The Sword Of A Princess

Galing kay _rrosebudd_

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The Sword Of A Princess. In the midst of war against the Western Empire, the Northern Princess Athena finds h... Higit pa



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Galing kay _rrosebudd_

The next morning we all travelled, not stopping overnight as we needed to arrive home in Britannia. It was strange thinking of another place my home, I had never even been there and I was to spend the rest of my days living there as Arthur's wife. The trip felt shorter than the days before, knowing we were getting closer time flew by to spite me.

After the surprise attack the Ashmore brothers were still rather quiet, Edmund the only one wanting to maintain a conversation. I noticed Nate looked more mentally strained than the rest of us. Lionel had said some knights who returned from war were never the same mentally. Nate seemed like one of them, he was broken somewhere on the inside.

On our last day travelling, Nate woke in a fright in the carriage ride from a nap, flustered and embarrassed he knocked on the roof making us stop and walked into the forest for five minutes alone before returning. No one followed, not even his mother or father, no one went after him, they just patiently waited. I felt a lot towards Nate after that, I wanted to speak with him more, befriend him if he'd let me.

"There she is." Edmund mumbled out looking up at the castle growing above us. Our two carriages rolled into the round courtyard, stopping at the front steps to the marbled stone castle.

Two lines of maids and butlers stood on each step, either side of the main oak doors waiting to greet us. Above three towers sat higher than the rest and wisteria vines climbed the face of the castle walls, naked of flowers during the cold season. I knew in spring, the wisteria would bloom a magnificent purple, decorating the castle even more. Perfectly trimmed garden bushes, roses, and empty flower bushes sat either side of the courtyard, open green fields and in the distance a shimmering lake, with a glassy greenhouse further behind. The only word I could use to describe was beautiful.

Britannia was sleek and beautiful. The rolling hills made their way to the horizon, forest covering parts of the land. I tried to picture it covered in snow, I had a feeling it would look even more stunning. The North seemed like a rugged piece of history, compared to this land. Back home, the land had mountains instead of rolling hills, thicker forests, and less flowers, more shaped bushes and water fountains. Both still beautiful in their own ways. Maybe mother should grow wisteria on our castle walls, it would definitely brighten up the castle during springtime.

"Felt like we would never return." Nate mumbled out, glancing at me for a split moment. I offered him a soft smile.

"It is beautiful." I said looking back to the castle as the carriage came to a slow halt.

Butlers moved to open the carriage doors for us and we began to exit. Nate gestured for me to move first so I did. The butler offering his hand out for me as I stepped down, I took it seeing the Queen stepped out at the same time from her carriage.

I looked around spotting Lionel on his light brown horse, the King had bought it in Bellator for Lionel to ride the rest of the way. I knew the knight was still upset about the death of his horse Nox- knowing he could do nothing. Maids begun unpacking the back of the carriages, taking the trunks into the castle through another entranceway, rather than the main doors.

"Welcome to Britannia, Athena. I do hope you like it here." Ariellah smiled grabbing my hand, squeezing it slightly like she had done that day in Bellator. "And you Captain Lionel, I know quite a few knights I think you'll get along with." The Queen smiled up at Lionel as he rode closer on his new horse.

"Thank you, your majesty." The knight dipped his head then slid off the side of his steed.

"Markus, take Captain Lionel around to the knights' quarters to get settled in and a tour if you will also." The King spoke to the butler closet to him. The red headed butler bowed.

"Yes your Majesty. This way Captain Lionel. Your belongings will be sent to your new lodgings shortly." Markus said directed to Lionel. The knight nodded and stepped towards the redheaded butler. He shot me a look before leaving, I hoped I would see Lionel soon. The sun was an hour or so from setting now so I had a feeling I wouldn't see Lionel until the morning. I wondered what exactly entailed as a personal guard.

"I want to see all of you at dinner- Edmund I'm looking at you. I want a family dinner tonight, since its Athena's first night here." Queen Ariellah called out as her sons begun making their way inside. The lined-up maids and butlers bowing as they walked.

"Maybe." Edmund called back smirking over his shoulder, sending me a wink from the stairs. Ariellah cursed under her breath as King Eugene gently grabbed her hand.

"Shall we?" Arthur smiled amusingly down at me, holding out his arm. I nodded grabbing hold underneath the crook of his arm, flutters beat against my stomach in nerves.

My husband escorted me inside the castle, my new home.

"Welcome home." My husband smiled down at me as we reached the last step, all the maids and butlers either side of us holding their bow.

"I look forward to our time together." I said politely. Trained.

"I'm glad my dear, would you care for a tour first or rather rest in your room?" Arthur asked as we crossed through the entrance inside the grand foyer. Two chandeliers hung from the tall ceiling, marbled pillars supporting the roof, white marbled floors under our feet.

"My room?" I asked questioning Arthur's term. I assumed as husband and wife, the bedroom would be our bedroom.

"Y-yes, I thought you may be more comfortable in your own space for the time being. Until you are ready." Arthur said- his soft expression genuine. His free hand rested upon mine as I held him, "Nothing needs to be rushed, I do not want to frighten you. Let's simply get to know one another more first."

I felt my shoulders relax, I hadn't even realised they were tensed up. Arthur seemed to notice and smiled softly down at me.

"You are kind man Arthur." I smiled back at him, without force.

"Glad you think so. I am trying rather hard for your affection." The Prince blushed, running his hand through his long hair.

I gently squeezed the arm I held, "I am a simple woman, give me books and a sword, and we'll get along just fine." I teased, half waiting for his reaction after what Lionel had said.

Arthur didn't want me to go onto the front lines, he wanted me to remain here in safety.

Arthur smiled, his cheeks not quite reaching his eyes.

He chucked lightly, "I'll take notes."

Not one hundred percent confirming what Lionel had said. Maybe Arthurs opinion could be swayed, if I could show Arthur I could fight and look after myself, he would change his mind.

"I'd like to rest before dinner also, if that's alright." I said remembering his question from before.

The Prince nodded, "Of course, I'll show you to your room then. I shall show you around the castle and the grounds tomorrow."

The Southern castle was around the same size as the Northern one, the layout a lot different. Instead of the foyer having the split grand staircase and the ballroom in the middle underneath the first floor, the Foyer lead in three different directions, one towards large white double doors in the East and a corridor down the side, a grand staircase that wrapped around the foyer to the upper mezzanines and to the West an arched corridor leading to another wing of the castle. Arthur escorted me up the long staircase- red carpet covering the stairs with golden handrails and more chandeliers. Large porcelain vases sat at almost every corner, filled with exotic plants and great painted portraits covered the walls. At the top of the staircase sat a family portrait of the Ashmore's when they were all younger, just like the family one we had at home. King Eugene stood to the right of Ariellah with little Edmund in front, the Queen sat on a chair holding a baby, from the number of children I assumed the baby was Sika. Arthur, Lance and Nate stood to their mothers left, younger versions of themselves. Arthur had shorter hair back then, rounded cheeks and all shorter in height- nothing like they were now.

"You were an adorable child." I smiled at the Prince beside me as I admired the painting.

"I wish mother would move that painting." Arthur mumbled glancing down at me. "Maybe we could get our own portrait painted. May be the only one I would like."

The portrait filled the wall from the floor to the roof. It would have been close to a life-size scale of the Southern Royal family.

I blushed, it was considered a serious affair getting couple portraits painted. Mother had told me her first one with father was celebrated with a ball to show off the painting.

"That would be lovely." I said trained. It didn't feel right just yet, not with everything going on in my mind, all these feelings and emotions I couldn't control.

"I'll have it arranged then." Arthur smiled finally reaching his eyes, it did make him happy for me to want to get a painted portrait done of us. Maybe it would be a good thing, would bring us closer to each other.

We walked down an arched corridor, closed doors passing us. I tried to map the way we walked and how many doors and turns we took until we got to my room but exhaustion was hitting me. The wedding, the journey, the attack, the forest, taking my new home all in, it was too much. I'm glad Arthur gave me my own chambers, my own private space. I wonder how long he expected for me to remain in my own room? What does everyone else think of these arrangements? It definitely wasn't a common occurrence.

"Your chambers." Arthur said pushing the white door open to my own room. Inside sat sofas and a table closest to the door, a large bed along the wall surrounded by white sheer drapes, great arched windows to the outside showing the garden and rolling hills, a stone fireplace- already lit and warming up the room. A larger wardrobe similar to what I had back home sat along the far wall and a door to which would go through to the attached bathing room.

"It is beautiful Arthur, thank you." I smiled up at him. It looked very similar to my old room, I wondered if that was coincidence or planned.

"I had the maids decorate it like your old room, a certain maid Tanya helped with some arrangements. The bathroom is through there also." Arthur said as I stepped further into the room. Looking up I saw the small, dangling chandelier, and swirling patterns and pictures moulded into the roof, flakes of gold painted onto the white.

"I may not want to leave this room, it is too grand." I smiled back at my Husband. Arthur had said when I was ready, we would share a room together.

Arthur smiled dipping his head, "I'm glad you like it- ah," He turned to the door as it opened to show a young maid. Her skin was light brown with spots of white on her arms, cheek and brow- I had never seen such beautifully intended skin like hers before. "Right on time- this is Clare, she will be your personal maid. Anything you want she will get for you." Arthur gestured back to the young girl.
Clare curtsied, holding her white apron, "A pleasure to meet you, your Highness." Behind her two butlers held my trunks. Clare stepped inside as the butlers placed my trunks by my wardrobe.

"And you." I smiled back.

"I will leave you to get settled in, see you at dinner." Arthur smiled, his hands resting behind his back as usual. He dipped his head allowing the butlers to move in more trunks into my room.

"Would you care for a bath before dinner, your Highness?" The young maid asked dipping her head.

"Please." I nodded, knowing it would give them time to unpack my luggage, keeping me out of the way. Clare stepped into the bathroom to begin filling up the bath, I smiled at the butlers who placed down another trunk, the thud it left on the ground made me realise that was my trunk filled with books. I felt slightly out of place, even though this was my own private space, it was still new- I was all new.

I wore my favourite light blue gown, it wrapped around my shoulders, the sleeves flowing down my arms. The inside of the castle was kept well warm from the fireplaces, besides the larger open areas. I opted for a second petticoat just in case. Arthur had met me at my door to escort me to dinner. Clare styled my hair in a more Southern updo, curls and pins, rather than decorative braids. More things I would have to get used to was Southern fashion.

Arthur greeted me with a polite compliment and we met everyone in the dining hall for dinner, Edmund was the last to join, sitting across from me. Young Sika sat on Edmund's right and Nate on his left. King Eugene sat at the end of the table with the Queen adjacent, me right beside. Lance sat on the other side of Arthur, who sat on my other side. It was a large family, I knew there were larger, though I was so used to a table of three not eight, including myself. The dinner sets were similar to homes, the only difference being the design and patterns on the plates, cutlery and glass'. During our journey here not everyone was always present at the table, either Lance, Edmund or Nate were occupied somewhere else. Maybe that's why Ariellah wanted everyone present here tonight.

"How did you find your room dear?" Ariellah asked me as a butler filled my glass. I wondered if Lionel was eating dinner now too, had he made friends with the other knights?

"It is really lovely, I adore the gesture of my own space, thank you." I smiled not exactly knowing what everyone's thoughts were on Arthur's decision. When Arthur came to collect me for dinner, he said his own room was a door down. We were a wall apart.

"I'm glad you're happy with it, it's not every day a newlywed couple would sleep separately." Ariellah said glancing over at her eldest son. I had a feeling she didn't agree but accepted it because it was her son.

"I think its romantic, the day they decide to share a room we know children may be running around these castle halls." Edmund smiled at us from across the table. Food was served after all the glasses were filled with wine and juice for the youngest. I flushed red- children. Arthur and mines children.

"It is rather modern you could say." Lance said from Arthurs other side.

"Must we talk about bed arrangements at dinner?" Arthur asked looking around at his family. I saw the youngest Prince giggle beside the King.

"Children then? How many do you want to have Athena?" Edmund smirked as a plate of food was placed in front of him, he didn't look twice at the butler who served him.

"Edmund." Arthur grumbled.

"Thank you." I mumbled up at the man setting the food down in front of me, the butler dipped his head moving away.

"I haven't really thought about it yet." I said anyway.

"You don't have to converse with him you know." Arthur mumbled down at my ear.

"I'd like at least four grandbabies." Ariellah said beside me.

"Please stop." Arthur muttered out at the table, picking up his cutlery to eat. Tonight we were served roasted pork, mixed steamed vegetables drizzled with a white sauce and a seasoned green salad.

"I second that." Edmund pointed over to his mother.

"How long does it take to have children?" Sika was the one to ask.

"Oh glad you asked brother-" Edmund turned to the youngest Ashmore son.

"No." Was all the King mumbled out to his sons and Edmund didn't finish his sentence.

"Want to go out hunting tomorrow father?" Nate asked the man sitting at the end of the table.

"I'd like to join." Lance chimed in leaning forwards to see his father as well.

"Can I go?" Sika asked, "I'm sixteen- I'm old enough now."

"I have a meeting in the morning with Commander Mavis and Captain Darius. I would like it if you joined Arthur." The king said as he cut into his roasted pork. I sat quietly listening to the conversation and ate my dinner, cutting small amounts to eat at a time.

"I cannot, I'm showing Athena around tomorrow." Arthur said his eyes landing on his fathers as he took a bite.

"Very well." King Eugene nodded, his eyes roaming over to me. I smiled politely and continued eating my food. Because of the attack we had on the road, we were a day behind when we would have originally returned. I'm sure the King would have had arrangements to discuss the war upon our return, more promptly now than before.

"Make sure Arthur takes you to the greenhouse tomorrow, it is one of my favourite spots to relax." Queen Ariellah spoke to me, gently touching my arm with her empty hand, she reached for her wine glass.

"I believe I saw it when we arrived, it's near the lake." I said.

"That lake is hunted you know." Edmund smirked at us, then took a bite of his dinner.

"He lies." Nate called out right after.

"It's true, I saw a dark figure standing by the water one night." Sika chimed in on Edmund's right.

"It was probably mother, walking back from the greenhouse." Arthur said glancing over at his mother who chewed her food. The King sipped his wine.

"No, they were standing in the middle of the lake. On the water." Sika continued.

"There's no such thing Sika." Nate called out leaning forwards to see his younger brother.

"You don't know that for sure." Lance replied to Nate lifting his glass to drink.

"There's cases like that all over the kingdom, the dead returning-" Edmund said taunting his younger brother.

"Not at dinner Edmund." Ariellah finally cut in stopping their conversation.

"Sorry mother." The said Prince replied, his eyes glancing towards me, his lips curled into a smile. I took a bite of my food. Spirits had never really frightened me, not that I have ever experienced something like what Sika described, so I didn't care about them. If they didn't bother me I wouldn't bother them.

"Anyway, in winter, the lake freezes over and you can skate on it. Its rather fun." Arthur said glancing down at me, returning to the previous conversation.

"Maybe that's what you saw that night-"Edmund smirked down at his younger brother.

"Edmund." Ariellah gave her final warning to the teasing son, making me giggle.

"It does sound like fun, wont the ice break?" I asked, setting my fork down to reach for my glass of wine.

"Sometimes." Nate was the one who answered.

"The best time to skate is right after it snows, when the ice is hardest." Arthur smiled. The butlers moved around the room silently refilling glasses that became empty during the conversation.

"Best to always stay around the edge of the lake, I always worry when you all go out there." Ariellah said looking around at all her children.

"You only need to worry about Arthur, he's most likely to break the ice first." Edmund smiled then blew out his cheeks at his older brother beside me. I hid my chuckle at the teasing as Arthur shot daggers across the dinner table. The others chuckled also. Ariellah scolding Edmund yet again.

I felt more relaxed as dinner carried on, everyone was so open and kind to talk making me feel comfortable and included. I was worried about my first night here, but now less so. Perhaps, I would get used to it here like Tanya said, I would find a new routine to live by. It would get easier to miss home and more comfortable to be around everyone here. Even trying to make this marriage work I couldn't help but wonder what Lionel was doing, who he'd met already, what he thought of the castle- if he thought of me.

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