Kenny Mccormick x Reader [mys...

By melody_manager

18.5K 499 1K

Hey, mostly writing this for myself, not good at finishing story's and English is not my first language You l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (1/2)
Chapter 30 (2/2)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 27

332 18 42
By melody_manager

Human kite pov.

It was quite until we arrived at the Racoon layer. "So..uhm that didn't go as planed. Hehe who would've known they would fuse? I would have totally won if they didn't use that dirty trick." Racoon laughed akwardly.

"THAT DOES IT! You fucking kidnapped a innocent Mother! You make us do horrible things! We're supposed to be heros! And even after everything we did Puppeteer saved my life and took the bullet for me." I said annoyed. "Woah kite do you've got sand in your vagina? Because we're the heros. Puppeteer is a villain." Racoon awnsered while rolling his eyes. Then he noticed the angry eyes, looking at him. He finally realized noone is on his side anymore.

"No I don't have sand in my vagina. I accepted that everything I did under you command wasn't heroic. Puppeteer knew what a shitty person I am but she still smiled at me. I feel like shit and so should you!" I yelled. "I agree. Puppeteer isn't a villain. She would've safed everyone in this room. Even you Racoon. Baronette had every right to beat you up." Mysterion added.

"Guys what am I supposed to do about it? Cmon everybody makes mistakes." Racoon tried to safe himself. "I say we should be the f-freedom palls again without Ra- r- Racoon." fast pass suggested. Everyone agreed. "WHAT?! You're nothing without me!" Racoon protested.

Noone replied to him and just left. I hope Puppeteer and Y/ns mom are safe. I'll ask Y/n tommorow. God I feel horrible.

Y/n pov.

Call girl brought my mom home and I hugged her very tight. "I'm so glad you're okay!" I cried. I was so scared she'd get hurt. Matthew hugged her too and she hugged us back. "I'm so sorry ma'am." he said. "I don't blame you, it's okay. Important is that we didn't get hurt." she smiled. We could tell she's tired.

"But we need to talk. Sit down on the couch please." she said worried. I think I know what's coming. Matthew and me sat down and my mom sat down infront of us. "This wasn't okay. Yes, Racoon kidnapped me but you didn't need to beat him up that badly. He's still a kid and clearly had no chance against you. I also don't want you to be mean to all the heros at school. I want you to be nice and not get physical with them. No insults, no pushing and don't forget to be polite and smile. Is that clear?" she asked with a serious tone.

Yep that's the thing about my mom. She can't be rude, she doesn't hate and she would never insult someone unless they did something bad to me. She's the nicest person alive. I always try my best to be like her but it's hard when there is someone around kidnapping you and your mom. I knew she would say that but Matthew looked completely irritated.

"Are you serious? They kidnapped you and me too. Why should we be kind to them?" he asked confused. My mom sighed and explained how she doesn't like people being rude. She thinks if you're nice to people they'll be nice to u too. She clearly didn't spend much time with Racoon.

Matthew didn't try to argue with her anymore. Mom told us to go to bed since it's late and so we did. I can't believe she thinks that Racoon didn't know better. I sighed and looked at Matthew. "What?" he asked harshly. "I'm just wondering. I know our contract says u need to help me and keep our secret but.. I feel like you actually care about my mom. People usally don't bond fast to an adult unless they have parental issues. I don't know how demons feel about this tho." I explained.

Matthew raised an eyebrow. "Since when are you a psychologist?" he asked while glaring at me. "I don't know. How are your parents? Do they like you?" I asked curious. "I- not really. All u need to know is that I hate my 'Parents'. Stop asking me about them." he huffed. I know he's only telling me this much because he knows I can make him awnser. I wonder what happened between him and his parents.

-next day-

Kenny texted me he would walk to school with me. So I waited for him at my doorstep. "Do we really have to wait for him?" Matthew asked annoyed. I nodded and a few minutes later Kenny arrived.

We did our secret handshake and headed to school. "Soooo, do you know what important event is happening this week?" Kenny asked. I knew he was talking about his birthday. "Nope, I have no idea." I said jokingly to tease him.

"Oh I know you know it! Did you already get me a gift? Is it cool? Are we gonna do something on my Birthday?" he asked curiously. I shrugged it off with a 'maybe'.

At school Kenny went to his locker and I already walked to classes.

I felt a tab on my shoulder and turned around. I smiled. "Hey Kyle." I said. "Hey Y/n.. I wanted to ask how's your Mother and how's Puppeteer?" he asked. I could hear the guilt in his voice. "They're fine. You should try to reason more with Racoon tho because if that keeps happening I can't guarantee Puppeteer won't post your diary." I explained.

"Oh about that! We kicked out Racoon. We're no longer Racoon and Friends we're the freedom palls again." he whispered. I gave him a suprised look and smiled. "That's great! So we're no longer rivals?" I asked and he nodded.

-after class-

I talked to Kenny since Matthew choose to hang out with the goth kids. "Hey uh, kyle told me about your Mom and Puppeteer. Are they okay?" Kenny asked. I told him they're fine and he sighed in relief.

"Can I come over today?" He asked. Ofc I awnsered with yes.

At lunch I sat with the girls since Olivia wasn't there. I wonder where she is. Wendy told us about her amazing date with Stan. I'm so glad she enjoyed it. She even brought the left over cupcakes and shared them with us. We thanked her and they were delicious! 

- Afternoon -

(This part is really stupid but I'm in my the lorax era)

Kenny and I went over to my house. Kenny threw himself on top of the couch immediately. "So what do you wanna do?" I asked and he thought for a second. "Do you know the Lorax by any chance?" he asked. I nodded and expected him to ask me to watch it with him. "Let's recreate it." he said.

"You mean like dress up?" I giggled and he nodded. "Let's fucking do it. I wanna be the onceler tho" I claimed. "The lorax fits me better anyway." Kenny laughed. Yes, we're very mature for our age.

I grabbed orange body paint and yellow paper. Kenny cut out the eyebrows and mustache and I started to paint his face orange.

He gave me the cut out eyebrows and mustache and I glued it on his orange face. I bursted out laughing and took a picture. "Show me!" he giggled and laughed his ass of when I did.

I went into my wardrobe and put a green suit on and a green zylinder. Ofc we needed to film this masterpiece. We went into the living room.

Kenny stepped on top of the couch and put his legs into his parka to be shorter. I sat up the camera to start.

"This is Paradise." I said and cut a tree (I knocked over a floor lamp) . The Lorax (Kenny) descended from heaven (he jumped down the couch). "I am the Lorax and I speek for the trees. Don't cut the fucking trees you parentless fuck." the Lorax said holding his laughter. I did my best to not throw myself on the floor and die.

"I'll pound you and your mustache." I said angrily, went up to the bedroom and layd in bed. The lorax picked my bed up and put in into the river (he carried me to the Bathroom and put me into the Bathtub). A wave hit my body that woke me up (He sprinkled some water in my face).

"OMG WHERE AM I?! I'M GONNA DIE!" I yelled. I was about to fall down the waterfall but luckily the lorax catapulted me out of the river. I landed on the ground and died. "OMG!" he took 2 Bears (Rags) rubbed them against each other to make electricity and revive me.

"OMG you safed my Life thank you so much Mustache! I promise to never chop down another tree." I said. "Thanks you so much." the lorax said. We walked to my home (the wardrobe) and I showed him my thneed. "You dead ass chopped down my tree for this crap?" he asked. "Kys."

A crowd started to sing about how they wanted a thneed and suddenly my Family appeared (never happened).  What a change of events!

"You won't chop down another tree right?" the lorax asked. "Ofc not" I said while grabbing my e-guitar. "HOW B-A-A-A-A-D CAN I BE? I'M JUST DOING WHAT COMES NATURALLY!" I sang and started to chop down all the trees (I knocked all the lamps in the house over). The Lorax tried to stop me but he couldn't. "AND THE CUSTOMERS ARE BUYING AND THE MONEY MULTIPLYING AND THE PR PEOPLE LYING AND THE LAWYERS ARE DENIYING!" I kept singing.

"You ruined this place.." the lorax sighed. "Chill there r still some trees left" I argued while I chopped down a tree (floor lamp). "Not anymore." the lorax said disappointed. That's when I realized that was the last tree (knocked over the last floor lamp in the house).

The lorax shook his hand, grabbed his ass and flew up to the sky (Kenny grapped his pants and jumped up the couch). My family left and now I'm an orphan.

Kenny and I looked at each other for a few seconds. "Pfft- HAHHAHAHA" We couldn't hold it anymore. We started to cry from laughter and Kenny almost choked. I started to cough because I couldn't breath either.

Suddenly the door went open. It was Matthew and he gave us a distraught look. Especially when he saw Kenny. "Guys.. Wtf." he said. Me and Kenny bursted out laughing again. Kenny sounded like a Kettle or a Hyena. This made it even funnier and we laid laughing on the ground for 10 more minutes holding our stomach.

We calmed down and I grabbed the camera. We were watching the video and laughed a whole lot again. We created a Masterpiece. Even Matthew had to grin a littel when he saw the video.

- 9 pm -

"I need to go Home now" Kenny said. Ofc he cleaned himself up and I walked him to the door. I also changed back into normal clothes.

The Moonlight was shining down on us and we looked at each other. "You look pretty.." Kenny mumbled. "What did you say?" I asked incase I misunderstood him. "Uh I said you look shitty! Goodbye Y/n!" he said. I smiled and waved as he left.

It's actually good he needs to leave since I wanna go on patrol today. "Matthew will u go for Puppeteer tonight?" I asked and he nodded. I went down to the Base and dressed up as white knight.

I dissappeared into the darkness of night and watched out for bad guys.

- 1h later -

The crime rate has been going down a lot lately. Not a single crime tonight. Ofc I'm happy about this but it's also kinda boring. I sat down on the rooftop of the City Hall. I looked up to the moon and sighed.

"Is something on your mind?" someone asked. I know that someone to well. "Nope, I'm just bored, Mysterion." I smiled but didn't move. "Sooo.. We're no longer Rivals huh?" he stated.

"Hm Y/n told me about this whole freedompall thing going on. I'm glad you finally realized that Racoon doesn't deserve to be a hero. Still, we can be rivals if you want. I think you're worthy." I awnsered.

Mysterion sat next to me. "Oh I'm worthy huh?" he chuckled. I nodded. "So that means you still won't tell me your true identity? Sometimes it feels like you're not a real person." he said. "It doesn't matter who I am. I'm here for you Mysterion. See? I'm real." I said and put my hand on his shoulder.

He sighed. "I want to ask you something." he mumbled. "Go on." I said curious. "Is your curse worse then mine? I am curious how bad it really is." he asked. I thought about this for a second. "Mysterion, I can't imagine a curse worse then yours. My 'curse' is a blessing compared to yours. I only feel pain for a short amount of time. You on the other hand know how it feels to die in the most cruel and brutal ways possible. I'm really impressed that you can live with this." I awnsered.

He slowls nodded. "Are you happy with your curse?" he wondered. "Yes, I don't need to be so careful while fighting and overall it makes things easier. This way I can make people happy without taking breaks because of injuries." I explained.

"White Knight, I asked if you're happy not how you make others happy. Because you might make everyone happy but I think you sometimes wanna be actually dead, just like me." he mumbled.

I gave him a surprised glance. "No no you've got it wrong. I mean I think it's kinda funny and kinda sad. The situation I'm in is complicated but I live in life and leave the dying to the dead." I said with a cheerful grin.

"Poetic as ever." he chuckled. "By the way. I've got poems in my locker everyday. Do you know something about that?" he asked. "I don't know, looks like you got a secret admirer." I grinned and he gave me a suspicious look.

"Do you admire someone?" he asked with a smirk. "Sure I do. I admire you, puppeteer, call girl and-" I was cut off. "No I mean do you have a crush on someone." he asked. My smile faded. "Yes but he doesn't like me that way." I replied. "What's his name?" he asked curious.

I clenched my fist for a second but stood up and sighed. I looked at him one last time and cleared my throat. "Looks like I'm not needed tonight. It's like the crime ran away in fright of the light that brightens the night called white knight." I said before quickly leaving. "Hey wait!" he yelled but I didn't look back.

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