Just Internet Friends {m.g.c}

By IrwinsLaughing

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Friend /frɛnd/ noun a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of... More

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By IrwinsLaughing

The big question was. Do I keep this a secret from Luna? Would there be more damage from her knowing or from her not. Would their connection be stronger if they met? Or would it just be just the fact that maybe this connection meant that they were supposed to be together.

People always said that the person you're meant to be with, you have this connection with them. I didn't think that the stories meant it literally.

I had left the hospital an hour later after Lorelai told me that Luna kept on mumbling Calum's name. We were extremely jet lagged and we had barely had any time by ourselves ever since we met, we thought it would just be a good idea to spend some actual time together.


From: Luke ^.^

I found the cutest photo of us online!


To: Luke ^.^

There's photos of us online?


From: Luke ^.^

Yeah!! Look!! *Photo attached*


To: Luke ^.^

Did someone actually draw us!! That's so cute, but really weird..


From: Luke ^.^

How is is weird?


To: Luke ^.^

Someone drawing you without permission or anything? I just think it's weird especially because there's no photo to draw that off of..


From: Luke ^.^

We could make a photo like that ;-)


From: Luke ^.^

We're coming back to England, soon, we could do so much!


To: Luke ^.^

Like what?


From: Luke ^.^

Kiss your mouth passionately


From: Luke ^.^

Take you back to my hotel ;-)


To: Luke ^.^

Oh Luke..


From: Luke ^.^

ugh yeah you'd say it just like that ;-)


To: Luke ^.^

No no! Not like that Luke


From: Luke ^.^

What do you mean babe?


To: Luke ^.^

I don't think I'm ready for that yet..


From: Luke ^.^

You're not ready for it?


From: Luke ^.^

You're not a virgin are you?


From: Luke ^.^

Ohh shit..


From: Luke ^.^

I thought, with you having Charlie as a friend you just..


From: Luke ^.^

Ri, please answer!


To: Luke ^.^

You thought because I'm friends with Charlie what?


From: Luke ^.^

I just thought that you'd had already... you know..


To: Luke ^.^

You thought because Charlie gets around that I did too? Did you think I was easy or something?


From: Luke ^.^

Noooo!!! You're getting the wrong idea!!


To: Luke ^.^

Whatever, don't text me


From: Luke ^.^

No baby listen


From: Luke ^.^

babe, baby please don't do this, listen to me, please!


I threw my phone on the floor refusing to read whatever he said. Was he only dating me to get that? What was actually happening?

I had to stop thinking about him, I couldn't stand him at this moment.

Did I seem like a slut? Did I seem like I gave it? I didn't think that I looked like I'd do anything like that on a whim. Is that really what people thought of me? Did Michael think that of me? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if Michael thought that of me.

"Ri? Are you ok? The pizza is ready." I heard Michael speak through my bedroom door. With my face red I opened the door to see the worried look on Michael's face, when I felt the tears run down my face he immediately pulled me in for a hug. "What's wrong? Have you got any news on Luna?"

"No, it's not that Michael." I sniffed, wiping my nose with the back of my hand a grimacing when I feel the wet snot run.

"Ok, you go downstairs and dig into the pizza and I'll go get you some tissues." Michael said, quickly giving me a tight hug before letting me walk past him nodding to go down the stairs towards the smell of pizza in my kitchen.

Once I shared the pieces between us equally on individual plates, I placed them both on my dining room table seeing Michael sat there smiling at me, holding out a packet of tissues.

"I always make sure I have a spare pack in my travels." Michael smiled at me. "Now are you going to tell me why you were crying?"

"Do you think I'm easy?" I asked, picking up the meat feast slice of pizza and taking a bite.

"What do you mean easy?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"Do you think it'd be easy to get me into bed?" I said abruptly. I didn't want to be as forward as that but I needed an answer, it was killing me on the inside.

"No!" Michael nearly spits out his pizza in shock. "Why would you even think that?!"

"It's nothing, really." I shrugged, not really wanting to talk about it. All I wanted was an answer for my question I didn't want Michael to get angry at Luke for it, I didn't want to feel at fault of him falling out with his best friend.

"Ri, don't hold things in, tell me what happened." Michael reached over and grabbed my hand, this action soon followed by him moving around the table to comfort me properly.

"Someone just said something and I don't know, it got me thinking is all." Mumbling, I pulled my hand away from his and played with his small fingers in my lap. It wasn't long until Michael's spare arm had wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me towards him in a comforting manner.

"Who said what?" He asked.

"If I tell you promise not to be mad." I said, turning my head to look at him to see Michael hesitate but agree after a couple of minutes. "Luke said he was surprised I was a virgin because I'm friends with Charlie. He said that he thought I was like..."

"He fucking didn't." I heard Michael say through gritted teeth. "I'm gonna kill him."

"It's really not that big of a deal Michael!" I tried to calm him down, I really didn't want them to fall out over this.

"But it is a big deal! I trusted him and this is what he fucking does?!" Michael shouted, standing up and pacing the room.

"Trusted him? Did you guys discuss dating with me? You're not my dad!" I said, raising my voice, now that was getting me angry.

"Yes! No!" Michael groaned, "It's complicated."

"Really?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him, not believing a word he was saying, it couldn't be complicated.

"Yes, I let him break the bro code to date you!" Michael replied angrily, and to be honest I didn't know whether he was angry at Luke or me anymore.

"Breaking the 'bro code'?" I asked, putting my fingers up to mimic Michael when saying 'bro code'.

"Yes! Because you're so fucking blind to even notice anything going on around you!" Michael seethed, almost going red in the face.

I backed away slightly hurt by Michael's harsh words. "I'm not blind." Shaking my head and looking down, not daring to look at him in the eyes.

"Ri, look at me." I heard Michael whisper, feeling his hand move my chin up to face him, "I know I shouldn't tell you this because you're still dating Luke but I can't fucking take this anymore." Furrowing my eyebrows, I watched him smile before continuing. "I fucking love you, Ri. You're my best friend, you're the most perfect person that I've ever met in my life and I don't know what I'd do if you left my life."

Before I could even respond to what Michael said his lips were connected to mine. I didn't kiss back at first, how could I? I was shocked at the fact that Michael had just said that he loved me, and at the fact that he was in fact trying to kiss me. The warm feeling that soon spread through me though at the realization that he was kissing me!

I ran my hands slowly up his chest and towards the back of his neck as I finally started kissing back. It was euphoric; feeling his lips placed on mine gave me that slight tingle down my back that you only get when someone plays with your hair.

It wasn't long until Michael pulled away and mumbled: "I love you so fucking much, it kills me on the inside when I see you with Luke."

I stared at him for a couple minutes, just to check that it was real. When realizing that I wasn't actually dreaming I smiled and pressed my lips hard against his own again, tugging at the roots of his hair - making him moan quietly - before pulling away and grinning at him.

"I love you too, Michael." I said, watching as his smile widen whilst he analysed my face.

"Screw it, I'm gonna argue with Luke anyway." Michael shrugged, pulling me in closer and placing his lips on mine again.



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