Pain Always Comes After Happi...

By ShatteredOJ

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After Jake Sterling loses his 8 of his friends, he begins to act differently. He doesn't get sleep, he gets s... More

Chapter 1- This Wasn't Supposed To Happen
Chapter 2- An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 3- A Strange Day
Chapter 4- A Strange Night
Chapter 5- Not The Truth
Chapter 6- The Truth
Chapter 7- Alone In The Rain
Chapter 8- Just A Dream
Chapter 9- Pain Always Comes After Happiness
Chapter 10- Look At What You've Gotten Yourself Into
Chapter 11- I Want To Go Home
Chapter 12- 2 On 2 Hallucinations
Chapter 13- November Snow
Chapter 14- Jake..?
Chapter 15- I'm Right Here
Chapter 16- I'll Get Us Out Of Here
Chapter 17- Hold On
Chapter 18- Finally Free
Chapter 19- Void of Nothingless
Chapter 20- Separated From Feeling Okay
Chapter 21- Broken Daisy Petals
Chapter 23- Insanity Got To The Flower
Chapter 24- Unexpected News????
Chapter 25- I forgive you :)
Chapter 26- I Can't Imagine Life Without You
Chapter 27- I Can't Stand It
Chapter 28- Goodbye
Thank you...

Chapter 22- Regretfully Insane

591 9 72
By ShatteredOJ

If you are new to this- Please go read the other parts to understand the following! Thank you!


- Daisy's POV -

H: " Alrighty then. Daisy, let's get out of this... house.. wait is this a zoo or a house? "

D: " Oh yeah lets go. Lead the way, I have no clue where we're going. "

H: " Oh right! To Milly's house. We need to talk to her. "

D: " Hm? Like what? "

H: " Well.. You'll see... "

Hmph. I hate it when people keep things from me. But.. I love surprises so I guess I can't complain. Wait- Milly's house? What? Huh-? What could we possibly need from Milly? Why can't we get Sean?

D: " Why do we need Milly? Why can't we get Sean? "

H: " Daisy.. " Hailey comes to a stop.

D: " Yeah? "

H: " You need to go out more. "

D: " What could have possibly happened while I was in that room? "

H: " Sean went missing. But hold up, don't get all teared up. "

D: " Nobody bothers to tell me anything! I'm sick of it! "

H: " Daisy calm down! You literally stayed in Jake's room for a week! Of course you don't know a thing! "

D: " You could've at least told me! "

H: " Daisy! Let's go! I need to show you something important. Trust me, it'll make your month light up like nothing ever has! "

D: " Fine.. "

- The Holy Arrival At Milly's House -

- Also 3rd Person because I said so :3 -

D: " Is Milly's house really so important at this time? "

H: " I've never seen you so angry before... or- at all even. "

D: " Not.. angry. And what would you expect from someone who hasn't seen light in over a week. "

H: " Fair. "

- Knockity Knock -

D: " Look no one is answering, just show me now! "

Milly's Dad: " Hm? Hello? "

H: " Hi! Is Milly home?... It's kinda important. "

Milly's Dad: " Oh goodness yes anything to get her to stop punching the walls and crying! "

D: " Oh my gosh.. "

H: " What are we waiting for? Let's go! "


H: " Milly! Calm down! "

M: " H-Hailey?! "

H: " Milly! "

Hailey runs over to Milly and hugged her, holding her tightly. If Milly wasn't already crying like crazy, she was now. Daisy enters the room as she walked up. She saw them in a tight embrace and she stops in her tracks.

M: " I-I'm sorry! I missed you so much! I want to leave this hell! " She cried between words.

H: " Shh.. We can! It's okay! We'll get you out of here... "

M: " It's practically impossible! "

H: " Hey hey, no it's not! I got this all under control! I promise. "

M: " I've been stuck in this small room for days! I feel sickened and light-headed from the lack of light and fresh air! " Milly keeps on crying. Letting out sobs after every few words.

H: " Parents... they never let you out? "

M: " They have trapped me in this house with no devices! I'm not leaving this room! "

H: " Why would you do that to yourself? "

M: " If I have no way of talking to you guys, I have no will to live. "

H: " Oh Milly.. I'm sure they would've let you talk to us. "

M: " I asked them! They said no! "

H: " To be fair, you ran away and we ran out of school to find you- "

M: " Well yeah but how would they know!? "

H: " Considering we brought you home says enough. "

M: " Fine. Just get me out of this hell hole. "

Hailey mumbles: " That's probably what Jake prayed for everyday... "

M: " What? "

H: " Nothing! Let's go! " She stands up and offers Milly a helping hand.

M: " Alright then... "

J: " Hi Hailey! Where are you going? "

Hailey hears that and freezes. She freezes for a moment but it feels like an eternity. She hears his voice. She can see him in front of her.

H: " J-Jake? "

D: " No no no no no no no! Hailey! He's not real! "

H: " You can see him? "

M: " What? Jake? Where is he? "

D: " Milly, don't listen to her.. Jake isn't here! "

H: " He is though! He's always been here! "

D: " Hailey... how long have you been seeing Jake? "

H: " What do you mean? A few days after he went.. missing.. "

M: " Holy crap! Hailey is hallucinating her boyfriend! "

H: " Boyfriend? No, he isn't my boyfriend! "

D: " You only denied that. Not that you were hallucinating Jake. "

H: " Well- that's because I f_cking have! It's getting too real now! "

( this started in Chapter 12 if you forgot or didn't know- we just didn't get much of Hailey's POV much and she did appear to be acting strange sometimes, but who am I to talk, all of them are weird in PACAH TvT )

J: " Hailey? Are you okay? I'm here for you, remember that. "

H: " Awwh! Thanks Jake! "

M: " Dude, Hailey stop. You're scaring me! "

D: " Oh dear- "

H: " Listen I know he's fake but I don't want to hurt his feelings! "

J: " You aren't hurting my feelings I promise. "

H: " He is aware of how fake he is! "

D: " Hailey we need you to take some deep breaths. You don't have to show us the surprise today. "

Hailey then gets a serious look as she peeks over the corner of Milly's room to the hallway.

H: " No, we need to go. Now. Before it's too late. "

J: " Hailey I'm not going anywhere! "

H: " I know you aren't! I know that! Please, just.. stop. "

J: " Fine.. Hailey. "

D: " Well can you tell me what it is so I know how serious it is? "

H: " No! It's a surprise! "

D: " Right~ "

H: " Right. "

M: " LEFT!!! "

Daisy bursts out into laughter at the sudden screech out of Milly. Milly starts balling with laughter as well. Hailey just snickers as she walks out of the room, pushing the Jake hallucination aside for now.

- At The Hospital :3 -

M: " Umm.. Why are we at a Hospital? "

H: " You'll see... "

M: " Is my sanity in here? "

D: " What-? "

M: " I lost it while I was stuck in my room. "

D: " Hey! Me too! Except I was in JAKE'S room WILLINGLY "

M: " You are crazy. I respect that completely! "

H: " Yah, you guys are both pretty crazy. "

M+D: " Says the one who keeps hallucinating her boyfriend. "

Milly and Daisy both go into laughter as they say that at the same time. Hailey looks to the side with a frown.

H: " I would kind of expect you guys not to joke about someone's disappearance. Especially someone we were all close to. "

D: " Right.. sorry- "

M: " Yeah sorry. But you never denied he was your boyfriend. "

H: " He is a boy, and he is a friend. Now now, get inside. "

M: " You can't do us like that! "

D: " Sorry Milly, she just did. " Daisy lowers her head in a sarcastic, dramatic way.

Hailey facepalms her forehead.

H: " I can't believe you guys are doing this, get inside. Now. "


H: " And plus. He likes Sean. Sean likes him. I like someone else. "

For some reason, Daisy started feeling bad. Not jealousy or anything, but of how they were just making fun of Hailey and Jake. Especially Jake. How could they make fun of their missing friend? Or friends. Sean is missing too. They can't forget that, can they?

But.. Daisy knew there was much more missing to Jake than his disappearance. It was a strange feeling. Like he wasn't ever coming back, even if they did find him, he wouldn't be... mentally back...


H: " He's in.. here! "

M: " SEAN?! "

S: " Milly? Hailey? Daisy? "

H: " Yep! I brought them for you! "

S: " They said I was allowed to leave me today, I just need... a wheelchair gosh dang it. "

M: " What? Why? "

H: " He twisted an ankle and broke a foot. "

M: " What? How!? Is he okay? "

H: " Yeah he should be. And he fell into a 9-foot ditch. "

M: " 9 feet?! "

S: " Well- I'd say it was more of 12- "

M: " He is okay right? "


H: " I'm not him- "

M: " He's okay though? "

H: " Dude, Milly.. Just ask him yourself. "

M: " Oh, right! Sorry Sean! How do you feel? Where were you? "

S: " I'm okay now, the pain is just numb now. And~ I got stuck in the woods. "

M: " Is that supposed to be impressive or something? "

S: " No. But poor J- "

H: " SHUT- Sean! SHH! "

S: " Oh yeah! Poor Jelly ankles. "

M: " What the hell is that supposed to mean? "


M: " Oh right. But what are you guys keeping from me.. or us- wait us. Daisy? "

S: " Daisy? "

H: " Daisy are you okay? "

M: " Here here I got this! "

Milly walks in front of the white haired girl, trying to test her. She gets in front of Daisy's face and looks her dead in the eyes. And then she raised her hands, taking off her gloves and throwing them over to Hailey. She raises her hands again and claps them really loudly in front of Daisy's face.


No reaction.

She's just looking forward with her head tilted down a little bit. Looking dead at the floor. Almost like she's had enough. Almost like she just turned her emotions off, and decided moving was pointless.


She wasn't blinking, and when she did, it was after a long few minutes. The cycle repeated. And repeated. And repeated.


" Daisy? What's wrong with you? "

" Daisy? "

" DAISY! "



" She seems to be fine, just in shock. Just keep an eye on her, mk? "

" Okay.. Thank you.. "

" Just be sure to reach out to me if she stays like this. You can notify me on my email, it's on that desk over there. "

" Alright then! Thanks! "

He then walked out of the room. Milly and Hailey entered.

M: " Is she okay? "

S: " Yep, just appears to be in shock.. "

H: " Wait can that even happen? "

S: " Not sure. But he's a professional, so most likely. "

M: " How would she react if one of us hugs her? Or does something like that? "

S: " I can't hug her- "

M: " I'll do i- "

H: " NO! "


H: " I mean- can I hug her? "

M: " If you say so~ " Milly gave her a smug look.

H: " Milly- Oh my goodness. Be quiet, she might hear us. "

M: " Let's scream in her ear. I'll be the one to do it! "

H: " Fine! But after I give her this hug... just don't hurt her ok?

M: " Wasn't planning to, but go ahead, hug her already! "

Hailey gives the dead looking Daisy a hug, hoping something would happen. When nothing happened, Hailey's heart sank and started racing with fear. She could feel a chill go down her spine. What happened to Daisy? Why did this happen to Daisy? Hailey looked behind her and saw pure fear in Sean's eyes. What is happening to these people? What is going on?! What's happening?! She looked over to the Pink Haired Devil, she looked excited, hurt, and puzzled all at the same time.

M: " Leave this up to me! "

The pink-red haired girl walked over to Daisy, and moved her face close to her ear while inhaling air around them. She eventually screamed into Daisy's ear.


Daisy instantly snapped her neck over to Milly. She was death staring her down. Her eyes looked so dull. She didn't say a word, she just creepily looked at Milly.

Hailey suddenly burst out crying.


She runs out of the room. Crying. Sean looked at Milly and Milly looked at Sean. They nodded as if to say that she needs her time and they should leave her alone for now.

Milly looked back at Daisy, who was still creepily staring at her. She felt a hand grab her wrist, it was an unbreakable grip. Milly was stuck. She gave a look of concern and worry to Daisy, which Daisy refused and tightened her grip.

What happened to Daisy?


Word Count: 2,078

Total Word Count: 40,963

A/N: This took too long, I am deathly sorry for that.

ALSO! For those confused, Daisy's insanity finally got to her once she saw Sean. She didn't even know Sean was missing or that something was even wrong with him.

Thus, she froze in shock and pure insanity and she wasn't herself anymore. 🤷

Yes I am aware my book doesn't make any sense I need help

Also Holy Crap!!!! Thanks for 7.1K Reads!! We were at 5.8K last time!!! Ahhhh Tysm!!! Tyvm!!! 

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