Fracturization (Honkai Impact...

By Corrupted839

163K 5.1K 2.4K

A boy saved by the First Herrscher made it his mission to follow in his savior's footsteps and fight against... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Welcome to St. Freya Academy
Chapter 2: A Friendly Spar?
Chapter 3: Normal School Days
Chapter 4: Necessary Preparations
Chapter 5: The Valkyrie Trials Pt.1
Chapter 6: The Valkyrie Trials Pt.2
Chapter 7: A History Lesson
Chapter 8: The Holy Maid
EX Chapter I | Something to Protect
Chapter 9: Mysteries of the Stigmata
Chapter 10: The Dive
Chapter 11: The Blade's Curse
Chapter 12: Chiyou Awakened
Chapter 13: The Eternal Prison
EX Chapter II | Meet the Class Monitor
Chapter 14: Academy Infiltration
Chapter 15: Clash of the Herrschers
Chapter 16: The White Comet
Chapter 17: Dark Currents
Chapter 18: The Informant
Chapter 19: Imminent Crisis
Chapter 20: Reawakening
Chapter 21: Just Another Day
Chapter 22: Trouble in Soukai City
Chapter 23: Distant Voices
Chapter 24: Oceania Assignment
Chapter 25: Poem of the Wind
EX Chapter III | A Day to Heal
Chapter 26: The Smile of Betrayal
Chapter 27: Echoes of the Past
Chapter 28: Flames of Rebellion
Chapter 30: Journey for Tomorrow
Chapter 31: The Void's Trail
Chapter 32: The Eye of The Serpent
Chapter 33: Unraveling Shadows
EX Chapter IV | Our Next Step
Chapter 34: Arc Nocturne
Chapter 35: Drifter
Chapter 36: Starfall
Chapter 37: Nightfall

Chapter 29: Will of the Herrscher

2.3K 92 45
By Corrupted839

Einstein: Madam Theresa, the mech squad is in position

Einstein is seen inside of her personalized mech, with an army of Anti-Entropy mechs behind her forming a blockade.

Dr. Tesla: Main squad is also in position, we're ready to roll

Tesla is also inside her own mech. Accompanying her, is Himeko and Akiri and they all have just been dropped off by the Helios to an empty air terminal.

Theresa: Copy that. All squads, prepare to engage, the operation begins now

(30 minutes ago...)

Einstein: Alright. Here's the rundown of the situation

The allied forces of St. Freya and Anti-Entropy are gathered on the bridge of the Helios. Dr. Lieserl Albert Einstein is standing in front of everyone as she is the one putting together their battle plan.

Einstein: Our scouting drones reported that Schicksal is busy dealing with a large wave of Honkai beasts raiding HQ.

On the large holographic screen behind her, a live broadcast of a group of Schicksal mechs is shown, fighting off an army of Honkai beasts.

Einstein: They're also still trying to subdue the Judgement class which attacked the Helios earlier

Himeko: Any idea why they are suddenly attacking headquarters at such numbers?

Theresa: It probably has something to do with the Honkai energy spike we detected

Einstein: That is my guess as well. Such magnitude of Honkai energy could only come from one source

Akiri: A Herrscher...

Einstein nodded.

Einstein: This is the highest recorded energy spike since Nagazora and Manila. And it's still increasing to-

Tesla: Hey mophead, we're up against the clock here, no time for your science talk!

Dr. Frederica Nikola Tesla interrupted. She is a young-looking woman with red hair.

Theresa: We can take advantage of this chaos while HQ's defences are occupied

Einstein: Agreed. I propose that we begin our offensive here. Schicksal HQ Air Terminal 3

The screen changes to show the airship terminal, situated at the edge of the HQ.

Einstein: It's fairly isolated from HQ's other facilities, meaning that enemy reinforcements will take time to arrive

Dr. Tesla: It also houses an access terminal which we could use to deactivate the defences in the sector and figure out where the Kaslana girl is being kept

Theresa: Alright. Now it's the matter of how we're going to conduct the attack

Einstein: Considering the size and strength of our forces, we'll have to split our forces into two. One will directly attack the Air Terminal while the other will confront enemy reinforcements

Himeko: Seems simple enough

Einstein: Then it's settled. I will lead a mech squad to confront reinforcements. Major Himeko will lead the advance to the terminal and deactivate the sector's defences

Himeko nodded in agreement.

Theresa: Alright we have our plan... Now let's put it into action...

(Present time...)

Himeko: How many more of these damn things do we have to destroy?!

Currently, on the air terminal, Himeko, Akiri, and Tesla are fighting an army of mass-produced, multi-purpose humanoid robots called Modules.

Akiri: These things are weak, but they can be a problem in such high numbers

Akiri said as he stabbed his swords through two Modules, destroying the two of them at the same time before turning around to block an attack by another mech.

Tesla: If not for mophead, we'd be fighting a lot more of these

Tesla remarks as she grabs one of the enemies with her mech and slams it down to the ground.

As they fought, the mechs came after them relentlessly wave after wave, overwhelming the team with raw numbers.

Akiri: Alright. I'm running out of patience...

He raises one of his arms into the air and soon after, swords start to materialize above each of the Modules. He swiftly lowers his hand, and all of the swords shot down and impale the mechs all at once.

The swords disappear into thin air, leaving behind metal scraps and wreckage of the Modules.

Tesla: Idiot! I thought we told you not to use your powers

Tesla yelled through the comms.

Akiri: Relax, that was nothing. I've gotten better at using my powers since the last time you saw me

Himeko: We've cleared this area. Let's move on to the control tower

Akiri: Right

With that, the three started to make their way to the control tower.

However, just as they reached the front entrance, something then crashed down in front of them from above, and they saw that it was a large humanoid mech with a sleek and aggressive design, armed with blades on its arms.

Tesla: What the?

Himeko: A tactical mech? I've never seen this model before

Without warning, the mech launches forwards towards them, and Himeko is barely able to react by blocking its attack with her sword, the powerful impact forces her sliding back, but she keeps her guard strong.

Himeko: It's strong!

The mech then broke Himeko's guard, pushing her blade back, but she was quick to recover just in time to block another strike.

Himeko: I thought Anti-Entropy patented these humanoid mechs!

Tesla: You'd be naive to think that a simple patent would stop Schicksal from stealing our designs!

Akiri quickly went to assist her, raising his sword for a downward slash, but the mech was quick to react, pushing Himeko away before turning around to block the boy's strike.

Akiri: What the?

As he was surprised at how quickly the mech reacted, he was then quickly overpowered by the machine's superior strength as it started to swing its blades at him in quick succession. The boy is getting pushed back as he barely managed to block its strikes.

Himeko: Akiri, get out of there!

He hears Himeko shout and he looks to see that she is in a stance, her greatsword held to the side with the blade glowing bright blue, electricity sparks around her as energy is overflowing from her battlesuit.

She then charges towards the mech and swings her sword, Akiri rolling out of the way at the last second as Himeko's slash slices straight through the machine's armour, and it bursts into flames.

Akiri: That thing was tough. Let's hope we don't run into more of them

Just as he said that, three more of the same mechanoid landed from above, surrounding them.

Himeko: You just had to say it...

The mechs brandished their blades, ready to strike, but before they could, all three of them were decimated by a laser barrage from above, leaving nothing but dust and ashes.

Himeko: Looks like you're finally here...

Himeko smirked as she lifted her gaze upwards. From the clouds, a massive battleship emerged, escorted by several smaller aircrafts.

Himeko: ...Hyperion


Akiri: That's the last of them

Akiri said as he destroys the last Module guarding the inside of the control tower and he sheathes both of his swords back into its sheath.

After having fought some more Modules inside the control tower, the team immediately made their way into the control room to access one of the computer terminals.

Himeko: This is ground team, reporting in. We have taken control of the control tower

Himeko spoke on the comms channel.

Theresa: Good. Just let Dr. Tesla do her thing

Himeko: Alright

She then looks at Tesla, who had gotten out of her mech and is now busy working on the computer terminal.

Himeko: I'll leave this to you, Dr. Tesla

Tesla: Hmph, obsolete models. I'll get through this firewall in five, no, three minutes

They were then intended by a sudden loud noise coming from outside, sounding like something is trying to break open the main entrance.

Himeko: Looks like more of the defensive mechs

Tesla: Someone needs to hold them off until I can finish hacking into their defence system

Himeko: I'll go. Akiri, you watch over Dr. Tesla

Akiri: Got it

Tesla: Take my mech. You'll need the extra firepower

She points towards her crimson-colored customized mech.

Himeko nodded and without wasting any more time, she ran over and boarded the mech and went to guard the front entrance.

Tesla: Now, let's see...

The red-haired girl utters while she maintains her gaze on the terminal and keeps her hands busy.

A silence fell between them, nothing but the sound of fingers tapping on the screen and the occasional ruckus caused by Himeko fighting outside can be heard.

Akiri: So, umm... How are things back at the lab?

Akiri strikes up a conversation to try and break the awkward silence between them.

Tesla: Just fine. A bit quiet actually

Akiri: Quiet?

Tesla: Yeah. Which I don't mind, but... I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I prefer it when you were around

He noticed that her cheeks are tinted with a slight tone of red.

Akiri: Oh? Are you saying that you missed me?

Tesla: Don't push it

The boy chuckled at her reaction.

Akiri: Missed you too, Tes

Himeko: Has it not been three minutes yet?

Himeko's voice came over the comms interrupting their conversation.

Tesla: Two minutes and thirty-one seconds. Just a bit longer

Her fingers glides across the holographic keyboard, tapping rapidly at the digital keys for the final stretch.

Tesla: Got it! Defences down!

With Himeko, she destroys the last remaining Module with Tesla's mech as the others slumped to the ground, deactivated.

Tesla: Hmph, too easy

Himeko then started to cough, and she brought her hand up to cover her mouth.

Himeko: Damn, not now...

The coughing stops and she looks down to see that her palm is stained with blood.

Himeko: Am I really running out of time...?


Akiri: Major Himeko, you're back

Himeko had made her way back to the control room and she was greeted by Akiri as she exited Tesla's mech.

Himeko: How's everything looking?

Akiri: Well, Tes had disabled the defence system, so we're pretty much in control of this sector. Eins insists that she stay with her blockade in case any more reinforcements shows up

Theresa: Good work, everyone

They heard a familiar voice, and they turned to see Theresa and Mei entering the room.

Theresa: This place should do nicely as a forward base

Himeko: Yeah. But we still have no idea where Kiana is...

Theresa: Give the two professors some time. They'll hack into the system and look for clues. Anyway, Mei has some good news to share with you guys

Akiri: Good news?

They turned to Mei and she then nodded with a smile on her face.

Mei: It's Bronya. The treatment was a success

Himeko: How is she?

Mei: She's coming around. But her body is still weak. She's not in a state to fight, so she's resting in the medical bay

Himeko: That's good to hear

Himeko released a sigh of relief while Akiri was quietly feeling thankful to hear the news.

Mei: Major Himeko, Principal Theresa, before the battle starts, I have a favour to ask of you

Mei spoke out again with a firm tone as she turned to Himeko with a look of determination in her eyes.

Mei: Please remove the bomb placed next to my heart

Theresa: What?

Himeko: Are you sure about this?

Mei: Yes

She answered quickly and without a hint of hesitation.

Himeko and Theresa glanced at each other for a moment and they then came to a mutual agreement.

Theresa: Alright. I'll let the doctors at the Hyperion know to prepare for the procedure

Akiri: Mei... I don't think you should

They turned towards the boy to see that he had a mix of worried and uncertain expressions etched on his face, and Mei just smiled.

Mei: I want to do this, Akiri-kun. I want to help in any way I can

Meanwhile, Theresa had walked over to Tesla, who was still busy at the computer terminal.

Theresa: Tesla, how are things coming along?

Tesla: I've found the clue you were looking for. A few hours ago, a ship flew into Schicksal HQ's Helheim Labs. They were accompanied by quite a heavy escort

Himeko: Then that's where they're keeping Kiana?

Tesla nodded.

Tesla: Probably. Those labs are creepy. Do you know what Otto would do to her?

Theresa: ...We're running out of time

A silence fell between them, the atmosphere felt heavy as tension started to rise. They all mutually knew the gravity of the situation, and that time is of the essence.

Himeko: Helheim Labs is not too far from here. We should bust in immediately

Theresa: It won't be so easy. Helheim Labs has a massive defence barrier. Even with the Hyperion, our firepower may not be able to penetrate that

Himeko: So breaking in isn't an option...

Theresa: We must come up with another solution. Switch off that massive Honkai power core to deactivate that shield

Himeko: Sounds like a plan. You stay put in the Hyperion. Once the power core is shut down, pilot the Hyperion through the breach

Theresa: But what about you? Enemy reinforcements will show up quickly in that area. You will be surrounded

Himeko: Don't worry. I was a member of the Valkyrie Assault Squad. I specialize in breakthroughs

Theresa: But...

Himeko: Trust me, Theresa

Theresa glances over to see that Himeko had a confident look on her face, and she then sighed in defeat, knowing that she couldn't change the Major's mind.

Theresa: ...Understood. Himeko, good luck

Tesla: Wait. I went over the number of operable mechs. I can divert some to support you. I'll join you as well. Someone has to lead the mechs

Himeko: Leave them all on the Hyperion. They'll need more firepower than us

Tesla: I don't like it when people counter my decision, but if you say so


Now standing on the bridge of the Hyperion, Theresa watches as Himeko, Akiri and Tesla leave the air terminal for their mission.

Theresa: Good luck, Squad V...

Ai-chan: Madam Theresa

Ai-chan's projection appears next to Theresa.

Ai-chan: The doctors said they are ready for Mei's procedure

Theresa: Okay

Meanwhile, Raiden Mei is inside the Hyperion's infirmary. She is seen standing next to Bronya, staring quietly at the girl as she sleeps peacefully on one of the beds.

The silence is then interrupted as the door opens, and Theresa walks into the room, approaching Mei.

Theresa: Mei

She said, and without even saying anything more, Mei could already tell what Theresa is about to say just from the principal's serious and sombre gaze.

Theresa: Whenever you're ready

Mei only looked at Theresa and gave a silent and firm nod.


Tesla: There. I should be able to hack that terminal to shut down the Honkai power core powering the shield

Tesla points towards a maintenance terminal a few distances in front of them. However, they could see that it is already guarded by a few security mechs.

Himeko: Right. We need to make this quick, before reinforcements can arrive

Akiri: Got it

With that, the three of them moved in and charged the mechs head-on.

With a coordinated offensive, they were able to swiftly destroy all of the enemy mechs with ease, and the battle ended before the mechs could even retaliate.

Akiri: Hostiles down

Tesla: Hmph. Too easy

Akiri: Yeah... Almost too easy...

The boy mutters as he sheathed his swords.

Himeko: Akiri. Do a perimeter check, just in case we missed some

Akiri: On it

With that, the boy then heads off to do as he was told while Himeko then walks over to the access terminal where Tesla is.

Himeko: How is it looking?

Tesla: My hunch was right on the money as always. I should be able to sever the connection from the power core to the shield from here. Just give me a moment to crack this sorry excuse of a security system

Tesla immediately put her hands on the keyboard and started typing away while Himeko watched over her with crossed arms.

Himeko: You know, you talk like a pain in the butt

Tesla: I talk like a pain for idiots. And speaking of idiots, what you're doing is a perfect example of how one would act

Himeko: What do you mean?

Tesla: You took up this super dangerous mission because you're out of time. You want to sacrifice yourself for your friends

Himeko was surprised to hear what came out of Tesla's mouth as she then continued.

Tesla: People like you think like idiots. I can see right through you

Himeko: You came here to tell me this?

Tesla: Hmph. I'm not trying to be nice here. There was another idiot dumber than you are. People like you piss me off

Himeko: Fine. Thank you anyway, Tesla

Tesla: For what?

The red-haired woman didn't answer, instead, she just smiled.

Akiri: Perimeter is secure

A voice interrupted them, and they looked to see that it was Akiri, approaching them.

Akiri: How much longer, Tes?

Tesla: A bit more and... Done

She said as she gave the screen a final tap.

Tesla: Connection to the power core is severed and the shields should be down now

Himeko: Good. Now let's get out of here before-

???: Oh my, is this Anti-Entropy's new mech unit?

An unfamiliar voice spoke out in a soft tone and they turned to the source to the shock of seeing a woman, dressed in a maid uniform standing on top of Tesla's Titan mech.

???: Cleaning this one up might be slightly... troublesome, I presume

She said with a sly smile.

It is Rita Rossweiss, one of the three S-rank Valkyries of Schicksal.

She leapt up from the mech and as she lands gracefully on the ground, the machine is sliced up into pieces in a blink of an eye, bursting into flames behind the woman.

Major: Dr. Tesla, stay behind me!

???: This is where it ends, Major. Give up and surrender

Another voice spoke out, this time a very familiar one as they turned to see Fu Hua standing there, clad in her 4th gen Battlesuit.

Himeko: Fu Hua?

Fu Hua: We have you cornered. Come with us peacefully and no one will get hurt

Akiri: You know full well we can't do that. We're saving Kiana, no matter what

Fu Hua: You don't understand. Kiana... She's...

Himeko: Not the real Kiana

Himeko finishes her sentence.

Himeko: Theresa, Akiri and I already knew about this...

Fu Hua appears to be shocked, and she turns to look at Akiri.

Akiri: Kiana, K423, Sirin... Whoever you think she is, she is and always will be a friend. That person is someone precious to me! Nothing you say will ever change that!

Himeko and Tesla shared a smile on their faces, upon hearing his statement.

Fu Hua: Her powers are unstable. She could rampage at any moment and threaten humanity as a whole

Himeko: Strong words. You're trying to kill an innocent girl, you know that? Is this the type of justice you stand for, Fu Hua?

Fu Hua: Sacrifices are inevitable in the Honkai War. You know that better than me, Major. Showing mercy to the wrong people can be disastrous

Himeko: You have no idea what "sacrifices are inevitable" means. The tragedy is not how many people have died... but how we've grown accustomed to the idea that people must die for others to live

Rita: So you're refusing to surrender?

Himeko and Akiri brandish their blades, getting into a ready stance with their weapons.

Akiri: Gee, I wonder what gave that away?

Fu Hua enters a fighting stance, raising her fists in front of her while Rita twirls her scythe.

Himeko: Akiri. Take Dr. Tesla and get out of here

Akiri: No can do, Major

Himeko: This is no time to argue

Akiri: You can't take on an S-rank and an A-rank on your own. We'll stand more of a chance if we take them on together, and you know that

Himeko fell silent for a while, and despite still being hesitant, she agreed.

Himeko: ...Alright. You'll take on Fu Hua, I'll fight Rita

Rita: Finished planning yet? I have plenty of work to do after this, so let's not take too long

Himeko grits her teeth and raises her greatsword.

Himeko: Let's go, Akiri

Akiri: Right

Without another word, Himeko gripped the handle of her sword and charges straight towards Rita, who only stood her ground, keeping her composure.

Himeko swings her blade, but Rita only leaned back to avoid the slash. The red-haired woman grits her teeth in frustration as she quickly went for another strike, but Rita was able to easily parry it using the blade of her scythe, causing a metallic clang to reverberate through the air.

Meanwhile, Akiri confronts Fu Hua.

The boy then did something unexpected. He lets go of his swords, letting them drop to the ground with a clang.

Akiri: I don't wanna hurt you, Fu Hua

Fu Hua: Me neither

Akiri: But I need to save Kiana

Fu Hua: And my orders are to stop you

Akiri: Then this could only go one way...

He said as he gets into a fighting stance, putting his fists up in front of him.

Seeing that he was ready, Fu Hua quickly closed the distance between them, going for a straight punch to his gut, but he avoided it by swiftly stepping to the side and turning his body.

Fu Hua twisted her body and put her leg up for a roundhouse kick, but Akiri was quick to bring his arm up to block it. She quickly puts her foot down before following up with a series of fast punches.

However, as fast as she can throw her punches, Akiri is just as fast to avoid them, moving out of the way while also redirecting her fists with his palms.

Seeing an opening, Akiri pushes both of Fu Hua's fists away before swiftly striking her chest with an open palm, pushing her back with tremendous force, knocking the wind out of her, but she was quick to recover and went into a defensive stance.

Not wasting any time, she charges towards him again. As she got close, she started throwing powerful punches and swift kicks, which he did his best to avoid.

However, to his surprise, the girl's strikes are now faster than usual, perhaps being aided by her battlesuit, but he has no time to ponder as Fu Hua relentlessly keeps on the offensive, forcing him to defend.

Eventually, one of her attacks got through his defence, a powerful punch connects to his lower abdomen, and was quickly followed by a swift hit to his side.

She was about to end it with a wide hook aimed at his jaw, but he avoided it at the last second by leaning back, letting her fist fly past. He then started to hit her with a few quick jabs before going for a high kick, which she avoided by doing a backflip, gaining some distance.

Fu Hua: Impressive. Then I will no longer hold back

The parts that were once blue on Fu Hua's battlesuit then started to glow orange and a visor appeared to cover her face.

She held out her palm, conjuring an orb of pure energy, glowing a bright orange as she then thrusts her arm forwards, launching the ball shooting towards Akiri, and he dodges it by rolling to the side.

As the energy ball exploded harmlessly behind him, he began charging straight towards his opponent.

As he got close, he then held an arm out and materialized a sword in his hand before swinging it towards Fu Hua, but she was quick to react, activating a triangular energy shield to block his blade.

Fu Hua: So you're finally using your Herrscher abilities

The boy narrows his eyes as he projects another sword in his other hand and swings it at his opponent, but she avoids it by leaping backwards, gaining some distance between them.

Akiri: You said you won't hold back, so I'm replying in kind

Fu Hua: Good judgment. You'll need to use everything you have if you want to get past me

She shoots another energy orb at him, but he easily avoids it before materializing a sword in mid-air and shooting it towards her, but she was quick enough to block it using her shield, causing the blade to shatter upon impact.

The boy grits his teeth, seeing how easily his swords break as Fu Hua then shot an energy orb at him, but instead of avoiding it, he held out a hand and started to materialize a blade, a different looking one.

A huge wall of ice erupts from the ground, shielding him from the energy orb which explodes upon contact. The ice wall is destroyed, but it kept the boy behind safe.

Fu Hua: That's... The Xuanyuan Sword

Akiri: I'm sorry, Fu Hua. But I'll save Kiana, no matter what

He held up the legendary sword in front of him as the golden blade started to shine brightly. However, before he could unleash its power...

Rita: Are you sure about that?

A voice interrupted, and they turned their heads to see Rita standing over Himeko, with the blade of her scythe against the Major's neck.

To add insult to injury, the maid holds a rope in her other hand, on the other end of it, Dr. Tesla is tied with her hands on her back.

Rita: I have permission from the Overseer to eliminate any one of you, so consider your next words very carefully

Himeko: Akiri! Forget about me, get out of here!

Himeko shouted, and Rita presses down on her back further, quieting her down.

Akiri didn't show a hint of hesitation. The Xuanyuan Sword in his hand disappears as he raises his hands in the air as a sign of surrender. Himeko gritted her teeth, showing her frustration.


Theresa: How are you feeling, Mei?

Mei: A bit lightheaded...

Theresa: That would be the effects of the anaesthetics. It'll wear off eventually

Back on the bridge of the Hyperion, Mei's surgery to remove her heart bomb has just been completed, the girl insisting to put her battlesuit back on immediately and join Theresa on the bridge.

Theresa: With your heart bomb gone, the 3rd Herrscher's will might awaken. So don't push yourself too hard. You can't fully harness that power yet

Mei: I know. I used to be afraid that the Herrscher might hurt more people...

She matters as she looks down at the open palm of her hand.

Mei: But I do not intend to hide any longer. I will use this power to protect the people I love. Just like Akiri...

Mei curled her fingers tightly into a fist, and the principal looked into her student's eyes, the flames of determination within her unwavering.

Theresa: Well, the shield protecting Helheim labs has been shut down. We'll move in once Himeko gives the signal

Ai-chan: Madam Theresa. We got a few Honkai beasts incoming. Some has invaded the upper deck

Mei: I'll handle it

Theresa: Are you sure?

Mei: A few Honkai beasts should be no trouble for me

With that, Mei walked into the main elevator and headed off, her katana at the ready.

Once she had reached the desired floor, the elevator doors slides open, but as soon as she stepped out, the whole ship started to shake violently, alarms blaring out throughout the vessel.

Mei: What's happening?

Just as she uttered, darkness started to envelop her surroundings as she is soon covered in only pitch black, as if she had suddenly gone blind.

A moment later, she felt a strange sensation, as if she was being lifted by something. Her vision then clears, to the shock of seeing that she is now suspended in the air, being held by something, or someone...

???: Mei-senpai...

A familiar voice spoke out, and she finally saw that she was being held by none other than Kiana Kaslana, the very girl they sought to rescue.

Mei: Kiana-chan?

She muttered the girl's name in a mix of, surprise and relief.

Mei: Kiana-chan, are you okay?

Kiana: I'm good... I've never been better...

The white-haired girl utters with a smile as her azure blue irises start to shift to a glowing orange colour, causing confusion to set in for Mei.

Kiana?: I felt as though I'd been given a second life!

Kiana's voice changes as if another voice is overlapping with hers as long levitating spears materialize behind her on one side, and on the other, translucent orange wings appear, and her battlesuit changes to a black and white dress.

Mei: Kiana-chan...?

Kiana?: I'm so happy to see you beside me when I woke up. Now, it's time for us to become one once again, my other half...

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