Rich Radiant Love: Steven's h...

By Soulmates2

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Book three: The love story of Steven and Abby continues. The heartbreak, the pain and suffering, the hatred... More

Life Goes On
Anthony's Relapse
Deep Regrets
Poisonious Secrets
Hard Core Misery
Mickey Mouse
Lions and Tigers and Hippos
Anthony's Torment
The Preparations
The Funeral
The Letters
Pregnancy Test
Baby Girl
You Are My Temple
Six Weeks Later
Lost and Found
My Family, My Life
I'm Done!
Marry Me!
The Love Child
The Christiening
Make up Sex
The Master Plan
Carmel By The Sea
It's Complicated
A month later
The Truth
A New Begining
Orange Flames of Fire
A Time For Sorrow
Marry Me!


123 6 0
By Soulmates2

Victoria was on a rampage screaming and yelling and breaking everything in her way,

"You need to calm down or you'll give yourself a heart attack!" Michael told her.

"I will rot in hell before I sign those papers!"

Michael raised an eye brow and asked, "I thought you love me and want to marry me."

"One day maybe," Victoria admitted, "but I will not let Steven off the hook so easily, the company will go down the drain if he leaves!"

Michael raised an eyes brow, "And why is that?"

"Because he is the only one that can deal with overseas, no one else in the company knows how to make good deals with them, but Steven!"

"Then why don't you train yourself and do the job yourself!"

"I have tried, but I'm not good with the international business deals, they don't understand me!"

"You mean they don't want to sleep with you!"

A crystal vase came flying over his head, but Michael ducked just in time and the vase crashed against the wall.

"Why are you upset, everyone knows you sleep with most of your customers and get them to sign the contracts. The European men don't mix business with pleasure, and they also don't do business deals with women!"

"Bastard!" Victoria hissed through her teeth.

"I'm not sure this thing what ever it is we have between us will work out Victoria," Michael looked skeptical, "me and you do not seem to be on the same page at all."

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"Just look at you, you act like a man sometimes and that's not appealing to me."

He couldn't of said anything more to piss her off, "Get out!" She screamed, "get out of my fucken house!"

Michael sighed heavily and walked towards the door, "Call me when you're over your tantrum and not a second before!" With those words he opened the door and left just in time, something crashed against the door just as he closed it and he shook his head in disgust and headed to his car.

"Bastard!" Victoria yelled, and grabbed her iPhone to dialed Steven's number.

"What!" Steven said coldly on the other line.

"We need to talk!"

"We have nothing to say, just sign those damn papers and it will be all over."

"I'm not signing those papers Steven."

"Then we have nothing to say me and you, I'll see you in court!"

"Just wait don't hang up!" Victoria begged, "can we compromise?"


"You once loved me."

"I never loved you!"

"Please Steven come back."

"That will never happen in this lifetime, me and you are over and done with sign the damn papers so I can move on with my life!"

"I will sign the papers only if  you still continue to work for the company!"

"Sorry that will never happen I'm done with the company and I'm done with you!"

"You will lose all your money!" Victoria spat, "cause I will destroy you!"

"I don't care about the money, but you who worships money will get destroyed." Steven pointed out, "you will fall too if the company goes down."

"Help me Steven!" She yelled, "you owe me!"

"I owe you nothing!" Steven explained, "but if you sign the divorce papers I will speak to a few international friends and pull some strings and maybe the company might have a chance to survive."

"Fine!" Victoria snapped, "if you help me I'll sign the damn papers!"

"It is settled then, as soon as you sign the papers I will help the company."


"What?" Abby asked, surprised of what she just heard, "are you sure?"

"Yes!" Claire confirmed, "Jeff has a brother out there that he has never met!"

"Wow! Does that mean that his mother cheated on his father?"

"I'm not sure what it means yet," Claire admitted, "we will have to just wait and see."

"I'm shocked, his mother is one of the nicest lady I have ever met!"

"I know but even a decent person can fall into a bad situation!" Claire admitted, "look what happened to me and you!"

Abby nodded, "well I'm not one to judge."

"Me neither, but Jeff is very upset." Claire admitted, "and I'm worried for him."

"Do you want me and Steven to have a talk with him?"

Claire shook her head, "No please don't, I don't want him to think I'm talking about him behind his back, wait until he tells you himself."

"Ok," Abby agreed, "not to change the subject, but we are baptizing the children this weekend."

"Oh that's wonderful, me and Jeff have to decide when we will baptize our daughter too," Claire said, "I will try and approach the subject tonight if I see that he is calm."

"I need to ask you something Claire," Abby said.

"Yeah sure what's up?"

"Steven and I are going to move to a small town in California very soon, my mother and George and even Bella agreed to come with us, and I was hoping and praying that maybe you would think about it and come join us?" Abby was hopeful.

Claire did not look too happy, "I would love that, but I'm not sure if Jeff would agree to going to California, but you can bet your life on it that I would do my best to move there!"

"Should I have Steven have a talk with him?"

"That's a good idea, however it would have to be later on he has too much on his mind now and will not listen to reason."

Lexi started to cry and Claire immediately raised herself to her feet and rushed to her daughters side. Two minutes later she walked back into the sitting room with her daughter in her arms.

"She so precious Claire, you need to baptize her too!" Abby pointed out and reached out her arms for Lexi, Claire placed her in Abby's arms and walked away, "I'll be right back, she wants her bottle."

Abby played with Lexi until her mother returned and handed her the bottle, "please give her her bottle," Claire told her, "I need to call my husband and tell him to stop at the store on his way home from work and buy some diapers."


Jeff was in a world all of his own, he couldn't concentrate with all the thoughts that were bouncing around in his mind. How could his mother cheat on his father, that just didn't make any sense to Jeff. His parents always looked like they were madly in love. His mother didn't seem like the kind of woman who would step outside the marriage and commit adultery.

The iPhone rang a few times before he answered it, "Hello?"

"Are you alright Jeff," Claire asked in the other line, "this is the second time I called you and you took forever to finally answer it."

"I'm fine what's up?" He snapped.

Claire stared at her iPhone, hurt by his tone of voice, "I was wondering if you can stop at the store on your way home and pick up diapers for Lexi."

"The entire day you're home, why haven't you gone to buy them," Jeff asked coldly, but caught himself a little too late, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you, I'll bring the diapers no worries."

"Thank you." Claire said and ended the call.

Jeff raked his fingers through his hair and released a harsh sigh, he regretted snapping at his wife and making her feel bad. She was a treasure and he was lucky to have her, he thought, but he was not in the mood for small talk.


Walking back into the sitting room, Claire sat herself down opposite Abby and wiped her tears, "He's not himself, and I don't know how to help him."

Concerned, Abby placed the empty milk bottle on the side table and raised Lexi over her shoulders to burp her, "What happened Claire?"

"Lately he has no patience with me," Claire admitted, "what if he is already getting tired of me?"

"Jeff loves you very much and he will never get tired of you," Abby explained, "he's probably having a bad day at work."

"But he's been this way the entire week!" Claire pointed out, "he doesn't even want to make love at night, he closes his eyes and falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow!"

"So cook him a nice dinner with candle light and turn on romantic music and wear a sexy lingerie," Abby laughed, "and I'm sure he will be cured instantly."

Wiping the tears, Claire said, "What if he is not in the mood?"

"What ever is going on in his mind I'm sure he will forget about it if he sees you looking sexy at the dinner table." Abby laughed.

Smiling weakly, Claire lifted herself to her feet and reached for Lexi.

"I have to go home now, but please keep me informed." Abby told her, "I want to hear all about it tomorrow."

Claire saw Abby out, and waved as she drove away. Closing the door, Claire got busy with dinner. She was going to do exactly what Abby told her to do and pray that Jeff was in the mood.


At seven o' clock sharp, Claire heard Jeff pull in the driveway. She had placed Lexi in her crib a half hour ago, dinner was ready and she was wearing a sexy outfit, one she knew that Jeff loved.

When the door opened and Jeff walked in, his hands were full. He had a box of diapers in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other. "You look sexy and hot!" Jeff told her after he dropped the box of diapers on the couch and walked over to where Claire stood to give her the flowers.

"Thank you," Claire took the bouquet of flowers and went quickly to the kitchen to place them in a vase of water. "They're beautiful." She said, and placed the vase on the counter.

Jeff pulled his wife into his arms and kissed her tenderly. "I'm sorry Claire." He said sincerely, "I was having a bad day and I took it out on you!"

"Then make it up to me Jeff," her voice was husky and her hand lowered below his waste.

A low, masculine moan escaped his lips and Jeff did not hesitate to do as she asked. He lifted her into his arms and walked to their bedroom where he stripped away his clothes and watched as Claire did the same.

He made love to her taking his time to kiss every inch of her velvety skin, "You're so beautiful Claire."
Claire could not help, but allow her tears to stream down her face. Jeff pulled his head back and asked, "why are you crying?"

"I thought you didn't care about me anymore, you didn't touched me this entire week and I thought...."

"Then please let me show you how much I love you Claire." He told her hoarsely, and then he made love to her in such a way that he left no doubts about his feelings for her.

She adored him and felt the love when he touched her, "It feels so good Jeff." She admitted, "I love you."

"Do you still feel that I don't care enough about you Claire?"he asked her hoarsely, while he continued to thrust wildly inside of her.

"No! No!" She cried, just as a wave of pleasure washed over her and she trembled beneath him.

Losing his self control Jeff exploded inside of her, his body jerked violently and he let out a masculine deep moan of desire that sent Claire to Heaven.


Victoria schemed, planned and rethought her ideas and finally came to a conclusion. She must die! Abby needs to be eliminated! And it must be done in a way that no one would suspect foul play!


She would die in a fire, Victoria smiled, the thorn up my ass will finally be rid of! With Abby out of the way, Steven would come crawling back to her she was sure of it and then they could be a team again.

A cold smile curved her lips, they could be a team again in bed too. She had missed his huge hands on her doing things to her that only he knew to do. To bad Michael wasn't as good as Steven, she thought, but he was the next best thing, she would give him that.

She had begged Michael to eliminate Abby, but he chose not to get involved. "Pussy!" She hissed to herself, he was a good fucker, but had no balls. She thought, and seriously debated keeping him around.

You need him Victoria, her conscious reminded her, besides, deep down inside you still love him, Michael is your first love and you will never be rid of him, admit it, he will always be you're number one wether he has balls or not!

True, Victoria thought, Michael was very important to her, he just wasn't ambitious enough. She would have to sharpen him up a bit, he really wasn't a lost cause, he just needed a little encouragement and a little shove in the right direction.

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