Different Languages DNF

By Dumb_Writerr

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George is a youtuber who is from London and he loves his job to make others happy, one day George and his fri... More

Chapter 1: Meeting Frenzy
Chapter 2: Lunch time while chatting
Chapter 3: Sorry about that
Chapter 4: Photo
Chapter 5: Somethings off
Chapter 6: Get to know each other
Chapter 7: Spamming
Chapter 8: steam talking
Chapter 9: Late night talking
Chapter 10: Please?
Chapter 11: Okay fine
Chapter 12: Getting the house ready
Chapter 13: Airport and fresh lemons
Chapter 14: First night in London
Chapter 15: Early morning
Chapter 16: Unexpected visit
Chapter 17: Thunder storm
Chapter 18: Under the eye patch
Chapter 19: Late night
Chapter 20: Phone and clothes shopping
Chapter 21: Making some lunch
Chapter 22: Your such a simp
Chapter 23: My god who is the cute guy
Chapter 24: Cuddles
Chapter 25: Take out dinner
Chapter 26: Meets family
Chapter 27: Doors
Chapter 28: Just a crush
Chapter 29: HELL YEAH
Chapter 30: Mexico here we come
Chapter 31: Dinner in Mexico
Chapter 32: Spilling the beans
Chapter 33: Please calm down
Chapter 34: old High school crush
Chapter 35: The real side to Dream
Chapter 36: Cuddles
Chapter 37: Truth comes out
Chapter 38: Adopted
Chapter 39: Speaking half English
Chapter 40: HEY
Chapter 41: Off we go around the world
Chapter 42: Got into University/College
Chapter 43: first text back
Chapter 44: Hospital
Chapter 45: I HATE you
Chapter 46: Staying up late studding
Chapter 47: Making a phone
Chapter 48: Protective
Chapter 49: Close cuddles
Chapter 50: Yes he is mine
Chapter 51: Why do you do that?
Chapter 52: Maybe I am a little obsessed
Chapter 53: No more hiding (And a question for you guys)
Chapter 54: Best future for him
Chapter 56: Rage
Chapter 57: Silly times
Chapter 58: You have no right over him
Chapter 59: Dancing
Chapter 60: Real parents

Chapter 55: Stay still!

64 1 0
By Dumb_Writerr

(Georges pov)

"Dream! Fucking stay still!" I yell. I was trying to change Dream's bandages that was on his cuts from earlier and it is proving impossible because Dream won't stay still.

"¡Duele! (It hurts!)" Dream yells

"I now it hurts but you have to stay still so I can change the bandage! If I dont do this then they wont heal!" I yell. Dream kicks me in the stomach.

I accidenty hit Dream in his wrist and he jumps and screams a bit, It makes me stare at him. Dream stares at me then looks away. I bandage up Dream's cuts without any problems.

I look at Dream who is tearing up. I grab Dream's chin and move his face to face me.

"What's wrong?" I ask. Dream sniffles.

"nada no te preocupes por eso... (Nothing don't worry about it...)" Dream says

"Well I am worrying so you better tell me what's wrong" I say. Dream looks down at his wrist.

"cuando me golpeaste en la muñeca, ¡me empezó a doler mucho y todavía me duele! ¡No puedo moverlo mucho! (when you hit me on my wrist it started hurting really badly and it still is! I can't move it much at all!)" Dream says.

"Okay okay calm down let me look at it" I say

"No! ¡Me duele demasiado moverme! ¡solo déjalo en paz! (No! It hurts too much to move! just leave it alone!)" Dream yells

"Okay okay I'll leave it alone, I won't touch it but if it doesn't get better you better let me touch it and look at it okay?" I say. Dream looks away.

"Okay?!" I half yell. Dream looks at me.

"Okay!" Dream says "Solo por favor no grites... (Just please don't yell...)"

I let out a sigh.

"I am sorry for yelling at you" I say "I was only trying to help that's all"

"Lo sé, lo sé, es solo que siento dolor con facilidad, lo siento por ser tan difícil. (i know i know it's just, I feel pain easily, I am sorry for being so difficult)" Dream says

"No no no" I say "There is no need to be sorry about anything"

"sí (I do)" Dream says "Mi familia que me adoptó viene aquí a verme... (My family that adopted me are coming here to see me...)"

"Well we have nothing to worry about they dont know what house you are in" I say

"Ellos hacen (they do)" Dream says

"How?!" I say

"Lo siento George! me obligaron a decírselo, mi papá me engañó para que le dijera. e-las cartas eran mentira George, a mi papá no le importaba, solo quería la dirección de esta casa (I am sorry George! they made me tell them, my dad tricked me into telling him. t-the letters were a lie George, my dad didn't care he just wanted the address to this house)" Dream says. Dream starts to tear up.

I let out another sigh.

"It's okay Dream maybe it would be a good idea for you to see them" I say

"Eso es lo que pensé que estaba preocupado por lo que dirías. (That's what I thought I was just worried what you would say)" Dream says

"Now come on it's getting late, lets get to bed and sleep the night away and get ready for the new day! What are we gonna do tomorrow?" I ask. Dream smiles widely.

"Oh god" I say

"¡Quiero salir y comprar un juego de mesa para poder patearlos! (I want to go out and buy some board game so I can kick your ass at them!)" Dream says

"Is that so? Then lets buy all the board games we can and get some we both don't know THEN we will see who is the real winner" I say. I don't know why but ever since we taught Dream how to play board games and now no one can beat him.

"Oooo está en panecillo de miel (Oooo it's on honey bun)" Dream says. I look down at Dream's wrist which is swollen.

I take a deep breath then I look back at Dream. 

"I am gonna kick your ass at all the board games we buy just you wait" I say

"Mmm no tengo ninguna duda (Hm I have no doubt)" Dream says 

"Good" I say "Now let's go to bed"

"¿Tenemos que hacerlo? no estoy cansado (Do we have to? I am not tiredddd)" Dream says 

"How are you not tired?" I ask "I am like very tired"

"El dolor mantiene a la gente despierta y despierta a la gente debes saber que George todo el mundo lo sabe (Pain keeps people awake and wakes people up you should know that George everyone knows that)" Dream says 

"Well I do know that I am just really tired at the moment" I say "When I get tired I forget things some times and you should know that because it happens in a lot of people"

"Sé que duh, no soy tan tonto (I do know that duh, I am not that dumb)" Dream says

"Your not dumb at all" I say 

"Soy, solo soy un poquito tonto (I am, I am just that tiniest bit dumb)" Dream says. Dream yawns.

"Looks like someone is tiredddd" I say

"Nooooo" Dream says "Estoy bien (I am fine)"

"Yeahhhh rightttt" I say "Come on let's go to bed"

"Ugh bien (Ugh fine)" Dream says. Me and Dream walks to his room and lay down in the bed, I turn off the light before we get into bed.

I cuddle up to Dream and he holds onto me, I make sure that Dream falls asleep before I fall asleep.

Hey I am still alive dont worry :)

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