Flame Emperor........

By Zeromicz

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A Young Pirate from the East Blue sets off in the world to become someone. However, he soon finds out that th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 1#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 2#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 3#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 4#
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73 [ The End]

Chapter 31

293 12 0
By Zeromicz

The Screaming Death was now charging up a fire wave as Y/n flew down and landed on the ground.

Y/n:" Here comes a big one!!!!!" he yelled as he pointed both his index fingers like guns and started firing fire beams at the Screaming Death causing him to miss the fire wave.

The Screaming Death then roared angrily  as it flew towards Y/n who coated both his hands in Armament Haki and used his flames striking the Danger Beast in the face generating a powerful shockwave.







- 3 years ago -

Y/n:" The One Piece? I'll pass." he told to Najenda as Najenda was curious about why he wasn't after it.

Najenda:" Even in this Day and Age?" she asked to Y/n.

Y/n:" Yup! I'm not interested in the Pirate Kings leftovers. All I care about is taking the top! Nothing else!" he said with a bright smile while drinking beer as Leone was sleeping on the floor meaning she was out.

Najenda had a frown on her face as she wanted to see through the young man's mask what were his actual intentions.




Najenda was looking at the battle with a frown on her face.

Najenda:( Bulat was exactly right. Y/n blazed through the New World, his impatience burning through his body..... When I think back to the look on your face back then....... I can't help but feel that....... This team might be able to become..... The 'purpose' you've been seeking.) she thought in her head.

Y/n then started panting as the Screaming Death right side was severely injured.






Y/n now, 10 years old was now seen standing on the cliff of a mountain with an angry look on his face.

Dandan:" Y/N!!! YOU CAUSED ANOTHER DISTURBANCE IN TOWN!!!" she yelled at Y/n.

Y/n then turned to her facing her with a side glare which made Dandan backed away a little bit.

Y/n:" SHUT UP IF I WAS STRONGER THEY'D BE DEAD!!!" he yelled angrily as he pouted before turning to face the sea again with a determine look on his face.






Y/n:" I'm a Screw up............ BUT THAT'S WHAT MAKES ME MORE HUMAN THAN YOU'LL EVER BE!!!!!!" he yelled as a burst of flames came out of his body.

Then it turned into a large pillar of flames which made Kurome shocked aswell as the Screaming Death.

Chelsea then smiled.

Chelsea:" You always played it cool infront of everyone. Never showing a hint of weakness..... But if that's what your capable of....... then maybe, Bulat was right after all about you." she said with a smile on her face.

Y/n:" DAI ENKAI: ONI JIGOKU!!!!!!!" he yelled as he created fire constructs of large Dragons that were covering the sky.

[ A/n: Great Flame Commandment: Demon Inferno.]

Najenda was in awe.

Najenda:" W-Woah, that's not something you see every day." she said.

Y/n then brought down the fire constructs of the dragons slamming them towards the Screaming Death completely destroying the Danger Beast and creating a powerful burst of flames and Haki.








Esdeath, Ran and Seryu were now seen sorrounded by members of the Thieves.

Seryu:" Where'd these guy come from all of a sudden?!?!? Is this a Night Raid ambush?!?!" she asked in shock seeing how many there were.

Thief:" That information was right. A small band of them came through this Highway pass...... It's Fleet Admiral Esdeath." he said with a smirk.

Thief 2:" HYAHYAHYA!!!!!! She's as big a babe as the rumors said!! Give me some of that!!!" he yelled while licking his lips.

Thief 3:" Don't try to take them on one on one...... We'll overcome them by sheer number....." he said as he pulled out his machete.

Thief 4:" I'm looking forward to what comes after." he said with a lustful tone.

Thief 5:" We'll take our sweet time stripping her down and then get her good and wet!!!!" he said with a lustful tone as all of them pulled out their weapons.

Esdeath:" This is a band of thieves whose territory is to the East of the Empire Capital. I don't think this is just a random coincidence." she said.

Seryu:" So, they're with the villainous Night Raid!!!" she yelled as she turned her left arm into a cannon as Koro turned huge.

Both Esdeath and Ran then turned serious as they sensed Y/n's Haki from far away.

Esdeath:"................................. Right there............." she said.

Ran:" It's unatural..............." he said as he and Esdeath didn't expect that Y/n's grew too much... Way too much that its supposed to be.






Meanwhile Wave was seen laying on the ground as he regained his senses.

Wave groaned as he couldn't feel a muscle in his body move.

Wave:( I-I was talking all that big........... just end up like this? What did I do wrong? I thought I had it...... I didn't let him get a chance. I always prevented him for landing his finishers......) he thought in his head before he remembered Jinbe's words.






Jinbe:" And your question between who is stronger you or Y/n............... You're only equal to him from 3 years ago."








Wave clentched his teeth as he was under the debris of the mountain.

Wave:" Gnkkk...... I-It can't be all I have........... I-I have to get going and fast....... B-Bols and Kurome need me....... T-They're strong, but there's something a little spacey and dumb about them..... I've got to catch up to them...... S-Sh*t." he said as his body was refusing his orders.







Kurome was now seen engaging in a one on one against Leone as the two clashed with Leone getting knocked back by Kurome.

Leone:( S-She's on par with me and I've eaten a Mythical Zoan fruit...... Actually she may be even a little stronger...... I can see now how she'd be considered by Esdeath as a threat........ She's a real deal.....) she thought in her head as she was covered in cuts.

Kurome then smiled cheerfully.

Kurome:" You're pretty good!! I was sure right to want you in my collection......" she said with a bright smile as the the Kaiser Frog started getting bigger and bigger making Kurome turn to look at the zombified Danger Beast in confusion.

Kurome:" What's the matter? You're being attacked from the inside?!? But the acid in your stomach should be powerful enough to-" she was then interrupted by a powerful wave bursting out of the head of the Kaiser Frog as Mine came out of there barely clothed and covered in slime.

Mine:" THAT WAS THE WORST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE!!!!" she yelled as Leone was shocked.

Leone:" Huh?!? What are you doing in there?" she asked in confusion.

Mine:" HELP ME OUT ALREADY!!!" she yelled while pointing at Leone.

Mine Observation Haki then activated as Doya was pointing her guns at Mine in attempt to shoot her only for Mine to counter her in time and completely blast her body into nothingness.

Jinbe then jumped up carrying Najenda bridal style.

Jinbe then put down Najenda and flash stepped as Kurome used her Observation Haki to avoided getting hand pierced by the Warlord.

Kurome then coated her blade with Armament Haki and swong it at Jinbe, but he covered his chest with Armament Haki countering her.

Najenda:" With fewer puppets to manage..... Kurome's getting her strength back....." she said as a silhuette of Indra appeared behind Kurome.

Kurome:" Focus your energy if you want to bring me down! Otherwise I'll turn you into my newest skeleton puppet!" she told them.

Meanwhile with Akame she was now seen battling Isiah as Bols pointed his flametrower at and fired a wave of flames towards Akame.

Akame moved at incredible speed and split the wave of flames with her blade.

Akame was now seen in the air as Isiah followed Akame's movements.

Bols:" There's no place to run in the air!!!!!" he yelled at Akame.

Akame:( If that bodyguard's going to get in my way every time...... I'll target him and take him out of the picture even if he takes longer!!!!) she thought in her head. 

Akame eyes then glowed bloody red as she coated her blade with Armament Haki.

Akame then started building up power in her swing as Isiah coated his entire body with Armament Haki.

Akame:" First World: Hell!!!" she yelled as she unleashed a powerful swing of Murasame cutting the bodyguard in half and splitting the ground of the entire area in half.

Bols started backing away as an earthquake was happening due to the attack Akame did.

The entire ground of the area then blew up due to Akame reaching the core as fire and magma bursted out.

All of the members of the Night Raid were shocked as Kurome took that opportunity to run off thanks to zombie Natala rescuing her when they were distracted.







Kurome:" That explosion just now was due to Akame's attack...... If even Bols has been taken out...... then it'll be hard to stay here....... Gnnkkkkkk....... I'm already out....." she said as she felt her body getting extremelly weaker due to being out of drugs and the overusage of her Devil Fruit.






Akame had now open up her eyes to see Y/n carrying her with minor injuries on his body and using his Logia abilities to fly in the sky.

Y/n:" Are you okay?!?" he asked to Akame as he then landed down to a safer area.

Akame:" I'm fine. I'm fine." she said with surprise.

Y/n:" That's good. But I'm gonna need you to walk on your own now......" he said as he Akame got to her feet.

Akame:" Y/n...... I-" she was then interrupted by Y/n's body falling down before she managed to catch him.

Y/n:" I'm out of strength from my attack just give me some time to recover......" he said with a tired smile.







Bols was now seen walking away with severe damage as he was bleeding through his mask.

Bols:" Phew Haah...... Looks like I got away....... Wave and Kurome...... I hope they're both allright....." he said as he was thinking about the two youngsters.







- 3 years ago -

At the base of CP7, Esdeath was now seen in the office working as Bols was standding behind her.

Esdeath:" Hey, Bols. How come you always make dinner but then never eat with us?" he said.

Bols then looked down.

Bols:" Well, it's because of my hideous face..... It'd spoil everyone's appetite." he said as Esdeath smirked.

Esdeath:" Ooh? So you don't want to show your face. That makes me want to see it even more?" she said as she flash stepped and managed to take off Bols face allowing her to see his face.

Bols: "F-Fleet Admiral!!! D-Don't-" he was interrupted by Esdeath.

Esdeath:" Come on, it's not that bad. I'm disappointed, Bols." she said with a calm smile.

Bols:" H-Huh?!?" he asked in confusion.

Esdeath:" Nobody's going to mind your face. Now go eat with everyone." she said with a calm smile on her face as Esdeath and Bols then decided to go to dinner and met up with the others.

Bols gulped as everyone starred at him for a while before giving him welcoming smiles.










Bols:" I hope........ I get to....... Eat with everyone again....." he said a cheerful smile before hearing someone crying in the forest which made Bols go and check to see it was a little girl.

Bols:" Oh, dear..... This won't do! What's the matter?" he asked kindly to the little girl as the little girl screamed in fear.

Little Girl:" WAAAAH!!! MONSTER!!!!" she yelled.

Bols:" Oh! I'm not a monster! It's all right. It's okay! I see, you're hurt." he said with a cheerful tone as he patched up the leg of the injured little girl.

Bols:" It's okay just stay still! You're going to be fine! The pain will go away soon. It'll be all better!" he said with a cheerful tone making the little girl feel safer

Little Girl:" THANKS MISTER!!!" she said happily.

Bols:" No problem." he said with a cheerful tone.

Little Girl:" But the parts your burned....... WILL NEVER HEAL." she said as in an instant Bols got stabbed in the back of his neck by a poisonous needle.

Bols eyes widen as smoke appeared revealing to be no other than Chelsea.

Chelsea:" That girl I just turned into right now.... was a child from a village you burned down. They were suspected of aiding the Revolutionary Army.... So you burned the whole place down..... I don't expect you to remember every person you killed though."







I always knew...... the Day would come...... When I had to pay for my Sins, but...... but still.....





Bols was now seen dragging himself with tears leaking out of his mask.

Bols:" I must get home..... They're both waiting for me...... I must get home....... home.........." he said.

Bols tried to reach out for the last thought about his wife and daughter before succumbing to the darkness.

Chelsea:"......... Honestly showdowns between people who work in the Shadows are nauseating..." she said as she couldn't help to feel sadness for Bols despite his actions, but she was still on a mission as she then transformed into Bols to go finish off Kurome.

Chelsea:( Next is Kurome. I'll finish her off before she can reconvene with Esdeath..... CP7...... are down to 5.) she thought in her head.












To be continued.......

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