others, starts to pull other rocks towards it. All the dust and gas and elements get pulled in. Everything, piling in until you get-"

"The Earth.", Donna completes Juliet's explanation.

"But the question is, what was that first rock?", A seven pointed star spaceship comes out of the dust cloud.

"Look.", Donna points.

"The Racnoss.", The Doctor and Juliet mutter.
"Now I have measured the bride's catalysis, I can force feed it."

A robot pours Huon particle water down Lance's throat.

"Drink the particles. Become the key!", The Empress' eyes darken.
"Hold on. The Racnoss are hiding from the war. What's it doing?"

"Exactly what you said."

The rocks and dust are attracted to the spaceship.

"Oh, they didn't just bury something at the centre of the Earth. They became the centre of the Earth. The first rock.", A sudden bang sounds from all around them.


"What was that?"

"Trouble.", Juliet says; simply.
"My wonderful key. Now, my servants, bind him."

Lance glows gold.
The Tardis is throwing them about.

"What the hell's it doing?", Donna cries as Juliet holds her head.

"Try having your head spinning on top of this!", She exclaims.

"Remember that little trick of mine, particles pulling particles. Well, it works in reverse. They're pulling us back!", The Doctor tells her.

"Well, can't you stop it? Hasn't it got a handbrake? Can't you reverse or warp or beam or something?"

"Backseat driver. Oh! Wait a minute! The extrapolator!", It is a surfboard device.

"It can't stop us, but it should give us a good bump!", He grins.
Lance is ensnared in web when the Tardis appears.

"The bride shall join her groom. What a wedding there shall be."
"Now!", The Doctor shouts and the Tardis dematerializes.
"We're about two hundred yards to the right. Come on!", Juliet says, waving for them to follow after her.
"She is close, the holy bride in white. Find her. Find her!", The Empress orders.
"But what do we do?", Donna asks.

"I don't know. I make it up as I go along. But trust me, I've got a history.", The Doctor admits. Even Juliet cracks a smile at that one

The Doctor uses a stethoscope on the Torchwood door.

"But I still don't understand. I'm full of particles, but what for?"

"There's a Racnoss web at the centre of the Earth, but my people unravelled their power source. The Huon particles ceased to exist but the Racnoss were stuck.", Juliet explains not noticing as a robot grabs Donna from behind. The Doctor doesn't notice her absence either.

"They've just taken hibernation for billions of years. Frozen, dead, kaput. So you're the new key. Brand new particles, living particles! They need you to open it and you have never been so quiet.", She continues before realizing the woman has disappeared.

"Doctor! Donna's gone!"

"Oh!", The Doctor sonics the door open to reveal a robot pointing a gun at him.
Donna is ensnared in the web, next to Lance, directly over the hole.

"I hate you."

"Yeah, I think we've gone a bit beyond that now, sweetheart.", Lance comments sarcastically.

"My golden couple, together at last. Your awful wedded life. Tell me, do you want to be released?", The Empress asks them.


"You're supposed to say, I do."

"Huh. No chance.", Lance scoffs.

"Say it!"

"I do."

"I do.", The pair mumbles, begrudgingly.

"I don't. Activate the particles. Purge every last one."

Donna and Lance glow.

"And release!", The Huon particles zoom straight down into the hole so kindly dug by Torchwood.

"The secret heart unlocks, and they will waken from their Sleep of Ages."

"Who will? What's down there?", Donna suddenly asks.

"How thick are you??", Lance criticizes her. 

"My children, the long lost Racnoss, now reborn to feast on flesh! The web star shall come to me."

The spaceship starts to move towards the Earth as lots of somethings start to climb up the hole.

"My babies will be hungry. They need sustenance. Perish the web."

"Use her, not me! Use her!", Lance cries.

"Oh, my funny little Lance! But you are quite impolite to your lady friend. The Empress does not approve."

The web releases Lance, and he falls into the hole.

"Lance!", Donna cries.
The spaceship comes down over the city, shining like a star.

"It's Christmas!", A little girl smiles.
"Harvest the humans! Reduce them to meat."

Energy lances out from the spaceship's lower four arms, wreaking havoc in the streets. The little girl screams as one beam cuts through the road until someone snatches her out of its way.

"My children are climbing towards me and none shall stop them."

A robot walks up the steps. And another for hire can be seen crouching in the shadows.

"So you might as well unmask, my clever little doctor man and his Jewel.

The Doctor removes the robot mask and robe as Juliet comes out of the shadows.

"Oh well. Nice try. I've got you, Donna!", He points his sonic screwdriver at Donna, and the web starts to give way.

"I'm going to fall!"

"You're going to swing! I've got you!", Juliet assures her.

Screaming, Donna swings across the hole, past the Empress and stops underneath the landing where Juliet is standing. The strand of web was just six feet too long. She drops to the ground with a clang.

"Oh. Sorry.", She apologizes.

"Thanks for nothing.", Donna comments, although by her face Juliet can tell she isn't upset.

"The doctor man and his Jewel amuse me."

"Empress of the Racnoss, I give you one last chance. I can find you a planet. I can find you and your children a place in the universe to co-exist. Take that offer and end this now.", The Doctor addresses the Empress.

"These men are so funny."

"What's your answer?"

"Oh I'm afraid I have to decline."

"What happens next is your own doing.", Juliet warns her.

"I'll show you what happens next. At arms! Take aim! And-"

"Relax.", The Doctor says, causing the robots to slump.

"What did you do?"

"Guess what I've got, Donna?", Juliet smirks as she takes out a robot remote control.

"Pockets.", The Doctor grins.

"How did that fit in there?"

"They're bigger on the inside.", She shrugs.

"Roboforms are not necessary. My children may feast on Martian flesh."

"Oh, but we're not from Mars.", The Doctor informs the Empress.

"Then where?"

"Our home planet is far away and long since gone. But its name lives on. Gallifrey."

"They murdered the Racnoss!", The Empress cries out in anguish.

"I warned you. You did this.", Juliet adds.

The Doctor takes some Christmas tree decorations from another pocket.

"No! No! Don't! No!"

The Doctor throws the baubles into the air then uses the remote to direct them. He uses some to blow holes in the corridor wall to let the Thames in, whilst the rest surround the Empress. Fires break out, and manhole covers burst under the pressure. Water comes flooding into the lair and down the hole. Alien screams come upwards.

"No! No! My children! No! My children! My children!"

"Doctor! You can stop now!", Donna tells him.

"My children!"

"Come on. Time I got you out.", Soaked to the skin, the Doctor, Juliet and Donna head up the stairs.

"Transport me!"
The Empress is beamed up.

"Oh, they will suffer! So suffer! This planet shall be scorched!", She declares.
"But what about the Empress?"

"She's used up all her Huon energy. She's defenceless!", Juliet explains.
An army tank rumbles down a street, then aims its turret at the spaceship.

"Orders from Mister Saxon. Fire at will!"

"Fire!", Missiles pound the spaceship, which falls to pieces then explodes over Canary Wharf.
The Doctor, Juliet and Donna stand on gate 8.

"Just there's one problem."

"What is that?", The Doctor asks.

"We've drained the Thames.", Donna reveals.
The Tardis is parked across the road.

"There we go. Told you she'd be all right. She can survive anything."

"More than I've done.", Donna laughs.

He gives her a quick sonic scan.

"No, all the Huon particles have gone. No damage, you're fine.", Juliet gives her the good news.

"Yeah, but apart from that, I missed my wedding, lost my job and became a widow on the same day. Sort of."

"We couldn't save him."

"He deserved it. No, he didn't. I'd better get inside. They'll be worried.", Donna tells the pair.

"Best Christmas present they could have.", Juliet smiles.

Sylvia and Geoff hug each other.

"Oh, no. I forgot you hate Christmas."

"Yes, I do.", Donna confirms.

"Even if it snows?", The Doctor makes the Tardis lamp turn yellow and fire off a bolt of energy into the sky. Instant snow shower.

"I can't believe you did that!", Donna laughs in surprise.

"Oh, basic atmospheric excitation.", Juliet grins before she remembers last Christmas in the snow with Rose. Her smile drops.

"Merry Christmas.", Donna says, happily.

"And you.", The Doctor grins at her.

"Happy Christmas.", Juliet sniffles, wiping away a few stray tears.

"So, what will you do with yourself now?", The Doctor asks Donna as he lightly pats Juliet's back in an effort to help comfort her.

"Not getting married, for starters. And I'm not going to temp anymore. I don't know. Travel. See a bit more of planet Earth. Walk in the dust. Just go out there and do something."

"Well, you could always-", The Doctor starts.


"Come with us-"

"No.", Donna cuts him off.


"I can't.", She adds

"No, that's fine."

"No, but really. Everything we did today. Do you both live your lives like that?"

"Not all the time."

"Yes.", Juliet confirms.

"I think you do. And I couldn't."

"But you've seen it out there. It's beautiful."

"And it's terrible. That place was flooding and burning and they were dying, and you were stood there like, I don't know, a stranger. Both of you. And then you made it snow. I mean, you both scare me to death.", Donna admits.


"Tell you what I will do, though. Christmas dinner. Oh, come on."

"We don't do that sort of thing.", Juliet speaks up, not willing to risk tears.

"You did it last year. You said so. And you might as well, because Mum always cooks enough for twenty."

"Oh, all right then. But you go first. Better warn them. And don't say we're Martian's. I just have to park her properly. She might drift off to the Middle Ages. I'll see you in a minute.", The Doctor and Juliet go into the Tardis, and the engines start up.

"Doctor! Juliet!", Donna shouts.

"Blimey, you can shout.", Juliet chuckles.

"Am I ever going to see you again? Either of you?"

"If we're lucky."

"Just promise me one thing. Find someone."

"Someone else.", She adds after a moment.

"We don't need anyone else.", The Doctor insists.

"Yes, you do. Because sometimes, I think you need someone to stop you. And Jules can only help you so much."

"Yeah. Thanks then, Donna. Good luck. And just be magnificent."



"I'm sorry for my behavior. I lost someone, not long ago and you remind me of her in ways. I shouldn't have been so horrible to you.", Juliet apologizes.

"No need. I can see it. You wear your heart on your sleeve. And your emotions are evident, like a movie playing on a screen for all to see. But that's okay. I understand."

"Doctor?", She calls as the pair goes to walk off.

"Oh, what is it now?", He groans, earning a slap on the arm from Juliet.

"That friend of yours. What was her name?"

"Her name was Rose.", He answers, voice thick with emotion. Juliet sniffles, attempting to keep her tears in.

The Tardis starts to dematerialise, then shoots straight up into the sky before vanishing.

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