The Fool

By spiralings

62.1K 2.2K 680

"But he who dares not grasp the thorn should never crave the rose" *** ExTr... More

Introduction & Aesthetics
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Alternative Ending Chapter Forty-Five

Chapter Forty-Five

647 32 25
By spiralings

Synn got to the house. There was no need for him to sneak his way through the gates like he used to do. They were wide open. That was not a good sign. He paused for a second trying to shake of the pain that pounded throughout his entire body, but he tried not to focus on that. He glanced at the front door, seeing it wide open. He thought about it but reconsidered it, deciding that wasn't the best option right now. So, he took a different route that was familiar to him the first night he even set foot in this house. He made his way around the side to see the window that he entered through all that time ago was wide open, so he figured it might be a good option. As he climbed through and set foot in the familiar small room, he stopped to try and listen. He could hear faint shouts and gunshots throughout the house. He knew this was going to be a blood bath. He had absolutely nothing on him to defend himself, so he took his time going up the back stairs, listening carefully. As he made his way to the top, he slowly opened the door, looking out first before stepping out into the hallway. It wasn't empty, however.

There were two dead bodies on the floor next to him. He knelt down and checked their bodies for some sort of weapons. He found a knife in the pocket of one, stuffing it into his pocket, and a gun next to the other. He checked it for bullets, only seeing about three left but kept it anyway, clocking it and continuing to make his way through the house. The first place on his mind was Auroras' room. It was his best bet to begin with. He turned the corridor in a hurry, however, and was met the three men standing outside of Levi's office.

"He just confirmed she's in her room, he wants her now so let's go" One said as the three made a move to leave but they were met with Synn standing there right behind them. Synn recognised their faces from being around in the pub, but they didn't recognise his. He shot them a smile, punching his knife into the heart of one. The other two them made a charge at him at once, but he grabbed one of their arms with the gun, twisting it around them and shooting the other in the head, causing him to drop dead. Luckily, his silencer was on. He kicked the one left standing in the back of the knee before turning them around and pinning him to the wall, slicing him across the throat. The three of them were now on the ground at his feet. He was about to walk away as he stuffed the knife back in his pocket, but as he did, he felt something else. He pulled it out and saw the shiny dark tarot card that he hadn't seen in months. 'The Fool'. He paused before turning around again and looking at the bodies. He figured he might as well leave his mark.

He stood back, now covered in more blood than before. It wasn't his finest work, but it was enough. They were going to get his girl, and he didn't like that. He looked at the card again before dropping it down on what was left of their corpses before walking away again.

The sounds of shouts and gunshots began to grow louder as he made his way down the hall. As he rounded a corner, he saw Elijah and Axel fighting against five other men. Synn sighed before getting up behind them and grabbing one of the opposing men that had Axel at gun point and slitting their throat. Axel barely got the chance to look at Synn in shock before another man came his way.

One of the men grabbed Synn in a head lock. Synn felt the air escape his lungs, but it was soon back when he rammed them back against the wall, causing a picture to fall on the guys head. Synn managed to turn around and gut the man in the heart before shrugging him off completely. He turned around just in time to see another man drop dead at Elijahs hands. The two made eye contact, and Elijah pursed his lips for a second before speaking.

"Her room," He said simply, before he was charged at once again. Synn went to go help him, but Elijah managed to shake his head. "Go," He said sternly, motioning towards Auroras' bedroom. Synn didn't think twice before he ran down the hall towards her room. He got to the room and went to open the door, but it was locked. Without thinking about how he's gonna terrify the shit out of her, he kicked it down right above the handle, causing it to fall open. He stepped inside and glanced around the room, not seeing her anyway, until he heard something from the closet. He took long strides across the room, about to knock it down again but thought twice.

"Aurora," He said quietly. He heard rustling, followed by the clicking of the door unlocking. He watched as it slowly opened, seeing a head of blonde curls peep out. He didn't get the chance to properly look at her before she flung herself on him. Synn caught her, wrapping her legs around his torso as he clasped the back of her head and tucked it into his neck. The feeling that washed over both of their bodies was indescribable the second they were in eachothers arms. Synn closed his eyes and took it in for the brief moment they had. Auroras eyes began to water as tears slowly leaked out. She was so scared, but now, despite what was going on in the house, she had never felt so safe.

"I thought I'd never see you again," She mumbled, voicing the fears that had been haunting her. Synn tightened his hold on her, hearing the fear and worry in her voice. Despite it being an awful feeling, he secretly loved it, knowing nobody ever felt that way about him before.

"I'm here, baby," He whispered, kissing the top of her head, making her insides turn to goo. He pulled away for a second, holding her face in his hand to check for any signs of injuries.

"I'm okay, I'm not hurt," She quickly clarified when she noticed what he was doing. Synn nodded in relief and reluctantly put her down. He held onto her waist with one hand, cupping the side of her face with the other as he looked down at her. She looked up at him, big glossy eyes that were a tell she had been crying.

"I'm gonna get you out of here, okay?" He said seriously. Aurora nodded. He grabbed her hand and began to guide her out of the room.

"What about my brothers?" She asked worriedly. She hadn't seen any of them yet, she could hear it all but she didn't know if any of them were okay. It was killing her.

"They will be fine, but my main priority is your safety. You're not fighting with me on this one, " Synn replied sternly, leaving no room for argument. Aurora stayed quiet, knowing she wasn't gonna get anywhere, and she had to just trust him. And she did.

Synn checked every hall before they walked down it, keeping her close, tucked behind him and away from the gun he had in front of him. He went to turn a corner back towards the back staircase and hopefully leave the way he came, but as he did, he saw three men standing around there that he didn't recognise. He pulled Aurora back around and put a hand over her mouth. He knew he could take them if he was on his own, but he wasn't. It was Auroras' life at risk now as well, and he wasn't prepared to risk it any further. One glance at her big doe mixed colour eyes confirmed it, and he didn't want her to see that side of him again. She has seen before, but that was when he was clad in his hood. Now it was different.
Everything was different. He grabbed her hand again and led her the opposite way.

Unfortunately, this only left the main staircase. He didn't even think about taking slow steps as he saw the front door still wide open. Once they made it to the bottom, however, two men walked through the front. He swore under his breath. Shooting the both of them in a heartbeat, which caused Aurora to yelp in shock. He didn't want to chance walking out there in case there was anymore, so her dragged her through the living room just before they heard a yell from another room.

"They're down the stairs!"

Just then, two men came in through the kitchen, both of them on alert. Synn shot one, causing him to drop, but as he went to shoot the other, he realised he was out of bullets. The guy shot at them relentlessly as Synn launched at him. One managed to hit Synn in the shoulder, causing him to hiss as he grabbed onto the man's arms. Bullets were flying everywhere as Synn practically wreslted with him. One went flying, and he heard Aurora let out a scream that paralysed him for a moment. He turned to see her on the floor, clutching her leg that was now beginning to bleed. The guy managed to push Synn off and butt him in the head with the heel of the gun, causing him to stumble back for a moment. The guy gathered himself quickly and pointed the gun at Synn, but Synn gathered himself quicker. His anger took over, and he saw red at the man who hurt Aurora. He grabbed the knife from his pocket and threw it straight into his throat. The guy dropped the gun and fell to the floor.

Synn quickly scrambled and bent down to get the knife, but as he went to stand back up, his head hit a cold metal. He could feel the barrel against his skull, and he paused for a moment, glancing back in his peripheral vision before grabbing the guys leg and bringing him to the ground with him.

The gun fell to his side as Synn got on top of him, ready to lunch for his throat, but he grabbed his wrist to stop him. This guys strength was matched with Synns as the knife hoovered between them, daunting the two.

"Sunshine!" Auroras cry caused him to look away for a split second. He copped her on the floor, leaning against the back of the couch as blood was still pouring from her leg. She had wide teary eyes staring at something in front of her, so he took a glance to see Antonio slowly making his way towards her, a sinister smile on his face as he raised his gun. A surge of anger and fear ran through his body like he had never felt before. He finally gained that bit of extra strength he needed to push the man's arm back, causing the knife to go straight into his throat. He shrugged off his body and grabbed the gun from the floor, running over to Aurora and jumping in front of her just as gunshots went off.

The room fell silent. Aurora had her eyes squeezed shut, but once she heard the thud of a body hitting the floor, she was forced to open them. As she did, she was met with the sight of Antonio's lifeless body between Synns legs. There was a bullet shot straight through his head. His soulless eyes stared back at her as blood oozed down into them. He was dead. Auroras shoulders sagged. She looked up at Synn, a watery smile forming on her face as she waited for him to turn around.

"You did it," She said, with a laugh of disbelief. She watched as Synn turned around. He looked down at her with a small smile before falling onto his knees right in front of her. Aurora sat up, grinning widely, causing the salty tears to fall into her mouth, but as she went to embrace him, she noticed the hole straight in his heart.

Her face dropped as she stared at it. This caused Synn to look down at it also. He hadn't even felt it. The adrenaline and relief knowing that Aurora was safe was all he could focus on in the moment. He frowned slightly, bringing a hand up to his chest as blood oozed out into his clothes. Aurora looked back up at him in shock. Horror. She didn't know what to do.

"No," She blurted, scrambling up to catch him as he began to fall backwards. He landed in her lap, his head resting on her wounded leg she could no longer feel the pain of that anymore. All she could feel was the growing pain in her heart at the sight before her. "No, you're gonna fine. It's okay. We're gonna call an ambulance, and they're gonna take you, and I'm gonna go with you, and they're gonna make you all better. " She rambled helplessly, trying to reassure herself more. Synn watched her silently as tears began racing down her beautiful face. He didn't want to be the reason for her to cry. Her hands fumbled around her, and she ripped off her jacket and began to press it against the wound, but the more she did, the more it began to drench in blood, which scared her more. She shook her head, in denial that this was actually happening. Synn went to grab her hand, but she shrugged it off.

"No, you're gonna be fine," She said angrily, not once looking down at his face. Her lip trembled, and her voice was beginning to break. "Alaric! Levi! Call an a-ambulance!" She roared helplessly. Synn shook his head and went to grab her hand again. "Stop, no. Alaric!" She cried, her body now shaking with sobs. Synn clasped her hands with as much strength as he could in that moment, finally causing her to look at him. She shook her head repeatedly as she looked past his bruised and bloody face and down into emereald eyes that turned her to mush. Her heart physically ached, and she couldn't take it.

"Aurora, stop," He mumbled quietly. He slowly lifted one hand to her cheek, cupping it delicately, to which she responded by leaning into it. "I'm not going to be okay," He said bluntly. Aurora bit her lip and shook her head.

"No, yo-you w-will. You ha-have to be! I-I can't - " Aurora tried to speak, but she could barely get any words out. Synn smiled sadly at her.

"It doesn't hurt," He told her softly. She looked down at him, searching for any signs of lies, but she couldn't find any. He felt peaceful. The only thing hurting him now was the sight of the girl he loves breaking above him. "It's okay," He muttered. Aurora shook her head angrily.

"H-how could you sa-ay that? It's not ok-okay. I only just g-got you ba-back. We didn't get to- to finish our story or-or have our f-fairy tale ending!" She cried helplessly, clutching the wrist that held her face. Sh tried to smile as she joked about their fairytale life but failed miserably. Synn smiled did smile, however, at the girl who dreamed of having her whole life lived as a book. When he first met her and she talked about this, he thought she was insane, but now he hated that she wasn't going to get the story she hoped for.

"I got my fairytale ending," Synn said lightly. She looked down at him, frowning in confusion. "I got to save the girl that I love from all the bad guys." He smiled sadly. Auroras mouth parted slightly, more tears welling up in her eyes at his confession. The hole forming in her own heart began to warm at his words, but she hated how this would be the last time she hears them.

"What about the part where we live happy ever after with our dozens of babies in our castle?" Aurora asked, a giggle mixed with sobs escaping her as she tried to smile. Synn managed a strangled chuckle as he looked up at her, completely and helplessly in love with her.

"You're so infuriating" He mumbled jokingly, causing her to led out a choked giggle. "That'll come in the next book," He whispered with a promise. Aurora nodded at him, holding him to that promise.

"I love you, Sunshine." Aurora smiled sadly, leaning further into his hand. Synn felt another feeling of warmth wash over his body, along with the tiredness that was slowly creeping in. He was finding it harder and harder to keep his eyes open, but when she looked at him with those mixed eyes filled with love, he never wanted to look away. He would fight to keep them open for as long as he could.

"I love you, Aurora," He whispered back. She reached forward, placing a small kiss on his lips before brushing his hair off his forehead and placing her lips there. She closed her eyes, tears squeezing out as she felt the hand cupping her face slowly dropped to the floor. She hesitantly pulled back and looked down to see his eyes now shut. Her heart exploded in her chest as pain so severe pierced her heart that she felt like she had been shot. She wished it was her. The thoughts of living without him killed her itself. More sobs wrecked her body as she collapsed onto his chest. Her sobs were drowned by the sound of the grandfather clock in the living room going off on the strike of twelve, the ringing mocking the empty silence in the house as it mourned its losses.

"No, no, no, no.." She shook her head clasping the jumper she had on his chest. She heard the sound of footsteps entering the room, and she looked up to see Alaric standing in the doorway, the rest of her brothers running up behind them. None of them were badly injured but clearly suffered a few injuries. None she could even worry about right now, however. She made eye contact with Alaric, who stared back at her. He took one glance at Synns lifeless body, and his entire face dropped. He took slow steps towards her. The sight before him ripped him apart, and he didn't even know how to approach it.

"He's g-gone," Aurora sobbed, looking at him. Alaric cocked his head to the side sadly. Alaric looked down at Antonio's body once he stood in front of it, then back to Aurora. "He sa-saved me an-d now, now he's gone,"

Nobody could console the crying girl that night or the many nights to come. She cried with a broken heart that she didn't want anybody to mend. She never thought she would fall in love, never mind in such a short period of time. At first she relented the universe for taking him away from her after such a short period of time, but then she only thanked it more as that time was the best she had ever felt. She was young, and people tried to tell her that she would fall in love again many more times, but she knew it would never be the same, but that was okay.

She didn't want it to be the same. She didn't want anyone to compare to her Sunshine because nobody could. They would find each other again, like he promised, and they would live out their fairytale life that she always hoped. After all, he was her knight in sun-shining armour.

Until then she'd cry for, laugh for him, smile for him. She'd put on pretty dresses, wondering if he'd them, like she used to, read her books aloud as if he was in her lap listening and visit Bruise with Alaric at Dunes. People may think it's unhealthy, but it was her way of celebrating the time they spent together. He was never leaving her heart, so she simply embraced the love she had, has, for her Sunshine.


Thoughts? Emotions? Comments?

I was gonna wait to upload this but I actually couldn't hold off anymore.

This was so hard to write and I honestly contemplated how I was gonna end this book for the longest time. I low-key cried writing this and was going to change it but to be honest, as much as it breaks hearts, I think it just worked the best for the story. Like, I wanted a really impactful ending that fitted Aurora and Synns journey and I think this just kinda tied up all those knots that were hinted and brought up throughout the book.

But yeah, one more update and this book will finally be completed, then I have to go back and edit the fuck out of it cause holy shit, it's a disaster, but its grand!

Thank you so much for all ye're love and support already!


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