Aaron Hotchner X OC

By I-Got-Krusty-Krabs

4.3K 73 5

Hello all, Excited for this story, I would first like to mention that while I am going to stick to the storyl... More

Challenging Start.
Teasing Temptation.
Hammering Home.
Awkward Awakening.
Finding Frisky.
Forgotten Fantasy.
Challenging Chase.
Crumpled Cacophony.
Hunched Huddles.
Outdated Offices.
Hostile Hostess.
Cold Noodles.
Rain on my Parade.
First Date.
Tossed Tables.
A Thief in the Night Came.
Tempting Fate.
Disgruntled Driving.
Finally Found.
Dinner is Served.
Catching Caution.
Finding Fault.
Counting Conspiracies.
Epilogue-esk Vibes.

Chocolate Thunder.

128 2 0
By I-Got-Krusty-Krabs

Soft buzzing brought two sleeping agents from their hazy sleep, Hotch's pant pocket vibrated and Hotch woke up to delicate moans as Cecile began tensing her thighs around his lap. However, before he could do anything, her body moved as she pushed away from Hotch and arched her back in a stretch. However, as she was stretching, she failed to realise where she was as she pushed back and nearly fell. Hotch managed to reach her before she fell, and a soft giggle left her lips as she landed on his lap again with a thud. 'Maybe you should stop leaving your phone in there,' she murmured before casually running her hand into his pocket and pulling his phone out before handing it to him.

'Hotch,' he managed to push out as Cecile pulled closer again, shifting her hips over his as she wiggled her body to get comfortable. 'I'll deal with it. Bye,' he chimed awkwardly as he felt her on his lap, aware of what she could feel.

Silence settled in the room as Hotch tensed and refused to let his hands touch Cecile who wrapped her arms around his neck and placed her head on his shoulder, his breath fanning down her safe shoulder. 'Relax, Big Boy, morning wood is natural. I know you're not actually interested in me,' she soothed while lazily tapping his cheek.

'This isn't what most agents think is acceptable with their unit leader, you might want to stand up,' Hotch warned.

'I'm tired,' Cecile grumbled. 'Besides, listening to you struggle is kind of funny,' she murmured before gently shaking her hips against him with a giggle. 'I know you're enjoying it.'

Sighing, Hotch had to tense his thighs as he focused on anything other than Cecile. 'I need to make a few calls. You'll need to wake up now,' he remarked once he was sure his voice was under control.

Sitting up, Cecile listened as he began calling someone and she then arched back, her arms lifted over her head as she turned herself into a human bridge as she tried to grab something from the table behind her. Hotch's eyes widened as her top lifted and he had to look away as her core rubbed against him once again, but as she pulled herself up, he bit back a moan as he felt on the cusp of something dangerously inappropriate. 'Important calls?' Cecile asked as she sat up and pulled her top down, the bowl of week old noodles sat between them.

'I have more food, do not eat the noodles,' Hotch warned as he tried to smack the knitting needles out of her hands. However, the line soon opened as Hotch placed his phone on speaker.

'What's up Baby Girl?' Morgan asked after not looking at his phone, assuming that only she would call him at such an hour.

Hotch's mind soon grew distracted as he stopped trying to wrestle the noodles away from her. Instead, he smirked and Cecile waited to see what he was up to. 'We have a case, Chocolate Thunder,' he called down the line and a high-pitched note left her throat as she squealed back a laugh. Hotch's eyes closing as he rubbed circles on Cecile's hips, eventually he opened his eyes and zoned in on her face, if he couldn't get rid of the noodles, he was going to stop them from going into her mouth.

Startled, Morgan cleared his throat and nearly choked. 'Hotch, is everything okay?' He asked while scrambling to get dressed.

'Yes, I guess you could say that Sallow has been rubbing off on me,' Hotch replied crisply, making Cecile wiggle her hips against him again and the pain between his legs grew infinitely worse as he stopped breathing for a second, fighting back a moan, fighting the urge to rock his hips against her. 'We will meet on the jet,' Hotch pushed out before giving a curt goodbye.

'Don't you need to tell everyone else? I mean, Agent Sallow hasn't been contacted yet,' Cecile teased as she did a little dance on his lap, until his hands gripped her thighs and stopped her.

'JJ and Garcia have called everyone else. Agent Sallow can figure it out for herself,' Hotch retorted as his fingers pushed further into her skin as she tried to wiggle side to side.

Cecile sized Hotch up, his blink rate was more frequent than usual, and he was blinking for longer than was normal. His eyes were rolling back from time to time, until he would seemingly catch himself and try and blink out of it, if Cecile hadn't been able to feel his heartbeat and his crotch, she would think he was falling asleep. She knew what was happening, and in a haze, her hips stopped trying to dance around from side to side, instead, she bucked her hips against him. Taking him by surprise, Hotch hadn't been able to stop it, nor had he been able to stop his own hips from repeating her actions.

Hearts raced as Cecile pushed into his body and Hotch's hands gripped her firmly. The bowl that she held kept them from moving closer, but she seemed to even forget it was there, while he cursed it out, his eyes catching sight of her partially parted lips as she bit her lower lip. It didn't take long for him to feel his core tighten as he got ready to release, Cecile tensing her thighs around him as she too grew excited, and then buzzing filled the room.

In a second, the world came crashing down around them as they realised what they had been doing. Cecile grabbed her phone as she saw that it had broken them from the awkward moment. As she grabbed it, a loud clattering filled the room as the knitting needle she had been holding fell back into the bowl. It was a message, the case was a few hours away from them. 'We should get ready for work,' she informed him as she threw her phone onto the sofa and sighed awkwardly. The already awkward air was made worse when her husky voice had broken the silence.

'Did you knit noodles?' Hotch suddenly asked, curious of the bowl between them.

Looking down, the noodle strand had been long enough for two small rows before she had to cast it off. 'Oh, yeah. I started it, but I didn't realise that I finished it. Tie the end or it will unravel,' she casually remarked before smacking his cheek with the cold, soggy noodle blanket she made.

'CeCe,' Hotch began, his voice low, signalling that it was going to be an awkward conversation. 'About what we just did,' he continued but stopped as he struggled to know what to say.

Huffing, Cecile placed the bowl on the table behind her. 'Relax, Big Bird, it's just physical. And even if either of us were stupid enough to think it was more, our characters don't match for a relationship past friendship. So, no point dwelling on it. Though I do apologise for leaving you high and dry. It's probably best if you don't spoil your good trousers. But I can give you a minute to shuck the corn. I'll grab some tissues,' she replied quickly. However, as she stood, Cecile was stopped when Hotch's hands tightened around her thighs again.

'I'm not going to do that. But this isn't the first time something like this has happened. Perhaps in the future, we could put something in place to prevent it,' Hotch remarked sternly, his firm voice making Cecile unconsciously tense her thighs, something he felt.

'Oh, relax. It won't happen. Unless you want a quick kiss, then I can have you spoiling your suit in under a minute if your swelling twitch against my clitoris is anything to go by. And I will say that a stimulated clit is a lot more sensitive than people give it credit for,' Cecile mentioned with a playful smirk.

Her regret was immediately shared between them as Hotch nearly threw up holding in the noise that her words and unconscious tenses had caused. His eyes snapped down to her lips before they both suddenly pushed apart and got to their feet. 'I'll let you use the bathroom first,' Hotch mentioned calmly as he tried to adjust his trousers to reduce the pain they caused.

Hotch nearly jumped when a hand suddenly grabbed his dick, her hand firmly squeezing it. 'Oh, no. You can go first. I'll brush my teeth in the kitchen. But I hope you know that I am going to make your life hell from now on. Just in a very different way,' Cecile informed him as she palmed him for a moment before pulling back and planting a kiss on his cheek. 'I won't listen to you jerk it, just don't make a mess. Unless it's on me,' she joked before walking to her room.

The pair arrived in separate cars, Hotch was late and the team weren't afraid to remark on it as they watched him walk in and lean against the panel while they waited for Cecile. 'She's normally quite good at getting here on time,' Reid remarked after a few minutes of unrelated conversation.

'After what happened yesterday, can you blame her?' JJ asked. 'I wasn't even there and I felt the tension when I walked in.'

Chuckles were soon lost as Cecile walked into the jet with a large smile on her face and a soggy piece of noodle between her fingers. 'Love, you forgot your noodles,' she informed Hotch as she handed the knitted noodles to him, tied as she had mentioned they should be.

'Week old noodles,' Hotch replied before carefully placing them in the bin on the other side of the jet. 'Let's get started on the preliminary profile,' he suggested while moving beside Cecile who was also leaning against the panel.

For the entirety of the team's talk, Cecile stood with a different pair of knitting needles as she began working on a project that none of them were aware of. When they finished, Morgan and JJ stood, offering their chairs to Cecile and Hotch since they needed to discuss the press conference and their plans for the weekend of training. Rossi was smugly smirking while pretending to read the case file in his hand, Reid was drawing something in his notebook. 'You two kiddos look like you had an interesting night,' Rossi remarked.

'Yeah, nothing like crying on your boss' shoulder and then falling asleep on the sofa. My back is killing me. You should have moved me to the bed,' Cecile complained as she rolled her shoulders.

'I'm the problem? You were giving yourself food poisoning, and you opened the door in hopes of meeting a serial killer,' Hotch complained.

'Stop repeating yourself, you said all of that last night,' Cecile remarked while carefully glancing at Reid who seemed to be in the middle of something interesting.

Eyes soon turned to Reid and they waited for his big revelation. 'I think these kills are about love. The heart is hit at least once in each kill. I don't think it's an accident, the placement must mean something,' he informed them before flashing the pictures of the bodies again.

'A substitute for someone. But he crosses race boundaries, that tells me that this isn't just about one woman crossing him over, it is about women as a whole. He hates them,' Rossi remarked as he looked at the file.

'Same. Let's kill them all,' Cecile mumbled as she carefully nudged her knee against Hotch, who glanced at her, waiting for her to say or do something.

After a few moments, Hotch noticed Cecile nudging him again, her knuckle gently tapped his knee as she pretended not to know what she was doing. Rossi noticed that something was going on, but he couldn't be sure what she was doing to him. 'I am concerned by you every day. Why would you want your entire sex dead? You would die,' Rossi remarked.

Nodding, Cecile then smirked at Hotch as her hand carefully sat on his knee, circles running along it as she watched his posture change. 'I have my dear husband to be with me when I die,' she joked.

'I thought you forgot about that game. It makes things awkward for me when I have to explain that we aren't married,' Hotch mentioned while staring at the bodies in the file.

'I am not perfect at marriage, ask any of my wives,' Rossi began but was interrupted.

'Or Strauss,' Cecile joked, making Rossi grow a dark shade of red.

Clearing his throat, Rossi tried to distract Reid who was suddenly intrigued in the conversation. 'As I was saying. Marriage requires love, and love is the coming together of two souls who can't imagine being without one another. They will do anything for each other, who can just silently exist and love it. I remember Carolyn and I would do anything just to be around each other. I would sit next to her and hold her hand so that we were touching. It felt like we couldn't get enough of each other,' he rambled while looking between Hotch and Cecile who were both struggling to hide a smile.

'Well, I love this team,' Cecile confessed quietly as she slipped her shoes off. 'But I don't think you and I are talking about the same kind of love. Cue Spence and his fact about the different kinds of love and how some languages have multiple forms of the word love depending on the form of love it is.'

Reid smirked as he bit his tongue, knowing that she had effectively summarised what was on the tip of his tongue. Rossi took his attention a moment later, however, as he cleared his throat. 'But romantic love, the joining to two souls is so pure and sweet. I know Aaron has felt it before, and Cecile, dear, there is no way you haven't,' he reeled.

Across the table, however, Hotch and Cecile were caught up in a silent battle. With her shoes off, she was able to get a grip on his shoe, and with great effort, she managed to nearly get one of his shoes to slip off when his hand moved to her knee and stopped her. Huffing, Cecile swung her legs around and rested them on his lap, which he allowed her to do while one of his hands rested on her knee.

'Researchers have observed that when two people are in love, before they even know it, they will generally share a set of behaviours. Such as teasing each other, more so than they do others. They will make excuses to touch each other and they will care about the opinion of the other person. This will also lead to the partners trying to impress each other,' Reid began quickly.

Cecile glanced at Hotch for a moment, when she realised his intense stare directed at Reid. 'When in love, they will miss them when not together and smile a lot more. Sometimes the couple will fail to notice the people around them, but they will pay attention to the person they love. Laughter will also become more frequent when around them. Couples in love will ask about each other and trust each other enough to open up to them. However, they will generally be slightly nervous around each other, trying to always look good. Despite nerves, they will talk daily, and still blush regularly. Of course associates then begin to notice the behaviour and comment on it. But when they go silent, two people in love are less likely to report the silence being uncomfortable. But this might just be because people in love will do a lot together, and parental relations will be most evident to the other person,' Reid stated, pausing for a breath.

'That's a lot of behaviours,' Cecile commented offhandedly while knitting and watching Hotch work.

Reid nodded while wiping his hands down his jacket. 'Couples in love will often copy body language and despite arguments, nothing will come between them. When in love, two people will flirt with each other a lot and they will notice subtle changes to their body, such as a haircut or clothes while the couple will always look forward to hanging out together,' Reid finished.

Rossi smirked while looking at the two agents in front of him who were both furrowing their eyebrow at their work as Cecile seemed to have dropped a stitch somewhere. 'Good thing Pooh Bear and I have such opposing personalities or I would be in trouble,' she joked, pretending not to notice that her leg had brushed across his crotch. 'Oh, and that reminds me, it's time for your haircut. It's at the length you normally get it cut,' she added, making Hotch glance at her from the corner of his eye.

'Stop playing with Reid. We aren't in love,' Hotch commented deeply as her leg continued wiggling, making him clench his jaw.

'You wound me, my love. I thought we had something special after our passionate night of love making on my first day with the team,' Cecile joked with a giggle.

'I see you two made up,' Rossi remarked with a knowing look in his eye.

Neither of them answered as they seemed to speak with their eyes. Hotch was silently warning her, while she silently challenged him to do something about what she was doing. 'CeCe,' he quietly growled, but she just smirked and pouted, acting innocent.

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