Flame Emperor........

Oleh Zeromicz

32K 890 100

A Young Pirate from the East Blue sets off in the world to become someone. However, he soon finds out that th... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 1#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 2#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 3#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 4#
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73 [ The End]

Chapter 29

278 11 0
Oleh Zeromicz

Akame was now seen engaging in a one on one against her younger sister Kurome in the air as their blades clash against each other generating a large shockwave.

Akame jumped back as Kurome smirked before one of the zombies attempted to slash Akame on the back, only for Akame to counter the zombie and block his attempted slash.

Akame turned her gaze as her eyes widen.

He was young man with short, blond hair and blue eyes. He wears a mask that covers the lower half of his face and a long trench coat with green blue scarf. He also wore pants with knee-height boots. He carries a spear-like weapon with him.

- Natala, former of Lieutenant Commander of the Imperial Capital -

Akame:" NATALA!!!!!" she yelled in shock as the three both landed on the ground on their feet.

Akame and Natala started engaging into a battle as Akame easily dominated Natala due to her knowledge in Haki and slashed the zombie in half generating a energy slash that cut the cliff of a mountain.

Akame then turned to Kurome with a look of anger in her face.

Akame:" PUT HIM BACK IN THE GROUND WHERE HE BELONGS!!!! YOU GREW UP WITH HIM AS SIBLINGS!!!!!!!" she yelled as Kurome flash stepped, coated her blade with Armament Haki and went to slash Akame who countered her little sister.

Kurome:" What are you talking about, sister? It's because he was my 'brother' that I want to stay with him. I'm going to add you to my collection too. Then we can be together again like the old days." she said with a creepy smile.

Akame:" Don't even joke about that!!!" she yelled at her little sister.

Kurome:" Too bad." she said as Natala's body reformed back to normal and went to aid Kurome pushing back Akame.

Bols then pointed his flametrower at Akame.

Bols:" Magma Drive!!!" he yelled as a sphere of Magma was sent towards Akame direction.

Akame then got rescued by Y/n who flew towards her and grabbed her before she got hit by it.

Akame looked at Y/n with shock as Y/n then spoke up.

Y/n:" YOU AREN'T FOCUS!!!!!!!! IT'S NOT LIKE YOU, AKAME!!!!" he yelled at her as he then landed on the ground.

Akame then let go off Y/n and looked down on the ground in sadness.

Y/n:" Looks like this won't be an easy opponent to take down!!!" he said as the Screaming Death charged towards their direction.

Kurome and Zombie Natala went into a safer place which was the forest to hide as Kurome used her Observation Haki to look at the situation happening with her sister.

Kurome:" Sister. You betrayed us to join them........... GO, SCREAMING DEATH!!!!" she yelled as the Danger Beast started firing rapid fireballs.

Y/n created a fire wall to counter the Danger Beast raging attacks which luckly worked due to his Logia abilities.

Mine who was hiding behind a tree was in awe by the strength of the Danger Beast.

Mine:" SO THIS IS A SUPER CLASS DANGER BEAST LIKE THEY USE FOR MAKING TEIGU!!! IT'S CRAZY POWERFUL!!!!" she yelled in shock at the destruction the Danger Beast was causing.

Kurome:" Just as I'd expected from Night Raid....... They skillfully countered it......" she said with a smile while eating her cookie.

Najenda had a frown on her face as Lubbock was seen inside of the tree leafs with a shock expression on his face.

Lubbock:" So the battle's begun....." he said as he gulped before remembering what Najenda told him.






Najenda:" I'm ordering Chelsea to carry out Guerrilla tactics for this mission. You're an expert in assassinations, but you're not cut out for direct combat. I'm leaving you in charge of the timing and other details too." she said.

Chelsea:" You got it. I'll carry it out efficiently." she said with a bright smile.

Najenda:" Lubbock you act as her lookout. Set up a barrier of strings and keep an eye on the skies too. Also. In the event CP7 comes here stop them with Crawstail's Trump Card. This is an importan mission..... We have to plan in place to keep Esdeath and her team from getting here, but...... We never know what the real battle will bring. I want to leave this to you because you're an adaptive thinker." she said while grabbing both of his shoulders causing Lubbock to blush.

Lubbock*blushing*:" G-GOT IT!!!! YOU CAN COUNT ON ME!!!" he yelled with confidence.








Lubbock:( I'll carry out my duty without fail....... Najenda...... and when I get back from this trip, I think I'll finally tell her how I really feel. If I don't take action soon, she'll be swept away by another man..... but this is no time to be thinking about that! I've got to focus!!!)  he thought in his head.

Meanwhile with Jinbe and Wave, Jinbe was creating a tornado made with water as Wave leapt towards the tornado and trew an Armament Haki punch towards it blowing the attack away before it could've been executed.

Wave:" Knight of the Sea!!!!! FIRE FIST Y/N IS MY OPPONENT NOT YOU!!!!! HE'S THE REASON I GOT THIS STRONG, SO THAT I COULD'VE BEEN ABLE TO HURT HIM THIS TIME!!!!" he yelled as he wanted to fight Y/n not Jinbe.

Jinbe started backflipping in the air before landing on the ground generating a shockwave, but Wave didn't flinch.

Jinbe:" A brat like you barging is like a sword without a sheath...... To go to Y/n, you must go through me. If you're not able to beat me, then you're no match for him." he told to Wave.

Wave:" I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT YOU WARLORD!!!!!!!! MY ONLY FOCUS IS FIRE FIST!!!!!!!" he yelled as he flash stepped coated his kicks in Armament Haki and started trowing a barrage of them at Jinbe.

Jinbe used his Observation Haki and Armament to counter his attacks.

Jinbe:" FishMan Karate....... SHIZURASE!!!!!" he yelled as he completely countered Wave's attacks.

Wave got pushed back and growled angrily.

Wave leapt towards Jinbe again and trew a palm strike as Jinbe countered it by using a front kick coated in Armament Haki.

The attacks caused a huge shockwave and split several mountains apart.

Jinbe then struck Wave with a barrage of punches coated in Armament Haki sending the Commodore flying back.

Wave then started generating after images of himself making Jinbe eyes widen as he thought that there were multiple Waves around him.

However the real Wave manage to land a powerful flying kick towards Jinbe which generated a large shockwave.

When the smoke was cleared Jinbe was seen standing on his feet with his right hand injured.

Jinbe:( My Armament Haki didn't even faze him!!!!) he thought in his head in shock as Wave came out the smoke as Grand Chariot was steaming.

Wave:" Hey, between me and Fire Fist. Who's stronger?" he asked as Grand Chariot was steaming even more meaning Wave was evolving as the fight was progressing.

Meanwhile back with Y/n and Akame they were now both looking at the Screaming Death.

Y/n:" The Screaming Death certainly packs a punch. BUT HE DON'T HIT LIKE ME!!!!" he said as he flash stepped and jumped as the Screaming Death flew towards Y/n.

Y/n coated his fist with Armament Haki ,spin on himself and add his fire aswell.

Y/n:" HIKEN!!!!" he yelled.

Y/n punched the Screaming Death across its face sending the Danger Beast flying to the left, whoever the Screaming Death recovered quickly and started firing rapid fire again at Y/n.

Y/n smirked and started flying around the Screaming Death as the Screaming Death followed him.

Akame was in awe, but felt sad as she felt like she wasn't being useful.

Mine then took the aim of Kurome again trying to shot her only for Kurome to react quickly due to her Observation Haki as she coated her blade with Armament Haki and swong an Haki energy slash towards where Mine was currently at.

Mine:" OH, SH*T!!!!" she yelled as she jumped out of the way but it caused a big explosion.

Mine then started coughing as she was covered in dirt.

She was about to whine until gun shots were sent towards her direction causing the pinkette to start dodge.

Mine looked at who just tried to shot her.

She wore a brown hat, a vest which was joined by a red scarf, and boots which represented the southerner type of outfit. She also wore a gray, long sleeved shirt underneath. She had a pale skin color due to her zombification, and also had long, blond hair and green eyes.

- Doya, former of Bounty Hunter from the North Blue -

Mine:" A gun-fight, huh?!? Fine by me!!!!" she yelled as she engage in battle with Doya.

Meanwhile with Leone she was now battling a Danger Beast, known as Apeman.

Apeman was a large, sasquatch-like Danger Beast, considered a Special Class.

- Apeman, Special Class Danger Beast -

Apeman growled at Leone as Leone smirked.

Leone:" So, another zombie Danger Beast other than the Screaming Death....... I haven't seen his type before." she said assuming a boxer stance.

Apeman proceeded to trow himself at Leone trowing wild punches, only for Leone to dodge them all, coated her left fist with Armament Haki and struck the Danger Beast sending it flying away in the air.

Then another zombie landed infront of Leone.

Leone:" A new player, huh?" she said with arrogance.

He was an human-looking child, with distinctive traits. A pair of black-feathered wings on his back as well as silver-white hair and brown skin. In addition, He had a plume of fire near-constantly burning on his back with great stature despite his age.

- Henter, zombiefied Lunarian -

Henter then raised his index finger as Leone got blasted in the chest by a beam of fire so strong it bypassed her Haki.

Leone coughed blood out of her mouth.

Leone was sent flying in the air.

Bols was now seen using his flametrower against Akame to push her back away from him.

Akame:" I can't let you support them with those flames. I'll bury you!!!" she yelled at Bols.

Bols:" I can't believe she's charging straight for me......." he said as Akame managed to flash step behind him and went to slash him until another one of Kurome's zombies prevented her from accomplishing her killing.

He was a bald man wearing a white suit with a gray shirt and a tie. He also wore black sunglasses and had a wind rose-like tattoo on his forehead. The same symbol decorated his jacket's pocket.

- Isiah Tombstone -

Akame:( Murasame couldn't pierce him!!!! He can use Haki?) she thought in her head with shock as Isiah proceeded to coat his kick in Armament Haki and kicked Akame far away.

As Leone body was flying a whip wrapped around her left ankle bring her down and slammed her at full force, making a huge crater.

The man who did it was a middle aged man with red hair who wore what happered to be a vest and a robe underneath, along with black trousers and sandals. He had purple eyes.

- Rokugou, former of Vice-Admiral of the Imperial Capital -

Leone groaned in annoyence as she rose up with an angered look on her face.

Leone held her chest in pain due to the attack that the Lunarian kid did to her.

Leone:" Okay, now you've gone and done it." she said as Rokugou coated his whip with Armament Haki and started hitting Leone with a barrage of attacks as Leone was on guard the entire time to avoid critical hits.

Leone:" Y-You little....." she clentched her teeth as Rokugou had a blank expression on his face.

Kurome was seen sitting on a rock admiring the battle that was happening with a smile on her face as Natala was standing next to her.

Kurome:" Woah, what a Battle Royal. It's getting interesting!" she said with a bright smile on her face as Akame received a gut punch from Isiah sending her flying through a mountain.

Akame started skipping the ground like a rock skipping on the water before crashing on the floor.

Akame started panting as she looked up to see Isiah body covered in Armament Haki.

Akame:" K-Kurome....." she said weakly as Kurome started talking.

Kurome:" See? They're not too bad. My zombies, I mean. Doya was a Bounty Hunter sent from the North Blue. You can still see that confident look in her face though when I killed her, she was bawling her eyes out. Isiah was a famous bodyguard and a master of Armament Haki. I killed him because he was protecting my target. Apeman's a meathead but since he's easy to use, he's always been my favorite. Henter was a dying child of an extincted race known as the Lunarian. He's got some tricky moves, so it was tough taking him down, I'm particulary proud of that one. Rokugou was a Vice-Admiral from the empire. He was found to have turned to the Revolutionary Army, Fleet Sdmiral Esdeath gave him to me as agift for my successful missions. The Screaming Death was found hibernating in a deep carven in Seiga. That wasa lucky find. And Natala's been my teammate and brother since we were little. When I'm using my Devil Fruit, they'll do anything to make sure I don't get hurt. but the last one is a even bigger monster I just recently turned into a zombie. But I'll introduce him a little later." she said with a teasing tone.

Apeman then jump where Leone was at and proceed to stomp her down, making a huge crater as Leone coughed blood out of her mouth.

Kurome:" It's no use. They're zombies, they can't feel pain no more. Even if you stab them, they'll keep moving. Unless you defeat me, that is." she said as Apeman then picked up Leone as Rokugou was ready to whipped her again

Leone eyes open wide as they glowed bright golden as she caught the whip.

Leone brought Rokugou closer as Najenda came out her hiding spot coated her metal arm in Advanced Armament Haki and punched the Vice-Admiral so hard it blew into atoms and generating a massive earthquake and shockwave.

Leone was freed from Apeman due to the potency of Najenda's attack as the Screaming Death got sent flying away and Y/n almost lost his balance in the air due to Najenda's force.

Najenda:" Vice-Admiral Rokugou as a former of colleague, I will free you from this curse as soon as I can." she said as blood came out of her mouth for some odd reason.

Leone:" It's been a while since, I've seen the boss in a fight." she said as she rose up despite the injuries she sustained.

Kurome then leapt towards the already weakned Leone and coated her blade with Armament Haki.

Leone used her Observation Haki and attempt to prevent that from happening however Najenda intervene and blocked Kurome attempt using her metal arm.

The blade pierced through the arm but luckly didn't reach Najenda's face.

Kurome then jumped back with her blade as Leone growled at her.

Leone:" You little b*tch!!!" she yelled angrily.

Kurome:" Hehehe, as I expected what Fleet Admiral said about you was right. You can't fight the same as you once were able to. Once I see an opening, I go right for it. And I'll keep going until you're dead." she said to Najenda now knowing that Najenda wasn't in her prime.

Kurome:( I'll wrap things up sooner than I thought.) she thought in her head  as Najenda started coughing.

Leone then stepped up as she got an all fours.

Leone:" Now, you've done it......." she said with golden aura coming out of her body aswell as steam.







Meanwhile with Chelsea she had now set up her traps with a smirk on her face.

Chelsea:( I'm also the kind of girl who goes right for an opening when I see it..) seh thought in her head with a smile on her face.








To be continued........

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