Back To Life | Dean Wincheste...

By courtneybunny2

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Book 3 in the back to you series. After selling their souls Dean and Alexis agree to live life to the fulles... More

Cast & playlist
Chapter 1: You can shut up now
Chapter 2: Excuse me
Chapter 3: Well, so much for laying low
Chapter 4: I set his brother on fire
Chapter 5: I'll take the money
Chapter 6: Hear that
Chapter 7: No, I'm not 'chill with that'
Chapter 8: Bumblebee and Not-an-artist
Chapter 10: The more I want to shove a knife into her throat
Chapter 11: I don't accept gifts that aren't food or money
Chapter 12: Really warmed my heart
Chapter 13: You wanna play this game
Chapter 14: I'm righting a wrong
Chapter 15: Just win
Chapter 16: She's definitely eating the people
Chapter 17: It had to land in the pile of guts too
Chapter 18: Witches are bitches
Chapter 19: No wonder you're a bitch
Chapter 20: I'm still kinda pissed at you
Chapter 21: That's hilarious
Chapter 22: How dare you
Chapter 23: Trust me, dreaming ain't worth all this
Chapter 24: Why--Why Tuesday
Chapter 25: He died ten seconds after suggesting it
Chapter 26: But its Wednesday
Chapter 27: What the hell were you thinking
Chapter 28: Crazy is our forte
Chapter 29: Do I get points if I pretend to care
Chapter 30: I'm trying to be supportive
Chapter 31: Hello is, in fact, a very triggering word
Chapter 32: What part of calm the hell down do you not understand
Chapter 33: May I kill your brother
Chapter 34: Black market organs are expensive
Chapter 35: I-I can't do that
Chapter 36: I can--I can fix this

Chapter 9: I did not need any more crazy bitches in my house

339 10 7
By courtneybunny2

Bedtime stories 2

Alexis steps inside the house as Dean sets a hand on her back. She'd seen a mouse on the porch, so that was another sign that this was Cinderella's house.

"Well, who knows? Maybe you'll find your fairy godmother." Dean chuckles, looking at Sam. Sam gives his brother a look. Wandering around and barely making it a few feet past the doorway, the three hunters hear a clatter in the distance.

Sharing a look, all of them pull out their guns. Dean closes the door as he and Alexis follow Sam into another room. The sound rings out once again making Dean gesture for Sam to go through a doorway.

"Help! I'm in here." A voice calls out. The hunters move into the kitchen to see a young blonde girl handcuffed to a cabinet.

"Hey, hey, its okay. Don't worry. We're here." Sam tells her as he kneels down.

"You have to help me. She's a lunatic."

"What happened?" Alexis asks.

"My stepmom. She just freaked out, screamed at me, beat me, chained me up." The girl explains as Sam pulls out a lock pick.

"Where is she now?" Sam asks.

"I don't know."

"Sam? Lexi?" Dean says, making the two look up. A little girl stood in the doorway. She had dark hair tied in a red bow, pale skin and A white dress on her. Once meeting the hunters eyes, she turns and walks into the other room.

Dean stood, following the girl.


Alexis stood next to Dean they leaned against the hood of the car as he turned the apple in his hands. The two look up when Sams voice grabs their attention.

"Paramedics picked up Cinderella." Sam tells them as he walks toward the two.

"That's good." Dean nods, tossing the apple up and catching it.


Dean tosses the apple to Sam, who catches it. "So little girl, shiny red apple. I'm guessing that means something to you, fairy tale boy."

"I think its Snow White."

"Is this what they teach you on college or is reading fairy tales a hobby of yours?" Alexis asks, smiling. Sam glares at her.

"Snow White? Aw, I saw that movie." Dean pushes himself off the car, moving toward the door. "Well, the porn version anyway. There was this wicked stepmother. Phew, she was wicked."

"I regret all of my life decisions. Mainly the one where I became your friend." Alexis smacks his arm.

"There is a wicked stepmother and she tries to kill Snow White with a poisoned apple." Sam explains.

"I'll take that poisoned apple. One that works, preferably." Alexis sighs.

"But the apple doesn't actually kill the girl, right?" Dean asks.

"No. It does not." Alexis answers.

"It puts her in a deep sleep. So deep, its almost like she's dead." Sam throws Dean the apple.


"No, sorry. We don't have any comatose little girls." A nurse tells the three as they stand at the desk.

"Are you sure?" Sam asks.

"Totally. Its mostly old guys. And, well, Callie. She's been around since before I started here."

"Callie?" Dean presses.

"Yeah. And poor Dr. Garrison, he just won't give up on her."

"Is Callie a patient of his?" Alexis questions.

"No, his daughter."


Sam, Dean, and Alexis stop in the doorway, watching as Dr. Garrison read his daughter Little Red Riding Hood.

He glances up, noticing the three. Dr. Garrison slips the bookmark back into place as he stood. "Detectives, can I help you?" He asks, stopping in front of them.

"We just heard that Callie is your daughter." Dean says.

"And we wanted to say how very sorry we are." Sam adds.

"Well, um, thank you." Dr. Garrison walks out of the door, heading down the hall.

"Oh, we're heading this way, well walk with you." Dean gestures down the hall.

"If you don't mind me asking, how long has Callie been like that?" Alexis questions.

"We don't mean to intrude. It must be hard, seeing her like this." Sam nods.

"Yeah, it is. She's, uh, been here since she was eight years old."

"That's when she was poisoned?"

"Yeah, swallowed bleach. Never figured out how she got her hands on the bottle. My wife found her, brought her to the ER. Here, I was on call."

"Your wife, uh--? Was that Callie's stepmother?" Dean asks.

"Actually, yes. How'd you know that?"

"Lucky guess." Dean shrugs.

"Well, Julie was the only mother that, uh, Callie ever knew. My wife passed away last year, and...uh, its just my daughter and me now. She's all I got left." Dr. Garrison sighs. "Excuse me, I have to get back to work."


"Well, you're right. Its Snow White in spades." Dean tells Sam as the three walk down the hall.

"Yup. Stepmom poisons the girl, puts her into a deep sleep." Sam agrees.

"I'm so glad my dad never remarried. I did not need any more crazy bitches in my house." Alexis says.

"Anyway, what's the motive, you think?" Sam continues.

"A deep hatred for children?" Alexis suggests.

"Could be like Mischa Barton." Dean adds.

Alexis nods. "Hmm. Good guess."

"Sixth Sense, not The O.C." Dean clarifies as Sam gives him a questioning look.


"Hey, you know fairy tales, I know movies. She played the pasty ghost. You know, remember the mom had that thing, you know, where you keep the kid sick so you get the attention?"

"Mental illness?" Alexis offers. 

"Yeah, yeah. Uh, Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Huh, could be." Sam corrects.

"So say all these years, Callie's been silently suffering because nobody knows the truth about what mommy did." 

"And after all this time, her spirit gets angrier and angrier until it finally just starts lashing out."

"And she listens to her dad tell her crazy ass stories about cannibal grandmas." Alexis adds.

"That's enough to drive anybody nuts." Dean taps her side.

"You drive me nuts."

"Aww, really?"

"Not in the good way."


"Guys." Sam says with a scoff. "How are we gonna stop her? Callie's stuck here. Her fathers keeping her body alive."

"That does make it hard to burn the bones." Dean nods.

"You think?"

The three move out of the way as paramedics rush in an older lady. A doctor listen as one paramedic lists off whay was wrong with the woman.

"Is that a bite?" The doctor asks, noticing the spot on her neck.

"It looks like she was mauled by a mad dog or maybe a wolf."

"What was that last story Dr. Garrison was reading Callie?" Dean asks.

"Little Red Riding Hood. Psycho Wolf eats grandma. Man, I'd hate to be an old lady in these stories." Alexis scoffs. The three watch as the doctor pulls a sheet over the woman, the sound of a heart monitor flat lining.

"Excuse me." Sam says as they walk up to a paramedic, flashing their badges. "Was she the only victim?"

"She was found by the side of the road, barely alive. Alone."

"We need to find her next of kin." Dean states.

"Uh, she has a granddaughter."

"Do you have an address?" Dean takes the paper the man handed him. "Thank you." The three walk down the hall. "You find a way to stop Callie, alright?"

"What about you?" Sam asks.

"I'm gonna go stop the big, bad wolf." Dean pauses. "Which is the weirdest thing I've ever said."

"And I'm gonna go find a vending machine." Alexis glances around.

"No, you're coming with me." Dean grabs her hand, pulling her down the hall with him.

"You know, with the whole 'that's the weirdest thing you've ever said' situation, I beg to differ. I'm sure it wasn't." Alexis tells him.

"Hmm, you begging. Now that's something I'd like to see." Dean chuckles.

"Oh, shut up."


Dean kicked in the door, glancing around to make sure it was clear before walking inside. Alexis went in one room and Dean went to another.

"Dean. In here." She calls out once seeing a little girl. The two move toward the little girl.

"Hey, you okay?" Dean asks.

"Yeah--" The girl screams. Dean stood up, turning around. He went to shoot the man, but he grabbed Deans arm and twisted it making Dean drop the gun.

After a few pinches were thrown, Dean stumbled into a table.

"Hey, you got this?" Alexis asks.

"Yeah." Dean dodges a punch.

"Good. I'm gonna get her outta here." Alexis took the little girls hand as Dean was thrown into a cabinet.


Alexis ran back into the house, looking around frantically. She grabbed a pair of scissors. "Dean, think fast." She tossed them at him. Dean turned, grabbing the scissors and trying to stab the man.

"Is throwing scissors really the best idea?"

"Well, you caught them, didn't you?"

"A gun would be a lot better."

"Well, if you wanna get picky, then do it yourself." Alexis set her hands on her hips as the man tackles Dean to the floor. Alexis dove, knocking the man off of Dean.

She pins his arms to the floor. "I'll take the scissors now." She grabs them from Dean as the man punches her in the side. Alexis groans. "That was my liver, you asshole." She raises the scissors above her head.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop, stop, stop. What's going on? Where am I?"

Alexis stood, walking toward Dean and dropping the scissors.


"The girls okay?" Dr. Garrison asks. Dean and Alexis nod. "So its really over."

"Yeah," Sam says. "all thanks to you."

"Callie was the most important thing in my life...but I should've let her go a long time ago."

"See you around , doc." Dean tells him.

"I sure hope not. Heh."

"We get that a lot." Alexis sighs as he walks away.

"You know what he said? Some pretty good advice." Dean looks at Sam.

"Is that what you want me to do, Dean? Just let you go." Sam asks.

Dean looks at Sam before setting an arm around Alexis' shoulder and walking away.


"And where do you think you're going?" Alexis asks Sam as she stood behind him.


"Sam, I'm not stupid. Go find a way to get Dean out of this deal. I'll stay here and make sure he doesn't wake up and realize what you're doing. We're gonna get him out of this. One way or another."

"Yeah, we are." Sam walks out of the door. Alexis turns around to see Dean sound asleep. He looks so peaceful, she thought. Alexis moved toward the bed. Lifting the blanket slightly, she slipped into bed beside him.

Alexis rested her head on his chest as she draped an arm over his torso. Dean stirred a little as he wrapped her in his arm. "Darlin'." He mumbles before falling back to sleep.

Alexis sighs. "I'll save you." She whispers.

After that Alexis drifted off only to meet a familiar pair of gray eyes.

"Alexis, daughter, how are you?" Eric asks.

"Eric, dickhead, I'm sleeping. Go away."

"Oh, no. You'll want to hear this. I can save one of you. A Get out of Hell Free Card, if you will."

"How? What do you want with the Winchesters? Why did you make that deal with Vivian?" Alexis asks.

"Oh, that's old news. I have new plans. Ever since your boy toy and his brother took out Azazel. We were supposed to create an army, but things didn't pan out correctly. So, Vivian can stay clean free of charge. She is my daughter after all. I want to help. Now, I can tell you how to get one of you out. I think its funny, the plan so far. You two going out Romeo and Juliet style."

"And Sam will live still? Only one has to die?" Alexis gives him a skeptical look.

"Yes. Now I can't personally help you. I mean, I can, I just won't. But I know someone who can."


"Yes. So lets chat, shall we?"

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