Flame Emperor........

By Zeromicz

32K 890 100

A Young Pirate from the East Blue sets off in the world to become someone. However, he soon finds out that th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 1#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 2#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 3#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 4#
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73 [ The End]

Chapter 2

1.1K 26 3
By Zeromicz

A young Y/n was seen in a forest sitting on top of a elephant size bear while holding a rusty pipe as an older man was talking to him.

He is a tall, tanned, broad-chested, muscular old man. He has a beard and a scar over his left eye.

- Monkey D. Garp, Vice-Admiral of the Imperial Capital-

Garp:" If you want an high position in the military, you need to start raising your skills. By doing this even if things might get bad you'll be able to survive somehow." he said with acheerful smile on his face.

Y/n:" What? I won't join the military old man. I'll be a pirate." he said with a stern expression on his face.

Garp:" W-What?!? W-Why you!!!!!! YOU'RE GONNA MAKE A FINE ADMIRAL FOR THE IMPERIAL CAPITAL!!!" he yelled in anger.

Y/n just stuck his tounge out as a response earning his grandfather's infamous 'Fist of Love' for such an act.








Gramps, I got to thank you for training me, because now my skills are for great use now.....










Y/n and Leone were now seen drinking a large amount of beer as they were now competing to see who has the geatest stamina out of the two and despite Leone even using her Zoan abilities she ended up falling back her chair ultimatly giving victory to Y/n.

This caused Lubbock and Bulat to cheer for Y/n as Sheele was still reading her book to convince herself she was not a ditsy girl.

Mine was angry at the amount of dirt they have brought in the kitchen because of their foolish challenge.

Y/n:" AKAME!!!!! WHEN IS THE FOOD READY?!?!" he yelled with a drunken smile on his face.

Akame:" I'm th responsible for cooking the hideout's meal and naturally that duty shall be yours aswell." she said with her monotone voice as she wanted to point out that Y/n should be apart of this aswell since they are teammates, but as seemingly always Y/n fell face on the table sleeping like a baby.


Akame:" The boss wants him in. She says he got talent." she said as Y/n the rose up with a dizzy look on his face.

Y/n:" Good morning." he said.

Bulat, Lubbock, Mine:" IT'S NIGHT TIME!!!!!" they yelled at Y/n.

Sheele:" Speaking of nightime, it's time for us to go. We are requested to kill someone in the Capital. Please, Akame take good care of place while we're gone." she told Akame.

Akame:"Uh....Uh...." she simply nodded.

Mine then trew an apron on Y/n's face.

Mine:" Hurry up, maid!!!!! Stay here and chop some cucumbers!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" she said amused by this situation.

The next thing Mine knew was that Y/n was now looking into her food rations.

Mine:" GET AWAY FROM THERE, YOU THIEF!!!!!!" she yelled angrily as she pulled out her Teigu and aimed it at Y/n.

Y/n:" What?" he asked as he already had the whole fried chicken into his mouth.

Mine turned pale as she almost when ballistic until Bulat flash step grabbed her and the others and got out of the kitchen.

Y/n:" Have a nice day." he said as he waved before swallowing the entire fried chicken in an instant.

Akame:" Let's go take some lives of our own." she said.

Y/n:" You mean hunting to cook?" he asked Akame.

Akame:" Yes." she said simply.









Y/n and Akame were now seen walking up to a mountain as Y/n was looking around the place.

Y/n:" Oi, we're pretty far from the Hideout. Is this okay?" he asked.

Akame:" We'll have no problem if we go deeper into the moutains." she said with her monotone voice.

Y/n:" Not much of a talker are we?" he asked with a bright smile.

Akame:"..............................................................................." that was her only response causing Y/n to sweatdropped.

Y/n:"Ah....... I see." he said with an akward smile on his face.








The duo have now managed to arrive to their destination as Y/n was in awe by the sight of the river.

Y/n:" Woah, what a beautiful place. We're gonna neutralize some underwater preys?" he asked to Akame, however as soon as he turned he saw Akame in underwear.

Y/n jawdropped as his face turned red as a tomato.

Akame:" I'll be going after the elegant tuna." she said as she jumped into the water and the next thing that happened were flying tunas bursting out the water and landing inside of the container that Akame brought.

Akame then emerge out of the water.

Akame:" You dive the bottom of the river and make your presence completely unknwon then attack the moment your prey swims by. It's important to make a quick call. Can you do it?" she asked to Y/n.

Y/n:" Heh..... Why swimming when I get get them out with force!!!!" he said as he made a superhuman jump reaching the sky as Akame eyes widen.

Akame:" Wait, what are you doing-" she was then interrupted by Y/n heading down with his left fist and slammed his punch full force against the river causing a gigantic explosion of water and fishes.








The next day, AKame was now seen covered in a mattress because she catched a cold and had to eat fish soup due to Y/n meanwhile Y/n was eating the fish with a joyful look on his face.

Leone:" Soooooo, Y/n blew up the river is that what I am understanding?" she asked to Akame who in response sneezed.

Akame:" H-He's still green...." she said as she sneezed again.

Najenda sighed before she put down her chop sticks.

Najenda:" Leone. Tell me about the assignment you received from the capital the other day." she ordered Leone.

Leone:" The target is Ogre, from the Imperial Capital Garrison and an oil dealer Gamal. According to the client Ogre's accepting very large bribes from Gamal. Everytime Gamal commits a crime Ogre makes someone else out to be the criminal the client lover was framed in this way and put to death for it. This is what she's paying for the job." she said as she placed a bag full of berries.

Najenda:" She sure saved up a lot." she said with a blank expression on her face.

Leone:" I could smell the veneral disease on her. She probably made that amount of berries by selling her body." she said as Y/n stopped eating and Akame stopped drinking her soup.

Najenda:" Have you confirmed the facts?" she asked to leone.

Leone:" They are guilty. I overheard them from an attic room over his oil shop." she said with a serious expression on her face.

Najenda:" Okay. Night Raid will accept the job. The New Nation won't need treacherous wrongdoers. Let's exact divine punishment on them." she said with a serious expression on her face.

Leone:" It will be easy to take down Gamal, but Ogre is a formidable adversary." she said.












Ogre The Demon. He's earned his nickname as The Demon..... His skills with sword are feared by criminals. he's normally seen out and about with his League of henchmen. Beyond that, he spend his time in the guardhouse. The bribes with Gamal take place in his private quarters. On his days off, he's never too far from the garrison and drinks on main street near the palace.










Y/n:" The only chance to get him is on his days off, then." he said as Najenda then spoke up.

Najenda:" But the security is tight so near the palace. And we can't put Akame on the case because she's sick and her face is all over the wanted posters." she said as Akame sneezed.

Leone:" But how can we know when they'll be done with their job?" she asked.

Y/n:" IN THAT CASE..... WE'LL JUST HAVE TO CARRY OUT THE MISSION OURSELVES!!!!!" eh said with a fierce smile on his face.

Najenda:" You're saying you'll bring down Ogre?" she asked to Y/n with a smirk on her face.

Leone:" They don't know who even he is." she said as they could use the advantage that currently Y/n doesn't have a bounty on him.

Y/n:" While we're sitting here discussing this there might be more people being falsely accused out there. So, I'll just do it. I don't want anybody else to have to suffer. Their loved ones being taken away from them without a meaning." he said with a fierce glare on his eyes as Akame noticed.

Najenda:" Got it. I appreciate your determination. Get rid of Ogre."she said as Leone smacked Y/n on the back sending flying throught the wall of kitchen.

Leone:" Well said, East Blue dummy!!!! I like your resolution!!!!"

Najenda:" Leone take care of the oil dealer." she said as Leone nodded.

Leone:" Got it." she said with cheerful smile on her face.

Akame:" Carry out the mission successfully and complete your report." she said as she then sneezed again.











Y/n and Leone were now at their destination, the entrance of the Imperial City.

Leone:" If you go straight along here, you'll reach main street." she said while pointing at the direction.

Y/n:" Got it!!!" he said with a cheerful smile on his face.

Leone:"............ Don't mind her, she had it rough........ Akame was just a kid, sold to the empire along with her little sister. I mean it's pretty common story to hear about poor parents selling their kids. Then she got accepted into a training organization for assassins along with other kids who were in her same situation. She learned how to kill and survived under the most severe conditions. She lived that way carrying out the jobs at the empire's orders. She was a full fledged assassin but with every assignment Akame felt the dark side of the empire. On a mission to target the Boss, Akame was persuaded by her instead, she turned her back on the Empire and joined the Revolutionary Army that actually cared about its people. It seems almost all the comrades she'd grown up with died along the way.... Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?" she asked to Y/n.

Y/n:" Yes, I'll take this seriously. Allright! Mark my words I'm going to be victorious!!!" he said with a radiant smile on his face.

Leone:" Happy killing!!!" she said with a bright smile and raised thumb.









In the Red Light District of the Imperial Capital, an overweight, out-of-shape, bald man with spots on his head, a small nose and a big mouth, all of which gave him a toad-like appearance, he wore an orange kimono shirt with matching pants and black boots, as well as a green cloak with two circles resembling toad eyes printed on it was seen walking his way out of the bathroom.

- Gamal, The oil merchant -

Gamal:" I feel much better now that I've gone to the bathroom. I think I'll have her gt me off one more time." he said with excitment, until Leone sneaked behind him and put him in a chokehold.

Leone:" Sure thing!! I'll get you off this mortal plane, Gamal." she said as she broke his neck and left his corpse on the ground.

Leone:" You should feel happy you got yourself two beautiful babes at once. I wonder how Y/n is holding up against his formidable adversary." she said.










In the streets of the main city a large a muscular man ws spotted with black hair that was graying near his temples. He had an unusual hairstyle with four ponytails or braids on the back of his head wrapped in white cloth. He had a large, star-shaped scar over his missing left eye, while his remaining eye was red with a black sclera. His teeth were shown to be quite sharp, which give him a monster/demon-like aspect. He wore a suit of armor typical for the Imperial Police.

- Ogre, Captain of the Imperial Capital Police Force -

Ogre:" Nothing beats a drink after a good long interrogation...." he said with a drunken smile on his face.

Civilian:" Captain Ogre! You did a well done job, sir!!! Thank you for the help the other day." he said with a smile on his face.

Ogre:" Sure thing! If you're ever in trouble just come to me about it." he said as a cocky grin appeared on his face.

Ogre:( I'm the King of this town!! I'm the highest authority!!! I can do whatever I want!!!) he thought in his head.

Then Y/n appeared right behind him cauisng Ogre to turn around.

Y/n:" Excuse me, Captain Ogre. There is something I wish to speak to you about....." he said as Ogre looked at Y/n in confusion.

Ogre:" What is it? Spill it out." he said.

Y/n:" I'd prefer we weren't in such a public place....." he said with a smile on his face.








Y/n and Ogre were now seen in a dark alley as Ogre had his arms crossed waiting for what Y/n had to say.

Ogre:( I don't sense anybody around....) he thought in his head.

Ogre:" Well, is this good enough?" he asked to Y/n.

Y/n then smirked before he bowed down.


Ogre:" A-Ah, I thought it might be about that. Just go through the regular procedure!" he said as he turn his back to walk away.

Y/n then smirked as he pulled out his dagger.

Y/n:" But in these hard times, there's too much competition." he said with a smirk on his face.

Ogre:" Tough luck. That just shows you're inadequate, son." he said as he went to grab his sword.

However in an instant Y/n speed blitzed him and slahsed him through his armor causing a large burst of blood.

Ogre:( H-He's so fast!!! He has decisiveness that knows no fear. I can't believe a nobody would rise up against me!!!) he thought in his head.

Ogre gasped for air as he collapsed on the floor.

Y/n then turn to stare at Ogre's layed body.

Y/n then simply started walking away until Ogre rose up and went to sneak attack Y/n.

However Y/n easily caught his sword with one hand without even looking and gave him a spin elbow to the face causing Ogre to crash against the wall of a building leaving a big crater.

Y/n:" I was giving you the chance to stay down. Guess your ego is to big to accept such a kind offering."he said starring down at the Captain.

Ogre:" M-Me, the Great Ogre killed by some sh*tty brat like you?!? I don't care how much the weak groan the strong make the rules in this town. I deliver the sentences!!! Nobody sentences me!!!" he yelled in pure anger.

Ogre then jumped and went to slam his blade towards Y/n, who simply used his dagger to block it.

Ogre:" Oh? So, you're with the NightRaid, are you? So who gave you the job? I've got plenty of ideas, but..... more recently is it the fiancée of that guy I killed. Did I get it right?" he asked with blood coming out his mouth as Y/n then jumped back causing Ogre's blade to crash against the ground creating a massive crater.

Ogre then walked up to Y/n with a sadistic smile on his face as Y/n put his dagger away.

Ogre:" I knew I should have killed that b*tch when I had the chance. Then again, it's not too late, yet!!! First, I'll find her and charge her parents and siblings as felons. Then I'll execute them right infront of her. AFTER I KILL YOU-" he was then interrupted by Y/n who flash step right infront of him and landed an axe kick on his head causing Ogre's body to crash straight against the ground creating a huge crater as his body bounced up.

Ogre:( W-What?) he thought in his head.

Y/n:" You are all the same." he said coldly as he grab Ogre by the hair in mid air slammed him right back into the ground causing the crater to get even bigger.

Y/n:" Flaunting your authority all over the place and then abusing it in the most appalling ways. Scum-bags like you...... I'll tear you to shreds!!!!" he yelled as he activated his Armament Haki on his right hand, close it and slammed it full force against Ogre's head causing a great impact and death of the Captain.








Back at the hideout, Najenda was now complimenting Y/n for his good work.

Najenda:" Good job disposing of that powerful opponent. Very impressive!" she said with a smile.

Y/n:" He was weaker than the bear I fought as a kid." he said before he noticed Akame who seemed to have recovered.

Y/n:" You're all good there? I'm done with my report and completed my mission. I pulled it off without even a scratch. You've got to admit that you're gonna learn a lot from me." he said with a prideful smile on his face.

Akame then walked up to Y/n as Leone started sweating as she thought that Y/n's arrogance might have triggered Akame.

Akame then grabbed Y/n by his red beaded necklace and pulled him closer to her, then she wrap her arms around his neck and hugged him.

Y/n eyes widen.

Y/n:" Erm....... Okay?" he said, Akame then stopped hug him and looked at him with a smile.

Akame:" I've seen too many of my comrades die from not reporting their injuries. I'm just glad you didn't sustain any damage. The death rate is high for one's first assassination...... you overcame it very well." she said with a smile.

Najenda:" Akame is being tough on you because it seemed as if you were taking it easy." she said as Y/n then sweatdropped.

Y/n:" Oh.... erm.... is that so? Then I'm sorry, Akame..... I misread you. I'm looking forward to working with you more." he said as he apologized to Akame for his rude manners.

Akame:" Please come home safely from now on too....... Portgas D. Y/n." she said with a smile on her face.

Najenda:" Next you should follow Mine." she told Y/n.

Y/n:" Who?" he asked as Leone then made the sound of a bee.


Y/n:"Oh................... OH, NO!!!!!!" he yelled as he didn't want to be paired with Mine.









To be continued.......

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