Explore The World (One Piece:...

By AngryEagle1

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Spoiler! This story contains spoilers for the One Piece manga, you are free to read on. "Yamato: I want to sa... More

Wild Wind Pirates (Spoiler - Updated)
Chapter 1: The Boy of Wano
Chapter 2: (Y/N) and Yamato
Chapter 3: Misfortune
Chapter 4: Yokai
Chapter 5: The Awakening of Yamato
Chapter 6: Curse
Chapter 7: Snow
Chapter 8: The Princess Kaguya
Chapter 9: The World is Unknown to me
Chapter 10: Poneglyphs
Chapter 11: Ohara
Chapter 12: Robin
Chapter 13: Demons
Chapter 14: To The Future
Chapter 15: (Y/N) VS Kikunojo
Chapter 16: Sorry
Chapter 17: Yamato
Preview: Red Snow Arc (Spoiler)
Chapter 18: Hate
Chapter 19: Promise
Chapter 20: (Y/N)'s Decision
Chapter 21: Tobiroppo
Chapter 22: Onigashima
Chapter 23: Wild Wind Pirates
Chapter 24: A New Adventure
Chapter 25: Injured
Chapter 26: Attack
Chapter 27: Despair
Chapter 28: Wild Wind Pirates VS CP0
Chapter 29: Revolutionary Army
Chapter 31: Zou
Chapter 32: Mink Tribe
Chapter 33: Companions
Chapter 34: Training
Chapter 35: Towards Elegia
Chapter 36: Uta, The Singer
Chapter 37: CP0's Goal
Chapter 38: (Y/N) and Uta
Chapter 39: My Dream
Chapter 40: Uruk Rebels
Chapter 41: Gilgamesh's Trap
Chapter 42: Conqueror's Haki
Chapter 43: Alliance
Chapter 44: Elegia Music Festival
Chapter 45: New Genesis
Chapter 46: (Y/N) VS Stussy
Chapter 47: A New Era
Chapter 48: The Final Assault
Chapter 49: A New Page Opens
Chapter 50: New Bounties
Chapter 51: (Y/N) and The Sky Poetess
Chapter 52: The Comeback of Ulti and Page One

Chapter 30: Captain

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By AngryEagle1

The weather was peaceful, the sky clear and the gentle sea breeze did not warn of a coming storm. The sea stretched as far as the eye could see, lit by the bright sun, moving slowly with the gentle, calm waves of salt water. Seagulls flew in the sky and dolphins swam under the sea and suddenly leapt out of the water as a ship sailed near them.

Sunlight entered a room made of wood where a young man covered in bandage was sleeping peacefully. Struck by the light, his eyelids opened to reveal his beautiful eyes as he saw a ceiling instead of a sky since he thought he was still outside, on the coast of an island. (Y/N) complained about the pain trying to sit up as he noticed that he was in a room that was not very familiar to him even though he knew it was his room on his ship, but he had never had the opportunity to sleep there yet.

The memory of Stussy came to mind as he instinctively placed his hand on his shoulder with sweat flowing from his forehead. The door opened to reveal Yamato entering the room and she suddenly stopped at the sight of (Y/N) awake. Tears filled her amber eyes and she approached her captain who had not noticed her because of the memory of her previous defeat.

Yamato: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I lost again... Just like that day, I lost again to the World Government...

Yamato: What are you talking about? Are you alright?

(Y/N): That day, I couldn't do anything to save Ohara and even today, I wasn't able to defeat the Cipher Pol...

Yamato: (Y/N), I'm glad you woke up, but I think you still need care. I'll call Trafalgar Law, just wait a moment. She tried to leave the room, but (Y/N) suddenly grabbed her arm to prevent her from leaving.

(Y/N): No, please, I need to stay with you, Yamato.

Yamato: ...

(Y/N): Yamato, I'm glad you're here, but I want to know how everyone's doing? What happened after Stussy bit me?

Yamato: Don't worry, everyone's fine. We got help from a group of the Revolutionary Army who chased away those two CP0 agents. Then we left the island with them.

(Y/N): That Revolutionary Army group is still on the ship? And Law too?

Yamato: Yes, do you disagree with that decision?

(Y/N): No, they helped us so they have the right to stay. I just want to thank them... I'm reassured that everyone is fine, I was unable to protect you...

Yamato: What? What are you talking about? You did your best, you went beyond your limits to protect us despite your injuries! It's my fault for being useless while you and Kikunojo were fighting CP0.

(Y/N): I am the captain, it's my responsibility to protect you. How can I be your captain if I am unable to defend my companions? I was cowardly, pathetic and weak against them.

The woman was surprised by her friend's watery eyes as tears began to flow along his face and fall onto the blanket of the bed. (Y/N) was not someone who cried often, he mostly hid his sadness behind a smile to avoid worrying the others. Seeing him cry was something unusual for her, she had seen him cry before, but this was a rare event revealing his deep feelings.

(Y/N): I'm sorry, Yamato.

Yamato: (Y/N)...

(Y/N): I'm really sorry for being such a weak captain...

Yamato: I forbid you to say that! You are not weak, we all know failure, it is a lesson that makes us understand our mistakes so we can move forward to become better.

(Y/N): But...

Yamato: Please don't say you are unworthy to be my captain. I've known you for years, I know you do your best to go above and beyond every time for all of us.

(Y/N): ...

Yamato: You go to a fair amount of trouble to save the people of Wano. For this reason, I am proud that you are my captain!

(Y/N): Yamato.

Yamato: Yeah?

(Y/N): Thank you.

Yamato: Why are you thanking me?

(Y/N): Thank you for accepting a captain like me. I promise I'll become even stronger than I am now.

Yamato: You are an idiot, I already know that you will become stronger because I have faith in you! Dry your tears and stay strong, captain! She said with a smile. (Y/N) was touched by Yamato's words and smiled to express his enthusiasm as well.

(Y/N): This face, I want to protect it. He said as he put his hand on Yamato's cheek as she was confused.

Yamato: Huh?

(Y/N): Yamato, I want to make you happy. The man's sudden words made Yamato blush as he seemed to be absorbed in the beauty of Yamato's eyes.

Yamato: What is he talking about? I've never seen him like this? What's wrong with him?

Her face turned like a tomato as (Y/N)'s face came closer to the woman's face and she started to stammer.

Yamato: Is he going to kiss me? I'm not ready to kiss (Y/N) yet! What am I saying? Am I in love with him?! Impossible, he is my friend, but he is an idiot, I cannot love him... But a part of me wants that kiss... Her heart was beating wildly and her cheeks were flushed, she slowly closed her eyelids preparing to kiss her friend whom she loved, but he suddenly stopped.

(Y/N): What am I doing? This is not possible, I'm about to kiss Yamato! The man removed his hand from Yamato's face and turned his face away, blushing with embarrassment at his action.

Yamato: Why didn't he kiss me? She thought, puffing out her cheeks in anger.

(Y/N): I was captivated by her beauty, I didn't think I was going to kiss her. Honestly, it's impossible for me to be in love with Yamato, she's just my friend... Even if a part of me is disappointed. Now, what do I have to say to her? Yamato, uh... I'm sorry, I...

The crew captain was suddenly interrupted by Yamato placing his hands on the pirate's cheeks. (Y/N)'s eyes met Yamato's who seemed determined despite the blush. The man's face went red and began to stutter at the sight of Yamato who slowly closed his eyes as he brought his face closer.

Yamato: Sorry, (Y/N).

(Y/N): What?!

Yamato was about to kiss (Y/N), but the door suddenly opened as she immediately let go of (Y/N) blushing with embarrassment. Kikunojo and Kasa Obake were surprised to see (Y/N) awake after hearing his voice, they jumped into the arms of the ship's captain who screamed in pain. Tears flowed from Kiku's eyes and she was the most worried for him, as she had fought with him and seen his defeat with her own eyes.

Still confused about what had happened with Yamato, (Y/N) could not understand the sudden arrival of his friends, but he saw that his sister was crying and put his hands on her head to reassure her.

(Y/N): Kikunojo, are you alright?

Kikunojo: (Y/N), I'm so sorry I couldn't save you...

Kasa Obake: No, I'm the one who's sorry I was useless. I may not be a fighter, but I really wanted to protect you, you are my friends.

(Y/N): Guys... Shut up, you're going to make me cry... He said with a small smile as he felt moved with tears in his eyes.

Yamato: ... She felt embarrassed because of her unconscious attempt to kiss (Y/N), but she couldn't help smiling at the sight of the crew gathering after recent hard trials for everyone.

(Y/N): No matter, what happened, I understood that you are all important to me. The most important thing is that we are all alive, so let's continue to get stronger to protect each other and move forward together.

All: Yes, Captain!

???: Are we interrupting something? A smiling Sabo appeared at the entrance of the room with his team.

(Y/N): Oh, you must be the Revolutionary Army!

Sabo: Indeed we are. I am Sabo and these are my companions Koala and Hack, we are pleased to meet you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Nice to meet you, I am Kaze D. (Y/N), the captain of this crew. Yamato explained to me what you did for us, I thank you because without you I would have been captured by the World Government.

Sabo: I'm glad to see you're finally awake, I wanted to talk to you. Do you feel able to have a discussion with us?

(Y/N): Yeah, sure, what do you want to talk about?

Koala: All your companions know about our topic of conversation, but we want to tell you about it because you are the most important person on this ship.

Hack: To begin with, do you know the kingdom of Uruk?

(Y/N): The kingdom of Uruk? Yes, I know this island. I studied its history when I was in Ohara, but what do you mean? I am lost.

Sabo: Very well, that will make it easier to explain. Today, there is a new Queen Ishtar who rules over the island since many years. This island is one of the kingdoms that would have created the World Government, but they refused to settle on Mary Geoise, but that means that it has an important status and they are affiliated and under the protection of the World Government.

Koala: However, we know that Queen Ishtar's brother Gilgamesh is plotting a rebellion against his sister.

(Y/N): Why would he try to oppose his sister?

Sabo: We have no idea, but maybe he wants to have the power for himself;

(Y/N): So if I understand, the World Government got involved in this rebellion business to save Uruk?

Hack: Yes, at the request of the Queen, who is trying to defeat her brother, but he has already left his island to take refuge elsewhere, waiting for the right moment to strike. He and his followers have gone to war with the World Government, that's why CP0 was present on this island to try and capture two of his hidden supporters, one is Sumer who you've already met while the other is called Nippur, but he's already been captured.

(Y/N): Sumer. Who is this man really?

Sabo: Hack said it, he is one of Gilgamesh's subordinates. He was part of a group of five people called "The Guardians of Uruk" in charge of protecting the queen, but he betrayed his island to join the prince in his rebellion.

(Y/N): But what did he want from me? Why did he want to capture me?

Sabo: The reason we are involved in this situation is because we were attacked by Gilgamesh's army and they stole a lot of our resources. Unlike the World Government, we think that this rebellion story is not clear so we are trying to reach their leader to parley. However, we found out that he is looking for two devil fruits... He was suddenly interrupted by Law who entered the room.

Law: I wanted to explain this to Wild Wind from the beginning, I'll continue the explanation myself.

Sabo: Uh, okay...

(Y/N): Law?

Law: Do you remember I offered you to work together? That's because we are targeted by Gilgamesh. I was attacked by one of his subordinates and found out this information before I ran away, he wants to get the Op-Op Fruit, my power as well as the Wind Wind Fruit, yours.

(Y/N): Why does he want to get our powers?

Law: He is not the only one interested in my power, my power has the possibility to give immortality to someone else. He probably wants me to make him immortal.

(Y/N): What? He wants to be immortal! That's not possible, we can't be immortal!

Yamato: What's wrong with you?

(Y/N): Just like the First Queen Ishtar who was interested in immortality, her descendant is too... Even if your power allows it, we are humans. It is the natural order of things to be born and die, we have to accept this reality.

Law: Well, I thought you were an idiot, but you seem more mature than I thought.

(Y/N): Hey, I'm not an idiot!

Kikunojo: Yes, you are an idiot.

Kasa-Obake: I can confirm that.

Yamato: That's right, you're an idiot.

(Y/N): Why aren't you supporting me? He said in frustration at being insulted by his companions.

Sabo: However, we still don't know the location of Gilgamesh and why he is interested in your power.

Koala: We captured Sumer, but he refuses to talk.

(Y/N): He's on that boat too? I had to talk to him to get the information I need.

Hack: We were able to find an Eternal Pose on him. It's the only clue we have about his leader's hideout.

(Y/N): An Eternal Pose? I know about navigation, which island does it indicate?

Law: The Elegia island.

Sabo: He might be hiding there, but the singer Uta is about to give a concert in the next few days.

(Y/N): Hihihi! He laughed to everyone's surprise.

Yamato: What's wrong with you, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Our enemy is on the island of Uta, so it's a good reason to go to the Uta concert! He exclaimed, raising his fist with joy.

Yamato: How long have you known this singer?

(Y/N): Since we were on the previous island. I discovered the singer, and now I'm interested in her music. I want to go to Elegia and see her concert.

Kikunojo: You know that you will not go to see a music concert.

(Y/N): I don't care. We're going to see Uta's concert, I don't want any debate.

Yamato: She's just a singer, I don't understand why you're interested in her... She spoke in a low voice, but the Yokai heard her words and smiled mischievously. It approached Yamato to speak to her discreetly.

Kasa Obake: I feel like you're jealous... It said as Yamato blushed.

Yamato: Say one more word and I'll throw you in the ocean, the fish will eat you. The ghost got scared and suddenly disappeared at Yamato's threat.

Kikunojo: I think I'll go prepare a meal for everyone.

(Y/N): Good idea, I was really hungry! Make us a feast, Kiku!

Yamato: Hey, me too! I'm hungry, I want you to make me a bigger portion than (Y/N)!

(Y/N): What? You want to challenge me to a food duel?

Yamato: Exactly, you will lose.

(Y/N): You should never have said that, my pride is at stake now. I'll win, you'll see.

Kikunojo: Haha! You can count on me, you will enjoy it. She said leaving the room.

The ship continued to sail across the ocean as Kasa Obake watched the blue sea from the deck of the ship, but it was surprised by the sudden appearance of a mist enveloping the pirate ship. A huge moving creature covered the ship with its large shadow to the surprise of the Yokai who alerted everyone who quickly arrived except for (Y/N).

Sabo: What's that?

Yamato: I think I know... I recognise it... That's Zou where the Mink Tribe lives!


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