Flame Emperor........

By Zeromicz

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A Young Pirate from the East Blue sets off in the world to become someone. However, he soon finds out that th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 1#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 2#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 3#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 4#
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72

Chapter 73 [ The End]

248 4 4
By Zeromicz

Sabo had now opened back his eyes after receiving the fatal blow from Yasaka as all of the Deputy Commanders were sitting around him.

Sabo slowly raised his body as Koala went to help him get up immidiately.

Sabo then started panting.

Sabo:" What's going on?" he asked as he realized that the survivors Rebel Soldiers were also there.

Sabo then wondered what was going on as his eyes lift up to see Y/n as his eyes widen in shock and joy to see that his brother was alive.

Sabo:" Heh, did you get a makeover when I was taking my nap?" he asked referring to Y/n's new appearence after coming back to the lands of the living by drinking the Cup of Reincarnation.

Y/n looked at Sabo with a stern look on his face before a smile escaped his lips.

Y/n then floated down and approached Sabo.

Sabo smiled as Y/n smiled back at him before his expression started turning a little sad which made Sabo confused by this.

Y/n:" Sabo, there is something I want to tell you..." he said as Sabo tilted his head in confusion however before Y/n could've said what he wanted to say a powerful blizzard sorrounded the area.

Y/n raised an eyebrow as footsteps started approaching towards the Rebels direction.

Esdeath:" You're truly are amazing Portgas D. Y/n.......... There's no other man that I'll wish to have that isn't you........After the smoke clears from all this destruction.....Perhaps I'll travel to another land.....in the search of another war..... Or maybe I'll even start one myself....." she said as she still wanted to challenge Y/n, despite the fact that she literally admitted that she loved him and admired his strength however that wouldn't have stopped her from still trying to end him.

All of the sudden red clouds came down from the sky and grabbed all of the Deputy Commanders, soldiers and Sabo and lead them away from the battlefield.

Sabo:" A-Ah, no!!! Wait!!! Y/n!!!!" he yelled as he tried to reach for his brother, however this was Y/n himself leading them away so that more casualties wouldn't have happened.

Esdeath:" How, heroic of yours....... Saving those ants from my wrath.......Do you know why I'm the Fleet Admiral, my love?........................ Because I'm the strongest of our Generation........" she said considering herself above most of the current Era.

Y/n was simply starring at her with a stern look on his face as Esdeath had a frown on her face realzing that.......................... Y/n wasn't fearing her like he once did.

Esdeath:( Since when........... did you look tall?) she thought in her head as she imagined herself climbing the peak of a mountain before looking up to see Y/n being even bigger than a moutain, so big he couldn't fit in the world itself.

Esdeath:( He's not flinching........... I always was the one who stood tall........ then why.... why now..... like before Yasaka's attack...... you're not sweating, gulping, trembling?) she thought in her head before looking at Y/n's spear as she started remembering her confrontation with the Commander of the North Blue, Numa Seika.

Esdeath then looked at Y/n's bracelets as she remembered the confrontation she had with Leone and Najenda.

Each piece of clothing or equipment that Y/n was currently wielding was reminding her of the people she had tormented and brutalized.

It was almost as if they all gathered up together to get their revenge on her in the shape of one person............. Y/n.

Esdeath:" All of you..... are beaming with confidence..... I can't wait to see that face of yours twist in despair........." she said with a smirk of confidence as the blizzard was becoming more and more deranged and causing climate changes across the world.

Y/n:" The Empire's soldiers have surrended...... We've taken out the key players..... and you CP7 are over....... The only allies you left here are your Ice Giants......... We'll take you out in the war of attrition..... " he said with a calm tone as Esdeath lips started quivering as her eyes widen as if she was going crazy.

Esdeath:" You dare...... to look at me...... in the eyes? Always doing that? You never submit........ Y/n......... YOU'RE MAKING ME MAD!!!!!!!! Y/n....... Lay Down....... I'll pet you~💙............." she said as she was losing herself causing powerful blizzards all over the world.

Y/n was immune due to his powerful Haki and Divine Attributes.

Esdeath:" Y/n....... Beloved....... Don't give me some weak battle of attrition sh*t...... Don't ever put me in such small role...... Come at me like you want to kill me!!! " she said as Y/n looked at his left hand noticing frost bites forming before melting due to his Godly flames.

Y/n:( I needed to get Deity powers to defeat Yasaka... And reach a power beyond.......But she herself is capable of attacking the very world and its lands........Esdeath...... You truly are a born slaughter......) he thought in his head with a calm look on his face, comparing Esdeath's cold temperatures to those of Neptune, the coldest planet in the Universe.

Esdeath:" Those with strong enough vitality will survive against this Snow and Ice....... And the Weak will die. Simple. Fighting against those that make it through this weeding out of the weak......is something I look forward. Shiver and Freeze beneath the storm of my almighty power." she said showcasing her Awakened Logia form.

Y/n kept a stern look on his face.

Y/n sighed as heat started coming out of his body, before expanding through the whole area causing half of the world to be hot and the other half to be cold.

Y/n:".................... Esdeath..................... I do........ not............ belong to you......." he said starring at Esdeath straight in the eyes as a black smoke creature started moving throught the freezing air.

Esdeath:" But it is gonna be by my hands that you'll fall." she said.

Y/n:".................... No.................... I won't be the one to do it........." he said as he a black smoke landed next to him.

When the smoke was clear it revealed to be no other than Akame.

- Akame, also known as 'One Slice Killer', ' The Witch of the Grandline', ' The Onna-Musha', ' Death's Conqueror' -

Y/n turned his sight on Akame.

Y/n:" You sure you want this?" he asked to Akame.

Akame:" I travelled my way out of Heaven, Hell and the Purgatory just to get back here........ I'll fight her for you......... You think about rescuing the survivors......." she said as she wanted to handle Esdeath by herself.

Esdeath:" Really Y/n? You think of me as so low..... You want to trow one of your goons at-"she then stopped as she sensed something unnatural coming out of Akame's body.

Y/n then turn around as he jumped on his red nimbus.

Y/n:" I want to talk to you later...." he said.

Akame:" I know............" she said.

Akame then spoke up again.

Akame:" Y/n!!!!" she yelled as Y/n turned his head towards Akame direction.

Akame:"............................ Ann would be a beautiful name.........." she said with a calm smile as Y/n eyes widen as a muscle memory flashed in his head remembering the names his mother chose prior to her demise.






Rouge:" If it's a girl her name would be Ann. If it's a boy his name would be Y/n........ I look at you.... and I can't help it....... You're so beautiful....... Forgive your pathetic mother...... She wasn't strong enough to witness you..... opening your eyes........ I love you so much....." she said apologizing to her son for not being able to see him opening his eyes before succumbing to the light awaiting for her, but the baby still held his mother pinky before opening his tiny little eyes.




Y/n then smiled as he waved at Akame and left the area to go rescue the survivors.

Akame then turned her sight right back at Esdeath with a glare on her face.

Akame then took her her blade as dark energy came out of it making Esdeath having a frown on her face.

Akame:" You are my final target, Esdeath........Rest in Pieces." she said.

Esdeath:" I don't know what you did... but you're way much more powerful than you were originally when you came here during the first confrontation...... Looks like this will be a fun fight." she said with a smirk on her face.

Akame appear right infront of Esdeath surprising her as Esdeath eyes widen realizing that Akame bypassed through her Freezing time ability.

Esdeath used her blade and clashed with Akame.

Esdeath:" You've casted aside your humanity....." she said with a smirk before all of the sudden Esdeath got pushed back at immeasurable speed.

Esdeath clentched her teeth as she ended up using her Ice powers to slide out the way as the Haki energy slash ended up splitting the area and moutains in half.

Esdeath smirked as she fired large ice spikes at Akame at immeasurable speed.

Akame started casually dodging the attacks without even seemingly trying.

Esdeath eyes widen.

Akame then unleashed a burst of her Conqueror's Haki  which materialized as the Grim Reaper themselves.

Akame:" I hear you're a master torturer.... I'm sure you've carved up your fair share of lives, but.... this time you're the one who's going to be carved up." she said with a cold tone as Esdeath scoffed.

Esdeath:" Heh. Is your plan to wear me down emotionally? DON'T WASTE MY TIME COME AT ME AND FIGHT!!!" she yelled with a serious tone as she sent a powerful freezing blizzard towards Akame's direction.

Akame tanked it all, however it was all planned by Esdeath as she ended up trapping them in a large ice orb bigger than a whole Island which would've allowed Esdeath to extended Makahadoma

Esdeath then flashed stepped behind Akame, who countered her quickly by blocking her sword slash.

Esdeath and Akame then started clashing.

Esdeath:" ISN'T THIS FUN, AKAME?!?~" she asked with a bright crazy smile on her face as Akame kept a stern look on her face.

Akame:" Don't assume I'm anything like you. You battle freak, my kills promote people's happiness. That belief of mine has never changed. You speak of massacres and torture like they were just for fun. Someone like you must be brought down." she said with a cold tone.

Esdeath kept causing climate changes across the world as her power was unleashed to the fullest.

Akame started outspeeding Esdeath's attacks before going to slash her.

Esdeath created a wall made of ice to counter Akame, however Akame bypassed through it as Esdeath slide back.

Esdeath:" YOUR MOVEMENTS HAVEN'T SLOWED EVEN IN THIS COLD!!!" she yelled with joy as they started clashing even more, going hit for hit appearing as if they were equal.

Esdeath smiled as she expanded her power through the whole environment around her becoming a giant.

Akame simply looked at it without showing emotions at all during the fight.

Esdeath:" HOW'S THIS? YOU CAN'T TOUCH ME LIKE THIS AKAME!!!!!" she yelled.

Esdeath then summoned several Ice Dragons which flew towards Akame.

Akame just walked before disappearing in the blink of an eye.

The Ice Dragons ended up getting slayed in a blink of an eye as Akame blitz her way to Esdeath.

Akame:" Honō no imashime: Teikoku no honō no tsubasa." she yelled as she moved at such velocity flames started sorrounding her body.

[ A/n: Flame Commandment: Imperial Flaming Wings.]

The flames started taking the shape of a giantess Samurai as Esdeath's eyes widen.

The giantess grew wings from her back as she swong the blade generating a blazing inferno, obliterating the cold around her and returning the climate back to normal.

Esdeath was seen reverting back to her base form with a katana stuck through her chest.

Esdeath eyes widen as her body wouldn't reform or freeze the katana.

Akame came out of giantess Samurai.

Akame:" Your invincibility ran out......Logia." she said as Esdeath body connected to the floor.

Esdeath clentched her teeth as Akame landed on the ground

Esdeath:" I-I'm a Logia....... I'm at the peak of Devil Fruits...... My Haki and strength are god-given..... I'm special....." she said as she felt the life losing

Akame:" Yes, that is exactly why you must die........... And when you die...... you'll be doomed to run in the icy cold of Hell..... With no way to find out....... How do I know this?....... I've been there....... I know what's in the afterlife......... I've lived it......" she said with a cold tone.

Esdeath:" They better have kept that seat warm for me......" she said with a sadistic smile on her face meaning that even in the afterlife she will still cause trouble.

Esdeath then started panting as all that was in her mind was Y/n as she remember their time spent at the Island of Sixis, where they both lost their 'first', when Y/n abandoned her, their continued battles against each other.

Esdeath's body started forming frost bites before completely turning Esdeath into ice.

Esdeath:" ........................ Y/n............... I wanted to die.............. by your hand............. Why didn't you want to kill me?............... If you loved hurting me like that....... You should've been the one to-" she couldn't even finish her sentence as Akame beheaded her with Esdeath's own blade before she could've self destructed herself.

Akame sighed in relief as the sun rised behind her.

Akame:" Mission...... Accomplished." she said with a small smile as the spirit of the deceased members of the Night Raid appeared behind her smiling at her success.





Y/n was seen sitting next to Sabo and explained him what he wanted to tell him as Sabo eyes widen before tears started falling down his eyes.

Y/n:" I'm sorry......"

Sabo:" B-But...... 10 years...... We just..... W-We just all got back together..... You, me and Luffy...... C-Can't you delay it? You don't have to go, yet!! There's so much we can do together...." he asked with tears falling down his face as Y/n.

Y/n then sighed as he looked at his spear which showcased a reflection of his former of self.

Y/n:" It's my deal. I come back to life, but I must fufilled my duties as Disciple of Zhurongsha and fight against the 'others'. Yasaka wasn't the only God roaming around. Several places beyond this Universe reach are filled with just as worse. Sabo.......... Luffy can't have us slowpokes slow him down...... " he said with a calm smile on his face.

Y/n:" Doesn't matter what place we are at the moment....... We're always close to each other......" he said to Sabo, reassuring him that when the time will come he'll be back eventually.

Sabo:" B-But when will you leave...?" he said.

Y/n:" Next month...... " he said with as he looked down in sadness.

Sabo lips were quivering as more tears came out his eyes.

Sabo:" D-Do not go!! I want us to stay together..... You and Luffy were the reason..... I was able to feel alive again!!!! You aren't just my friends you are my brothers!!!!!!!!! I-I saw it back then...... me, you and Luffy all together!!! We were old!!!! Let's make it happen!!! Please!!!!" he said with tears on his face as the Deputy Commanders felt bad for Sabo since it has been 10 years since seeing their faces and he didn't want to lose one of them again.

Y/n:" Hehehehehe...... You punk, crying me a river like that..... You got big, but you're still the dumb fool that I know.... Look here..." he said pointing at his arm tattoo showcasing how the 'X' on S was gone, replaced with a celtic cross instead.

Y/n:" Before I met you again....... I crossed it....... Because I thought you were a goner..... I still remember your letter....... Idiot....... H-How did you do it, huh?.......... H-How did you made me cry?" he asked as tears started coming out his eyes.

Sabo eyes widen.

Sabo:" Y-You actually read it?! I-I thought you hated me, because I lied to you about my origins?" he asked with shock.

Y/n:" I was mad..... but I could've never hate you........ Because you two..... are my reasons to stay alive....... That's why I'm doing this." he said as he removed the tears from his eyes as Sabo eyes widen.

Y/n then trew a scroll at Sabo as Sabo grabbed it.

Sabo:" W-What's this?" he asked in shock.

Y/n:" That's------" he then proceeded to tell Sabo and the other Deputy Commanders.







Menawhile back in the Empire, Honest  was seen running away covered in slashes.

Honest:( I can't believe that little b*tch would've been such a problem....) he thought in his head as he reverted back to base form and started panting.

Honest then decided to escape through the hidden passageway.

Honest:" Nobody can put me on trial." he said as he refused to die by the hands of commoners.

However what he didn't expect was that Mine managed to find him.

Mine fired a shot towards Honest as Honest jumped back in shock.

Honest:" Y-You?!?! HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!?" he asked in shock that someone like Mine would've been able to survive.

Mine:" A bubble marble sure does its wonders...... I'm shocked myself....." she said as Honest turned behind to see Kurome.

Honest eyes widen in pure fear.

Both Kurome and Mine looked at each other in shock, however they quickly settle down realizing they had the same idea.

The next thing that happened was that Honest got captured by both of them, both of his arms and legs got amputated by Kurome so he wouldn't have a chance to regenerate fully.






Honest was now seen tied up to a table with a desperate look on his face as several people that have suffered from his hands took each their turn to cut pieces of his body.

Honest:" IT HURTS!!! IT HURTS!!!! IT HURTS!!! IT HURTS!!!!" he yelled in pain.

Rebel soldier:" Man..... even after all this to him, he still won't die." he said as he sweatdropped at Honest resilience.

Rebel Soldier 2:" Well he was a former of fighter back in the Era of the Pirate King. His body is tough, plus....... He ate Leone's fruit." he said and that last part made every Rebel there lose their mind.

Rebel Soldier 3:" All the better. We have to let as many people as possible take a cut...... out of that bastard. THAT'S FOR LEONE!!!!!!" he yelled as Honest screamed in pure agony as they kept on going.




Prime Minister Honest's execution would go down to history as One of the most gruesome. His Screams lasted until he finally gave in. 





Later After the war, Wave was seen approaching Y/n from behind.

Wave:" Y/n....... Back then..... I'm Sorry.... I wasn't me..... It's Just that..... I was tired of-"

Y/n:" Seeing those you love dying infront of you? I know that feeling. I've got no hard feelings." He said as he raised his left hand as Wave looked at It with shock before shaking It, meaning that Y/n was settling this score with peace instead of more violence.

Y/n:" I hear you're sick. How are you holding up?" he asked referring to Wave consuming that Dangerous SMILE Fruit.

Wave:" The doctor said I'll need years of treatment. And one of my organs will never function properly again. But it's not for me that I'm worried. I feel bad for Kurome, she has Nightmares.... Everynight..... She keeps telling those she's killed how sorry she is, over and over....." he said.

Y/n:" Probably because she's back in her right mind again... It's thanks to you that her life has been extended. Continue to be the strength for her....... Among all the beings that I've fought, you were still the best one out of all of them.........Don't downplay yourself...... Be proud...... You're the strongest for me." he said showcasing how he didn't value Wave for his strength however on the kind of person he is and that he consider him a great man for always standing for a Morale Justice.

Tear drops fell from Wave's face.

Wave then touched his cheek.

Wave:" What is this?" he asked confused by why he was crying from Y/n's compliment.

Y/n:".............. Good question............But I don't think I could answer that for you........ Maybe in few years, you would look back to this moment........" he said as he flew off leaving Wave to question.



And so the New Empire was born, many skilled individuals disturbed by the Empire's Corruption joined the Revolutionary Army. Many of them survived and offered their services. They served the Empire to the very end and supported it without dirtying their hands with crime. Even the less-savory civil servants devoted themselves to the cause. The Rebellion of the Fire Mambas against the Empire that had oppressed the people naturally settled down following the demise of the Empire. A number of strict laws from the Era of the Empire were abolished. So the people could relax and enjoy their work. The snowstorm Esdeath had caused was written off as a natural freak cold spell. Leading figures in the local Government who demonstrated greedy and unsettling behavior... were dealt with. Tribes of the North Blue had already been completely destroyed during the Empire's Rein. Diplomatic relations were established between them and the tribes of the West Blue have formed their alliances. Having felt the painful wrath of Esdeath's army firsthand, the people of the West Blue didn't have the power to entertain any other alternative. As for Esdeath's army, they had been exhausted by the fight with the overwhelming numbers of regional tribes. Upon the demise of their Fleet Admiral, they disbanded. Half of them transferred to the Border Guard. Besides, the Prime Minister, other traitorous government officals liek Koukei were flushed out.... keeping any seeds of disaster from sprouting. Management of the New Empire was stable. The world moved away from the Dark Ages when Human Life wasn't valued....





Weeks Later, Sabo was seen holding Makoto's hand leading far away from the Empire.

Sabo then kneel down to the child and Spoke up.

Sabo:" Your Majesty, it's time to leave this place. The Empire has fallen, and your life is in danger." He told to Makoto as he planned to send him in the East Blue to make sure he was safe.

Makoto:" But... I failed them all. My people, my country. I was a puppet, Sabo. A naive fool manipulated by Honest's twisted ambitions." He said as he felt It was worth that he died like Honest did.

Sabo:" You are a child, caught in a web of deceit. But redemption awaits. We'll ensure you escape this madness." He said placing an hand on his shoulder.

Makoto:" And go where? I have no allies left. No throne. No purpose." He said.

Sabo:" Purpose isn't always found in crowns or titles. It's in the hearts of those you touch. Listen, young Emperor, your people suffered under your rule. As a commoner, free from the shackles of power. You'll walk the streets, taste simple meals, and learn what it means to be human.You'll live a quiet life, perhaps tending to a small garden, watching sunsets." He told to Makoto.

Makoto:" And what about you, Sabo? You fought for justice, for freedom. Why help me?" He asked to Sabo.

Sabo:" Because redemption isn't reserved for heroes alone. We all stumble, make mistakes. But it's how we rise from the ashes that defines us. I've seen darkness, too. Lost brothers and sisters. But I found purpose in fighting for a better world." He told to Makoto.

Makoto took a Deep breath before Her Spoke up again.

Makoto:" Very well, Sabo. I'll leave this life behind. But what if they come for me? What if they seek revenge?" He asked to Sabo.

Sabo:" After entering Foosha. Follow this path. It leads to the coastal. Avoid the Mayor, he Always asks a lot of questions and go to the Partys Bar. A nice woman Will greet you." He told to Makoto.

Makoto:" Thank you, Sabo. For showing me mercy when I deserved none." He said as he Thanked Sabo.

Sabo:" Mercy is the true strength of a revolution. Now go, young Emperor. Live a life unburdened by thrones and wars." He told Makoto as the young former of Emperor was gonna live a new Life and experience It.





After the end of the War, the Empire was rebuilt back even Better than before.

Many flowers were placed in a lot of grave to Honor the people Who have died during this War.

Y/n sight turn to see a mother crying over her death son, Who was a part of the Revolutionary Army.

Y/n then looked to see the picture of the son as he starred at It.

Y/n then placed a Pink hibiscus flower on his grave and shortly After left.

Y/n then looked over to his right to see Akame laying on a tree meditating.

Y/n then walked up to Akame.

Y/n then kneel down as Akame opened Her Eyes.

Y/n then smiled calmly at Her.





2 weeks In the East Blue suddenly a lot of treasures appear at the coast of the of the Village of Foosha as Makino was shocked and confused.

The same amount was given at Mt. Colubo, where the Dadan family was at.

The Whole family of bandits was in shock.

One of Dadan subordinates handed her a scroll which made Dadan confused.

' Dear Dadan, I hope this letter finds you well, amidst the rugged beauty of Mt. Colubo. As I sit here, pen in hand, memories of our time together flood my mind—the laughter, the scoldings, and the warmth of your makeshift family. You, dear Dadan, are more than a foster mother; you're a force of nature, a tempest of love and gruffness. When Garp entrusted me to your care, I was but a newborn—a flame flickering in the storm. You cradled me, fed me, and taught me the ways of survival. Your methods were unconventional, perhaps even questionable, but they forged my spirit. The limited food, the chores, the criminal escapades—they all shaped me into the man I am today. And then there was Luffy. Oh, Luffy—the boy with the straw hat and the heart of gold. You took him in too, despite your grumbling. I watched as you secretly worried about him during those rainy nights. Your tough exterior cracked, revealing a heart that cared more than it dared admit. I owe you a debt—one that words can't fully express. Your home became my refuge, your stern love my anchor. Dadan, you're like the mountain itself—unyielding, protective, and eternally rooted. You've weathered storms, both literal and metaphorical, and emerged stronger. So, from the depths of my fiery heart, I say:

     Thank you.

Thank you for the tough love, the banditry, and the warmth by the hearth. Thank you for being our rock, our shelter against life's tempests. And most of all, thank you for believing in us—even when we doubted ourselves. May the winds carry this letter to you, and may it find a place in your heart, alongside memories of three unruly boys who grew into legends. 

With gratitude, your foolish son.'

Dadan:" You can't write something like this you fool!!!" She said motherly tears fell from Her eyes as Her subordinates start comforting Her.

Y/n was seen sitting on his Red Nimbus looking at them with a calm smile on his face as tear came out of his left Eye.






Meanwhile in Rusukaina, Luffy was seen being chased by and Elephant Danger Beast as Rayleigh was looking at the scene as he sweatdropped.

Rayleigh eyes then moved to his right as he turned to see Y/n in the Shadows with his arms crossed.

Y/n:" He's doing well." He said with a smile on his face.

Rayleigh:" He has Heart. He's trying to become bigger than his big Brother." He said as Y/n smiled.

Y/n:" He'll reach me." He said with a smile of confidence.

Rayleigh:" You're planning to go somewhere?" He asked.

Y/n:" I'll be gone. I don't know how much time. But, it'll take a While." He said.

Rayleigh:" You want me to tell him or you want to be One?" He asked to Y/n.

Y/n starred at Luffy for While.

Y/n:" No......... I wouldn't want him to be sad. Sabo Is already a mess. I don't want another to feel Just as worse After going to the lengths that he did." He said as he wanted to avoid making Luffy sad hearing that he won't hear from his Brother being gone for a couple of years.

Y/n:" Gramps too. I wouldn't want him to feel like a mess. He really needs to retire." He said as he showed that he still loved Garp.

Y/n then removed his armband and gave It to Rayleigh.

Y/n:" Give him this. Tell him that's a present from you." He said as then walked off, until he stopped.

Y/n:" Pops told me to Say this to you.......' Stay Sober for me, your time hasn't come yet.'" he said with a smile on his face resembling that of Gol D. Roger.

Rayleigh eyes widen but then in a Blink of an Eye Y/n was gone.




5 weeks Later, Y/n and Akame were now seen on their First and likely last very date.

Y/n:" There are more people than I thought, considering the current situation." He said as he noticed more and more people coming to the Empire as the population grew larger as the days passed.

Akame:" Do you like these kinds of places?" She asked.

Y/n:" Well, we've been at Sabaody 2 years ago. But never got to enjoy It for long." He said as he wanted to try the roller coasters at the Tiger's Cove Luna Park which was created under Koala's idea.

Y/n started pointing at the roller coasters.

Y/n:" Do you want to ride that one?" He asked pointing at the Titanic large roller coast.

Akame:" Alright." She said with a calm smile.

Y/n :"Then let's try It."he said with a calm smile.

Y/n and Akame tried every roller coasters, but they weren't as amazed or terrified like the others.

Y/n and Akame were seen sitting on a bench with blank expressions on their faces.

Y/n:" Was It good?" He asked.

Akame:" Ah.... yes, It was." She said with a calm tone.

Y/n:" You didn't Scream once or was amazed." He said as there was a moment of silence.

Y/n eyes then moved far above the skies.

Y/n:" Do you want to see something cool?" He asked with a smile.

Akame tilted her head with curiosity.





Y/n and Akame were now seen riding his red nimbus and flying into space as Y/n had placed a force field around them to allow Akame to breath.

Y/n:" How is it?" he asked as they were travelling around.

Akame eyes widen with sparkles appearing as she was witnessing it all.

Akame:" It's fast, and high...... and beautiful......" she said as she was witnessing the creation of supernovas.

Akame:" Y/n................. I want to go with you......." she said.

Y/n:"................ I'd want that aswell........... But....." he was interrupted by Akame.

Akame:" I knew you'd say that...... I understand that there's a world that needs your assistence other than this one.............. Najenda and Bulat would be proud of what you're doing......." she said with a calm smile on her face accepting Y/n Departure and New Journey.

Y/n then held her hand as they both sat down on the red nimbus witnessing the formation of new stars.

Akame leaned her head against his shoulder as she held his hand tight.





Akame and Y/n spent their last moments together on the regular basis until the day of his depature.







Y/n was now looking at the TV showcasing a family TV Show as his head tilted as he remember what Akame said as his cheeks turned red.

Y/n*blushing*:( Ann? But if comes out to be a boy?............. Can't call him like me...... Y/n Jr.? Ewwww......... I wouldn't like a Jr. I wouldn't even call him Roger. Or Her Roger.) he thought in his head however he didn't noticed that he got snatched by Akame.

As Y/n was still thinking about it his body was laying on the bed.

However he ended up snapping out of his thoughts the moment he felt his clothing removed from him as he looked down to see it was Akame.

Akame and Y/n starred at each other.

Y/n face started turning red.

Akame:" Hehe~...."

Y/n*blushing*:" HEY!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" he asked while blushing.

Akame:" Doing what couples that like each other do at late night?" she asked with a peaceful smile on her face as she straight up launched Y/n's clothing away from him.

Akame then removed her ukata, also showcasing a Black Dragon tattoo on her back.

Akame:" Look now we both have one!!" she said with a cute smile on her face.

Y/n:( S-She also wanted to show that?) he thought in his head as his eyes were moving to Akame's curves.

Y/n ended up pouting as his cheeks turned even more redder, and due to his freckles he almost appeared like a strawberry.

Y/n*blushing*:( ...................... Actually I don't even mind to be honest..........) he thought in his head.

Akame noticed it as a mischievious smile appeared on her face.

The next thing that happened Akame was on top of Y/n.

Akame:" We've been together for quite a while........ And you're still acting like this......" she said.

Y/n*blushing*:" That's because my girlfriend is very pretty......" he said while pouting.

Akame*blushing*:" Ah...... then I have to thank my boyfriend for that compliment~♥️......" she said as she leaned closer and kissed him on the lips.

* Warning: Sexual and Graphic content ahead, you've been warned*

Akame then fully undressed herself as she placed both of her hands on Y/n's cheeks as She starred at him.

Akame:" Since I'm not going......... Atleast let's take more time for each other~♥️......." she said with a teasing tone.

Y/n pouted before all of the sudden Akame was pinned on the bed instead.

Y/n's length dropped om her private area as Akame's cheeks turned red.

Akame body was trembling as Y/n opened up her pussy.

Y/n then slowly pushed it inside as Akame started to moan.

Y/n:" Don't act to cocky with me......." he said with a teasing tone

Akame face turned red.

Akame*blushing*:" KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!! WAIT!!! WAIT!!!!" she yelled as Y/n sweatdropped at her anthics.

Y/n:( Wasn't this your idea?) he thought in his head in confusion.

Akame took a deep breath before a smile appeared on her face.

Akame:" ................. Okay...................." she said as she decided to swallow that moment of fear.

The next thing that happened was that Akame was now in doggy style as Y/n was slamming his length in and out of her.

Akame*blushing*:" Haa~♥️....... Ngh~♥️!!!  Eeek~♥️?!?" she moaned loud as he bit on the pillow.

Y/n:( Oh, woah. Look at how its becoming more and more looser......) he thought in his head with widen eyes.

Y/n kept slamming his length as Akame was moaning louder and louder.

Y/n then spun her body.

Akame's back was laying on the bed as Y/n then grabbed her by her face.

Akame stuck her tounge out as Y/n length got even harder.

Y/n shoved his length even faster causing Akame to moan even more before he took it out and came out of her pussy.

Akame*blushing*:" Haaaa~♥️" She moaned as She started squirting.

Y/n*blushing*:" Oooooh, sh*t..........." he said however he noticed devilish horns appearing on Akame's head as she still was feeling lustful.

Y/n felt shivers running down his back as he realized that this time Akame was on sight with him.

Y/n:" Hey, hold on..... I know that last time........ I was a bit rough but..... Love should be known as something graceful...... We shouldn't ruin such gracefulness with rudimentary methods that were forbidden before the creation of all kind-" he was then interruped by Akame jumping towards him as Y/n screamed startled by this.

Akame then proceeded to move up and down Y/n's length as she started to lose herself into.

Y/n body felt like it was getting struck down by trilions of volt as Akame's pussy had too much grip to the point his length was unable to escape out of it, like it was caged into some luscious inferno of love.

Akame*blushing*:" You thought that after I got knocked out the first time, I wouldn't return the favor?~♥️" she asked as Y/n face was burning.

Y/n*blushing*:" Alright then return it." he said with a smirk.

Akame then started moving up and down as she kept on moaning.

Akame*blushing*:" Haah~♥️....... HNGH~♥️!!!!  AAAAHH~♥️!!!! AAAAHHH~♥️!!!!!! HAAAAAA~♥️!!!! HAAAAAAAA~♥️!!!!!"

Y/n had a small smile escaping his face.

Y/n*blushing*:( She's so freaking cute!!!) he thought in his head as Akame took a moment to ease down.

Y/n then opened up his eyes to see Akame leaning down towards him.

Akame*blushing*:" Do you think I'm cute? Just cute?~♥️" she asked with a teasing tone before she started speeding up causing Y/n to groan in pleasure.

Akame started squirting as Y/n clentched his teeth as her pussy started gripping even more.

Akame*blushing*:" AH~♥️..... T-This~♥️...... M-Me too~♥️..... UGGGH~♥️...." she kept moaning and losing herself into pleasure.

Akame's body started trembling as Y/n then wrapped his arms around her waist before he ended up taking out his length and came outside.




4:00 AM, Y/n was seen slamming his length in and out of Akame's pussy as she grabbed onto the pillow, before he ended up cumming.

9:00 AM, Y/n was seen picking up Akame and slamming his length into her pussy making her squirt.

2:00 PM, Y/n was seen pinning Akame to the wall and slamming his length into her pussy as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

4:00 PM, Akame was laying on the bed as her pussy was leaking and squirting at the same time as she ended up losing her senses Y/n was seen layed next to her as his eyes became tired.

Y/n:( I can't.......stay awake...... I need to sleep...) he thought in his head as ended up falling asleep, not before pulling Akame into an hug.


They made love from Friday Night until 4 PM Saturday and passed out.






10 P.M, Y/n woke up from his slumber as his hair were messy.

Y/n then noticed that Akame wasn't next to him which made him confused before he saw Akame coming out of the bathrom with a towel.

Akame:" Ah, you're awake?" she asked with a calm smile.

Y/n yawned.

Y/n:" Akame, what are you doing?" he asked as Akame started approaching him before pulling him into an hug.

Akame:" Shh... Sleep some more....Even if you're not going to see me anymore...... Don't quit thinking about me...... I'd be sad if you forgot me....." she said as she kissed Y/n in the forehead.

Y/n:" Forget you?.... Ha.... I would never......... You're a part of me too....." he said with a calm smile on his face.

Akame and Y/n then layed next to each other as she was hugging him the entire time, however there was a question that Y/n wanted to know from Akame.

Y/n:"..................... Hey................... Why would you like me this much?" he asked with a soft smile on his face.

Akame:".................. Because you gave me a reason to love and appreciate life......" she said with a  calm smile on her face remembering the first time they met which lead up to all those battles as their bond kept growing.

Y/n:" Corny...." he said with a teasing tone he said as he cupped Her cheeks 

Akame:" Shut up.." she said as she poke his nose, before they started laughing.





- 2 years later -

Even, though our ways changed..... The adventure progessed.... The end was nowhere in sight.... 





Akame was seen on a ship as the Shipwright spoke up to her.

Shipwright:" Yep, no issues at all. It's as good as New! Even got my Shipwright stamp approval!! But this thing uses some sort of paddle.... How do you power it?" he asked as Akame took out a Dial which unleashed cosmic flames out of it.

The Shipwright was left speechless as he never so a Dial like that, before.

Akame:" Don't worry..... It's more than strong enough..... There isn't a flame in these Seas... that burns hotter than this one!!!" she said as she as proceeded to start the ship placing the Dial behind it which made the ship move at incredible speed.

Akame smiled as her Den Den Mushi then rang which made her raise an eyebrow.

???:" Miss. Akame. It's about what we discussed earlier!! I'll give you triple for that story. And it'll be on the front page!!! ' Flame Emperor Above the Gods'. Let us be the one to publish it of course!! Distribution is included. There's no doubt, it'll sell like crazy!! I bet it'll become even more famous than that Logbook, 'Brag Men'." he said.

Akame:" Sorry, Morgans. That story..... is not just meant.... for the eyes of the world to see..." she said as she was holding Y/n's Vivre Card with a smile on her face.


Akame:" Nope...... I'm done with this conversation now. I'd prefer  to report on news about Straw Hat and the Revolutionary Army Chief of Staff..." she said with a calm smile on her face.


Akame:".................... I've got to see it with my own eyes....." she said as she held Luffy's bounty After defeating the Emperor of the Sea Kaido.

Akame:( The time is coming..... Let's all meet again..... there.....) she thought in her head.






The End.....

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