By _maryamabba

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Nadiya, a teenager who grew up and was unaware that her father existed. First her mother abandoned her, then... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 41

57 13 2
By _maryamabba

Saturdays are said to be boring and makes you restless. But this particular one was full of positive energy and vibes with happiness everywhere. Everyone came back home with joy like they've achieved an important thing in their life. After Hikmah gave Nadiya a call about the outing they were to go to, Nadiya was more than happy to join them that she requested if Zaliha could come as well. Hikmah didn't mind and said she could tag along. Hikmah called her best friend Khadijah as well and informed her. Khadijah wasn't at all in the mood to go out and she so confessed but Hikmah had to beg that she should please come and it's going to be fun and that she'd be upset if she doesn't come with them. She agreed after she heard that, not wanting to make her best friend sad.

Umar called Abubakr as well and he was so pleased to hear that Zaliha would join too and immediately said he'd come. Hikmah said she was driving them there and Fawaz and Umar didn't even argue as they knew they wouldn't win against her.

They all met and hung out together, those who never knew each other got to know one another by introduction. Like Hikmah introduced Fawaz to everyone there and gave him a sign by winking when she was about to introduce him to Nadiya. He got the message that she must be Umar's lady and that almost made him over exaggerated when conversing with her, making Umar suspicious of his sister who must be behind the sudden change of atmosphere.

Hikmah tried all she could to bring back Khadijah's mood and she finally succeeded because Khadijah gave in to the atmosphere and enjoyed her time by chatting and laughing nonstop.

Abubakr couldn't stop staring at Zaliha who was acting like she wasn't looking at him as well. It was like they were sending each other a message, nonverbally but with gestures. Umar noticed and laughed mentally, amazed that he was doing the same too, just that his wasn't as secretive as theirs because they were conversing with each other amongst others.

They had their ice-creams, each ordered their tastes and the girls made videos and pictures of them holding their ice cream cones but the dudes didn't join them even when the girls pressed. They said it's too girlish and not manly like. Even while they said that, the girls took pictures and videos of them without their knowledge.

All in all, they enjoyed themselves and every bit of activity, that they wished the day never ended as it was seen as a fantastic one. They left at the same time. Since Umar and Fawaz came together in the same car with Hikmah, they headed there while Nadiya came with her Aunt's car and picked Zaliha on her way there since she didn't know about it. She had to wait for Zaliha to get dressed while she went to her house and then they left together. Khadijah came alone with a driver and though she saw Nadiya leaving and knew where she was going to since Hikmah told her, she couldn't tell her that she wanted to go with her. She felt rather awkward, especially because of how she was behaving lately that was why she chose to go there with a driver.

Examination came quite quickly after that. Everyone and everywhere went serious as some isolated themselves in order to read, while others had a group reading and read even harder. Communications, especially phone calls amongst others was low during examination period every time and this time wasn't different but the same as every other times or even more.

It was the last semester of the session before the upcoming ones to some, while this particular semester was the last to some, like Umar and his friends. They're about to wrap it all up immediately they're done with this current exams. It felt like a dream, they were all very excited about it. Though a part of Umar felt sad because Nadiya is still yet to be done and he wouldn't be able to tutor her again while he's gone or see her often. He knew it was time and she'd also be done one day, just like he believed as well. He wished them all well though.

The dudes just got out of the hall, having done with their examination for the day, before the very last and they'd graduate. They were all talking loudly about how their paper went, some amongst them are even cross checking to see if what they answered is correct from their notes. Some talked by mouth and were able to answer for themselves without checking their notes, while some left the place, not wanting to hear an answer contrary of what they wrote.

"Man exam is great so far. I can't believe we only got one paper to write before we graduate. It just felt surreal!" Fahad exclaimed while they were walking down to the parking lot.

"I feel the same too. Time really flies, it felt just like yesterday and here we are, about to round up." Umar said, agreeing with what he said.

"Dude it actually doesn't feel like yesterday, all the struggles weren't easy. Let's just say it's all in the past now but we suffered!" They laughed loudly at Abubakr's statement. They knew he got a point there, it wasn't easy yeah.

"Look at us, already heading home. I thought you Fahad don't normally go home early till you chase all the girls in the school?"

Fahad laughed. "Hell I don't care about that at the moment. Exams is all I focus on till I see myself in my white and black, everyone signing it including the ladies themselves." They laughed again. Umar suddenly got lost in thought. He's thinking about Nadiya and she told him they're having an afternoon exam and he had morning paper and wouldn't be able to see her today as he's already heading home.

"Alright guys. We better go. Good luck on our last paper tomorrow!" Abubakr said and they all shook hands and wished each other good luck before heading to their separate way.


"Don't overexert yourself because of reading. You've been reading since yesterday don't you think your brain needs rest?" Zaliha's mother spoke after entering her room to see her laying in bed with much books in her front. Her eyes got circles and she obviously looked like someone who haven't had any sleep at all.

"Mama there's no time to waste. I need to read, I have to pass. It's not easy and determination is the only way!" Zaliha said her usual motto every time her mother said she shouldn't read much, she needed to rest. She checked her time and discovered it's 9:50am and got back to her reading, calculating that she's left with 4 hours 20mins more before her exams.

Today is their last paper and they couldn't be more happier. They couldn't just wait to be in year three and even though they complain that time isn't really moving fast for them, they still felt happy that they got just two years before they graduate. They were more than happy to be done with their exams today, having the opportunity to fully spend time with Umar and Abubakr and to sign for them tomorrow.

"Like you've always said. Alright I'll let you, all the best." Her mother patted her head and almost left the room before turning back. "Oh I almost forgot, should I bring you your breakfast?"

"Yes please. I wanted that. I'm so hungry." She admitted and her mother exited the room, smiling. Not long ago, she came back with a plate of spaghetti and a hot ginger tea.

"Thank you Mama." She exclaimed with joy as she sighted the mug containing her special sweet morning tea which she always loved and it always lightened her mood.

"You're welcome. Now finish that up and get at least a short nap before you leave for your exam!" Her mother spoke much sternly this time and even though Zaliha didn't want to, she must admit that she herself is tired and her mother was right. She needed rest!


Hikmah just got out of the examination hall and sat by the corridor of the hall, waiting for Khadijah who's still writing. They're finally done with their exams and exciting was an understatement for what she's feeling currently. She spotted some of her classmates taking selfies and videos excitedly and without any permission, she quickly joined them and they didn't mind. Well not that they'd tell her to go away, after all she's everyone's favorite.

She suddenly spotted Ahmad approaching her. Immediately, she wondered why he must be coming towards her.

"Hi Hikmah. Please can I talk to you for a minute?" He requested with much nervousness.

Talk to me? Why?! She couldn't help but wonder.

"Uh sure alright." He gestured that they move somewhere different and she led the way. Khadijah sighted them from the hall where she was seated and was surprised to see them together. She got lost in thought, wondering and having so many questions in her head, till she reminded herself she was having an exam currently, making her to disregard the thoughts and focused more on the sheets in her front.

"So? What is it you want to talk about?!" She asked immediately they sat in a bench they found there. She's so curious to know what he wants to tell her that it's so obvious.

"Relax. I need your help. It's concerning your friend Khadijah." He stopped in his statement to read her facial expression and was surprised to see there was none to read as she looked composed, opposite of what he expected.

"So you need my help and it has to do with Khadijah?" He nodded. "The same Khadijah who you betrayed and broke her heart?" He seemed taken aback by her words and she immediately hid a smile that formed in her face. A satisfactory smile.

"I didn't betray or broke her heart you hear me? It was mainly a misunderstanding and it shouldn't have happened." He spoke sternly and watched as she rolled her eyes.

"Tell that to someone else who doesn't know what really happened. You came to her and told her you loved her and she felt really bad that very day when she told you she doesn't feel the same. Now that she loves you and wants to be with you, you deserted her and broke her heart. You're my lecturer and I respect you for that, but that doesn't mean you can come and seek help from me concerning Khadijah and I'll gladly help you when I know you're in the wrong. You're clearly at fault here and you don't care about her, that's it!" She ended with a sigh of relief and watched as he dug his head down sadly. They remained silent and nobody talked. Hikmah is eagerly awaiting his response right now that she felt like telling him to speak up.

"You're wrong Hikmah. I love Khadijah more than you can ever imagine. I love her so much and I can't wait to have her back and prove to her that I truly care about her. Also, all that has happened was nothing but a misunderstanding and..." Hikmah cut him off.

"Okay okay. I know." She said with a laugh and he gave her a disbelieving look which she didn't mind as she kept laughing. Finally when the laughter subsided, she spoke.

"I know you love her okay? I just want to hear you say it. Anyways, I promised myself that I'd make sure l give you a piece of my mind once we meet and I did just that." He watched bewilderedly by what she's saying, which she didn't even notice. It seemed like he doesn't know Hikmah yet. He however listened attentively.

"I thought about what happened and concluded that you might not be at fault and what happened just happened. So what help do you want from me?" She looked at him and he was now grinning like a lunatic. When he realized she's looking at him, he scratched his head shyly but still kept smiling. Instantly, Hikmah saw why Khadijah was so in love with this guy.

"Thank you Hikmah. Thank you so much for believing in me. I wish Khadijah would do the same and then everything would've been normal by now. That's why I'm seeking your help because I believe you can help bring us back together again."

"But how do I do that? You know quite well that Khadijah doesn't even want to speak to you and I wouldn't disrespect her decision if it makes her feel at peace."

"You're her friend right? You must have a way to convince her to forgive me. Please help me out, she doesn't even want to see me let alone speak to me." He pleaded. Hikmah was more than glad to hear how desperate he is in getting her friend back. That means Khadijah was wrong in thinking he doesn't care about her and that he doesn't love her. He indeed loves her a lot and is eager to have her back!

"Okay. I'll see what I can do. I also can't wait to see you guys back together." He smiled thanking her and she smiled back, then he left.

"Oh Ahmad, you don't know that Hikmah engage herself in things she isn't asked to do, imagine she is told to do it then!" She grinned mischievously and shook her head.


"Congratulations guys! A little commotion to the level three students please!" Precious exclaimed immediately she came out of the examination hall, dancing all the way. Everyone laughed and some rushed to hug her, rejoicing with her.

"She's right. We're done! Done and dusted woohoo!" Zaliha danced as well while stretching her hands up making Nadiya to laugh.

"Yeah Alhamdulillahi!" She smiled and just as she checked her phone, a message popped in. It was from Umar, informing her that they're already out and everyone is signing for them. She told him to inform her when they're done with their exams just in time as they were done with theirs too.

"Hey Zaliha, Umar just texted and they're already done. Let's go." She informed and Zaliha excitedly stood up.

"You got your marker?!" Zaliha asked just as she showed hers.


"Alright let's go stain their white!"


"Hey that's enough lady! You've signed like the tenth time now!" Umar exclaimed with a laugh. He's referring to Hikmah who kept signing his white shirt at every space she finds there with different nickname of hers. She got a text from Umar they they've began their signout celebration and she headed straight to their faculty after leaving a message to Khadijah about where she's heading to, hoping she'd check.

Umar and Hikmah had to beg their parents to come to the school because they told them they're needed at work and couldn't come. Of course, they canceled whatever work they had that day and came to the school. Umar was so excited to see them, his mind reminding him of his initial motive for their presence.

"Yes child. That's enough. We should also have the privilege to sign, am I right Hajiya?" Alhaji Buba spoke and his wife nodded with a grin, coming forward to collect the marker from her daughter and began to sign too.

"Congratulations my son. You have made me so proud. I'm honestly very happy right now!" His mother commented with a genuine smile and hugged him. He outstretched his hands immediately and reciprocated the hug, watching as Hikmah took pictures of them.

"Thank you mother. I'm also happy that I've become like you! I can imagine how happy you must be feeling right now." His mother touched his cheeks tenderly and he smiled.

"Great son, just great. So now you are happy doing this in my presence? And you Hajja, that is your aim right? For your son to be like you and then make him love you more right?" Alhaji Buba joked and the family laughed loudly, nobody needed to be told that they were happy, or rather, a happy family. He knew and everybody else, that his son is more fond of his mother than him. Whereas, Hikmah is with her father than her mother.

"Don't be jealous and sign. He's waiting for you." Maami, their mother, changed the topic and her husband collected the marker from her and signed also.

"Congrats my son! May the Lord put plenty of blessings in your certificate and what you're going to become in future!" His father prayed and they all chorused with Ameen.

"Alright everyone look at this direction. I want to take a selfie." Hikmah exclaimed and they immediately turned their heads to the direction of her phone and set a beautiful smile on their faces.

Just then, Umar's group of friends including Abubakr came towards them and one by one, greeted his parents making the place a lot chaotic from the salutations and the replies. The parents continued by congratulating them and praying for each one of them. They ended up happily signing for them as well, requested by Umar's friends.

Hikmah was distracted from the salutations that never ended and turned her head to plenty other students whose uniforms were getting signed, some were dancing to the beats of different songs while others were making videos of them. Some people were taking pictures with their families and friends, heartily smiling and laughing. Hikmah wished she was also done with University today, then she'd be happy and jubilate like every other persons here. Her thoughts were immediately forgotten when she sighted Nadiya and Zaliha approaching the premises. She didn't know when she almost ran towards them with a bright smile on her always jovial face.

"Hello Hikmah! How are you?" Nadiya let out a chuckle when Hikmah continued to smile even when she had finally reached them. She hugged them both and released them after a while.

"I'm good. Glad you came. Let's go, they're all over there." She walked faster than them to where everyone was and they followed rather hastily than they usually walk to join her.

"Everyone, Nadiya and Zaliha are here!" Hikmah announced and everyone turned to watch the duo who Hikmah informed of their arrival. They shyly smiled and salaamed them all which they got a chorus back.

Umar, who was busy talking with Fahad immediately turned his head and gazed at Nadiya who just came got there. Abubakr was doing the same with Zaliha. The men couldn't keep their eyes off them. They were shamelessly looking at them without even blinking, to the extent that everyone else noticed. Hikmah had to clear her throat before they finally regained back to their senses and lowered their gazes, earning a chuckle from their friends. The parents upon looking at their son and the direction he was looking at, already figured out what was going one. She must be their future daughter-in-law.

"Uh welcome you two. Nadiya, meet my parents, Mr and Mrs. Buba." Umar introduced his parents who were smiling widely at her. She smiled back uncomfortably and moved closer to greet them. They responded with a fond smile, asking about her studies, the level she's in, her course and where she's staying. She replied honestly and they both looked at their son with a smile he couldn't fathom what it meant. He anyway brushed it off, introducing Zaliha to his parents as well, leaving them to salute while telling Nadiya she could sign him now.

"Congratulations." She said with a smile which got him lost for a moment, admiring her beauty in his mind, at the same time scolding himself to lower his gaze and avoid staring much.

"Thank you. Also, thanks for making it." She replied with a nod, watching as she grabbed his lower shirt which lacked signature there and began to sign. It was next to his family's that she didn't even notice but he did, making him to let out a ghost smile. Perfect space.

"Your parents are so nice, Ma Sha Allah. They also look so happy their son is finally and hopefully done with school." She spoke with a smile and he grinned.

"Well they really are. Mama looks proud though, she also studied law." Nadiya didn't hide her surprise and didn't realized when she stared at his mother from afar, watching as she's smiling from what Farhan was talking about.

"Well she must definitely be a proud mother then, whose son took after her! What about your dad?" She asked, not able to hide her curiosity.

"Dad is a surgeon. He said mama made me to study law so I can be like her and we both will sideline him afterwards." He playfully rolled his eyes and Nadiya laughed, even stepping back a little. He smiled as she laughed.

"Seemed he wasn't wrong after all." She said, still laughing.

"Well I'm actually more close with Mama than Baba. Hikmah is considered the daddy's girl since they're quite close with each other." He admitted and she nodded.

"Well I wouldn't deny that she's a daddy's girl." They laughed together. "Hikmah's joviality is out of this world. Such a beautiful soul." She said with a smile, looking at Hikmah from afar walking towards Zaliha and Abubakr. They continued chatting, talking about everything and having a good conversation, laughing and smiling all the way. They looked like a real couple who're having a wonderful time together with smiles on their faces, away from people and their noises.

Every now and then, Umar kept feeling anxious, his mind telling him something good is about to happen and soon.

After Zaliha was done saluting Umar's parents, she headed straight to Abubakr's side who she didn't realize was eagerly waiting for her.

"Congrats. I'm proud of you!" She said with a laugh and he chuckled.

"Thank you. It was done just for you!" He joked and she playfully glared at him before looking for a space to sign. He gestured his arms and she nodded, telling him to turn from her direction, not wanting him to see what she's going to write. He laughed but turned anyway. She signed and wrote a lovely note there, drawing a two small hearts under it. He waited till she was done, smiling non stop.

"You can turn now." She said with a smile and he smiled back, indicating a slight dimples from both his cheeks which she never noticed till now. Not wanting to flatter him, she kept her amazement to herself.

"Thank you for coming!" He spoke after a few minutes of silence. She smiled.

"It was no big deal." He nodded and they both began to stare at each other, totally lost while staring at each other's eyes which seemed to be like a new part in the body discovered just now. Whilst on that, Hikmah appeared towards them, watching them with amusement. She managed to bring them back to earth by talking, but it failed as they didn't hear a word. She got annoyed and did what she thought would be best to regain their senses.

"Haram on you two!" She snapped her fingers and that quickly made them composed. Zaliha looked anywhere but Hikmah or Abubakr's gaze, embarrassed. Abubakr didn't actually acted like he got shy by what just happened. Instead, he grinned at the girls, much to their bewilderment.

"I'll see you." He said to them, attempting to leave but was stopped by Hikmah.

"Not so fast Mr. man. I didn't really sign your white, that's actually what brought me here, to do." Hikmah spoke the "her way" making it seemed like an order, not a request.

"Of course." He gestured that she could sign and she moved forward, looking for a space to sign and ended up landing at his arm, next to where Zaliha signed hers earlier. Instead of minding her business and just sign her part, Hikmah began to enquire about it.

"What am I seeing here? Mabrook habibi, ana..." She was cut off by the lady who wrote it herself.

"Okay Hikmah! You can now sign here. There's much space here." Zaliha quickly spoke and pointed a finger at the space. Hikmah shook her head with a smirk and decided to let it slide, to Zaliha's utmost surprise. She stared at Abubakr and he chuckled, winking at her and then she blushed.

"Uh I need to tell you something." Umar said in the middle of their conversation.

"Okay. What is it?" She asked curiously, her eyes fixated on his, waiting for a reply.

He watched as she looked at him, so he looked away and kept telling himself that this was the time he'd better speak, it's now or never. Seeing as today's mood is quite different and they seemed very happy around each other as they talked—which is always like that though—Umar felt that was the perfect time he needed to voice out his words. He couldn't understand but it was a good day today and he was happy Nadiya and his parents had even met, not to forget the look they gave him when he introduced them to her. That one thing which strongly holds one's love relationship to his partner is their parent's consent, and he felt they've approved of her and if they really did, then what will stop him from confessing his feelings to her?

He realized she's still waiting for a reply, so he spoke.

"I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time and by long time I mean a very very long time. I just couldn't find the right time or manner to say it. But today, I'm just going to say it." He cleared his throat before looking into her eyes to speak. "I like you a lot Nadiya. I like you since the first day I met you and if you accept me, I'll love to be with you as a friend and a husband In Sha Allah." To say he was relieved by saying all these words was an understatement. It felt like a huge rock was led down his back.

He realized his palms were sweaty, which meant he was obviously sweating, even his forehead was dripping of sweat. As much as he wanted to avoid his gaze from her, he couldn't. So he raised his head and was greatly surprised to see her laughing softly.

"What's funny?" He asked with utmost surprise evident in his voice and she couldn't hold it anymore, so she let out the laugh she was trying so hard to hold in this awkward situation.

"I'm so sorry. It was just so funny seeing as you're sweating like that, it's not even hot out here. It must be really hard confessing feelings." This time around, he joined her to laugh and both kept laughing like crazy people, earning their people's attention who smiled knowingly.

"You think it's easy to hide something like this for a very long time and finally voicing it out?! Well you wouldn't even imagine how relief I'm feeling right now by expressing my feelings to you." He playfully glared at her and that was when realization dawned on her that he really did said he loved her, as in as a wife.

So Umar confessed his love to her! This is the part where the guy is now desperately waiting for a reply right? What would she say now?! How will she reply to this sudden confession without hurting his feelings? He liked her? For how long? Oh, a very long time. Was she reasonable enough to laugh after he said that? Well it's not her fault they're so comfortable around each other that even in serious conversations, she laughed. Let's also not forget it was indeed funny. However, she's that type of person who never bottled in her emotions especially when it comes to laughing at serious situations.

Honestly she liked Umar too. He was and is still a good guy and their friendship is a very strong one, well the one which was first seen as a brother and sister type of friendship which included banter, plenty other things except for this newfound discovery. This new confession made her realized it was more than that. She thought they'd be just friends, no, close friends and only that. Although, some conversations and gestures gave her butterflies or made her blush, but she thought it could be because she's not always friends with males, and this time around she made one who's so close to her that she found herself comfortable with. It was always Zaliha.

"Um this is so sudden Umar. I honestly don't know what to...say about this. I mean, we're quite close and you're a...great guy and fun to be with, I'm not..." She trailed off, unable to find the correct dictions.

"I'll just take my confession as a yes!" He grinned making her blush.

"I'll just think this through." She admitted and he made a serious face at her statement.

"Right. But we'll still be friends right?" He asked to which she smiled and replied an 'of course.'

"No awkwardness around us because I just expressed my feelings towards you, yeah?" He asked with seriousness and she laughed.

"There won't be or I'll rather try to." She joked and then laughed as he playfully glared at her. He however let out a laugh too before they got interrupted by his dear sister.

"Alright you two come over here let's take a group picture mum and dad want to leave!" She bellowed from where she stood and he gave her a thumbs up, a signal to made her know he heard. He gestured to Nadiya that they should go take pictures and she nodded.

Well this wasn't bad after all!

A very long chapter I must admit!
Tell me what you think about it guys, I need your comments please as you know I've tried. *yawns proudly* 😌

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