Aaron Hotchner X OC

By I-Got-Krusty-Krabs

4.3K 73 5

Hello all, Excited for this story, I would first like to mention that while I am going to stick to the storyl... More

Challenging Start.
Teasing Temptation.
Hammering Home.
Awkward Awakening.
Finding Frisky.
Forgotten Fantasy.
Challenging Chase.
Crumpled Cacophony.
Hunched Huddles.
Outdated Offices.
Hostile Hostess.
Cold Noodles.
Chocolate Thunder.
First Date.
Tossed Tables.
A Thief in the Night Came.
Tempting Fate.
Disgruntled Driving.
Finally Found.
Dinner is Served.
Catching Caution.
Finding Fault.
Counting Conspiracies.
Epilogue-esk Vibes.

Rain on my Parade.

125 2 2
By I-Got-Krusty-Krabs

In the streets, Cecile was walking beside Hotch as the sun dipped. From time to time, she would brush their hands together, and he would send her a warning glance before she would leave him alone for a moment or two. Until one point, where she didn't just graze his hand, she grabbed his hand and swung their arms together before he could shake her off.

'We're working, and out in public. Please be professional,' he requested confidently as they found their way down yet another alley.

'Oh please, this morning you and I were about to get our rocks off, and now you're leading me down an alley while the sun sets. You're either about to murder me or murder my pussy. And I am up for either of them,' Cecile teased as she nudged him with her elbow.

'Do you like not listening to me?' Hotch asked, sending a stern warning her way as they patrolled the streets.

Rolling her eyes, Cecile suddenly stopped in her tracks and looked to the sky. Hotch stopped beside her and looked curiously, glancing up from time to time himself before he watched her close her eyes and take a deep breath in. 'It's going to rain,' she murmured with a smile before opening her eyes again and walking over to Hotch before they began walking again.

'It's not even cloudy. You're wrong,' Hotch replied as they walked slower than last time. 'Sounds like you need a psych eval.'

Shaking her head, Cecile dramatically walked as she let her legs swing before she loudly planted her feet on the floor. 'It's going to rain. I can tell,' came her airy reply.

'You're insane,' Hotch replied with a playful scoff.

Walking a little faster, Cecile turned around and walked backwards, grabbing the tip of Hotch's tie with an outstretched hand. 'Let's make a bet. If it rains within the hour, you have to cook me dinner for a week, and you have to bring it to my house. Jack is welcome. But, if it doesn't rain, then I will be the perfect agent, no teasing, no games, and no jokes at the wrong time. Strict professionalism only,' she suggested hopefully, smirking as they walked further into the alley.

Hotch nodded, much to both of their surprises, and Cecile almost jumped from joy as she bit her lip and looked up at the sky above them. 'But, It's Jess' birthday this week so I will have to pay you back another date,' he added. 'Which reminds me, on your birthday, you said that you don't celebrate your birthday anymore, not since you were fourteen. Why don't you?' He asked.

Cecile dropped his tie and turned around, slowing down so that she could fall into step with Hotch as they walked the streets. 'Last night, I wasn't strictly honest,' she mumbled, making him furrow his brows and glance down at her curiously. 'I woke up on my fourteenth birthday to Jen, my oldest sister, she was having a melt down because she realised that morning that she might not actually like her boyfriend of two weeks. So, my parents were in a mood, and they made me wait on her, they acted like she might break if they said the wrong thing. And then Hector turned up, he said that he had something that he thought I might like. I skipped out of that front door when my parents yelled at me to get out of the house. The last time I tried to celebrate my birthday, before the other day, was my fourteenth, and I spent it dying on an operating table after walking two miles to the closest hospital while on the run from a man who tried to kill me, and he nearly succeeded. A doctor on their way saw me and drove me in. Not that I remember it. I just remember laying on the floor next to the road,' Cecile mumbled quietly, watching her feet as her eyes grew wide and red.

'You are worth more than that,' Hotch confessed as he glanced at her bowed head.

'If I had told my parents that I didn't want to celebrate my birthday. If I just sat next to Jen while she pulled her fit, he wouldn't have done what he did. She even tried to come with us but Hector told her that it was my day and she had no right to ruin it like she did. And when I got back, my parents yelled that I was just trying to take their attention away from their suffering daughter,' Cecile remarked darkly, regret dripping through her voice. 'He was the only person I knew that called me by my full first name. Cecilia. He moaned it in my ear while he...' falling quiet, Hotch closed his eyes as he realised what she was saying.

While Cecile watched the floor, and Hotch closed his eyes, something suddenly splashed on his head. Confused, Hotch looked up just as a smile suddenly branched on Cecile's face. 'You were right. What do you want for dinner?' He asked when the rain suddenly began falling even harder.

'I love the rain,' Cecile mumbled as she closed her eyes again and opened her mouth, her arms spread out as she seemed to hug the air. Water was pouring harder and faster than Hotch had ever seen it. A loud cheer and whooping laugh left her lips as she got drenched, her shirt turning transparent as her bra became visible, and Hotch felt himself smile at the carefree attitude she had.

Suddenly snapping out of the trance that Hotch found himself in, his creased eyes fought to see through the heavy rain and dark sky. 'CeCe, we need to get out of here. Come on,' he called, but she didn't move until he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards shelter a short distance away. In the small outlook of a bridge, Hotch pushed Cecile under and then against the wall before he pushed his chest against her.

Still smiling, the pair were out of breath as they then turned and glanced at the pouring world a short distance away from them. Usually the pair would smile if they were in that situation, but as they met eyes, they both felt their chests constrict. Hotch's hand lifted to her cheek, and his other one grabbed her hip, pushing her against the wall even more while her arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him closer.

Closing their eyes, the pair of them moved closer, their lips inching closer together. Their lips barely grazed when lightning ran through the sky, followed by an echo as loud thunder echoed out. Pulling apart, the pair quietly chuckled before Hotch rested his forehead against hers. Their breath began levelling out when they pulled apart. Sticking her hand out, Cecile watched as Hotch clapped his over her open palm. 'Let's hope we don't get lost,' she commented before running ahead, pulling him behind her.

Back at the car, the pair laughed like kids as Hotch pulled his jacket off and turned the heating up. 'You are out of your mind,' Hotch remarked as he saw Cecile pull her underwear off, using it to tie her hair up.

'What? I barely put them on. I had to change on the jet because my other ones didn't match my skirt nicely. Besides, you're the one who's flashing your nipples,' Cecile retorted, gently pressing one of the dark marks on his chest.

'And I didn't need to know what sort of underwear you wear. Thongs don't look comfortable,' Hotch added quietly while he tried to navigate the indistinguishable roads.

'They call it a T-string. And it looks like a hairband when it's in. I've done it before when I'm caught short. Besides, it feels so nice when you pull it out. Just imagine someone running their fingers through your hair, and then make it a hundred times better,' Cecile replied 

Shaking his head, Hotch smiled as he turned a corner and they pulled up to the hotel. 'You know how to create an image,' he remarked before grabbing the door handle.

Together, the pair ran to the back of the car and grabbed their bags before making it into the hotel where Rossi met them with a smirk on his face. 'You two took your time. Did you see anything?' He asked while approaching them and placing a key in Hotch's hand. 'I am sorry, but we're a room short. I figured you two can share since you get along so well. All of our rooms have single beds, so we can't share.'

Hotch glared at Rossi who was playing innocent while looking at Cecile who was shaking her head. 'Dave, we can discuss this later,' he ground out before walking towards the floor while she followed quietly.

The door quietly closed behind Cecile as she tried not to set Hotch off, she hadn't seen him so bothered in a while. Placing her bag down, clothes were found but ignored when she opted to talk to him. 'Hey, I'm not a bad roommate. In fact, you're the snorer,' she teased while placing a kind hand on his lower back, she then ran it up and spread her fingers out.

Hotch turned around as her warm hand sat against his wet body. 'You're soaked,' he remarked while sizing her up. 'Luckily you remembered a bra today.' The moment the words left his mouth, he mentally berated himself.

'I'm drenched. But I was wetter this morning. However, I will tell you that I always wear a bra, unless at home. If society pressured you for these,' Cecile playfully remarked while poking his nipples, 'you would know why I take them off,' she finished with a smirk.

Stepping closer to Cecile, Hotch watched as she stepped back until her back was pressed against the wall. 'I've seen your bare chest more than I've seen my own,' he teased while pushing their wet chests together.

'What a lucky boy you've been. Maybe it's my turn then,' she tempted before her fingers gently undid each of his buttons until it was undone, her hands carefully running up his body to his shoulders where she then ran her hands down his shoulders, unsticking the shirt from his body while he fought the cuffs off.

Ten digits ran along his skin as she carefully pressed her lips to his sternum, small kisses being planted from the top to the bottom. And then she pressed her lips to each nipple. 'CeCe,' he hummed out, pleading and warning as she gently repeated the kisses, sucking and biting each time as her hands kept running along his skin. 'You've teased me for too long now,' he ground out as he picked her up and threw her onto the bed, making her squeal with excitement as she shifted onto her elbows, watching him get closer.

Climbing over her, Cecile noticed pale red marks on his skin from where she had carefully drawn a pattern on his body with her lips, tongue, and teeth. Just as Hotch's face was in line with hers, his knee slid between her knees and then grazed her core. A whimper sprung from her throat as her thighs tensed around his. Closing her eyes, Cecile relied on her other senses to know what he was doing, but as his lips hovered over hers, both of their phones rang from their jackets by the door.

Pulling apart, the pair answered the calls separately. Another body had turned up. Dressing in separate rooms, they tried to dry off as best they could. Hotch had taken longer to put clothes on, so Cecile sent a hairdryer over her hair for a few minutes before they both left the room and climbed into the car.

'He can't have gotten far,' JJ mentioned as Hotch walked up to her with a disgruntled look on his face. 'I think a search would be worth it,' she added.

Agreeing, the team were sent off in pairs as it was barely raining anymore. With their guns drawn and their vests on, they began circling through the woodland that sat at the back of the property. Twigs twitched below their feet as they tried to find the UnSub. It was after twenty minutes when the team were ready to call it to a stop when shots fired out. Running towards the sound, the team hoped that their team member was safe. It didn't take long for them to find Cecile stood over a lumped body as she threw a gun from his hand and away from his reach.

Moving down to check for a pulse, Cecile was shocked when a hand grabbed her and turned her around. He had worn a vest. Pressed against his chest, a knife was pushed to her throat as she fought to remain calm. Dark figures surrounded her, torches shone at her as she tried to pull her throat away from the blade. 'Stay away,' the man called loudly.

Hotch got closer and immediately called out to Rossi. 'We need to get her out of there quickly, before she does something stupid,' he yelled.

Cecile's body was pulled against the man, but the problem was noticed when Hotch saw the way the man pushed his hand and chin on her shoulder. 'Aaron, have some faith. She is an experienced agent,' Rossi called back.

'No, he's touching her shoulder. Not even Jack can touch that shoulder. Look at her face,' Hotch responded quickly.

Rossi saw the panic, but the FBI and police were left shocked when they saw her lean her body away from him, pushing her neck into the knife. 'Let's calm down and think this through,' Rossi called, trying to calm the situation down.

After a long moment of struggling, a tear dropped down Cecile's cheek and she felt the world spin around her as the knife felt like nothing compared to the ache that ran through the rest of her body. Lifting her foot and stomping, she managed to crush his foot and elbow him in the face as his knife sliced across the skin on her neck and the team sprinted towards her.

Heaving breaths took over Cecile as she coughed painfully, grabbing her throat as she tried to see how much blood there was. Red poured over her fingers as she crouched over, Hotch's hands resting on her hips as he made her stand so that he could see what had happened. Ambulance workers were called immediately. 'You shouldn't have done that,' he chastised as they walked together, her voice, however, was lost.

Despite the hopeful start to the evening, Cecile ended up falling asleep on Hotch's clothed chest. However, her dreams were only caused by the high amount of anaesthesia that she had been given. The wound was mostly surface level, however, her mind ran with the sensation of her shoulder being pressed on.

A/N: sorry for the scattered updates, but I should be more regular for the next few weeks. We're about 1/2 through now and things are certainly getting interesting 🫣😉🧐🤔🤨

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