Break Me (MxM)

By Origin_of_Kelpie

41.4K 3.7K 1.2K

Theodore "Teddy" Bear is twenty-one years old and knows how to pack a punch. That attracts the sexiest guy he... More



194 26 7
By Origin_of_Kelpie

"Aww, my rayiys is too cute!" exclaimed Aimé, gathering me up in his arms and swinging me around.

I grinned when he set my socked feet on the floor. "Are you sure you want me to go undercover wearing this ensemble?"

Aimé frowned. "Absolutely not, but at the same time, I do want you to wear that. You're so damn cute and irresistible."

"Maybe just to you, Aimé, but it is worth a shot to see if people will let their guards down."

My man sighed and cupped my cheeks, staring at my face with his pretty brown-hazel eyes. "You don't even realize how attractive you are and that is a wonderful thing."

I blushed and pinched his nipples, making my man moan against my right cheek in his bent over state. I slipped my arms around his waist and rubbed my face on his chest. As usual, Aimé purred happily and kissed the top of my head before he hugged me a bit more firmly.

"Well, as much as I really want to stand here with you all day, I have a bit of work to do outside the compound. I know you can take care of yourself, Theo, but please be careful." whispered Aimé, then bent me backwards to press his lips to mine.

I kissed him back, pushing my fingers into his sand-blond hair. Once he righted me again, I replied, "Thank you, Aimé. I hope you know that also applies to yourself. Stay vigilant, my precious man. I love you."

He beamed and kissed me again. "I love you, too."

We went our ways very cautiously, then I strolled down the mostly empty hallways as per the plan.

I did put on my shoes before I left Aimé's room. The ankle boots were cream to match with my man's cardigan. The boots were lace-up with zippers on the sides, but the laces were actually pastel pink ribbons instead of faux leather. I had replaced them earlier.

I was quite pleased with the outfit Aimé and I had put together. My cute fiancé had taken some time earlier to gush over me in my full ensemble, but I didn't want him to be late.

I giggled softly and swung my arms, playfully twirling. I pouted when the heavy cardigan didn't fly up as much as I expected it to, but that was fine. I was happy to wear it because it belonged to my man and it was warm.

"Whoa, there."

I heard, then turned and smashed my nose into someone's arm. I stumbled back and held my face, staring wide-eyed at the large man in front of me. He stared back, still holding what looked like two heavy boxes. The one on top was smaller, though.

"Oh, sorry!" I exclaimed, then held up my hands. "May I help?"

The man blinked and then chuckled. "What a cute creature. This is heavy, but thank you for the offer."

I pouted. "I can help. Please? I really am sorry."

"Well, if you're sure. You can take the smaller one, but it is heavy."

I nodded with a happy grin, then took hold of the box on top. It was as the man said, but not as heavy as he seemed to think. But I pretended it was in order to act as though I was determined to help him carry it no matter what.

My "female" voice was working well. I practiced yesterday with Aimé, taking my voice up a few notes without making it sound falsetto or strained. He was awfully kissy with me during practice. Maybe he liked the less deep version of my voice or my man was just trying to encourage me. Either way, I was equally kissy with him, too.

"You can put it down here," stated the large man, setting the box down in a storage room.

I put my box on top of there and pouted, moving my arms. I mumbled about my body hurting, then looked up with a grin to let the man know I was happy to have helped him.

The large (overweight) man chuckled and patted my back. "Thank you. I gotta get back to my boss. Who are you with here?"

"Huh?" I asked, then grinned. "Oh, Basile told me I could look around. I came over to play today, but he got busy. It's too bad because I was really looking forward to it after school."

The man hummed. "Yeah, Basile is a hard worker. I can show you around for a few minutes, but I really have to get back to my boss."

"Who's your boss? Can I come?"

"Oh, I can introduce you. It's probably better that I do that now in case he thinks you're snooping around."

Well, I am snooping, but that's with direct authority from Aimé's family.

"Okay," I replied, then held out my hand. "My name is Mio Moore."

He frowned. "Mio Moore?"

I know it sounds stupid, but Aimé came up with it because it rhymes with my first name. It also sounds like "mi amor," which means "my love" in French. The backstory behind the stupidity made it cute to me, so I went with it much to Aimé's delight.

"Mhm." I hummed happily, twirling around again. "What's your name, Mister?"

"Leroy," he responded, then held out his right hand.

I met it, although my sleeve got in the way. I huffed and pulled it up, then shook his hand. Leroy laughed aloud, guiding me out of the storage room.

"So you're Basile's schoolmate, huh? I'm surprised he's got such a cute friend."

I blushed and waved my hand, my sleeve flopping around. "I'm not that cute. But he must think I am at least kinda cute to bring me home with him, right?"

Leroy raised an eyebrow. "Are you asking me, a grunt worker, if I know how Basile feels about you?"

"No," I replied, then stuck out my tongue at him. I felt his fingers brush it, then Leroy jerked his hand back with a look of shock from his impulsive action. I giggled. "I was just asking if you thought I was cute enough for that."

Leroy swallowed thickly and glanced down at his slimy fingertips. He quickly wiped them on his shirt and lengthened his strides. "H-how should I know?"

I smirked to myself. Aimé was right. This tactic was working. My role was moving along splendidly. I'll be breaking down a few men's guards today, which means I have to act cute, innocent, sweet, playful, and so on.

Aimé knew beforehand what I was getting into and he already knows how much I love and adore him. My man also knows he's the only one for me and he is also fully aware of the importance of finding that mole. It was amazing how he set aside his wants and desires for the sake of our goal, came up with the idea, picked the clothes out, helped me with my voice—basically, he supported an endeavor that he never would've allowed a couple months ago.

"Here we are," stated Leroy, arriving at what appeared to be an office.

I nodded with a small smile as he knocked on the door. He received permission to enter, so he ushered me inside the small room. Leroy straightened as his boss looked up. I remained standing slightly behind him at his side.

His boss frowned when he noticed me. "Leroy, who's the girl?"

"Basile's friend, sir. I found her wandering around."

His boss' eyes narrowed when they landed on me. I giggled and swung my sleeves. "Hello, sir!" I exclaimed softly.

"I'll take it from here. Get back to work."

Leroy glanced at me before he left, so I reassured him with a small smile and wiggled my fingers for a wave. He blushed and shut the door, so I returned my attention to the "boss."

"Name?" he asked, readying his phone.

"Mio Moore, sir." I replied with warm cheeks.

His eyes narrowed again and he pressed a button on the landline. The boss lifted the phone to his ear and stared at me, which made me squirm a bit. I glanced around at the office to keep my role as a curious character, although I was intrigued. This guy was low on the totem pole, but he was in charge of the grunt workers like Leroy who did various odd jobs. I doubt he had any authority over the guards who kept an eye on Éloy, but I won't stick around long enough to arouse any suspicions.

"Basile, sir, there's a girl who claims to be a friend of yours. Is it fine to let her be?" asked the boss, then held out the phone to me. "He wants to hear your voice."

I grinned and stepped closer to the desk, leaning over it. The boss' eyes flicked to my chest, but there was nothing there in terms of hills. Aimé wanted me to be completely natural underneath because he found it sexy.

I reached for the phone and shyly grasped it, thanking the boss man as he twitched. My fingers had brushed his own.


"Mio?" asked Basile, his amazement ringing loud and clear in my ears. "How's the self-tour?"

Aimé's family had been "introduced" to Mio Moore through pictures and a phone call. They hadn't seen or heard me speak in person with this ensemble and my man hoped it would stay that way. He's so cute.

"Oh, it's been great so far. I met a worker named Leroy. He's a very nice person." I replied, then grinned and took a seat in the chair in front of the boss' desk.

His gaze flicked down to my legs when I crossed them. He quickly looked away when he noticed I was looking at him.

"Has Ben been a good host?"

"Ben? Is he Leroy's boss?"

Basile said yes, so I hummed. "He seems to be a good person so far, Basile. Don't worry about me, though, and keep working. I'll be good."

He chuckled. "I know you will, Mio. Have fun!"

After the call ended, I returned the phone to Leroy's boss. He put it back into its cradle and stared at it for a moment.

"Um, sir?" I asked softly, and his eyes snapped up.

"What?" he asked gruffly.

"May I know your name? Basile said your name is Ben. Should I just call you Boss Ben?"

The older man seemed a bit surprised, but he silently agreed. I beamed and uncrossed my legs, moving to get up. Ben jerked back and I paused, lifting my sleeve to my lips. Peering at him, I noticed that he was a bit flushed and his hands were trembling where they rested on his desk. I bit back my grin as his eyes dropped to the bare skin of my legs, which made Ben cover his mouth.

I smirked and left the office, but I leaned in the doorway and crossed my ankles. Ben audibly gulped when I trailed my left hand's fingers from my thigh up to my hip. I caught the hem of my sweater dress and slid it up, letting him catch a peek of my lacy panties.

"Wh-what the—?" he gasped, and I pushed my hem down with a giggle.

"Catch you later, Boss." I said, winking at him before I shut the door.

Before I walked away, I heard his tortured groan. It was so amusing. And it felt great to be sadistic, especially knowing how my cute Aimé will fall apart later. I wonder how crazy he will become this time. I love it when he's super possessive.

After wandering down a few random hallways, I discovered what I believe was a smoking room. Several guys were on break when I peeked inside. Their eyebrows shot up when they noticed me. I grinned and wiggled my fingers at them, then shut the door and hurried down the hallway.

I heard that same door open just as I turned down another corridor. I heard their shocked voices and a couple of the guys wondered if they saw a cute ghost girl. That was amusing, but I kept my laughter to myself by watching the lines on the tile floor. However, when I finally looked up, I realized I was completely lost. I turned around and hummed, my line of sight flicking from door to door. It was completely silent in the dark corridor.

I wonder if I've entered a forbidden area?

Just as I thought that, I heard a crash from a room a little farther away. I glued myself to the wall and hoped the person wouldn't notice me upon exiting that room. But wait, why am I hiding?

The person emerged and I realized that the identity belonged to a woman. She was one of the few I had seen before, but her face was currently twisted in a scowl. She grumbled to herself about something, then slammed the door shut and locked it. The woman looked around a bit but seemed to miss seeing me, then she stalked off farther down the dimly lit hallway.

I knew I shouldn't snoop in locked rooms, but that woman was acting awfully suspiciously. It made me concerned. And even if I wanted to come back here with Aimé, I don't know if I could find this exact spot again. If there was evidence of betrayal, this might be my only chance.

"Shit, I'm so dumb." I whispered, slowly approaching the door.

When I reached it, I looked around to see if there were any markings or signs to tell me what was inside the locked room. As expected, there was nothing to help me. But I don't have anything to open the door with anyway, so what was the point of my pep talk?

"I should just keep exploring," I muttered, then squeaked when a hand landed on my shoulder.

I whirled around and something covered my mouth and nose before I felt a sting in my neck. This was now a familiar situation, but I still struggled against whoever was holding me from behind. I twisted around and peered at the person who was drugging me. My decent "night" vision in the dark shadows of the windowless hallway picked up the face shape, ears, and hair of my soon-to-be captor. But that was all I could figure out as my vision faded and my body went slack.

However, I think I've just met Éloy's mole.

Is that so? Is that really the case? Or was it just someone who thought Teddy was an infiltrator? And is this a short or long-term capture?

Teddy can be such a tease, but luckily Aimé gets that all to himself 99.99% of the time. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

See you again next Tuesday! I love you all very much. <3

- Alessa (Kelpie) xoxo

Updated: 3/13/2024
Word count: 2505

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