Flame Emperor........

By Zeromicz

32.1K 890 100

A Young Pirate from the East Blue sets off in the world to become someone. However, he soon finds out that th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 1#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 2#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 3#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 4#
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73 [ The End]


3.4K 46 14
By Zeromicz

Just like people gradually rotting away, countries eventually collapse....Even the imperial capital that prospered for a thousand years. Evil spirits from all the land in the form of humans, run rampant as if everything was theirs. That evil which Heaven cannot judge we will snuff it out in the Darkness. Inherited Will, The Destiny of the Age, The Dreams of its People. As long as people continue to pursue the meaning of Freedom, these things will never cease!










- Imperial Year 1024 -

Two men were now seen driving their carriage containing their goods before all of the sudden a colossal creature bursted out of the ground and flipped over their carriage. The creature takes the appearance of a giant, cockroach-like beast. It has long antennae, giant claw-like hands and red eyes. Its color is dark brown.

Man:" E-Earth!!!! Earth Dragon!!!!" he yelled in fear as they both got off the carriage and started running away to safety.

Man 2:"I didn't know they came in Highways like these!!!! RUN!!!!" he yelled as they were both running for their lives.

???:" Hmmm? What the? That's a big guy right there...." the person said before he run up at incredible speed, jumped and kicked the Earth Dragon in the face so hard it exploded.

The two men then turned to see who was their savior.

Man:" A-Amazing.." he said in awe.

???:" A First Class Risk Earth Dragon, huh? Nothing lacking in an opponent like that..." the person said.

Man 2:" T-That was amazing young man!!! You actually defeated a risk species with one attack!!!!" he said in awe.

???:" This ain't nothing but a piece of cake. I aim to something bigger!!!! I'll be the one to conquer the Capital, so it would be better for you to remember my name." he said.

He was a tall muscular young man with curly black hair. He was serious looking, tall 6'1" and  muscular. He also sported rather childish freckles. He had a tattoo on his upper left bicep that spells "ASCE" vertically.  He wore black boots, black knee-length shorts with an eyelet-studded orange belt, and a blue pouch belted around his left leg. He also wore a short second belt with a large red "A" on the silver buckle over his right hip, but left it unfastened and threaded the free end along the back of his shorts. A dagger in a green sheath hung at his left hip. On his left arm, he wore a Log Pose and a red and white striped bracelet around his wrist, an orange elbow guard, and his "ASCE" tattoo. He wore a red beaded necklace and an orange hat with two blue smileys , one frowning and one smiling, and a string of red beads sitting above the rim. Two long orange side straps hung down sides of his hat and met at a large medallion of a bull's skull with orange tassels.

- Portgas D. Y/n -

Man:" W-Wait a second you want to conquer the Capital? Y-You don't want to join?" he asked in surprise by the young man words about conquering the Capital.

Y/n:" Yup!!!! By Conquering the Capital, I'll get successful and I'll be able to enter the Grandline!!!!" he said with a cheerful smile on his face as the two men looked at each other before looking back at Y/n.

Man 2:" You should re-consider your decision. The Imperial Capital is not an easy place as you think it is. There are a bunch of monsters more viscious than the Earth Dragon." he warned Y/n.

Y/n:" Huh? Do Risks species appear in the Imperial Capital often?" he asked to the two men in confusion.

Man:" No.......... its the People, son. They are people, but their hearts are like those of monsters. It's full of guys like that." he warned Y/n.

Y/n was in awe before a smile appeared on his face.

Y/n:" I'm grateful for the advice words, but I can't be turning back now. I will conquer the Imperial Capital and earn a lot of money for my village back in the East Blue......" he said as he left the two men dumbfounded.









Y/n was now entering the Capital and looking around with a joyful smile across his face.

Y/n:"WOOOOAH!!!! AWESOME THIS IS THE CAPITAL!!!!" he said with a bright smile on his face as he decided to enter a bar.

Y/n:" If I get successful here, I could make the Partys Bar of the Foosha Village the most visited place in the Goa Kingdom and raise the sails." he said as he then walked up to the bartender of the bar.

Y/n:"Oi!!! Baldie!!" he said as the bartender yawned in annoyence.

Bartender:" You're an applicant too, huh? Then fill out this form and bring it back to me!!!" he said as he handed a paper to Y/n.

Y/n:" Hmmm? What the..... No, I don't want to do that." he said.

Bartender:" I'm sorry, kid. But you have to start as a foot soldier, that's pretty obvious. They are sent to the most remote regions...." he said.

Y/n:" Like I have time for that!!!! I want to Conquer this place!!!! I'm pretty promising!!!! Who are the big fishes that roam around here?!?" he asked with a fierce smile on his face.





The next thing that Y/n, knew he was kicked out of the bar and landed face on the ground.

Bartender:" Stop messing around, punk!!! Go back to where you came from!!!! I don't want nothing to do with you!!!!!!" he said as he didn't want to hear nothing about Y/n or see Y/n again.

The Bartender then slammed the door of his bar as Y/n got up and cleaned the dirt of him.

Y/n:" Aaah, geez. I just wanted to ask for indications to where I can start my journey to make a name for myself." he said as he put back his orange hat and was about to walk away until someone called him.

???:" Hey, there. You seemed troubled young lad. Should this, Onee-Chan lend you an hand?" she asked to Y/n.

She was a young, curvaceous woman. She had short blonde hair with two long tufts that framed the sides of her head and golden eyes. She wore a revealing outfit with a black tube top, detachable sleeves with what looked like gold bands, pants, boots and a scarf around her neck.

- Leone -

Y/n:" Hmmm?" he starred at Leone in confusion.

Leone:" What's wrong? You must one of those from the East Blue coming to the capital seeking for adventure." she said.

Y/n then gasped.

Y/n:" HOW DID YOU KNOW?!?!" he asked in shock.

Leone:" If you live in the Capital long enough you can tell outsiders apart in an Heartbeat. So, I know I quick way to get commissioned."

Y/n:" REALLY?!?!" he asked in shock.

Leone:" Then treat Onee-San to a meal..." she said in a loving manner.










Y/n was now seen sleeping face against the table with a bottle of beer in his left hand as Leone burped.

Leone:" Yeah, alcohol in the daytime hit the spot. Hey, buddy you're still there?" she asked as Y/n was in full sleep mode making Leone sweatdropped.

Leone:" O-Oh, he wasted. wasted." she said before looking at Y/n's green sack and went to check to see if he had some cash in here.

Leone:" Well, I'll just say that I payed for the two-" she was then interrupted by Y/n grabbing her right wrist with a still drunken expression on his face.

Leone:( EEEEEEEEK!!!! HE WOKE UP!!!!!) she thought in her head.

Y/n:" Oi, you're tricking me aren't you?" he said with a pissed off expression on his face.

Leone was in awe as she couldn't get Y/n's grip off her.

Leone:( H-He's strong...) she thought in her head as Y/n raised his left hand which still held the beer and slammed at full force against Leone head causing a massive crater in the bar causing everyone present to be in shock.










It was now night time as Y/n was now seen sitting on a bench with a deadpanned expression on his face.

Y/n:" Aaaah, damn it. Because I punched that girl and damaged a property, I had to pay in the end. Now I have nothing left." he said before all of the sudden he felt an arm wrap around his neck.

Thug:" Look at this East Blue bum walking around our clean streets. That's a pretty nice dagger you got there." he said with a smirk on his face.

Thug 2:" Give that us. Of course that's an order. Hahahaha." he said with a cocky grin on his face.

Y/n had a stoic expression on his face and the next thing those two thugs knew was that they were now laying on the floor beaten without their gears on, completely naked.

Y/n had his green sack filled with their gears he was planning to sold them to get something to eat atleast.

As Y/n was walking he then stopped to look at the stars in the sky.

Y/n:" I wonder how are you holding up there.... I'll see you soon." he said with a saddned smile across his face to whoever he was referring to.

Y/n then sat on a corner of a building.

Y/n:" Well, whatever. I'm sleeping outside again." he said as he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Moments later a carriage stop on the street where Y/n was currently taking a nap.

The person inside the carriage order to stop.

???:" Stop! Does that person don't have a place to sleep? How unfortunate." she said as the guard proceed to open up the door of the carriage.

Guard:" Again, my lady?" he asked her.

???:" I can't help it. That's my nature." she said with a serious expression on her face as she run up to Y/n who was currently sleeping like a baby.

Y/n then woke up and starred at the girl infront of him. She was a cute, young girl. She had blonde, shoulder-length hair topped with a fluffy, light blue accessory and blue eyes. She wore a white, long-sleeved shirt with a light blue ribbon on her neck. Above her shirt, she wore a sleeveless, light blue dress with a black bodice and white frills. Aria also wore a pair of white boots.

- Aria -

Aria:" Did you come from the Goa Kingdom? I can tell by your Log Pose." she said as Y/n was blinking in confusion.

Y/n:" And If I am from there, so what?" he asked with rudeness.

Aria:" If you don't have a place to stay, do you want to come to my house?" she asked with a bright smile on her face.

Y/n was looking at her in distrust aswell as her outfit and he could tell she was a noble.

Y/n:" I don't have any money on me, yet." he said.

Aria:" You wouldn't be sleeping here if you did." she said with a bright smile on her face.

Guard 2:" Lady Aria can't leave people like you alone." he said with seriousness.

Guard:" You should accept her good will." he told Y/n.

Aria:" What do you want to do?" she asked to Y/n with a bright smile.

Y/n:" You want something as exchange, right?" he asked with rudeness.

Aria:" I want to see a smile painted on your face." she said with a bright smile.











Y/n was now back at Aria's mansion as he was in awe by how clean and wealthy it was.

Aria's father:" You brought someone in again?" he asked with a bright smile.

Aria's mother:" What an habit. I wonder how many its been now." she said with a bright smile on her face.

Y/n then looked at the guards.

Y/n:( Those guys look pretty strong....) he thought in his head as a smile appeared on his face.

Y/n:" Thank you very much for the hospitality!!!!" he said as he bowed down.

Aria:" It's okay, It's okay make yourself at home." she said with a bright smile on her face.

Aria's mother:" If we help people out, the happiness will eventually come back to us, right?" she asked with a bright smile.

Aria*blushing*:" M-Mom!! That's not the reason I'm doing it for!!!" she said embaressed by what her mother said.

Y/n:" Excuse me, there is something I'd like to ask." he said.







At dinner, Y/n goes on to explain his searching for the strong people in the Imperial Capital.

Aria's father:" I see, I see you want to take down the biggest groups that roam in the Imperial Capital. " he said as Y/n was eating a large amount of food.

Y/n:" YUP!!!" he said as he was eating a large piece of meat.

Aria's father:" This country is sorrounded by three different sides by different races. You could be over to the borders to fight them." he warned Y/n.

Y/n:" I have all the tools needed to take on them!!!" he said with determinationas he was eating a cheeseburger.

Aria's father:" I see the commentable spirit. That's how the young should be." he said with a charming smile.

Aria:" Did you come from your village alone, Y/n?" she asked with a cute smile on her face.

Y/n:" Yup, I didn't want my little brother to come with me because he was too young to set sail. Only when he'll be the same age as me when I left he will be allowed to cross the boarders. That crybaby, he better not be mourning too much about my departure." he said with a soft smile slowly appearing on his face.

Aria mother:" Awww, it is sweet of you to care about your little brother." she said as she founded the two brothers dynamic adorable.

Y/n:" Heh, care? That idiot is strong, so I'm not actually worried and after all there is Dandan back there to make sure he don't make bad decisions, not like he would listen to her at all. By the time he will set sail, I'll be at the top of the Imperial Capital before he even knows it." he said with a prideful smile on his face.

Aria*blushing*:" Well, I hope to see you often in the newspaper." she said with a bright smile on her face.

Y/n:" HAHAHAHA." he laughed happily as Aria's father then got up the chair.

Aria's father:" Alright. Why don't we leave there?" he asked with a bright smile.

Aria:" By the way Y/n, remember the exchange. You get to be my bodyguard, now." she said with a bright smile on her face.

Aria's father:" That's good. Gaurry, I'll let you handle it." he told to the guard named Gaurry.

He was a fit, young man of average height with black hair, gray eyes and a short beard. He wore a standard white guardsman uniform, with black boots and gloves that stretched up to his knees and elbows, and a helmet with a white cloth hanging loosely from the sides to the back of his head. His weapon of choice was a large cleaver-like blade.

- Gaurry, bodyguard of Aria -

Gaurry:" Understood." he said.

Y/n then got up the chair and bowed down.

Y/n:" Thank you very much for everything today!!!" he said with a smile on his face.

Aria's mother:" We are all helping each other, you do soemthing nice for someone else." she said with a smile on her face.









The next day, Y/n was still sleeping on his bed, until Aria opened the door of his room and jumped on the bed causing Y/n to gasp for air as his eyes turned pupiless.

Y/n:" BLEURGH!!!"

Aria:" WAKEY!!! WAKEY!!!! WE'RE GOING SHOPPING!!!!!" she said in a happy tone of voice.






Aria, Y/n, Gaurry and another guard were now seen walking around the streets of the Imperial Capital as Gaurry and the other guard were holding the bags.

Aria was dragging Y/n around the streets of the Imperial Capital with an happy smile on her face.

Y/n sweatdropped at the amount of stuff Aria was wanting to have.

Y/n:( H-Her shopping is something. T-The amount is so silly. It's not just her. It's limited to all the girls.) he thought in his head as he felt the glares of Makino and Dandan even if the two women weren't there.

Gaurry*whisper*:" Hey, look up. That's the center of the Capital. The Palace." he told to the other guard catching Y/n's attention.

Guard*whisper*:" Isn't that where the Emperor who controls the country is situated?" he asked to Gaurry.

Gaurry*whisper*:" It's a little different.... there's an Emperor, but he's a child right now. The one who controls the Emperor right now is the Minister. He is the Ringleader that is rotting this country." he told to the guard as a frown appeared on Y/n's face.

Aria then called out Y/n.

Aria:" Y/N!!!!!!!!" she yelled happily.

Y/n:" H-Huh? I'm coming, alright!!!" he said as he ran up to Aria.

Guarry*whisper*:" There are also guys like that aswell." he said pointing at the Wanted Posters on the walls.

Guard*whisper*:" The Night Raid?" he asked in shock.

Gaurry*whisper*:" It's the group of assassins that's rattling the entire Capital. Just as their name implies, they conduct noctural attacks on their targets. They mainly target High Ranking or Wealthy individuals in the Capital. We must stay prepare just in case." he warned the guard, before they turn their attention to Aria who was walking with a cheerful expression on her face as Y/n was carrying a large box on his right shoulder with his right hand with ease causing the to jawdrop.












Later that day, Y/n was seen sleeping on his bed with a chicken leg on his mouth.

Meanwhile Aria's mother was walking in the hallway holding a diary in her hands.

Aria's mother:" Now then, maybe I'll make a diary entry today aswell.... Fufu, I really can't stop this hobby of mine." she said with a cheerful smile across her face.

That was until all of the sudden she got cut into multiple pieces in an instant as her diary fell right on the floor.

???:" I'm sorry...." she said bowing down as she was holding her Teigu in the form of a giant pair of scissors.

 She was a slender-yet-curvaceous young woman with long, purple hair and eyes. She usually wears a revealing, sleeveless lilac cheongsam with detached lilac arm sleeves and white boots. She wears glasses and had a scar on her right cheek.

- Sheele, member of the NightRaid -

Y/n then stopped snoring as he woke up, thinking it was morning, he put his orange hat on.

Y/n then got up his bed and opened the door of his room.

Y/n then yawned as he was walking through the hallway.

Y/n:" Man, what are we eating today?-" he said before he unconsciously activated his 'Mantra'.

Y/n mouth was quivering as his eyes were twitching.

Y/n:" H-Huh?" he then stopped walking and turn towards the window to see the entire Group of the NightRaid, standing in the sky, starring down at the mansion with the Red Moon behind them.

Y/n:" Who are they?" he asked in confusion before looking down from the window to see the guards preparing themselves to attack them NightRaid.












???:" Three bodyguards, they are the target Akame." he told to the girl named Akame.

He was a young man with shoulder-length green hair that covers his left eye, green eyes and red goggles on top of his head. He wore a long, green jacket with a fur-trimmed hood over a white and red ringer shirt and blue jeans with brown shoes. He was occasionally seen wearing a long, black coat.

- Lubbock, member of the NightRaid-

[ A/n: Lubbock is an user of a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit called Ito Ito no Mi, meaning " String Man"]

The girl named Akame, is a pretty young girl with long black hair that reaches down to her knees and red eyes. She wears a dark sleeveless top with a white collar and a red tie; she wears a red belt that has a red side skirt cover over a black, pleated skirt. She wears it with long black socks and black shoes. She also wears red gauntlets and black gloves.

- Akame, Member of the NightRaid -

Akame:" Eliminate them." she said with a monotone voice as she jumped down

Gaurry:" Listen, don't let that katana touch you." he warned the other guards.

Akame however speed blitzed all of them in an instant as they were now covered in slashes as black markings started forming on their bodies.

Gaurry:" L-Looks, like I was rotten to the core...... I guess it was about time....."he said as he was the last one to fall.

One of the guards that have just arrived after witnessing the scene he turned and ran away.

Guard:" What are these people?!? They're too much like monsters?!?!" he yelled before he got shot through his head.

???:" That's pathetic running away in the face of the enemy." she said while holding her Teigu which was a large Rifle.

She  is a young girl of below-average height, 5'1". She has very long, pink hair tied in twin-tails on the right and left sides of her head, although, on occasion, it is worn down. She has big, pink eyes. She wears a pink outfit, consisting of a tied shawl with a high collar, a pink, long-sleeved shirt, a gown and black stockings with pink shoes.

- Mine, member of the NightRaid -

Lubbock:" W-Well, you'd normally run from that." he said as he couldn't even blame the guard for running away.






Y/n who witnessed everything from inside the house was in shock as he started running to find Aria.








Meanwhile with Aria's father he was now being held up by the troat by Leone who had a more feline appearence compared to when she met Y/n.

- Leone, member of the NightRaid -

[ A/n: Leone ate the Mythical Zoan Devil fruit called Neko Neko no Mi Model: Nemea no raion. Meaning " Nemean Lion"]

Aria's father:" H-Help me.... H-Help me......I have a daughter...." he begged Leone to spare his life.

Leone:" Relax, you'll be meeting her soon where you're going." she said with a smirk.

Aria's father:" Even my daughter?!!? Y-You have no mercy?!?" he asked in fear to Leone.

Leone:" No, idea what it means....." she said with a smile as she broke his neck.









One of the guards was now seen helping Aria to hide.

Guard:" My lady over here, hurry!!" he told to Aria.

Aria:" W-What's happening?!?" she asked in fear.

Guard:" Just go to the far off shed for now. It will be over soon." he said as Y/n came into the scene.

Y/n:" I found you fools!!!! Whats with these people?!?" he asked.

Aria:" Y-Y/N!!" she yelled happy to see him alive.

Guard:" You came at just the right moment. We'll run to the warehouse and wait for the other guards to come!!! You stop the enemy in the meantime!!" he yelled causing Y/n to have a deadpanned expression on his face.

Y/n:".................. You say what now?" he asked before Akame right behind him.

Y/n then slowly turned to Akame and sweatdropped.

Y/n:" H-Howdy?" he asked however Akame flash step and didn't even bother Y/n presence at all as she wanted to go to her target immediatly.

Akame then slashed the Guard in half as Aria was covered in the guard's blood.

Aria then fell back as she was whimpering in fear of Akame.

Akame:"Eliminate-" she was then interrupted by Y/n who struck her in the stomach with a palm strike sending Akame flying back.

Akame then did a back flip and landed on her feet gasping for her as saliva came out her mouth.

Y/n:"'The heck? Do you just see me as a small fry?" he asked irritated by Akame ignoring his presence.

Akame then got up on her feet still feeling the pain in the stomach.

Akame:" You're not the target. There's no need to kill you." she said.

Y/n:" But, you're planning to kill this girl." he said with a cold stare.

Akame:" Uh.... Uh...." she said nodding adorably causing Y/n to mentally cramp.

Y/n:( T-Talk about sincerity.) he thought in his head.

Akame:" I'll kill you if you get in the way." she told Y/n.

Y/n:" Alright then, show me your Haki and let's go wild." he said as Akame looked at him in confusion.

Akame:" What?......... Haki?" she said confused by the meaning of the word.

Y/n:( Huh? Why is she so confused? Don't tell me that she-) he was then interrupted by Akame who flashed step and swing her katana towards the left side of his face.

However the next thing Akame knew was that Y/n block the sword with his left forearm.

Akame was in shock as she didn't see a trace of blood.

Y/n then went to kick Akame, who used her katana to block the kick, however the force behind it was so powerful it send her crashing through several trees in the forest.

Y/n:" That's foolish to start a challenge without being able to use your Haki." he said before he heard footsteps coming towards their way.

Y/n then turn to see it was Leone as the two starred at each other with widen eyes.

Y/n:" YOU!!!!!! THE SCAMMER!!!!!" he yelled angrily as Leone jawdropped.

Leone:" THE IDIOT FROM THE EAST BLUE?!?!" she asked in shock to see Y/n, but where is Akame.

A burst of red happened in the forest as an injured Akame stepped out of it looking determine.

Leone eyes widen.

Leone:( Wait a second don't tell me that those two are fighting?!? A-And Akame is hurt?!?! I knew there was something about this guy, but. To make Akame DETERMINE?!?!) she thought in her head as Akame flash step right behind Y/n and attempted to behead him, only for the katana to bounce the moment it made contact with Y/n's neck.

Y/n turn around superfast and landed a spin back punch towards Akame who did a drop back to avoid the blow.

Akame then went to land a direct hit with the katana, only for it to get grabbed and she ended up getting pulled closer to Y/n who then kneel her in the stomach sending her flying towards the direction of Leone.

Leone managed to grab Akame, but ended up getting pushed back herself.

Leone:( T-Those are just simple moves!!! Y-Yet, Akame is getting treated like trash by this guy. Her Attacks are not piercing him!!!!!) she thought in shock.

Akame started growling as Y/n trew her katana back at her, near Leone's feet.

Leone:" EEEK!!!!"

Akame:" Tch!!!!" she then grabbed her katana as Y/n tilted his head with a smile on his face.

Akame:" I'm going to eliminate you now." she said as she aimed her own katana at her own neck.

Leone:" WAIT!!!!! WAIT!!!! WAIT!!!!!" she said as she used her Zoan strength to stop Akame.

Akame:" What are you doing?" she asked in confusion with a deadpanned expression on her face.

Leone:" I-It appears there was a mistunderstanding. I-I kinda owe this guy, since I did try to take away his riches. And he kinda ended up hitting me and had to pay for the damage." she said as she wanted to avoid the situation to take a worse tone.

Y/n:" SCAMMER!!!!" he yelled while pointing at her.

Leone:" KYAAAAAAA!!!! You're so mean, stop it!!!! Look, buddy. You're telling us not to kill that innocent girl. But how about we check in there, maybe that will open up your eyes." she said looking at the warehouse as Aria was starting to get worried.

Aria:" H-Hold on, Y/n. There's no need to listen to these-" she was then interrupted by Y/n tearing open the door of the warehouse with his bare hands.

Y/n eyes widen as Leone smiled.

Leone:" Check out the Darkness of the Capital." she said as Y/n was in shock to see the corpses of several people in there chained up and bloody.

Y/n:" T-Those are slaves..." he said in awe as he looked at the symbol they were brandishing on their chests, foreheads and back.

Leone:" Exactly, they lure undentified people who came from the East Blue like yourself with sweet words and subject them to their hobby of torture and toy until they die. THat's the true nature of those in this household. The guards were keeping quiet about it since they are similarly equal." she said as Aria tried to sneak away until Akame pointed her katana at her face.

Akame:" You must be eliminated." she said as Aria was trembling in fear.

Aria:" I-It's a lie!!!! I didn't know there was such a place!!!! Are you gonna believe me Y/n?!? The one that saved you from the slums or these monsters?!?!" she asked to Y/n.

Y/n:"..............." he then turned around as Akame glared at him.

Akame:" What now? You still gonna help her?" she asked to Y/n.

Y/n:" One more reason to conquer the Imperial Capital." he said as he flash step and used his dagger to slash Aria on the troat.

Akame eyes widen as Leone put an hand to her chin.

Leone:( Conquer, you say? I'm kinda curious on that one....) she thought in her head as she was curious about Y/n motivations.

Y/n:" Aaaah, well it's better if I leave..... I'll take some stuff from the house and go to sell it or some...... I need to make some berries for my village...... I can't let them down..... especially, 'him'." he said as he went to leave.

Until he felt an hand being placed on his back as he turned his head to see it was Akame.

Akame:" Hey............ I want to kill you so join the NightRaid." she said with an adorable look on her face.

Y/n and Leone both sweatdropped.

Y/n:" Eh?"

Leone:" Eh?"









Yeah, that's how we met...








To be continued....

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