Oh Boy ~ [Female Reader x Var...

By AAwesome_SauceA

415K 17.7K 8.8K

As (Y/N) is sent out on a mission for a whale named "Laboon" with her childhood friend Vivi, She encounters... More

Chapter 1 - Laboon; Meet the Straw Hats!
Chapter 2 - Whiskey Peak
Chapter 3 - Miss All Sunday ; History...
Chapter 4 - Little Garden
Chapter 5: Hello Drum Kingdom: Save Luffy!
Chapter 6 - Nami Cured? : Off to Alabasta
Chapter 7 - Dance Powder : Firefist Ace
Chapter 8 - Back to Merry : Attack?!
Chapter 9 - The Journey Begins! : Walk, Walk, Walk...
Chapter 10 - Bye Ace : Mr.0
Chapter 11 - Really stuck : Sea stone?
Chapter 12 - Old Friends : Confronting Mr. 0!
Chapter 13 - Luffy? TWICE?!
Chapter 14 - Crocodile vs Luffy; Leaving?
Chapter 15 - Welcome!; Not Alone
Chapter 16 - Welcome to Jaya; Problems
Chapter 17 - I Hate Heights! : Special Rocks
Chapter 18 - Super Secret Meeting : GHOSTS!
Chapter 19 - Two Different Hunts Begin! : Gold and Survival!
Chapter 20 - Lost - Goat man...
Chapter 21 - The Man, The Myth, and The Fucking God
Chapter 22 - Rebellion! : I WANNA GO HOME!
Chapter 23 - Morning Starshine : Ark Maxim?
Chapter 24 - Two Immune! : Ascend?!
Chapter 25 - He fell! : The Sniper and The Cook
Chapter 26 - Morning Sunshine : The Giant Belfry
Chapter 27 - The Bell at Last! : Gold, Gold, Gold!
Chapter 28 - Leave The Sky! : Enter... a Base?!
Chapter 29 - Pirate > Marine? : Acting
Chapter 30 - Escape, (Y/N)! : TWICE?!
Chapter 31 - See ya Jonny! : Foxy again?!
Chapter 32 - Tension: The Afro...
Chapter 33 - Betrayal?! : Escape again...
Chapter 34 - Ice? : Admiral Aokiji
Chapter 35 - Water 7: New Friends
Chapter 36 - Knock it Down! : He's Back
Chapter 37 - He's After Who? : She Did What?!
Chapter 38 - Usopp! : Kidnapped
Chapter 39 - Fight : Visitors
Chapter 40 - Unwelcome - Taken
Chapter 41- Knights: One in a Suit, One in a Mask
Chapter 42 - Operation Rescue Robin-chan!
Chapter 43 - Spanda : Power Level
Chapter 44 - Bite of 87 : Life
Chapter 45 - 'Badasses' Stick Together : Battle Plan
Chapter 46 - Trouble... : Sounds?
Chapter 47 - Merry : Goodbye, Water Seven!
Chapter 48 - Fog : Island?
Chapter 49 - Hogback: Invisible?
Chapter 50 - Escape : The Leader
Chapter 51 - Gecko Moria : The Plan
Chapter 52 - Brook: Old Memories...
Chapter 53 - New Plan: Pinky!
Chapter 54 - Ne-ga-tive!: Large Luffy
Chapter 55 - Vacation: Beginning
Chapter 56 - End : We're Off!
Chapter 57 - Vacation! : Jewels
Chapter 58 - FFR: Too Kind...
Chapter 59 - Shopping!: The 12 Supernovas?
Chapter 60 - Camie: My Dad?
Chapter 61 - Info. : Log Book
Chapter 62 - Trip: Jungle?!
Chapter 63 - Girls: Symbol
Chapter 64 - Ms. Hancock: heartless...
Chapter 65 - Banquet: Execution?!
Chapter 66 - Disembark: Phase 1
Chapter 67 - Phase 2: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 68 - Reunion in Hell; Friend and Foe
Chapter 69 - Synchronicity; Secrets
Chapter 70; Team Hijack!; Escape
Chapter 71 - Nurse; Marineford
Chapter 72 - Marineford : Whitebeard
Chapter 73 - Enter! : Warlords
Chapter 74 - Fallen : End
Chapter 75 - Luffy: Goodbye!
Chapter 76: Feudal Era Adventure!
Chapter 77 - (Y/N)'s Time-Skip Chronicles
Chapter 78 - Sabaody-take 2 ; Fakes
Chapter 79 - Assemble: Set Sail!
Chapter 80 - Journey: Disaster
Chapter 81 - Sea Kings: Lost and Found
Chapter 82 - Something's Fishy: Bestest?
Chapter 83 - Fight: Hordy
Chapter 84 - Battle: Recognition
Chapter 85 - Kidnapped: Situation
Chapter 87 - Truth?!; Arrival
Chapter 88 - OVER 5,000!: Fight
Chapter 89 - Feast: Questions
Chapter 90 - Emji's Decision: Departure
Chapter 91 - Sanji: Fresh Air!
Chapter 92 - Z's Ambition I: Giant
Chapter 93 - Z's Ambition II - Lily's Dad
Chapter 94 - Z's Ambition III: Giant Mishap
Chapter 95 - Film: Z!
Chapter 96 - Punk Hazard?: Expedition
Chapter 97 - Dragon: ...What?
Chapter 98 - Centaurs: Cold
Chapter 99 - An Old Friend: Swapped
Chapter 100 - Beasts: Ally?
Chapter 101 - Alliance!: Stuck
Chapter 102 - Hearts: Biscuit Room
Chapter 103- Snow: (Y/N)'s New Technique!
Chapter 104 - Goodbyes: Not Done Yet
Chapter 105 - Nightshift: News
Chapter 106 - Missions: Toys?!
Chapter 107 - Roulette: Blind
Chapter 108 - Interrogation: Code-Names
Chapter 109 - Corrida Colloseum: Stalker
Chapter 110 - Suit Up!: Rebecca
Chapter 111 - Block B: Battle!
Chapter 112 - Battle; King Punch!
Chapter 113 - Victory; Bellamy
Chapter 114 - Memories: Bad Man
Chapter 115 - Decoy: Toy's Secret Revealed!
Chapter 116 - Saved?: More Bounties?!
Chapter 117 - Action!; Stone
Chapter 118 - More Competition: Round II, Pica!
Chapter 119 - Racing: Cornered
Untitled Part 120

Chapter 86 - Stuck...?: "Truth"

1.9K 121 11
By AAwesome_SauceA

(A/N: Guys this is short but I had to split it into two chapters otherwise it would be too long-)

'This is humiliating, why couldn't the crew have saved us already?'

I whined to myself as The King and myself were placed on 'X' shaped logs, positioned so high that even the tip of the King's tail couldn't touch the ground. I put up a fight while they were putting me up, but only until my hand grazed the ground, then I acted as if everything was normal, confusing the Fishmen.

'I know he said he would 'put on a show', but this is overkill, especially if he wants us dead.'

The Fishmen pirates cheered once they finally got King Neptune up since he was a lot large than I was. There was a small stage, and on it was a makeshift throne, slightly in front of the two 'X's, but still between them. I was up just as high as the king.

I studied Hordy's men. He was on the makeshift throne, but there were five standing in front of him, not on the little stage.

One with six arms and pale yellow skin, one with Blue and pink striped skin, standing very seriously, one with light blue skin with a tooth-shaped hammer, an octopus with a katana who I recognized, and a gremlin-looking red one with crazed eyes.

'Those must be the main men.'

Hordy seemed bored as his lackeys judged the King's army, but I watched him fiddle with one of the enhancement pills, which was significantly smaller in his hand than they were before. One solider stood up and Hordy sent a water shot at him, directly hitting.

'Weird... is he, bored? He's about to 'win'?'

The Water Shot went a far ways back, to the point I couldn't even hear it shattering rocks. Even Hordy's men were shocked at how strong it became.

"I know you took a lot of Energy Steroid, but that was great-ch!" The six armed one praised Hordy.

"You're hair turned white and you've gained muscle. How do you feel, captain?" The pink and blue one said.

"Couldn't be better!" Hordy said with a straight face.

Suddenly, the gates to the plaza were shoved open by a eel, with the three sons of Neptune on the back. The one Zoro spoke to. As they slowed to a stop and strode forward, seemingly wanting to negotiate, they had angry looks, looking at the soldiers on the floor.

"Fukaboshi! Ryuboshi! Manboshi! Be careful!" The king yelled, "All of the sea monsters and the Fishmen have taken the drug!"

"I thought Neptune's army wouldn't be beaten se easily as long as the playing field was level-re-mi-fa!" [Ryuboshi]

'R-Re-mi...la? What the...'

"We'll save you!" [Manboshi]

The sea animals inched forward slowly as the three princes armed their weapons. The animals were in front of the princes, and because I was the same height as the animals, I couldn't see the princes, but after a second or two, Fukaboshi yelled, "Why don't you understand, Hordy Jones?! You folks are the weakest on this island!"

Hordy's face downturned slightly, probably surprised with his yelling. I got nervous, as I stretched upward to slightly see the prince Fukaboshi.

"The other islanders are trying to ignore the history of discrimination by humans and to forgive the the murder of their hero and queen who died at the hands of a human. They endured their pain in order to change the future and signed their names." [Fukaboshi]

I took notice of the citizens who were on the walls of the Plaza, watching when they called for Fukaboshi. I also took notice of how Hordy seemed upset, but not angry. He seemed almost disappointed at the princes.

"Why can't you appreciate the boldness and kindness of their decision?!" [Fukaboshi]

Hordy's upset face turned into a smirk, his eyes still downturned, "Kindness? It's a meaningless gesture. You all want to be fooled by humans?!"

The sea beasts roared and I slightly saw the spinning of a staff, and Fukaboshi yell, "Merman Combat: Spear of the Ages!"

"Merman Combat: Seven Great Treasures!" [Manboshi]

"Merman Combat: Dragon Tower Gate!" [Ryuboshi]

I watched with a stunned face as all three princes, and even their eel, broke through all seven Sea Beasts with one hit each. They all landed on the ground, facing Hordy, their weapons ready, as Fukaboshi spoke, "You folks are just seeking your revenge out of your own hatred! But I won't let you take the King's or the Dragon's life, or the island that belongs to our citizens... or the Ryugu Kingdom!" His face was contorted into anger, and I could see all three princes now.

The citizens on the wall cheered, but I kept a straight face. As much as I wish they could save us, Hordy is too strong for them, and they've just put themselves in danger. The only people on this island right now that I can trust to save us is my crew. Unless there is some extremely powerful creature here.

Hordy's men seemed nervous, frozen in place, while Hordy had a confused look on, almost impressed, but not exactly shocked, then contorting into a low grin, "You think you can win because you beat the Sea monsters? We won't lose! Because we were given the great power from above! The power will allow us to rule the real Fishman country!"

"We'll beat you all and lead the way to a peaceful coexistence with the humans!" [Manboshi]

"If we let you have your way, Fishman and humans won't have another chance at friendship for hundreds of years!-" [Ryuboshi]

"Say what you want! But after all, this country will be ruled by... the winner, right?" [Hordy]

When he said the winner, his whole façade changes into an eerie one, full of bloodlust and the need to kill. I felt it from here, with my observation Haki not completely activated, so I knew even the princes could feel it.

The five Fishmen in front of Hordy had their eyes now glowing red, and Ryuboshi took notice.

The Princes couldn't see, but because I had nothing to do but focus, it was east for me to watch their movements, as the Pink and blue one to stab three or four spears through Fukaboshi's bubble, which was allowing him to still swim, but if it's popped, on any of the princes, they will be practically helpless.

"Too slow." The pink and Blue one said, as Fukaboshi's bubble popped and he fell to the ground.

The octopus looking one, who I believe was drunk, used two katanas and cut up Ryuboshi. His bubble shattered and he fell as well.

The little gremlin one went for Manboshi, and bit his bubble in three places, making him fall, too.

The big blue one with a tooth hammer hit Manboshi as he was falling, and hit him towards the other princes. The princes were hit, and all three were sent flying into the wall where the most citizens were, which was near the main gate.

The six-armed one threw the eel into the same wall, hitting the princes and making them almost loose their footing slightly. And just like the first time, when the Sea Beasts were taken out with one hit from each member, the princes were taken out with one hit from each member.

Fukaboshi mumbles something I couldn't hear, I could only see his mouth move, but I couldn't tell what. Hordy laughed a devilish laugh as the princes were strung up like the King and I, on 'X' shaped stakes. Fukaboshi was next to me, on my right, as the King was on my left, and Ryuboshi and Manboshi were on the King's other side.

"Damn," The King said as Hordy's grin got larger.

"What a view," He chuckled lowly.

I could hear some citizens yelling for the prince, then the henchman, the pink and blue striped one spoke, "Soldiers of the Royal army. The ministers. A Celestial Dragon. And the Royal Family. There is no one left in this country who can fight us now!"

"I'm sorry.. Father..." Fukaboshi mumbled next to me.

"You don't have to be-jamon!" The king sympathized.

I nodded, "Those powers are fake."

"But it doesn't really matter if it allows them to take over the country!" I think Ryuboshi said from the other side.

The Fishmen pirates cheered foe us to die now. They started chanting, 'Kill them! Kill them!', and I think Hordy was getting... upset?"

"Silence." Hordy said, barely above a murmur btu in a terrifying tone, to the point where not only his followers were scared, but I was too.

"I haven't heard from Decken's crew yet, with regards to Shirahoshi's death. There is no point in doing this if we can't lure her here." He said, almost ticked off.

"Shirahoshi!" [(Y/N)]

"Don't do anything to our sister! She won't fight! She wouldn't touch you" [Manboshi]

'I think she would fight for her family. The say on if she'd win, however...'

"You think that I don't know anything? She's the mermaid with the troublesome power. I want rid of her the most," He said, then turned to me with a grin, "Then The Celestial Dragon is next."

I got a look from Fukaboshi, as he leaned as close as he could, which wasn't close at all, "I thought... you were a Straw Hat?" He asked, seeming almost angry or confused.

I sighed, "I am a Straw Hat! I'm not a Celestial Dragon!" I said, the second part louder for Hordy to hear, but he was bent on Shirahoshi.

"Captain Hordy!" I heard a voice from the entrance, and everyone watched as three sharks came in, with a bag of something large being towed behind them, "We got them!"


They dropped the bag, and I watched Megalo, Shirahoshi, and something smaller fall out of the bag, all in chains.

"Princess Shirahoshi and Jimbei were caught in a trap!" [Fishman]

"J-Jimbei!" [(Y/N)]

"Shirahoshi!" [Three Princes]

"Father-sama, Brothers-sama, (Y/N)-sama!"

"How lucky am I?" [Hordy]

"(Y/N)-san!" [Jimbei]

"We caught the two I was most worried about all at once! This is too good to be true!" [Hordy]

"I-I am very sorry...! You wouldn't have had to go through this if I hadn't been fooled." [Shirahoshi]

"What is done is done, so never mind." [Jimbei]

"So you're here as I thought, Jimbei. I liked you back when you were a wild man." [Hordy]

"What happened to you, Hordy? You look so much different than before." [Jimbei]

I was too busy in my own thoughts to hear Hordy's explanation, even though I saw it Firsthand.

'Wait, Shirahoshi's supposed to be with Luffy! Where is he? Is he with the crew? Did they save the crew from Ryugu Palace?! Do they have even a sliver of a plan?! And why's Jimbei with Shirahoshi?'

"My only concern now is what the Straw Hats will do." Hordy said, sparing me a small glance, "I can't tell if they're desperately trying to get into Ryugu Palace, or coming to save their false crewmate?"

"I already said, I'm not a Celestial Dragon! I'm a pirate!" I barked, and he lazily lolled his head to the side, staring at me with an evil smirk.

"Right. And I'm not a Fishman." He said, causing the Fishman pirates to laugh, "You can't change your blood. You are and forever will be a dragon. Plain and simple."

He turned away and I looked down, my fists clenched in anger.

'I'm not a Celestial Dragon! I-I'm not my mo'

"Even if they make it here after they find their friends dead, we're totally ready to ambush them!" Said Hordy, looking sinister, "There are 30,000 human slaves that we've captured over the past month. And 70,000 Fishmen who know how to use arms." As he was speaking, Fishmen bringing guns and human slaves into the arena caught everyone's attention.

"It's awful." I said aloud, and Fukaboshi turned to me, a look only to be describes as sour.

"Well, the humans do the same thing. Now, maybe your eyes have been opened after seeing humans this way-"

"No, I mean owning slaves in general." I snapped at him, turning towards him, "No one should have to suffer through being a slave. Fishman, Human, Giant, I don't care!" I turned back to the line of humans walking in, "If you're taking people's freedom, you yourself could never be free."

Fukaboshi's gaze lingered on me when I looked away for longer than comfortable.

"They moved here from the now closed Fishman District. Beheld... 100,000 outlaws altogether!" [Hordy]

A roar came from the Fishmen, and I bet Hordy feels on top of the world. He lowered his outstretched arms, hushing the audience in an instant, "There are a few female and child slaves, who can't fight, outside the plaza. We will take care of them later. But we'll soon have more human slaves! So, 100,000 of you islanders! You fools are a dishonor to our race, so vacate your houses!"

A woman, a large mermaid in all violet spoke up without speaking up at all, and Hordy looked at her, disgust in his eyes.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. What do you want?" [Hordy]

Fukaboshi gasped about a Madam Sharley, and I decided.

'While everyone's attention is stuck on 'Madam Sharley', I'll be a little useful.'

I touched the wooden stakes I was posted on and wrapped wood around my body, only the parts covered in rope.

I slipped out of the wood, sitting on the cross in the wooden stakes and made a small knife from wood, and using Haki, I cut the ropes. I hung on the back of the stakes, now only having the attention of the few people with me, the king and his sons.

I focused, closing my eyes and hearing something about Luffy from Madam Sharley. When I opened my eyes, there was a clone of me, almost like a mannequin. It didn't have the same colors as I do, it was just brown, like a plank of wood, but the features were specific enough to make it look like me at first glance.

I looked to Fukaboshi and Used a chunk of wood connected to my arm almost like a vine and went to where he was tied.

I touched his shoulder and prepared to go to the King, but he grabbed my leg with his hand behind his back,, stopping me.

"Why do you stay?" He asked, and I raised an eyebrow, "Why do you stay if you could escape?!" He kept his voice in a whisper, but was clearly angry.

I smiled, "Because, My crew won't let me die, so I'm just here now to keep you six safe," I nudged my head towards Shirahoshi and Jimbei, then at the King, "Plus, Shirahoshi called me her 'Bestest friend'. I can't just leave her here, as her best friend." I smiled wider and went to the King, and the other two brothers, touching them on the shoulder, before going back to my stake.

I slid myself into the wood and left it there, tightening the wood so I would be hanging just as before.

"My point is that it's not you! That's all I can say. The one who determines the fate of this Fishman island is not you, Hordy." [Madam Sharley]

Hordy solemnly stood and turned towards Madam Sharley, before sending a Water Shot directly into her chest. I watched Shirahoshi try to hold in her tears, making me sad. I don't know who she is, but this Madam Sharley seems like a pretty big figure on Fishman island.

"That's nonsense! What do you mean by that, Sharley? What do you have against me?" He raised his hand again, preparing for another shot, depending on her answer. She didn't respond, and he turned, sitting back down, "I'm not like your brother. Well, when I was a kid, everybody in the Fishman district may have looked up to your brother Arlong. But then, we seized power. In fact, the name "Arlong Pirates" is nothing but a symbol to unite us now. We don't even need the name "Arlong" anymore! The only man who can break the whole country to it's foundation and rebuild it is... me! Because I have enough power to do so!"

The crowd cheered, clearly agreeing to Hordy's statement, as Hordy basked in the attention, "Let me tell you something. Concerning the late Queen of the Ryugu Kingdom who you fools still love!"

'Here is comes.'

"Otohime was killed by... me!" [Hordy]

I pretended to be shocked, but I truly just left my mouth agape and watched the reactions of everyone else, which were not good, obviously. It seemed as if Aokiji was here, because everyone seemed frozen in fear. Even Jimbei was frozen, though he was the first one to speak after the long silence.

What made me truly worried was that while Hordy was explaining his plan, which was pretty close to what I guessed, the Ryugu Family was dead silent, including Shirahoshi.

I looked over to Shirahoshi, who was scarcely silent.

"She was annoying. Don't you think so, Shirahoshi?" Hordy said in a clearly mocking tone, as he slowly turned from Neptune towards her, "She begged everyone not to seek revenge against humans, but to become friends with them instead. She was bugging me because she almost accomplished her goal. I knew I wouldn't be satisfied by just killing her."

"To me, your mother was... someone who deserved death!" [Hordy]

Citizens were yelling at Hordy, tears in their eyes.

"And then I came up with an idea to make the best of her death, which would allow me to stoke the hatred towards humans that the citizens of Fishman Island once had and destroy the islanders' stupid dreams along with Otohime– all at once!" [Hordy]

"I'd point a finger at a human for killing Otohime. If I blamed it on a human, I knew islanders' would be pissed with humans again. And it turned out that you all got fooled by my trick, exactly as I wanted!" [Hordy]

"She was worth killing! Right, Shirahoshi?!" [Hordy]

"Your mother was not murdered by a human! I, her kinsmen, did it!" [Hordy]

"I, standing in front of you now, killed her!" [Hordy]

It was dead silent.

Shirahoshi was looking down at the ground, I couldn't see her eyes.

And, when she finally did look up, she was quiet, just large tears in her eyes.

"I already knew it."

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