Flame Emperor........

By Zeromicz

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A Young Pirate from the East Blue sets off in the world to become someone. However, he soon finds out that th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 1#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 2#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 3#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 4#
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73 [ The End]

Chapter 45

254 10 0
By Zeromicz

Ran had now arrived at the Wild Hunt's Lodging as he greeted Cosmina, Enshin and Champ.

Ran:" Good evening, sorry to interrupt." he said with a calm smile.

Cosmina immidiatly walked up to Ran and cling on his left arm.

Cosmina*blushing*:" Please say you'll hang out with me..." she said with lust over Ran.

Ran:" If Wild Hunt will have me.... I promise......" he said with a calm smile.

Enshin:"................. You're awful desperate to get in......." he said while drinking his beer with suspicioun over the Admiral business here.

Ran:" Where are the others?" he asked to Cosmina.

Cosmina:" They're over at Syura's place. Apparently, he got in a fight and got all bandaged up." she said with a bright smile.

Ran:( If Syura's gone and his other lackey's are out..... Then this really is going to be smooth......) he thought in his head.

Ran:" Ooh, Champ...." he said as the clown looked up to Ran with an raised eyebrow because he was reading a book.

Ran then walked up and whispered something into Champ's ears making his eyes widen.

Champ:" YOU MEAN IT?!?!" he asked to Ran in shock as Ran agreed.

Ran:" Yes." he said with a calm smile on his face.





Ran and Champ were now seen walking further and further away from the zones of the Capital full of people, reaching the forest.

Champ:" Are we there yet? Where's this cottage where the super cute kiddos are holed up?" he asked while panting.

Ran:" We're almost there, Champ." he said with a calm smile.

Champ:" You really are good at flattering folks. First you gave us all the berries and now you found some fresh meat for me." he said with a sadistic smile on his face.

Ran:" This is my chance at a big promotion in life." he said with a calm smile.

Champ:" Aaaah, I wonder what they'll be like. I'm going to love them deep and good~." he said.

Ran:"............................ After you're done loving them..... Why do you kill them?" he asked with a calm smile.

Champ:" So those sweet little angels...... won't become dirty old adults! Adults are no good. They're nothing but trash! I want those angels to stay the way they are forever." he said with a cheerful smile on his face as Ran turned quiet.







Ran and Champ had now reached an abandoned place as Champ was confused by this.


Ran:" Earlier....... When you were drunk..... Do you remember what you were boasting about?" he asked with a calm smile.

Champ:" Huh?"

Ran:" You said that in the town of Joyo, you attacked and killed all the local children several years ago." he said with a calm smile on his face.

Champ*blushing*:" Oh, yeah~. There were so many of them then...... I can remember it clearly as if it was yesterday~." he said with passion before snapping back in anger.

Champ:" WAIT!!! THAT'S GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!!!!" he yelled in anger.

Ran:" As a matter of fact, it does. I.......  WAS AMONG THOSE CHILDREN!!!!! AND THE ONLY ONE WHO WASN'T CAUGHT BY YOUR HANDS!!!" he said with a wide sadistic smile on his face making Champ confused.

All of the sudden zombie Natala trew his spear from his hiding spot making Champ eyes widen as he managed to jump over it in time.

Champ:" CLOSE ONE!!!" he yelled as Doya started firing bullets from her guns.

Champ then decided to use his Teigu.

[ A/n: Chaos Trow: Big Leaguer is a Teigu that takes the form of six floating orbs. Each Orb is imbued with an element that activates once trown. However, only half of them were shown. Once trown, they'll return to the wielder's hand. The orbs' elements are the following:

- Storm Orb: Creates a large whirlwind.

- Explosion Orb: Causes a massive explosion.

- Flame Orb: Incinerates the victim on contact.

- Ice Orb: Freezes any opponent it touches.

- Lightning Orb: Stuns opponent with an electric jolt.

- Rot Orb: Whatever it hits erodes away.]

Champ used six floating orbs to take flight, however that's what Ran wanted as he pointed his index finger at the clown and fired several beams of lights at Champ.

Champ:( Uh-Oh.... I don't have time to launch my Teigu!!!) he thought in his head as he ended up getting pierced through his body.

Champ caught blood out of his mouth as he crashed down on the ground.

Ran:" I identified you from one minor eye witness account. This has been.... a long time coming.... Compared to the pain my siblings suffered..... This is probably nothing at all....." he said as he kicked Champ sending him flying at the speed of light through the abandoned buildings of the area.

Ran then flash stepped due to his Devil Fruit and reappeared right infront of Champ's defeated body.

Ran then created a blade made of light as Champ eyes widen.


Ran:" Don't worry. I'll just blame it on Night Raid. It took quite a while.... to gain you guy's trust to lower your guard. And in that time..... It seems you killed many people......" he said with a smirk as he proceeded to  open up Champ's stomach causing the clown to scream in pain and agony.

Ran:" You won't be doing as you please any longer. I'm going to take you out from the shadows one by one.." he said with a smirk.







Meanwhile Enshin and Cosmina were seen making their way through the area looking for Champ as Cosmina seemingly heard Champ's screams of pain.

Cosmina:" I just heard an awful cry. Is that you, Champ?!?!" she yelled.

Enshin:" I told you. We were right to go after him. I can't trust a guy with a face like this." he said.

Cosmina:" You sure you're not just jelous? It's not very cool for guys to be so insecure~." she said with a teasing tone.

Enshin:" Shut it!!! Anyway, I'll tell Syura about this." he said as he went to grab his Den Den Mushi to call Syura, until a kunai was trown at the shell of the Den Den Mushi not allowing the communication to be done.

Kurome then appeared infront of them with two zombified Danger Beasts, Natala and Doya.

Kurome:" Now that you've seen us.... We can't let you leave alive." she said with a glare towards the duo.

Cosmina:" Aren't they with CP7?" she asked.

Enshin:" So they're teaming up to fight us. ine by me. And they chose a Night with a Full Moon, of all times......Perfect to unleash my Teigu." he said with a smirk as he proceeded to started trowing a barrage of energy slashes towards Kurome as her eyes widen.

[ A/n: Moon Slice Shamshir is a curved sword Teigu that can create vacuum blades. Depending on the phase of the moon, it's abilities change.]

Kurome managed to evade the attacks thanks to her Observation Haki as Natala and Doya immidiatly went to attack.

However Doya got both of her cut off by Enshin.

Enshin:" A woman's hands aren't meant for holding guns. They're meant to serve." he said as he was coming down from the air to finish off Doya, until Natala got in the way.

Enshin:" My! You're strong but........ MANGETSU NO EN!!!!!" he yelled as he slashed Natala  so fast it appeared as a full moon.

[ A/n: Full Moon Circle.]

Enshin:" IT WAS YOUR BAD LUCK THAT IT HAPPENS TO BE A FULL MOON!!!!" he yelled in amusement.

Cosmina then walked up to the two huge cockroach Danger Beasts.

Cosmina:" EVERYONE!!!! COSMINA'S CONCERT IS ABOUT TO BEGIN!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR GATHERING HERE FOR ME!!! I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A GOOD TIME!!!" she said unleashing a super sonicwave that shattered the Danger Beasts into pieces, however Kurome had her ears covered.

Enshin:" WHERE ARE YOU LOOKING?!?! HEY, NOW HERE I COME!!!!" he yelled with a smirk as he was going to strike her from above only for Kurome to flash step making Enshin eyes widen before he felt pain on his back revealing that Kurome managed to get behind him.

Enshin:" AARGH!!! WHAT GIVES?!?! ISN'T THE RING LEADER THE STRONGEST OF THEM?!?" he asked of in anger as he then did a front flip and landed on his feet.

Cosmina smirked as she and Enshin managed to corner Kurome.

Cosmina:" PLEASE LISTEN UP!!! OUTPUT'S AT FULL POWER!!!!!" she yelled unleashing her super sonicwave at Kurome.

Enshin:" NOW YOU GET IT FROM BOTH SIDES!!!!!" he yelled as he swong his blade at Kurome unleashing an energy slash at her.

Kurome's Observation Haki activated.

As she spun on herself creating a tornado blowing  Enshin and Cosmina away from her aswell as to cancell their attacks.

Enshin:" DAMN YOU!!!! WHAT ARE YOU?!?!" he asked in anger as Kurome was proving to be stronger than both of them combined.

Kurome looked at the two with a blank expression on her face.

Cosmina:" That's it!! All I'll have to do is go full max!! HEY-" she was then interruped by a beam of light going through her chest.

Causing her to crash straight on the ground.

Enshin eyes widen in horror to see Ran standing there with a sadistic grin on his face meaning that Champ was gone.

Enshin:" What the-" he was then interrupted by a pillar of flames coming down from the sky, causing Enshin to jump away but it still unleashed a huge explosion.

Enshin leapt out the smoke injured as he looked up the sky to see it was Y/n using his flame abilities to fly.

Enshin:" FIRE FIST?!? THE NIGHT RAID IS HERE?!?!" he asked in shock as he started to jump rock to rock in attempt to avoid confrontation.

But in his way there was Akame making Enshin eyes widen in horror.

Akame:" Rest in pieces." she said as she flash stepped and slashed Enshin in half and spread her curse through his body.

Enshin:( T-Too strong.....) he thought in his head as Akame landed perfectly on the ground as rocks came down crashing.

Kurome and Akame made eye contact.

Kurome:" Sister..." she said with a glare.

Mine who came out her hiding spot was in shock.

Mine:( Don't tell me our target was CP7's target as well.....) she thought in her head as Kurome pointed her sword at Akame.

Kurome:" WE CP7 HUNT DOWN ANY WHO DISTURB PEACE!!! NO MATTER WHO IT IS!" she yelled pointing her blade at her older sister.

Ran:( 'We'? You've changed since we first met, Kurome. This time..... She'll be safe.....) he thought in his head as a small smile appeared on his face.

Mine:" Kurome you're also the Revolutionary Army's target!!!" she said.

Akame:" Here I come, Kurome." she said as Ran then used the power of the Pika Pika No Mi moving zig zag at the speed of light.

Ran:" YATA NO KAGAMI." he said.

[ A/n: Sacred Mirror]

Ran was so close to kick Akame directly on her face until Ran's eyes widen as Y/n countered Ran by using his right foot as the two kicks made contact creating a huge shockwave that sent everyone fying back.

Ran:" Long time no see Mr. Portgas D. Y/n. I see that you're as cheeky as ever." he said with a calm smile on his face noting how powerful Y/n has become.

Y/n:" Hey, what have you done at Sabaody Archipelago?" he asked in anger referring to the what he has done to the Straw Hats Pirates.

Everyone was in awe as they were now witnessing a battle between two Logia users.

Y/n then started trowing barrage of punches coated in Advanced Armament Haki at Ran, who used his arms coated in Advanced Armament Haki to block Y/n's barrage of punches.

Ran:" It's clear you really are.......... the man that has made Fleet Admiral Esdeath's bleed. You're a tough one..." he said complimenting Y/n's improvements.

Ran then flew into the sky making Y/n confused by this.

Y/n:" How far did he flew?!?" he asked in confusion.

Y/n:( Jerk!!!!! What are you up too?!?!?) he thought in his head as he flew towards Ran.

Ran:" I've got to bring Kurome back home to Wave. I don't want his heart to break even further....." he said with a calm smile as he disappeared in a yellow flash as Y/n's Advanced Observation Haki activated.

Y/n spun on himself turning into a meteor of flames going towards Ran who turned himself into a yellow stream of light.

The two elements clashed generating a powerful explosion of light and fire in the sky.

Everyone was in awe as the two Logia Users literally created a 'Sunrise' from their clash.

Then a yellow flash came towards Kurome as she disappeared in an instant meaning it was Ran who snatched Kurome quickly and left the place.

Meanwhile Y/n was seen falling down from the sky, completely knocked out as Leone eyes widen before leapt and grabbed the Logia user before he crashed on the hard floor.

Y/n immidatly recovered as he yelled in anger.

Y/n:" You Yellow Haired Piece of Sh*t, you blinded me!!!!!" He yelled in anger before realizing that Leone was carrying him.

Leone feeling offended dropped Y/n.

Y/n:" Ouch!!!!" 

Lubbock:" Let's go out of here. We were able to find then because of that ruckus, but it'll attract other people besides too. We were atleast able to confiscate more Teigu. So the attack in part was a success." he said.









Kurome and Ran were now back in the Capital as Kurome started panting in relief as Ran was seen panting aswell making Kurome confused as she never seen him this tired due to his speed.

Ran:"............. Night Raid.......... has become too formidable......" he said as he turned revealing to Kurome his right injured forearm.







To be continued.......

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