Kenny Mccormick x Reader [mys...

By melody_manager

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Hey, mostly writing this for myself, not good at finishing story's and English is not my first language You l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (1/2)
Chapter 30 (2/2)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 7

625 13 9
By melody_manager

Mysterion pov

What made Clyde tell her his Adress. I knew he's stupid, but that stupid? We now have to be careful with her or else she will reveal mosquitos identity. Racoon kept on swearing at the new hero and mosquito. Me and the guys just rolled our eyes and headed home. I came across Y/n house. It's pretty late but the lights are still on. She probably forgot to turn them of. I'll just do it for her. I climbed up the walls to her bedroom window. The window was slightly open so I could easily get in but when I looked at her bed she wasn't in. Oh she's still awake. I need to get out if here before she can see me. "What are you doing here???" I heard a voice say. I turned around seeing y/n with only a towel around her body. "I uhm." I thought she's gonna slap me or scream since I broke inside her room but instead she walked over to her desk. "Well if you're already here can I get an autograph?" she smiled. God she's an angel. I nodded and signed the paper. "Could you ask your hero friends to sign them too? I don't want one from the Racoon tho." I chuckled. Serves that asshole right. "Sure." I said. "You're here because you need to hide right? Do you maybe want some coffee or smt to eat?" oh wow. "No thank you. But I'd like to rest here for a few minutes. It would be nice if we could chat a littel." I explained. She instantly nodded. "That's great you're definitely one of my fav heros! ^^" I smiled at her words. "So tell me a littel about yourself. You're new here right?" she nodded. "I'm y/n, I'm 15 and I'm from NYC what about you?" she said the last one joking because she knew I can't tell anything about myself. "Y/n.. That's a great name. Did you already make friends?" I asked. "Yea I think so. Uhm I know my friend Kenny for 3 years since we used to be online bsf he's a very sweet boy. A few people from my class get along with me pretty well. I got in trouble on the first day tho her name was Clair." I smirked when I heard her talking about kenny. "Yea I saw the video. How did you made her back off so fast?" I asked. "Oh uhm I don't know. After she called me names for a while I just said it would be enough since school wasn't over and I needed to be at class punctually." she said. Then there was silence. We both seemed to forget she was just standing there in a towel. I turned around. "You should put on some clothes." I said kinda embarrassed. "Mhm.." I knew she was embarrassed too. I couldn't help but pieck a glance at her while she was dressing. Unfortunately she was almost finished and already had her pants and bra on. It's still a nice view. I grinned. She's hot. "I'm done" she said and I turned back to her. "Okay good. So uhm did you hear about the new super hero?"

Y/n pov

The. mysterion. is. in
my. room. omg omg omg. "Okay good. So uhm did you hear about the new super hero?" Inside I froze for a short time. But since I'm acting for 8 years now I just played it off. "Yes she's sooo cool! Do you know her? She's so pretty." I said convincing. He slowly nodded. "Yea she is.. No I don't know her. neither of us do. The Racoon already doesn't like her since she took all the credit from us." I giggled. "Who do you think she is?" I asked. "Well she could be anyone. You're also a potential white knight." he said. "Dude I wish. But the last 4 h I was in my room working on a school project for me and kenny." I responded ofc it was a lie. "Hm can I see?" I'm so glad I did that project yesterday. I showed him my work and he nodded. "Why do you wanna figure out her identity she isn't allowed to know yours either." I said. "Well she knows about mosquitos identity." he responded. "Oh? How come?" I asked curiously even tho I knew the awnser. "Well-she asked him where she should drop him off and-" he began realizing it wasn't exactly my-well white knights fault. "Well if mosquito awnsered with his Adress what was she supposed to do?" I asked knowing it wasn't my fault. "Well you're right. I need to go now. Until we meet again." he said while jumping out the window and I waved. "See you." after that I went to bed. What a crazy day.

The next morning I woke up to my mom shaking me and said I should hurry. I did my morning routine like usual. I was on my way to the tweak coffee shop. "A coffee with sugar pl-" I was cut of by the man. "Here you go a coffee with sugar." I smiled. Well I'm always coming at the same time, order the same thing and pay with the same tip. It's not surprising he knows by now. I payed with a tip and he thanked me and I thanked him. When I was walking towards the school many people looked on the screen of their phone. I saw Craig surrounded by token, tweek, Jimmy and Clyde. "Hey guys, good morning. Why's everyone on their phone?" I asked. "Didn't you hear? there's a new super hero called wh- whi- whit-.. White knigh- knighhh- knight." jimmy awnsered. I looked on Craig's phone screen like the others did. It was showing the news and recordings of white knight yesterday. Inside I jumped. I love being praised and getting this attention. "OHH yea she's super cool right?" they all nodded while not looking up from the screen. I looked up at someone kicking a soda can. It was cartman. Kenny arrived with his friends. I walked up to them. "Gm" I greeted. "morning.." they muttered except for cartman. "Stfu bitsch go to your gay friends." hm he's clearly pissed. Maybe because I took his 'credit' like dude calm down I just wanna be a hero to help. "You shut up fatass." Kyle said. "I'm not fat you stupid jew!" they started to argument again. As we walked inside the classroom I sat down at my place as Wendy came up to me. "Hey y/n. Can I ask you a favor?" oh boy.. did she find out about how I was at stans house? "Yea sure what do you need." I replyed. "Well I heard you're really strong and yk I'm in the cheerleading team and we still need someone at the bottom. Would you mind joining the team?" she looked at me with her gorgeous eyes blinking so she looked extra cute. I grinned. "Ofc I do it. How could I decline the wish of such a gorgeous girl like you?" like kenny I have a thing for woman. They all are godess in my eyes. She giggled a bit happy about my comment. "I still got to do my training with jimbo so when does practice start?" I asked. "Oh it's every Thursday and Friday after school." she said. "Great I got boxing on Monday and Wednesday I'll be there." I said smiling at her. She hugged me "Tysm!" I petted her back. "You're welcome. So today after school?" she nodded and went back to her seat. Mr. Garrison came in and started the lesson. The school day went by. I had to pretend to be amazed by that new super hero like I wasn't her. I looked at Clyde a few times. I really wouldn't have guessed that's he's a superhero. After school was over Wendy came up to me. "Okay y/n are you ready to go?". I nodded. We walked into the gym and she introduced me to the others. Damn this girls are pretty ash.  "Oh wow.. Your presence alone would make the angels question their own perfection.." I said staring at their Beauty. The all giggled in a flustered way. "Allright then girls! Go to your position and let's show y/n our latest performance." Wendy shouted. They all nodded. Bebe put on the music and they made an amazing cheerleading performance. After they were done I applaused them. They giggled again. God I love woman. Then they started teaching me the basics. Then they messured me so I can get my own uniform. After a while of practicing the basics Wendy planned a new performance with us. "Okay we have to get this performance on next week on Saturday at the big cows vs [...]. So I need you all to focus and we need to practice really hard from now on or else we won't make it alright?" we all nodded. Well that about my free time after school. Oh boy.. After practice was over I saw Kenny. I walked up to him "Kenny what are you still doing here?" I asked. "I had football training what are you doing here?" he responded. "Wendy asked me to join the cheerleading club. Guess we will chear for you next week." "Wendy asked you to join the cheerleader? Lucky. The cheerleaders-" I cut him off. "Are absolutely gorgeous ik." I said smirking. "I wanted to say popular." he chuckled. "Well let's go home." he added. I nodded and we talked home. "What do you think about the new hero?" I asked him. "Oh she's cool. I really wanna know who she is. I mean why does she appear so suddenly. I mean the only girl that just moved here is you. But you aren't her. I'm aware of that." I looked at him silently. Oh thank you for telling me this nice information. I smirked. "I think she kinda looks like Heidi or Wendy. Maybe I ask them if I could join. Beeing a super hero sounds like fun." I giggled. Well see ya." I said while pulling out the keys to my hobby house. "Are you going to play video games in your house? If that's so can I play with you? I really wanna test out that gaming room." he asked. I wanted to work on new weapons actually. "Uhm I wasn't going to play video games." I said and he looked kinda disappointed. Ah I don't like saying no to friends. "How about this. I'll make you some snacks and you can play video games. But you would need to play alone because I need to uhm study in my library yk?" he nodded exited not asking any questions. We went inside and he texted his mom he was over at mine. We went into my gaming room and he sat down in a gaming chair. " I love this room." he said. I giggled a bit and then went upstairs in the kitchen to bring kenny some snacks and drinks. I went back in the room and put the tray of snacks infront of him on the desk. "make sure to clean your hands after u ate. don't you dare put your oily crisp fingers on my controller." i said while laying a spoon and fork next to the snacks. He rolled his eyes a little and started playing God of War. I went upstairs again into the library. I put a walkie talkie  inside. Just in case kenny would knock and wanted more snacks or smt. After that I locked the door. I went back into the kitchen put 2:12 on and went into my base while making sure I closed the door behind me. Yesterday my gun didn't work the way I wanted. I think I need a new one. I grabbed the weapon belt out of the cabinet. The belt was holding onto my gun, smoke bombs, a littel storage pocket for 'bullets' and my grappling hook backpack in mini form. The grappling hook is inspired from the barbie spy movie. I love that. You don't have to pull yourself up either, it pulls you up automatically when you press a button. I sat down and started working on a new gun. Well I need something that people can recognize me for. Not as easy as it sounds. Hmm. I'm a white knight. A sword would be good but I need a weapon for long distance. I sigh. How about a white gun that shoots out littel lights that burn the skin. I can't use real bullets and i can't make the lights burn to much and but if they don't hurt at all noone will take them srs. I also need to test them.. On myself. Oh boy.. Well it will work out eventually. I made a blueprint and started working. After 2 hours I was finished now I need to test the bullets. I got a bucket of icy water. I started testing the bullets on myself. The first one didn't hurt at all. The second "PHEW HOT! HOT! HOT!" I put my arm inside the bucket of ice. That's good but what if I have someone who isn't that strong or smt. I'll just make different light with different energy. I started crafting. After I did around 50 I heard a knock through the walki talkie. "Hey y/n don't you wanna take a break?" Kenny asked. Luckily from the base I could easily get in any room of the house. But you only could get in the base from the kitchen. I quickly went inside the library. "Hello? Y/n?" Kenny asked again. "Yes I will take a break I'm tired." I said unlocking the door. He looked at me a littel suspicious. He wouldn't know I have a secret room right? "Did you fell asleep?" he asked making fun if me. Ohhh. "Hahhaha yea kind of." I replyed. We went downstairs inside the gaming room playing Mario cart togheter. To my luck I covered up the burned arm I had. It wasn't anything srs since I immediately took care of it. We played for a few hours and had loads of fun until dinner. "I need to go home now." Kenny said. "oh. well can we play again togheter tomorrow?" he nodded exited. I walked him to the door and we waved each other good bye. I went back into my base. There's still smt I need to do. Just in case of a really srs situation. I mixed white glitter togheter with powder that makes people go unconscious. But how do I carry it? Hm. I looked at a graffiti can. Yes this could work out. I put the pullover in a littel container and did some chemical reaction research. When I finally knew how, I made the powder into some kind of gas. I managed to put the gas inside a spray bottle and then I had unconsciousness gay. I'm a genius. I made place for the bottle on my weapon belt and secured it. Then I thought about Racoon. The look on his face will be unpayable. I should take a photo.

Kenny pov

I got a text from cartman. "Meeting in 30 min." oh man I wanted to play video games with y/n a littel more. I went home after I said goodbye to her. I went into my room and put on my mysterion costume. When I made sure noone would see me getting out of my room I went to the base of Racoon and friends. When I arrived I was late again. "MYSTERION YOU FAILED ABORTION WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS LATE?!" Racoon shouted as soon as I arrived. I just rolled my eyes. "I'll let it slide since we have a bigger problem. There's gonna be robbery on a money truck and we need to make sure it's safe. If that white knight arrives before us like I expect her to I want you guys to hunt her down and bring her into my base." we nodded. Then I remembered that y/n wanted autographs. I pulled out the paper and a pen. "Guys, I met y/n as mysterion yesterday and she asked if I could get your autographs." I explained. They looked kinda honored. After toolshed, human kite, mosquito ect. signed the paper the Racoon rolled his eyes did too. Wait she didn't wanted one from him right? Ah I'll just explaine I forgot it. After that Racoon explained the plan for saving the truck and hunt down for white knight. We nodded and started walking. I really hope everything will go well.

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