Rich Radiant Love: Steven's h...

By Soulmates2

7K 329 26

Book three: The love story of Steven and Abby continues. The heartbreak, the pain and suffering, the hatred... More

Life Goes On
Anthony's Relapse
Deep Regrets
Poisonious Secrets
Hard Core Misery
Mickey Mouse
Lions and Tigers and Hippos
Anthony's Torment
The Preparations
The Funeral
The Letters
Pregnancy Test
Baby Girl
You Are My Temple
Six Weeks Later
Lost and Found
My Family, My Life
I'm Done!
Marry Me!
The Love Child
The Christiening
Make up Sex
The Master Plan
Carmel By The Sea
It's Complicated
A month later
The Truth
A New Begining
Orange Flames of Fire
A Time For Sorrow
Marry Me!


278 11 0
By Soulmates2

The suns brilliant light splashed across California on this beautiful and blessed Sunday. Abby stood on the alter wearing a simple white flowing gown that showed off her baby bump, white sandals on her feet, and an pretty, ivory flower crown on her head. She looked beautiful, her tearful eyes radiated the love she felt for Steven as she looked into his deep blue eyes.

Steven was wearing a simple white linen shirt, white linen pants and white loafers on his feet. He looked strikingly handsome standing before his beautiful, beloved bride and he too sported tears of joy in his eyes, and a lump in his throat, as he was reciting his wedding vows.

"Six years ago my eyes fell on you on that day in the hallway of our school. My heart knew instantly that my life would change forever. I have fallen deeply in love with you Abby, love of my life, heart of my heart. I swear to God to love and cherish you for the rest of my life till death do us part!" His voice was deep with emotions and Steven had to stop for a moment to breath in an inhalation of breath and then exhale slowly, "I know I'm unbearable most of the time, possessive and demanding, but if you'll have me Abby I swear to you on all that is holy that with all that I am and all that I have, I will worship the ground you walk on."

Abby smiled, and her eyes glistened with tears, "When I realized I was in love with you Steven, I was scared and didn't want to admit it. I fell in love with you so hard that I suffered deep in my heart. I thank the Lord for bringing me to you and I promise to love and obey you, I will honor and cherish you, you are my best friend Steven, and I will love you forever."

Overwhelmed with emotion, Steven once again choked back a few sobs, and tightened his hold on Abby's hands. His deep blue eyes were hazed with pure love and adoration, and he didn't care that everyone saw him in tears, he loved Abby so much that he wanted to pull her into his possessive arms and never let her go.

"You have declared your consent before the church," the priest said, "May the Lord in His goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. What God has joined let no man divide, Amen." The priest then motioned for Stephan to step forward with the rings.

Stephan who was dressed in a linen shirt and white shorts, and wore white sandals on his feet stepped forward with a huge smile on his face. Jeff who was the best man took the rings from Stephan and handed them to Steven.

"Bless o Lord these rings," the priest said, "May almighty God bless you, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."

The rings were exchanged and then the priest continued, "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride."

Steven smiled and leaned forward and pecked Abby on her lips, but unable to restrain himself any longer, Steven wrapped his arms around her and crushed her against him, he then kissed her passionately not caring who was watching.

Everyone hugged and kissed and congratulated the happy couple, and then they all went back home where the beach was set up for the wedding party. The catering service had set up all the tables with fancy table cloths and chairs. There were flowers and balloons and mouth watering catered food. Steven spared no expense.

There were special lights installed to light the event when the sun dipped into the horizon and Steven had hired a live band. The wedding party was small, there was Abby and Steven, Jeff and Claire, Jacob and Bella, Jennifer and George, John and Alice, Lily and all the little children. Abby insisted on a small wedding with only her family and friends.

Steven held Abby in his possessive arms, as they danced their first dance as husband and wife. Steven had chosen John legends famous song, 'All of Me,' and he was not shy to kissing her throughout the entire song and whispering how much he adored her in her ear.

It was unimaginable to Abby that she had gotten so lucky to be loved by Steven, a man who worshipped the ground she walked on. It was surreal and overwhelming to her and the tears glided unashamedly down her lovely face.

Likewise, Steven felt no shame either, as he too had happy tears in his eyes. He felt blessed to have Abby and his adorable cherished children, and every breath that he took he vowed to himself that he would love and adore them.

"From this day forward Abby, you are mine now and forever!" He told her hoarsely.

"I have always been yours Steven from that day six years ago in the school hallway when you stole my heart!" She told him.

Overwhelmed, Steven grabbed Abby into his powerful arms that were made of iron steel and headed hurriedly to the house, "Start without us and we will catch up later, Alice watch over the children!"

Laughter rang out across the beach as the guests watched Steven running towards the house with his wife in his arms and disappearing inside the new house he had built for his family.


Taking Abby inside the master bedroom, Steven kicked the door closed with his foot and placed Abby back on her feet. "Take your clothes off Abby." He told her hoarsely, his eyes glistened with love and lust and Abby swallowed.

Removing her sandles and stepping out of her dress, Abby stood naked before him. Steven's eyes slowly glided over the swell of her breast, down to her swollen belly, and then lowered all the way down to her feet before they glided upwards again to her beautiful face.

"Abby," he said in a very deep and emotional tone of voice, "I love you."

He didn't wait for her to respond, wrapping his arms around her, Steven lifted her in his arms and lay her gently on the bed. Then he swiftly undressed and joined her.

Steven made sweet passionate love to her as never before. He branded himself in her soul to remind her that she now belonged to him heart, body and soul, as he worshipped her.

An hour later, Steven reluctantly pulled Abby back to their wedding party, "We will finish where we left off tonight." He whispered for her ears alone, as they went and joined the party.

"Welcome back," Jeff grinned from ear to ear, and laughter rang out all around them.

They made their way to their assigned seats and Steven looked around him ever so grateful to God for all the blessing He had bestowed upon him.

Standing up, Steven grabbed a glass and prepared to make a toast, silence draped around them, as they waited to hear what Steven had to say.

"I want to start by saying to my lovely wife," the word wife had him all choked up, "how much I love her. I know I shower her a million times a day with words of love and adoration, and she is probably sick of hearing me, but I love her so much that I'm drowning with happiness."

Tears flowed freely on Abby's lovely face, as she did her best to sit quietly through Steven's speech.

"I feel very blessed to have Abby as my wife, and am extremely grateful for the family she has given me, and I swear to all that is holy to love and adore her to eternity!"

Bending over he kissed his wife's lips and melted against her, until someone called out, "Save that for tonight Steven!"

Pulling away from Abby's lips, Steven finally sat down next to his wife and then Jeff stood up to make a toast.

"Congratulations to the both of you," Jeff said happily, "finding true love in this day and age is rare and I'm grateful to God that you two have found each other. I'm also grateful to know that we are brothers," raising his glass, Jeff said, "here's to love and family!"

Everyone raised their glasses in the air and toasted the happy couple. Lily stared at her brother and smiled, for even though she now knew that he wasn't blood related to her, the fact was that she would always feel that he is her brother because she truly loved him as such, and the realization that Abby was her half sister was a blessing.

Abby prayed that one day she too would meet a man who loved as passionately as Steven loved Abby, would she ever be that lucky, she thought, as she drank her martini and motioned for the server to bring her another one.

The evening wore on nicely, they ate their delicious dinner, and dessert too, and drank and toasted all night long to the happy couple. They danced till the wee hours of the night. The children had fallen asleep, but Steven insisted they stay out with them on this special day. He had hired help to watch the children throughout the night and only when they fell into deep sleep did Steven allow the children to go in the house and be put to bed.

Steven was very careful not to drink too much on this special night, he didn't want to be drunk when he made love to his wife again when the party was over. He wanted to feel the powerful feeling of being inside of her while being sober so he could drink and get drunk from her nectar.

Finally at midnight when the band stoped playing for the night, Steven motioned for the hired help to wrap it up, he was ready to spend the rest of the night worshipping his wife in the privacy of their master bedroom.

                        Six Months Later

Steven stood barefooted a few yards away with a smile on his face, as he watched Stephan build sand castles and play with Aphroditis on the white, sparkling sand, Abby was sitting on the sand only a few feet away feeding their precious baby girl, Hope.

He had asked Abby if he could name their daughter Hope, because she brought hope into their life for a brighter future. Abby thought it was a wonderful idea and had agreed right away.

Life was so precious, he thought, and he was very over protective of his little family. Thankfully Abby never complained of the fact that he was possessive and unbearable, and he was grateful and thankful to God.

Feeling very blessed, Steven reminisced over the past six months. His new firm was very successful, his partners Jeff and Jacob were wonderful and business was booming.

Victoria went to trial, but she had hired a great team of lawyers that got her off the hook and she didn't serve jail time, claiming that she was mentally ill, instead they gave her two years in the mental institution, and then she will be set free.

The billion dollar company was now run strictly by Victorias father and Colber. It was struggling to survive, but Steven didn't care, he was focused on his family and his own company.

Jeff and Claire had given birth to a son, and his brother was over joyed. Steven smiled to himself, Jeff had proven to be more than a brother to him, he and Jacob were his best friends, they were very loyal to him and he trusted them with his life.

George and Jennifer were excited grandparents who also had acted as grandparents to Claire's and Bella's children and spoiled all the kids tremendously, Alice and John finally became a couple, Jacob and Bella were madly in love with each other and planning to get married within the next year, and Lily went back to school, but promised to spend Christmas break with them.

It was in the back of Steven's mind to one day find his twin brother Brandon, but for now, Steven spent every second when he wasn't at work with his precious family. He kept all his promises to his wife and Abby was very grateful.

Cutting off his ties with Colber and Kayla was very easy for Steven. He never had a bond with his so called father, nor Kayla his fake older sister. The woman whom he always thought was his mother was still in his life. He called her whenever he could and reminded her that no matter what he would always love her. She had raised him with tender loving care and he will always see her as his real mother.

Lily was an exception, from a very young age he felt a close bond with her, she was beautiful, kind and very loving, and even though they were not blood related, she will always be his sister.

And then there was Anthony who Steven knew watched them from above. He hoped that Anthony approved of Jacob marrying Bella and raising his daughter Antonia as his own.

He had made many mistakes in his life, but they were all stepping stones for reaching his goals. He has come a long way he has, and his mistakes helped him to mature quickly, but he would not want it to be any other way. He needed this experience to be the man he has become today.

Abby turned her head and their eyes met and locked. Steven swallowed back a choking sob, she was so beautiful, he thought, and she's all mine!

My true soulmate, my very own clown girl, who had stole my heart, he thought, as he continued to stare at her passionately


This is only the end of Abby's and Steven's love story, however they will show up in the fourth book. I have posted my next book which is a continuation of this book that focuses on Branden and Lily's loves story. Of course all our lovely characters from this book will also be included in this new series, especially Steven and Abby love story which is never ending. Thank you for your love and support and I hope you join us for another round of romantic love in the next book named ::: sexy seductive love book four

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