Flame Emperor........

By Zeromicz

32K 890 100

A Young Pirate from the East Blue sets off in the world to become someone. However, he soon finds out that th... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 1#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 2#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 3#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 4#
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73 [ The End]

Chapter 1

1.7K 30 12
By Zeromicz

Y/n was now seen sitting on the grass of an hill looking in the distance as the wind was running against his skin.

Y/n then sighed as he looked up at the sky as if he was lost in his thoughts.

Leone then decided to sneak behind Y/n, however Y/n jumped up avoiding getting tackled by her and then double stomp her on the spine.

Leone:" OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!" she yelled in pain.

Y/n:" What are you doing?" he asked in an annoyed tone.

Leone:" W-Well, could you stop moping around? It's already been 3 days. Have you made up your mind about joining us in the night? P-Please can you get off me." she asked.

Y/n then kneel down causing even more pain to Leone.

Y/n:" What you go there?" he asked as he searched into Leone's cleavage.

Leone*blushing*:" EEEEEEEEEEK!!!!" she yelled as Y/n took out what seemed to be a wallet..... his wallet.

Y/n:" Oh? And whose berries were you gonna use?" he asked in a dark tone as he started cracking his knuckles.

Leone:" W-Wait. I-I'm telling you I've got what it takes to kill. I-I guarantee it. I-I can show you around the hideout." she said as she wanted to avoid Y/n punching her.

Y/n expression then got soft as he got off Leone.

Y/n:" Lead the way." he said as Leone then wrap her arm around Y/n neck bringing his face closer to her cleavage.

Leone:" For the starters this place is 10 kilometers North of the Capital, in the Mountains." she said as they were walking.

Y/n:" Isn't it a little out in the open? You're supposed to be assassins aren't you?" he asked to Leone.









in the meeting room Sheele was seen reading a book before Leone and Y/n entered the place.

Sheele:" Huh? He hasn't committed to join us, yet?" she asked calmly.

Leone:" That's right, Sheele. I was hoping you could give him some words of encouragement." she said as she tried to get to Y/n's wallet again, only to receive a back hand sending her flying out of the room.

This only left Sheele and Y/n alone.

Sheele:" Well, now that you know the location of our hideout. You do realize you'll be killed if you don't join us, don't you?" she asked to Y/n with a deadpanned look on her face.

Y/n:" The short black haired already stated she would've killed me regardless." he said with a deadpanned expression on his face.

Sheele:" You'd best think it over." she said as Y/n peeked to see what she was reading and the book was called ' Don't Be An Airhead Fix Yourself In 100 Ways.'

Y/n:( Hmmmmm, this feels just like home to be honest.) he thought in his head with a deadpanned expression on his face.

Then the door bursted right open as Leone was sent flying again back in the room as an angry Mine was seen walking towards Leone.

Mine then grabbed Leone by her collar.


Leone:" H-He's one of us." she said while shaked by Mine.

Mine:" NOT HE ISN'T!!!!! THE BOSS HASN'T GIVEN YOU THE 'GO AHEAD' YET!!!!!" she said before turning to Y/n with a glare as Y/n raised an eyebrow while looking at her.

Mine:" He's unqualified. He doesn't have the air of someone who can do the job like we professionals. I can read it on his face!!!!" she said as Y/n looked at Mine with a bored expression on his face.

Y/n:" When is lunch?" he asked to Sheele, causing Mine to be even more upset.

Mine:" SEE?!?!" she yelled angrily while pointing at Y/n lack of respect.









Meanwile in the training grounds, someone was seen working out hard as Y/n and Leone were passing by to check.

Leone:" These are the training grounds. It's really just a place to blow off some steam and over there..... You can see Bulat stinking sweat." she said while pointing a Bulat.

He was a tall, muscular young man with blue eyes and black hair that he usually wore in a combed up, heart-shaped pompadour.

- Bulat, member of the Night Raid -

Y/n:( He got Haki for sure...) he thought in his head sensing the Armament Haki from Bulat.

[A/n: Armament Haki is a form of Haki  that allows the user to use their own spiritual energy to create, in essence, an invisible piece of armor around themself, providing incredible offensive and defensive capabilities. This type of Haki allows its user to augment their body via their own spiritual energy, greatly increasing their power and resilience. Because of this, this form of Haki is the most used in combat. This Haki is often referred to as an "invisible armor".]

Bulat:" If it isn't Leone! And the new mate from the other day." he said with a bright smile.

Y/n:" I don't think I've met you before." he said.

Bulat:" Hm? You haven't see me like this yet? I was clad in armor during the attack." he said as Y/n then remembered.

Y/n:" Ah, I see. That's a nice suit!!!" he said as he extended his hand.

Bulat:" The name is Bulat, best regards!!" he said as he handshake him.

Y/n:" Thanks! The name is Portgas D. Y/n." he said with a fierce smile on his face.

Leone then leaned closer to Y/n's hear.

Leone*whisper*:" Watch out, I think you are his type." she said ina teasing tone.

Y/n:" Huh? Hey, you pretty strong lets fight sometime." he said with a cocky grin, because he didn't understand what Leone actually meant.

Bulat*blushing*:" Hehehe, it would be an honor. Mr. Portgas." he said as Leone turned pale.

Leone:( This fool don't get it!!!!!!) she thought in her head as she thought that Y/n wasn't that bright to understand.







Meanwhile with Lubbock he was now using his Paramecia Devil Fruit placing strings like a spider in his secret hideout, which was a tree.

Lubbock:" It's almost time for Leone to take her bath. I don't care about the danger if I get to see her rack!!!" he said before the tree ended up getting picked up by Leone with both hands.

Leone:" THEN I'LL JUST TAKE YOUR LIFE!!!!" she yelled in anger as she used her Zoan strength and trew the large tree at amazing speed.

Lubbock:"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" he yelled in fear as Y/n just tilted his head at the scene and sweatdropped.

Leone:" That rascal with the ability to manipulate strings is Lubbock." she said with with a bright smile towards Y/n.

Y/n:" Uh...... Uh..." he said as he sweatdropped.









Leone and Y/n were now seen walking their way around the river.

Y/n:" So, who is next?" he asked in bored tone as Leone just giggle.

Leone:" Hahahaha, its a pretty girl next so you can look forward to it? See the one over there? That's Akame. Isn't she cute?" she asked to Y/n who had saliva drooling out his mouth because of the large bird that was now being cooked by Akame.

Leone:" Hey, that the Evilbird the voracious eater that destroys villages. Would you care to share with a friend?" she asked to Akame.

Akame then remove a chunk of the Evilbird and gave it to Leone.

Akame then starred at Y/n drooling over the meat as she simply turned and started eating quickly not even leaving a bit of the Evilbird for Y/n to eat, only bones.

Akame:" That is all for today....." she said as she then burped.

Y/n turned pale and jawdropped.

Y/n:" E-Evil.... c-cruel......" he said Leone just laughed.

Leone:" That's a shame, East Blue dummy." she said as Y/n just scoffed.

Y/n:( Whatever, I can hunt even more dangerous beasts!!!!) he thought in his head as he was giving Akame the middle finger with an angered expression on his face.

Akame just shrugged and completely ignored his existence.

Leone:" You're quite extravagant today, huh?" she asked with a smile towards Akame.

Akame:" The Boss is back...." she said calmly.

Y/n:( I'M RIGHT HERE!!!!!!) he thought in his head as his face was red like a tomato due to the anger he was feeling for being ignored.

The Boss of the NightRaid appeared out the nowhere as she sat on a rock with a smile on her face.

???:" Yo!" she said as she waved at the trio.

Leone:" BOSS!!" she said with an happy smile across her face.

She is a woman with short, silver hair and purple eyes. She wears an eyepatch where her right eye used to be. She wears a black suit that shows her cleavage. She has a green and black mechanical right arm.

- Najenda, Head of the Night Raid -

Leone:" Welcome back, do you have any souvenirs?!?" she asked happily to Najenda.

Najenda then smiled.

Najenda:" Putting that aside Leone. In the job that I requested you to do three days ago. It seemed you went over the operation time, huh?" she said with a sinister smirk across her face.

Leone then started sweating in fear.

Leone:( N-Not good.) she thought in her head in fear as she turn to quickly run away using her Zoan powers, but to not vail before suddenly crashing on the ground deprived of her strength to continue moving.

Y/n eyes widen as Najenda continued to talk.

Najenda:" It's not good to enjoy fighting with a strong enemy too much.... DO something about that habit of yours." she warned Leone.

Y/n:( Don't tell me that she has it too... this woman has the qualities of King.) he thought in his head in shock because only a very few amount of people has 'that'.

Najenda then turned towards Y/n direction.

Najenda:" Hmm? Who is this?" she asked.

Akame:" That's the guy I promised that I would kill." she said with sincerity.

Y/n:" WHAT TYPE OF INTRODUCTION IS THAT?!?!" he yelled in anger towards Akame.

Najenda then got up and walked up to Y/n and starred him in the eyes.

Najenda:" Do you show promise?" she asked Y/n.

Y/n:" Hmmmm...... Would you like to see for yourself?" he asked to Najenda asthe two just starred at each other in the eyes as they wanted to see who was going to be the first one to start to make a move.

Najenda:" Akame gather everyone in the meeting room. I want to hear the results of the previous operation. In detail, including this young man." she said as she turned her back to Y/n and left.







Najenda was now seen sitting on her chair as the others were seen standing right infront of her.

Najenda:" I see. I understand the situation. Portgas D. Y/n would you like to join the NightRaid?"she asked to Y/n.

Y/n:" I'm dead if I decline, right?" he asked to Najenda.

Akame:" Please join us so that I can have more reason to kill you." she said with pure honesty causing her teammates to sweatdropped at her anthics.

Najenda:" Don't listen to Akame, that is not gonna be happening. But we can't let you go back. We'll have you work as larborer in our workshop. At any rate, you won't die even if you decline it. Given that what do you think?" she asked to Y/n.

Y/n:" I'm planning to Conqueror the Imperial Capital not work as some larborer. I want my name to reach the Heavens of the New World. I can't stay being under someone's command." he told Najenda he didn't want to be a larborer or working under her.

Bulat:" Don't you want to uploat the source of the rot? As man!!" he asked with a flowery aura around him.

Najenda:" Bulat was originally a skilled imperial soldier, but he learned of the Imperial corruption and joined us. After all our job is to put the Imperial Capital upside down." she said with a smirk.

Bulat:" It's much better than working under those rotten people." he said with a smile on his face.

Y/n:" Even if you kill bad people one by one the world won't change completely. In the end places in the remote, just like where I come from won't be saved like that." he said.

Najenda:" I see..... This make the NightRaid fits you even well." she said making Y/n raise an eyebrow.

Y/n:" How come?" he asked her.

Najenda:" Far South of the Capital, somewhere in the Grandline there is the hideout of an Anti-Imperiali Army, The Revolutionary Army." she said.

Y/n:" The Revolutionary Army?" he asked to Najenda.

Najenda:" The Revolutionary Army, which started out small, ended up growing into a large scale organization with true purpose to overthrow the tyrannical and hedonistic Imperial Capital. There are several units of it and among them there is us The NightRaid. RIght now, we are exterminating the Capital ticks, but in the event that the Army takes action we'll take advantage of the confusion, and the Prime Minister who is the cause of corruption. WE WILL TAKE HIM OUT OURSELVES!!!" she yelled in excitement unknownly activating the ability she used on Leone, which caused many members of the NightRaid to fell to one knee except Y/n.

Mine:" B-Boss..." she said as her and the rest were struggling to stand up.

Najenda:" That is our goal. There are others, but I'll leave them for now. Although I can't say anything specific about when they'll rise to action. We have prepared a plan to win, when that time comes. This country will change for use." she said with determination in her words.

Y/n:" Will that new country treat the people well?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Najenda:" Of course." she said with a determine smile on her face.

Y/n then smiled.

Y/n:" I see........ Will I get rewarded?" he asked to Najenda.

Najenda:" Yeah, if you work properly you'll be able to save a hometown or thereabout." she told to Y/n with a smile.

Y/n:" Heh, wasn't originally my plan but guess I'll tag along!!" he said with a fierce smile.

Mine:" You might be unable to return back to your home, though." she said with a taunting manner.

Y/n:" The bee infestation is a lot around here or is it me?" he asked with a smirk causing Mine to be upset by it.

Najenda:" IT'S DECIDED!!!!! WELCOME TO THE PATH OF CARNAGE, PORTGAS D. Y/N!!!" she said as she extended her hand sudden both hers and Y/n 'Mantra' known as Observation Haki activated.

[ A/n: The usage of this type of Haki grants its user the ability to access a kind of extrasensory perception, granting the user several helpful abilities. These abilities are great assets in most occasions, especially in combat.]

Najenda:" It's 8 people, they have infiltrated close to the hide out. They're good to sniff out this place that means they're probably bounty hunters. There's no other way. It's emergency sortie. Don't let any of them return alive. GO!!!!" she ordered and in an istant everyone left except Y//n.

Najenda:" Why are you still here? Spacing out or something?" she asked to Y/n with a cocky grin on her face.

Y/n then smirk.

Y/n:" Not at all. Fighting is my kind of thing." he said with a smirk.









Bulat was now seen running in the forest as Y/n then appeared out the nowhere surprising him.

Y/n:" Oi!!! What's up?!?"

Bulat:" W-Woah, Portgas you're pretty quick!!!" he said with a shinning smile.

Y/n:" Oi, show me what you're hiding!!! Someone as strong as you is hiding his strength!!" he yelled to Bulat making him confuse for a while, before a smile appeared on Bulat face.

Bulat:" Oh, you wanna see it? Then stand back!!!" he yelled with a smile.

Bulat:" INCURSIO!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs as bright red light appeared as he was now covered in it before emerging in an full body armor .

Y/n:" Heh...... I knew I wasn't fooling myself......" he said with a smile.

Bulat:" This is my Teigu known as Incursio." he said with pride about his Teigu.

Y/n:" Teigu, you say? I remember my Grandpa talking about these with me and my little brother." he told to Bulat with a smile on his face.

Bulat:" Now, let's start with our job!!!" he yelled with happiness.








At the river, Akame was now seen standing infront of 3 individuals.

Bounty Hunter:" The fact that she's here, means that their hideout his somewhere around here, it was worth searching steadily." he said.

Bounty Hunter 2:" Still, what a cute girl. Looks, like we can have some fun after we kill her." he said with a smirk on his face.

Bounty Hunter 3:" Let's not damage her body too much." he said as he licked his lips.

Akame however speed blitzed the trio in an instant as they were now covered in slashes as markings started forming in their bodies.

Akame:" You guys are too relaxed in the territory of the enemy." she said with her monotone voice as the trio fell on the ground dead.










Meanwhile in the forest a Bounty Hunter was seen running at incredible speed.

Bounty Hunter:( The enemy detected our infiltration. But it's certain the hideout is here...... even this information by itself has immense value..... I'll survive and report it to our client back at the empire.) he thought in his head unknwon to him Mine had set her target on him and was about to shoot him with her Teigu from a tree.

Mine:" He run pretty fast. He probably ate a Paramecia Devil Fruit, I need to expose myself like this to be able to hit the target."she said before all of the sudden a Bounty Hunter tried to sneak attack Mine, only for Sheele to use her Teigu to cut him in half.

Sheele:" I'm sorry...." seh said in a montone voice as Mine smiled.

Mine:" Thanks, Sheele. Nice Pinch, it'll risk just fine with this reach." she said with a smile as she unleash an energy wave from her Teigu towards the forest where the Paramecia Devil fruit Bounty Hunter was at, completely annhilating him in the process.

Mine:" Hehe, alright!!! Right on the target!!!! The more of a pinch I'm in, the stronger I get." she said with a smile on her face.








Meanwhile with Leone she was now seen sitting on a beaten to death Bounty Hunter yawning in annoyence and boredom.

Leone:" Oh, that was Mine's Pumpkin just now. I can't believe she's using such a bothersome Teigu. On that point for me, I turn into a beast and beat them to death.... easy to understand." she said with a smirk showcasing her fangs and claws.








Meanwhile inside of a cave a female Bounty Huntress was seen restraining with strings as Lubbock was seen sitting on a rock with a look of almost saddness.

Lubbock:" I thought the weight of the strings felt like, but it was just a girl." he said with a look of emphaty towards the girl.

Female Bounty Huntress:" S-Save me!! P-Please!!! I-I'll do anything!!!!" she begged to Lubbock to be an exception to the slaughter.

Lubbock:" Nope! I knew a guy who died by getting tricked into seduction..." he said as he used his Devil Fruit ability to cut her into multiple pieces.

Lubbock then got up the rock and went to leave the cave.

Lubbock:" What a waste!! It's such a painful occupation in time like these!!" he said frustrated that he had to kill a girl.









Meanwhile back with Bulat and Y/n, they were now waiting for the enemy to come and thanks to Y/n Observation Haki he could've sensed the Bounty Hunter approaching.

Y/n then jumped down the tree and landed infront of the Bounty Hunter who seemed to have ate a regular Zoan Devil giving him the appearence of a Cheetah meaning he ate the Neko Neko no Mi Model: Chītā.

Y/n:" I can't let you past kitten." he said as the Bounty Hunter.

The Zoan Bounty Hunter just growled as he showcased his claws and fangs at his opponent.

Bounty Hunter 4:" Even though you are young, I won't hold back!!!" he yelled.








Meanwhile with Mine and Sheele, Mine was now seen walking on a tree trunk wondering if Y/n was already dead.

Mine:" I wonder if that rude newcomer is already dead." she said as Sheele spoke up.

Sheele:" I think it won't be a problem. He fought Akame and almost forced her to go kill mode on him." she said.

Mine:" Well, that is true." she said as she had to acknowledge that.

Sheele:" And according to Leone, who ever cross path with him...." she was then interrupted by Y/n dragging with his left hand the corpse of the Zoan Bounty Hunter with no damage on him.

Bulat and Akame were seen walking behind him.

Bulat:( He has cluster potential...... If he keeps on fighting strong opponents and training, he could be on the same ranking power as an Admiral.....) he thought in his head.












Back at the hideout everyone was there to receive praises from the Head of the NightRaid.

Najenda:" Nice work on the battlefield!" she said as the others were seen celebrating except Y/n.

Y/n was seen sitting alone in the grass looking up to the blue sky with a stern expression on his face.

Akame:" Hmm?" she turned her attention to Y/n who was the only that wasn't celebrating.

Akame then handed him the leg of a chicken as Y/n turn his head.

Y/n:" What-" he was then interrupted by Akame shoving the chicken leg into his mouth.

Akame:" Eat, its good for health." she said with her monotone voice.

Najenda then looked at the duo and called out for Akame.

Najenda:" Akame come here for a second." she said as Akame walked up to her boss.

Najenda:" In order to survive, you need someone to teach you a lot of things. Team with the newcomer and learn from him. Got it Akame?" she asked to Akame.

Akame:" Uh...Uh...." she nodded while holding her chicken leg.

Najenda:" You're lucky to be taught by someone with the Will of a King. I want you two to get along." she said with a smile.

Akame:" Uh...Uh.... Got, it. But, can I kill him if he gets in the way?" she asked with an adorable look on her face.

Y/n:" I CAN HEAR YOU, DUMBBELL!!!!!!" he yelled in anger as he was een eating most of the food.

Lubbock:" WHAT ARE YOU DOING NEW GUY?!?!" he yelled in shock.

Mine:" WE ALSO HAVE TO EAT!!!!" she yelled in anger.







And that's how we both ended up in the same team.....












To be continued.....

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