The Sword Of A Princess

Od _rrosebudd_

142 105 0

The Sword Of A Princess. In the midst of war against the Western Empire, the Northern Princess Athena finds h... Více



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Od _rrosebudd_

I was awoken like every day before, Clare would come in, open the velvet blinds and ask,
"A bath before or after breakfast? Your highness." The young maid smiled clasping her multi- coloured hands in front of her dress.

After the events in the kitchen with Arthur- how he so easily forced himself upon me, I hardly saw him during the day other than meal times. Under his gentlemanly acts and kind gestures, he was a monster waiting to rise to the surface.

"Now please." I mumbled out sitting up in the mess of sheets wrapped around me, pillows had fallen onto the floor and my chemise had risen above my thighs.

I felt tired and disgusted.

All the grime and dirt still stuck to my skin itched all over my body, I needed to scrub myself over and over again. Pushing my chemise down over the ugly scar on my thigh I slid my legs over the edge of my bed. Clare had already begun setting up the bath in the attached room.

Even after nineteen months of starving in darkness the routine of getting up, bathing, eating, pretending and smiling came easily. The hardest part was sleeping, the moment I shut my eyes the nightmares came back- each night worse than the one before. Horrors that felt real and alive. Throughout the night I would awake screaming, thrashing in my sheets- others I would awake completely still, terrified of what was awaiting me in the darkness.

The only hope I had for something good was waiting for the hour my Mother and brother would arrive here in Britannia after finding out I was alive after all this time. This last week I was fed healthy meals, tea and snacks, the fat on my body was slowly starting to return. My cheeks were less sunken in and my scars where all checked by a doctor, he only gave me some tea herbs for any pain I may still experience.

Everyone could only keep telling me how lucky I was. How lucky I was to be alive. Luck didn't get me here- I did. Lionel did. Thrall did.

I stood at the end of my bed, my skin rubbed red- most of the dirt and grime now finally free of my skin.

"His Highness requested you wear this gown for today and this one tonight for the ball. Arthur had it made for you to wear to meet your family in, isn't it beautiful." Clare smiled glancing down at the two dress'.

I listened as a drop of water fell from my wet hair onto the floor below. A celebration ball of my return, alcohol, food, dancing, most importantly my family will be attending.

"How lovely." I stared down at the two light pink frilly dress, decorated with lace and sequins. One was simpler for the day, the second more extravagant to be shown off in front of all the guests attending tonight's ball.

Clare slid my chemise over my body, pulled up my stockings, laced my matching light pink shoes, strapped up my corset and pulled my gown up over my body- pinning parts down and lacing the back. I stood, a doll for her to dress and decorate. I noticed the sheer, bell sleeves were slightly longer than my wrists- hiding all the scars on my arms.

"Finally all done, you look perfect. His Highness has a good taste in fashion does he not?" Clare smiled at me in the mirror at my beauty table.

My hair was dried and styled in an updo of curls and pearl pins, pulled back away from my face. I looked away from the mirror- I looked nothing like myself.

"Thank you Clare, I should be able to manage from here. Go enjoy your breakfast." I said standing up from the seat, my gown flowing out around me.

Clare gave me a small curtsy and left my chambers without another word, taking the dirty laundry with her.

Ignoring the mirror I stepped over to the window and looked out over the garden. The land looked so green and lush- the last time I was here it was covered in a layer of thick, white snow. Since then another winter had passed and summer was upon us.

Gardeners and workers moved around trimming the bushes and setting up lights throughout the garden for the Royal Ball. Another ball in my name. All while Lionel sufferers back in the place I could only see in my nightmares. While so many continue to die on the front lines fighting against the man who used to be my father.

I had spoken with King Eugene on my second day about what I knew of the Postradore Empire, how many knights were in the building and its layout- from what I remembered. We managed to pin the location of the flat castle a whole day's journey from the battle on the boarder, perched between the two mountain ranges.

"The building looked like nothing I'd never seen before, it was flat and made of sand stone." I said to the King who stood across from me at the table. The map of the land lay between us, covered in figures representing the positions of the companies. I had placed a block between the mountain rage where I thought that place would be.

"Perfectly disguised in the barren sandy plains. How many buildings did you see?" Eugene asked reaching for the half drunken glass of wine on the edge of the table.

I tried thinking back but my mind was so foggy, everything was so bright.

"I'm unsure precisely, I just remember seeing more behind this first building- where we were kept." I said gesturing down to the block in front of me. Eugene's eyes glanced down, the glass to his lips.

"We'll only assume it's a well-built fort, nothing less." He spoke after, "It gives a perfect layout for where he may have knights located for protection and the terrain will give us a more accurate idea of where his forces are moving around. You have done exceptionally well Athena. I do not know many knights who have returned from being captured alive, you are quite strong-willed indeed. We can only hope Captain Vanderwolf is the same, for your sake."

My lips pursed, I refused to believe anything else about Lionel's state. He had to be alive. My eyes wondered over the map, the trail Eugene and I had conclude to where I wondered, dodging the armies along the front lines. It was strange seeing it outlined on a map, it looked rather short- with an injury to the leg, malnourished and exhausted it turned into a week's journey.

"Sir, I also ask if you could spare some knights to investigate Greyswitch, the hidden village here." I said pointing my finger down on the spot where Greyswitch was marked on the map. Perfectly surrounded by thick forest to the north and east, mountainous terrain to the west and south, lay Greyswitch.

"I know the war has caused a great struggle on the land, people are poor and desperate.

There is a black market, where innocents are being sold as objects and subjected to harm. I have not spoken this to anyone yet- not even Arthur but, before I had reached the mountains I was found by two brothers, Thrall and Kalec."

I told the King the story of the two brothers who hunted in the forest and captured others to sell in Greyswitch, how Kalec had burned the wound on my thigh closed as a punishment and an aid. How Thrall kept giving me chances to escape, and finally succeeded in the village.

"I see." King Eugene finally said after I finished, "I will have a section of knights investigate the town undercover and any word upon hearing there are more of these black markets in other towns, they will be dealt with accordingly as well. As for this Kalec and Thrall persons- if you are only speaking of them now, I assume you were trying to protect them?"

"In a way I suppose I was. They are not bad people, well Thrall definitely is not. They're both just trying to survive the easiest way they can. I do not condone what Kalec has done, but I think another punishment may be suitable- for all parties involved." I said lifting my chin slightly as I stared over at the King.

While I trained, gaining my strength back and any excuse to get out of the ghastly dress Arthur forced me in, Eugene would attempt attacks in the direction of the building. Push our forces out as far as we could to have an advantage. It was thought best to keep Zynthesius' true identity a secret until he was dead. Not even my mother would know of her late husband, nor my brother of his father. Only I would suffer that burden.

I stared down at the Southern styled sword in my hand. Swinging a sword again felt strange, the last time I did so I was piercing peoples chests with it. It felt heavier than I remembered. Southern swords where smaller and lighter than Northern ones, my old sword was taken away after my capture.

I paced in front of the hay figure before taking up my ready position. The sun reflected down the length of the blades edge as I held it in front of me, my first attack was to the figures side- stepping and moving with my swings I went over basic movement drills and attack sequences, perfecting each movement until my arms struggled to hold the sword up in the air.

I hadn't forgotten any of it.

I began to move faster, swinging heavier to deal more damage on the figure. Pieces of hay and burlap begun falling to the grassy ground below. I stepped and swung, breathing out all my worries as thoughts. Each blow sent a bubbling feeling through my body- the only issue was losing my breath quicker than normal. My arms burned not being used to the weight of a sword and my legs started to tense- the wound on my thigh throbbing slightly.

Breaking from my drills, I exercised my body with squats that burned my thighs and body pushes to strengthen my arms and shoulders. My ability was definitely lacking in that area, I could hardly complete five proper ones before my core was shaking and I collapsed on the ground.

I sat at the bottom of the hay figure leaning against it as I rested, sipping on my water. Out in the distance I could see a platoon of recruits practicing their sword skills on each other. I noticed Edmund and Lance were the ones watching over their training. Every person ranged from young to old, learning to fight- to kill and protect the kingdom. Soon they would all be sent out to the front lines to continue fighting in this war. For so long we had been fighting against the Postradore Empire, my father- King Alexander, the cause behind all the death and turmoil.

Letting out a breath I stared off at the horizon, from the shadows of the trees I quickly realised I was looking out directly North. If I had travelled to Verona would any of this of even happened as it would? Arthur may have come visited- tried to convince me to return home, would I have denied him and told him the truth then? I needed to be here in Britannia- I was closer to Lionel here. I would continue to endure a little longer to see him again. To see his smile.

"Glad to see you're looking healthier now, your Highness." My head shot over seeing a slightly familiar face- hazel eyes smiling back at me. "I didn't expect to find you of all people, laying in the middle of the road on a patrol that's for sure."

"Y-yes, thank you..." I dragged out, his name wiped from my memory.

"Ryder Arcadius, Princess. At your service." The young knight grinned bowing, one arm moving out to the side in an exaggerated move. I glanced down at his red arm band wrapped over his armour, he was one of the recruits who bought me back. Behind him the rest of the platoon had stopped to take a short rest, some moving into the shade of the castle.

"Thank you Ryder. I'm in your debt." I said standing up from my spot on the ground. As my body straightened every muscle screamed at me.

"Not at all, It's my job. I just saw you out here and wanted to make sure you're alright- you've been sitting there for a while now." Ryder smiled. I had trained through lunch and the afternoon was upon us. In a few hours I would be attending the Royal Ball.

"Oh, thank you for your concern. How much longer do you have training?" I asked him.

"Two weeks' time, the last month has gone rather fast." Ryder replied, his hand moved resting on the hilt of his sword.

"Athena." Both our heads turned as Arthurs voice called through the air. Ryder straightened up and bowed, placing one hand over his chest.

"Your Highness." The recruit said politely.

Arthur looked at the knight, his eyes dropping down to the red band then his head turned to me ignoring the recruit.

"You're late, time to go." Arthur's face was stern, but his voice remained calm as he spoke in front of someone else. I felt a rush of panic run through my chest, I had trained too long.

"I lost track of time." I mumbled picking up the sword I borrowed from the ground.

"Let me Princess, I'll return it for you." Ryder stepped in his hand reaching out for my sword.

I smiled handing it out to him, "Thank you. Goodbye." Turning back to Arthur I watched as his eyes watched the interaction. A sick feeling settled in the bottom of my stomach- Arthur didn't like the young knight.

I walked beside Arthur as we returned towards the knights main combat training area.

"Who was that?" Arthur asked his eyes remaining forwards.

"Um Ryder, he was the recruit who found me on the road- he came over to say hello." I explained.

"I see." Arthur muttered out saying nothing more about the topic. The walk felt long and loveless, Arthurs strides became bigger than mine and walked in front of me leading me towards my chambers upstairs.

"Don't be long, some guests have already started arriving." Arthur said as I stepped inside my room. My eyes landed on Clare walking out of the attached bathing room, the bath already drawn for me.

"I won't." I said, Arthur dipped his head and left, Clare shut the door behind him then attended to getting me washed and cleaned. We repeated the same process from this morning getting ready for the Royal Ball tonight, I was changed into the more extravagant light pink gown. Clare added a small white diamond tiara to the crown of my head after styling my hair.

"Perfect, just as beautiful as this morning." Clare smiled as I looked back down at the dress in the mirror. I looked just as ridiculous as I did this morning. Felt ridiculous.

"Thank you Clare, please take tonight off. I will be fine to get myself to bed tonight." I said turning to her. Clare's smile widened and she dipped her head.

"Oh thank you your Highness, I'm grateful. I'll be off then." Clare grinned back up at me then took the dirty laundry and left my chambers. I paced my room for a moment- nervous about seeing my family for the first time in a year. I wish Ariellah didn't have to make it such a grand event, it already felt overwhelming. Finally I bought myself to move over to the door, as I swung it open I found Arthur standing on the other side wearing a three-piece white and gold coloured suit. He looked as if he was about to knock on the door. His dark brown eyes dropped over my body just as he did this morning.

"My beautiful wife." His hand scooped up my own and placed a kiss on my knuckles. I forced myself not to pull away from his touch- his kiss. "Excited for tonight?"

"Yes, I finally get to see my family."

Arthur smiled that same sweet smile I thought I knew, "I'm sure they will be just as excited to see you again after all this time."

My lips pursed, "Thank you for the gown, it's lovely." I said hardly moving an inch.

"I'm glad you like it." My spine straightened as I watched, "I knew it would suit you, you always look so beautiful in pink. I also noticed you've lost your ring. I had this one made for you to wear instead." Arthur's free hand tucked into his trousers pocket and pulled out a little white ring box. Arthur lifted the lid showing a white diamond ring set in gold perched inside.

"Thank you- It's beautiful." I forced myself to smile as much as I could. Arthur didn't seem to notice and slid the diamond on my left ring finger. Fitting perfectly, just as the last one did.

Any other woman may have been overwhelmed by joy in that moment- I was pushing down my terror, knowing what laid beneath Arthurs sweet smile.

"Tonight I expect to have the first dance- you will also remain at my side when you are not with your family. I do not want you to have more than two glasses of wine and we will retire together- I will walk you back to your chambers once the evening is over." Arthur's hands slid behind his back, that darkening tone returning in his voice.

I gave him a single nod, saying nothing.

"Good. It's time to head downstairs." Arthur held out his arm and I tried not to hesitate before grabbing it. I hated the feeling of holding him- feeling his arm tensing and relaxing under my hand as we walked. It made me want to throw up the contents of my stomach. All the rules he had given me was his way of looking over me- he didn't trust me.

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