Flame Emperor........

By Zeromicz

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A Young Pirate from the East Blue sets off in the world to become someone. However, he soon finds out that th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 1#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 2#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 3#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 4#
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73 [ The End]

Chapter 15

578 15 1
By Zeromicz

Back at the NightRaid hideout Akame was now in shock to hear that Esdeath kidnapped Y/n.

Akame:" Y/n's been kidnapped by Esdeath?!?!" she yelled.

Mine:" Did she realized he was with NightRaid?!?" she asked.

Lubbock:" I don't know, maybe 50/50." he said not understanding the situation aswell and the reason why Esdeath kidnapped him.

Leone:" M-Maybe its because he used Haki. And she sensed it. After that he was taken probably to the Palace." she said.

Akame looked down.

Akame:( Y/n.....) she thought in her head.

Leone was now thinking of a plan as Mine spoke up.

Mine:" You'd better not suggest some crazy idea, like that we go and save him, Akame. The Palace is full of traps and guards remember? We don't even know the skills of CP7. We couldn't get in, even under normal conditions. And Y/n's true identity might not have been found out yet." she told Leone.

Leone:" Either way, let's temporarily move our base deeper into the mountains." she said.

Akame:" Good idea. We might be found here." she said.

Lubbock:" But what do we do about Y/n? I don't want to think the worst, but-" he was then interrupted by Akame.

Akame:" I know. We won't charge without plan. But, Y/n is our precious comrade. We'll do what we can!!!" she said.









In the Palace, Y/n was now seen tied up on Sea Stone chains against a wall as Esdeath proceeded to introduce him to her squad.

Esdeath:" And so... this is our new backup member for CP7. Portgas D. Y/n." she said.

Bols:" You brought a Civilian in here? Just like that?" he asked.

Esdeath*blushing*:" He'll have everything, he could ever want here. And he's not only a spare for the team. I felt it...... Portgas D. Y/n is going to be my lover..." she said with hearts in her eyes as Y/n felt shivers down the back of his spine.

Wave:" B-But, why is he chained up like a dog?" he asked as he sweatdropped.

Esdeath:" Because I like him and he'll likely try to run off the moment they are off him." she said as she shrugged with innocent puppy eyes.

Ran:" If you want a real lover and not a..... pet. You might want to remove them." he said with calm smile.

Esdeath then started thinking about it, before she agreed.

Esdeath:" That's true. I'll take them off." she said as she removed few chains from Y/n's body....... just a few.

Wave sweatdropped at her boss anthics.

Esdeath:" While we're on the subject has anyone here ever been in a relationship or married?" she asked as Bols quickly raised his arm up making most of his teammates shocked.

Seryu:" B-Bols is it true?!?" she asked in shock.

Bols then started blushing.

Bols*blushing*:" Y-Yes, I've been married for 6 years. She's such a good person. I don't deserve her." he said with an innocent tone making most of his teammates sweatdropped and shcok by this revelation.

Y/n:" Excuse me. I'm flattered that you like me, but I have no desire to serve the empire or you." he said with a deadpanned expression on his face, before Esdeath petted his head.

Esdeath*blushing*:" Heheh. I'll enjoy doing something about your disobedience." she said as she wanted to 'punish' him.

Y/n:" LISTEN TO WHAT I'M SAYING!!!" he yelled angrily making Esdeath more tempted into doing 'that'.

Seryu:" Now, Now. This is all so sudden. he's just having an hard time adjusting." she said with a smile as veins appeared on Y/n's forehead.

Y/n then look at her neck to see she was wearing a purple beaded necklace.

Y/n:( Sheele......) he thought in his head as he was now restraining back his anger, remembering what Bulat told him about his fiery temper that could get him in trouble.

Seryu then kneel down and started talking friendly to Y/n.

Seryu:" It's going to be okay.... We're on the side of Absolute Justice, so don't worry. Do you remember? We met once before." she said with a bright smile as Y/n kept his look down avoiding her gaze.

Y/n:( The first opportunity I find. I'm getting away from here.) he thought in his head.

Then a soldier stepped in the room.

Esdeath Soldier:" Fleet Admiral Esdeath. We've completed our investigation of the area sorrounding Lake Gyogan as you ordered." he yelled.

Esdeath:" What a perfect timing. You guys have your first big mission of the day. I'm sure you're aware of the bandit stronghold that's recently been erected in lake Gyogan." she told her subordinates as she pulled out a map and placed it on the table to show them.

Seryu:" Of course. Bad guys from the outskirts of the Capital have been flocking there." she said.

Esdeath:" Hmm. Since we don't know where Night Raid is, we'll have to put that matter on the back burner. First we'll crush the enemy, we can see." she said.

Bols:" And if the enemy surrenders, what do we do?" he asked to Esdeath.

Esdeath:" Surrender is what the weak do and it's natural law of the world that the weak are picked off." she said with a smirk.

Seryu:" Hahahaha. The chance to go out and massacre all the bad guys I want makes me so glad I joined this squad." she said with a bright shining smile.

Esdeath:" Exterminate them to your heart's content." she said with a cheerful smile.

Seryu:" I will!!" she said with a smile of admiration towards the Fleet Admiral.

Wave and Y/n were disturbed by this.

Wave and Y/n:( What kind of conversation is this?) they thought in their heads.

Esdeath:" Before we deploy, listen up. I want each of you to take down at least dozen of these men. This is the only kind of work we will be doing from now on. You're ready for it, I trust?" she asked.

Bols:" I'm a soldier. I will follow my orders. And somebody has to do this job." he said with a serious tone.

Kurome:" Likewise I carry out my orders without objection. I always have and I always will." she said as she pulled out her katana.

Y/n eyes widen as a silhuette of Akame appear behind Kurome as Wave was removing the chains from Y/n allowing the young man to move.

Wave:" I owe my life to a man in the Navy. When I asked how I could repay him..... He told me to work my hardest for the country!! So, I'm going to do it. Even if it costs me my life!!" he said with determination as he pulled out his Teigu.

Ran:" in order to grant a certain wish I want to advance in the world. And to do that I must perform an act of distinguished service. I may not look like it, but I'm overflowing with zeal." he said as he put down his book.

Esdeath:" What about you, doctor?" she asked to Dr. Stylish.

Dr. Stylish:" Hmp. My guiding principle is simple. The pursuit of stylishness!!! HOW STRONG..... HOW MERCILESS....... AAAH, HERE STANDS GOD!!!! IT'S THAT STYLISHNESS!!! I WISH TO STUDY IT!!!!" he said with his flamboyant tone while bowing down like he was in an opera making Esdeath sweatdrop.

Esdeath:" Good. None of you have any hesitations.... I wouldn't accept anything less. Let's move out!!! We're going, Y/n!!!" she said and the second she turn Y/n fell face on the ground ans started sleeping making everyone sweatdrop.








It was now night, The members of CP7 were now seen standing at the base of the enemy.

Ran:" We memorized the lay of the land and the enemy's locations, but what's our strategy?" he asked with a calm smile.

Seryu:" Justice must fight fair and square... So, we'll attack head on!!!" she said with a smile of confidence.

Y/n then woke up to see he was laying on Esdeath's lap.

Esdeath was blushing like a school girl as Y/n turned pale like a ghost.

Y/n quickly got off Esdeath's lap and put his hat on.

Y/n:" Erm.... W-Where are we?" he asked.

Esdeath*blushing*:" We'll watch over their battle from here." she said with a smile while Y/n realized that she put a bracelet on his left wrist which was attached to hers to make sure he wouldn't escape from her.








The enemy immidiatly detected their presence as they aimed their weapons at them.

Enemy:" Intruders!!! Everybody assemble!!!" he yelled.

Enemy 2:" Hey you!! Do you know where you are?!?!" he asked angrily.

Enemy 3:" You've got a lot of nerve using the front door!!!" he yelled.

Enemy 4:" You really think you'll live to tell anybody about this?!?!" he asked angrily.

Enemy 5:" Oooh? There are some cuties among them. Let's bring them back home and have some fun with them." he said referring to Seryu and Kurome.

Seryu then made her way towards them.

Seryu:" With the help of the Doctor's Teigu, I'll clear the path first. Koro, bite!!!" she yelled as Koro then turned large and proceeded to tear apart most of the enemies.

Seryu then used her Devil Fruit and turn her arm into an energy cannon.

Seryu:" Judgment of the 10 Kings!!! Justice: Holy Rain!!" she yelled with a crazy smile as she fired a large beam of energy and struck each of the members at the entrance.

Enemy 6:" W-What is she-" he yelled before being bite by Koro and tore apart.

Seryu then blasted the large door allowing their plan to continue.

Ran:" What a destructive entrance." he said with a calm smile.

Wave:" M-Maybe, she'll be fine on her own." he said.

Dr. Stylish:" I enchanced her Devil Fruit capabilities by handing more weapons in her body. The glorious God's Hands: Perfector. Increases the minute movements of your fingers several hundreds fold. It's the Ultimate Stylish Teigu! No matter what injuries you sustain, as long as you're not actually dead, I can revive you perfectly. I'll even trown in some cybernatic weapons." he said with a  flirting tone towards Ran.

Ran:" I'll pass on the weaponry." he said with a calm smile.

Wave:" I'm thrilled about the healing, but if you've got supportive type Teigu, you need to be protected doctor." he said in a worried tone.

Dr. Stylish then moved to Wave.

Dr. Stylish*blushing*:" Hehehe, save that kindness for our private life." he said making Wave turned pale as be backed away.

Wave:( The disturbance is becoming more and more outrageous.) he thought in his head.

Dr. Stylish then snapped his finger and summoned his creations.

Dr. Stylish:" COME ON OUT!!! MY REINFORCED SOLDIERS!!!" he yelled.

Wave was in awe.

Wave:" W-Woah!!!" he said in awe.

Bols:" Where did they-" he was then interruped by Dr. Stylish talking.

Dr. Stylish:" These are my personal soldiers who have been strengthened by the surgeries I've performed with my Teigu..... In the game of chess, they're my 'Pawns'. They can create weapons too." he said with pride.

Bols:" That's a really versatile Teigu." he said.

Dr. Stylish:" To make a stylish weapon on par with a Teigu. Is my dream." he said with a smirk.

Kurome:" Erm..... While we were talking Kurome already went in." he said with a blank expression on his face.

Wave:" SHE'S FAST!!" he yelled.

Dr. Stylish:" That little girl should've taken the time to listen to me!!!!" he yelled.

Kurome who was inside of the fortress proceed to start slashing all of her oppenents.

Enemy 7:" This girl.... She may look cute, but she's a problem!!!" he yelled as all of the enemies charged at Kurome at the same time.

Kurome then activated her Observation Haki and anticipated every single one of them and slash them apart.

Kurome then put away her katana.

Kurome:" I didn't even have to use 'it'. If I cleaned you up and rearranged you, we could play together. My little shadows." she said with a small emotionless smile.

Then one of the survivors attempt to attack Kurome by shooting her from an halley, only to get kick across the face by Wave knocking him out cold.

Wave then landed next to Kurome with a smile across his face.

Wave:" No need to thank me. We're a team, remember?" he said with a bright smile.

Kurome looked at him with a deadpanned expression on her face.

Kurome:" Uh. I already knew he was there." she said with a deadpanned expression which hurt Wave's pride.

Wave:" S-Seriously?!?!" he asked feeling hurt.

Then some soldiers of the enemy side started firing arrows towards Bols, who then used his Teigu called Rubicante and burned them.

Bols:" This is just another job." he said with a serious expression on his face.

Enemy 8:" H-HOOOOOOT!!!!!! WHAT ARE THESE FLAMES!!!!! THEY WON'T EVEN GO OUT WHEN I DUMP WATER ON MYSELF!!!!" he yelled as he was dumping water on himself but the flames wouldn't stomp.

Those caught by the flames even went as far as to roll to try to make the flames disappear, but they wouldn't stop until the enemy was dead.







Rubicante is a Teigu in the form of flamethrower that creates a stream of flames whenever activated. The flames are so intense that they could not be extinguished, even if submerging oneself in water.











The remaining forces started running away and looking for safety.

Enemy 9:" This isn't funny!! I'm getting out of this Hellhole!!!" he yelled only for him and the remaining forces to get pierced by yellow beams of light, killing them on the spot.

Ran was now seen on top of the walls with a calm peaceful smile on his face.

Ran:" I cannot let anyone escape." he said with his index finger being pointed at them meaning he was the one who fired the beams.






Y/n was in shock as Esdeath then spoke up with a smile on her face.

Esdeath:" Y/n... I'll train you. And then you'll be able to do that in a much quicker time than them." she said.

Y/n:( Y-You? Train me?) he thought in his head as he turn to her still in shock.

Esdeath*blushing*:" Am I different from what you heard about me? To be honest, I've never felt this way before. Never liked someone before. But it's not bad." she said as she placed an hand to her chest.

Y/n:( I don't need............ Wait, wait a second....... I can't forgive her for what she's done in the past, but...... I can exploit her. I'll be the weapon to turn on her when the least is expected...... And bring down the Empire, the casualities will drop.....) he thought in his head.

Y/n:" B-By the way, where will I be living from now on? I can sleep on the garden." he said as Esdeath laughed in amusement.

Esdeath*blushing*:" My room, of course." she said.

Y/n:" Did you say the roof? Okay." he said as he started walking off however he forgot about the bracelet as Esdeath ended up pulling him back as put him in a bear hug.

Y/n:( What's up with this grip?!?) he thought in his head as he couldn't break out of Esdeath bear hug.

Esdeath:" I said.... my room." she then seductively bite his left ear.

Y/n felt chills down his spine as he turned pale.

Y/n:( Gramps!!!!!!! YOU NEVER TOLD ME WHAT DO IF A WOMAN LIKES ME!!!!!! AN EVIL ONE AT WORST!!!!!) he thought in his head as he was blaming Garp.














To be continued.....

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